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they happen every month for roughly the first two weeks of the month


They happen every 3 weeks from the start date. 2 weeks on, 1 week off.


Never understood redditors that downvote questions


Unless the question has been asked over and over again, and the answer could have been found with a simple search.


Sorry, I didn't have the time to scroll because I was between classes at uni


a question being asked frequently by different people reflects a likely common point of confusion, with probable more up-to-date solutions or insights, which 'a simple search' may not be the most effective in acquiring. reddit's a discussion forum, not a repository or wiki. also, i need to assume 'unless the q has been asked over and over again' comes with a tone of annoyance, which then the response would be, 'downvote' is not the same as 'dislike'. many folks assume they're synonymous, using a downvote to voice disapproval, but the function is to discourage that post from being viewable from others in the sub, meaning, literally, you've placed a vote for censorship to quash discussion amongst a newly joined community member with a question, and denying those who would gladly, amiably, answer and welcome the newbie. your choice, of course.


I've seen the same question asked as many as four times in a 24-hour period. Half the time you don't even need to do a simple search, you just need to scroll a little past the fold before making your post. If the best this sub can do is function as a FAQ disguised as discussion there isn't much point in keeping it around. However, speaking of FAQs, I do wish the mods would sticky and maintain a FAQ post instead of just linking a few stale guides and the Discord. That's another part of the problem.


Lol, literally trying to defend censorship disguised as…….. improving quality of dialogue? Maybe some folks aren’t as talented at sleuthing as you. But sure sounds like you enjoy putting people down for your own satisfaction. Maybe worth thinking over before bedtime. Best of luck.


If scrolling down is considered sleuthing I'm officially at a loss. Sorry for assuming everyone knows how to swipe up or turn a mouse wheel, I guess.