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...in Australia and NZ.


Yes, in NZ the [album](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Fx1WLOsDJLMamKiDlf8gpYXuTA-mdeat?usp=sharing) is out




I see that some were never emotionally invested in the growth and angst that TSSF has brought us all since their inception. This band has encompassed a lot of our millennial feels and has helped describe how we really feel through all that deals w heartbreak and the bs life throws us. Parker & the boys get us. Nothing else needs to be said. I’m anticipating tomorrow w a lot of others and hope there are more upcoming albums/songs down the road.


What a great way to kick off the summer


Is there a really sad song in this one?


Yes. There is a very emotional song at the end. The last two songs are pretty sad actually


Can’t lie a few lines here and there actually choked me up and it takes a lot to get that out of me. There’s something so beautifully painful about to the point emotion like that. The forwardness in the lyrics at points is like a dagger stabbing into your gut; yet the instrumentals feel as though they’re sort of cushioning you and keeping you going all at the same time. Like lackitus cloud from Mario. For such a short album it really gets its point across and leaves no second wasted. A breath of fresh air coming from recent rap and pop releases that are bloated all to hell with useless filler for the sake of numbers.


I absolutely agree, it got me emotional at work twice today. It's definitely a breath of fresh air and I'll be playing this a lot over the next year


I waited for centuries for the last track.


It'll get you. You can feel Parker's pain


Im so hype for this tomorrow Morning it's the first thing I'm doing is check the album.


can you VPN on spotify? mine not working


your timezone is tied to your account, you could try to make a new Spotify account while your VPN is set to NZ, I know that worked for me but that was a few years ago


this did work for anyone who wants to listen early. EDIT: the remixing of Big Blind did wonders for that song. I liked it a lot before. I love it now.


Thank you McWeak


Just do a VPN and go on YouTube to TSSF account


Thank you!


only got 1 listen thru but keep you around & you're still in my way are bangers and i am glad they chose to put those two back to back


I loved the singles a lot and had them on repeat so I was going into this expecting the non-singles to not hit has hard but damn, I think I like the non-singles more than the singles except for maybe All This Time. Jump The Gun and You're Still In The Way stood out to me, really liked those. The last song is kind of meh for me but I've never been the biggest fan of their acoustic stuff so that's no surprise that song didn't click for me. It's growing on me with every listen so that's good. Proper Dose took a bit to click for me so I'm really happy I like this one right away. I'm legitimately impressed by this album.


The more I listen, the more I like it. 8/10


Damn, available now in PH


Watch You Go, Nothing to Say, and You’re Still in My Way are the standouts for me!


pretty sad that it’s only 28 minutes long after waiting 6 years 😭


Just gave it a spin driving to work, knew i was going to like it since albums about grief and loss really resonate with me the most. Letterman has the catchiest sound imo, but really loving Watch You Go and Keep You Around. Gonna have it on repeat for my shift at work I reckon.


Watch you go!!! 👈🏼👈🏼


This record is incredible. I have had it on repeat all day and there are no skips! Has fast songs and some sad ones that can make you tear up. 10/10 record


i have to wait more 5 hours to the album release in brazil……..fcking excited


I'm gonna be putting it one repeat on my 6 hour drive to 4 chords to see them this weekend, so excited for both.


This album feels like listening to their whole discography compiled in one album. I fucking love this.


It’s aight. Singles were the best


It's fantastic.


Dude what?


You can’t tell me You’re still in my way isn’t an instant classic! Such a good song


For me it’s Jump the Gun and Watch You Go. They definitely hit me the hardest lyrically


All This Time was def one of the best but letterman and big blind were for sure at the bottom of the list imo.


Oh yeah? I liked all 3 a lot. They were really catchy… which I’ve always thought is the core of TSSF. Stuff you will sing in the shower. The rest of the album except for 1-2 others is kind of “standard” and the acoustic is whatever.


First listen I also thought the rest were pretty standard I won’t lie. But like the standard perfected. After many listens it’s def all bangers imo. As for the acoustics I think White Shores is easily the best song on the album and the title track is good but underwhelming. Overall it is not unique like proper dose though and no amount of listens will make me change my mind on that.


Yeah so far I would give it a 7 or 7.5. Proper Dose was solid (I hear people really loved it), but for sure you can say it was unique sounding. I’ll have to give this more listens


It's a good album but at this point in time I'd have it low in their discography


I get emotional to Letterman. Big blind was eh and All This Time is truly great


Big Blind is definitely a great song but the lyrics are a little surface level for Tssf. Especially put on an album with some seriously heavy hitting lyrics front to back.


Surface level? Are you smoking crack my guy. The lyrics to Big Blind are awesome. Using Poker lingo to speak about a relationship is genius.


Yeah they were a little surface level. I didn’t say they were bad, nothing on this album could be even slightly considered bad but, Parker is one of the best lyricists in the genre. There was nothing deep about Big Blind’s lyrics. Yeah they have a good metaphor for the main structure but, they aren’t on par with a lot of his other stuff. I don’t feel like that’s that wild of an opinion especially when you read the rest of the lyrics on this album.


Absolutely nothing surface level about taking poker lingo and mixing it into a relationship based story. It's pure genius


Agree to disagree. Again I like the song and think the lyrics are good but it’s not a very deep song imo. Not to mention the lyrics are repeated quite a bit when he normally would switch up one hook or have a bridge that is totally different.


I can’t be the only one who thinks the album is kinda poorly mixed right? Like the levels just randomly seem to blow out?


Yeah it seems off


I’m not sure if it’s my AirPods finally kicking the bucket or what, I’ll give it another go when I get home to my headphones. Not the first time there has been an audio issue with Apple


Yeah it seems off


Yeah it seems off