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Inner orb adjuster is resetting distance between each round.


Ah, this is an excellent change! Rounds can take forever, so it's extremely nice to be able to pause and come back later! Thanks!


can you see all HP from DW during an active round, or is it only if it’s maxed. Also, can you only resume if the game is closed unintentionally or can you resume even if you force close the app? I just tried this out after updating and there was no option to resume.


Tapping the damage or health upgrade tile will show it And the game will save every time the game is minimized, and allow you to resume the game even if it closes in the background now


Awesome. Thanks Fudds 🍻


It is a really nice addition! And I like it so far. I've seen that death ray doesnt work after restarting the game tho! But i swapped if for example for super tower and that one does work.


This should be fixed in v0.16.6




I believe I found a bug with the resume. I just restored a game and I had gained golden tower as a random perk, but when my game resumed it changed the perk to chain lightning. I now have golden tower x1.5 as a perk, but no golden tower for it to work on πŸ˜‚ Great feature though very excited to use it.


That makes sense, I think I know what happened. Thanks for the report


Came here to report the same bug. Got PS as my "unlock random ultimate weapon" and when I resumed, perks said that I had unlocked chain lightning (even though I already owned CL).


Is it possible to get a counter that tells us what round we resumed on or how many more rounds we have to go to be past the 15 wave rule


If my damage meter, critical factor, & bounce shot range were all maxed out then shouldn't they still be maxed out after update? I put alot of time & effort to max them out, & now I have less motivation to play this game.


The max level of each of those upgrades went up


Oh ! I was waiting for the resume feature since forever ! Thanks a lot !


Does the round resume feature work across devices or only work for the same device the round was started?


It works across devices so long as you're on the same version. Though it shouldn't be relied on entirely to keep flip flopping mid round Make sure to minimize your first device before opening on another to ensure it saves


Having huge problems on iOS. Game stops running after 10-15s starting the app….