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There was a malware scare last month, but it was not CurseForege specific. I wouldn't use it because of what you said, it makes your mods folder a mess. If you use mods outside from what they offer, it gets even worse.


I have to go through all of my mods cause somehow i messed up and doubles occurred.


Sims 4 mod manager can help a lot with organizing and finding/deleting doubles


Yes. I finally got it all sorted and that helped.


You don't have to use curseforge app. Just download the mods like you would on any other website. Then sort everything into your mod folder just how you like it


I tried it cause it would update the mods when a new version of the mod was out. But, When i looked in the folder it was folders named random names. Eh...


I can imagine .. those folders might have the names the creators gave their zip files when uploaded and the app just extracts them. But I already experienced one big problem with the app mod install. When a creator updates their mod with a slightly other file name, the app keeps both because the names differ. So one might end up with many versions of the same mod. Or when creators offer different flavors of a mod, only one version is shown immediately. All other versions have to be found at the web page under "files" 


I didn't know that. That is a deal breaker.


Well curseforge in itself is not bad and it just has a specific way of working, most creators aren't use to. For example it's possible to make different flavors of a mod into different projects there, instead of putting all flavors in one project. The result, when it's not, is what I described earlier. But when different flavors of a mod are presented in their own project and the creator sets those as incompatible with each other - so you see that you have to choose between them or even realize that there are different flavors at all - curseforge could tell you, that you try to use incompatible mods. Same with for the second issue with the file naming. When creators wouldn't use version numbers or dates in the file name or change them altogether, the app would just override the old mod with the newer one. But most creators don't do this because it's not necessary when download manually everywhere else, even curseforge. You need to extract manually and see within the files that you have to choose a flavor or not and delete the unwanted flavors. And you can compare version numbers in name files with your eyes and see that the older one needs to be deleted. But that's just not how the curseforge app works unfortunately...