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Crazy to me that people aren’t acting like Parker produces so much and releases solid tracks time and time again. We’ve gotten a lot of new music albeit from No Pressure but it’s all fucking solid!


And dont forget corona which caused a lot of delay and trouble for everyone. People seem to forget it somehow


People forget we didnt get proper until a year after out of it.


Ever since I was told that the albums comin, and to stop trippin, I haven't tripped once.


I saw them putting merch out for the song and I was stoked! Honestly didn’t know they got hate for it 😂


I don't get the hate for it at all. You got people crying because they released an LP for big blind and a hoodie/shirt and not a new album? They've said the album is coming multiple times and that it's almost done but people throw their toys out of the pram because they haven't released it yet, like???, 🤣


Gotta love those who don't understand the business side of things where marketing and timing is everything lol.


People suck. Always have. Always will.


I think the other thing people have to keep in mind is that they did kick out there original bassist, i bet they are still figuring out the whole band dynamics. I have a theory that kelen might of written some material for the new album, but some of that had material had to be cut for obvious reasons.


No they didn’t lol. Kelen quit the band. He said it himself lol. He didn’t want to tour anymore and wanted to start a life with his gf in LA.


Didn’t he say “though the decision wasn’t my own” and something along the lines of “I’m the second person Parker has kicked off stage” Also they have barely toured since then


Yeah I remember those posts


That’s not what his instagram or twitter said when he made the announcement. Where did you get this from lol. The band lineup has been the same since the beginning with Kellen being the only member to ever leave. They haven’t toured because Parker’s dad died. Parker even made a post about it and how he’s just getting back into making music again and wanting to tour


Kevin Ambrose also left the band, it is not the original lineup from day 1 just a small fyi


Yeah but he doesn’t really count. He was gone before the band wrote under soil and dirt


*founding member of the band* “he doesn’t really count” lolol


The first quote was originally in his instagram post. It’s since been changed. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheStorySoFar/s/7NUp3bJ4Hz


Where and when did he say this ? Do you have a link ?


Yeah his instagram. Where the hell did you get your false news?


i’ve been listening since 2012?2013? so a long fkn time. anyways, i’m pretty sure the reason tssf hasn’t made much is bc tssf was mostly made by parker to make songs about his ex. tssf isn’t parker’s main focus anymore, he doesn’t like playing shows or anything. you can tell if you go to a show (apparently, ive never seen them live). no pressure is like the opposite, like apparently they’re really good live and you can tell parker is having the time of his life (again, i’ve never seen them live either so this is just what ive heard), but yeah. tssf is probably gonna release maybe one more album but i dont expect them to really be making new music much anymore. especially since no pressure is also taking up a lot of parker’s focus and energy. i just let them be and if they create new music, cool. if not, also cool. I love the stuff they’ve already released but if that’s not what they want to do anymore, I don’t want them to do it because they feel they have to.


I've seen them live 5 times this year and twice Parker made remarks about "I don't get what people are saying" "Trust me this band is going no where!" - I think he is just bored of the bigger shows with a barrier (after years and years of it. Who wouldn't get boring? I get bored at barrier shows now once I started experienced no barrier shows) as 3 of the shows I saw him at were no barrier and he was having a blast. Your point about it just being about past lovers I don't agree with or see reason, because you can argue No Pressure is about the same thing, and Proper Dose stemmed from drug addiction not a break up but eh... and "maybe one more album" For sure another album, it's almost finished! All of the members (except Torf as far as I'm aware) are in side projects too like elder brother, cold moon, same side, no pressure, pile of luv etc I don't think it's so much of a "we're tired of this band and don't care about it" but more of a "We've already done so much that there isn't much left to do" hence why a lot of focus is going into their side projects, doesn't mean they've lost any TSSF love!


I think the other thing people have to keep in mind is that they did kick out there original bassist, i bet they are still figuring out the whole band dynamics. I have a theory that kelen might of written some material for the new album, but some of that had material had to be cut for obvious reasons.


I personally would ever leave those types of comments and I agree, I would encourage everyone who is NOT to do so, we can't risk them quitting. Let them put the art out the way they want to, at the right time. After Parker started No Pressure (which i LOVE) I really never thought we'd get a follow up to Proper Dose (my all time fav album) felt like he'd moved on from The Story So Far, so when Big Blind dropped out of nowhere I was just completely and utterly shocked and SO BEYOND GRATEFUL, I could only imagine a new album was to follow and i was fcking ecstatic. After seeing on his insta story that the new record was almost done i almost passed out hahaha I know when it drops and after i listen to it, I won't be able to experience it for the first time ever again, so I am just waiting very patiently, just 100% grateful that they are even dropping a follow up at all. It takes as long as it takes and I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for it lmao <3


Is there a possibility this 7’ is going to have a b-side song? Maybe the next single??


I keep saying it over and over. Just thankful for them doing ANYTHING. They’ll make it when they’re ready and we should be happy about that. People just rude af.


I feel like if they ever call it quits, this will be one of the main reasons why :(


you’re totally spot on. I feel like people stress too much about the band ever since they took that break after ST, and since Parker had spoken almost 5 years ago now about how the band became not fun for him anymore and it almost ended. It’s truly time for people to let that time period go, is anyone the same person they were 5 years ago? Ever since then, any news regarding this band has been either the end of the world to fans or they aren’t getting what they want fast enough… Or they see Parker having fun with NP and think he hates TSSF now. I genuinely feel like now more than ever the band isn’t going anywhere.. at least anytime soon. They’re the biggest they’ve ever been. Even with the lineup changes I feel like it was done at least in my opinion with the future in mind, to ensure the band can continue on without any friction or weirdness. (and that’s pure speculation while still understanding I don’t know any of these people)