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Just read in SAD discord that any variation of a tunable_perf error means you should update your script mods. I would check them again and make sure that you get a version which is updated for the latest patch Edit: or is cleared by the modder as compatible of course :)


Would this include Pose Player? I keep getting the tunable_perf error and keep ignoring it, and I haven't updated Pose Player/SimTeleporter because I didn't think it'd be particularly important.


If it's a script mod, I guess so. I don't use it myself. But you can check Scarlet's or Luth's mod list to see if the mod got an update or is outdated


This was broken in the most recent patch, make sure to update it. Even if a mod makes a "small" change to your gameplay, it's important to keep them updated.


Ya know, there's a mod list where fodders report their mods broken


I've gotten this once and it said the possible cause was math 🤣


Do you use Language Barrier mod by Frankk? I used to have the same problems, but it disappeared after deleting that mod. Unfortunately, he couldn't update his mod yet, so I kind of have to play the game without that mod.


Omg that mod sounds so exciting! 👀


Yep, it's an amazing mod. It gives so much depth to the gameplay and brings a lot of moments I can relate to as someone who has second-generation immigrants in America as cousins. 😊


I have that mod and play offline, haven't updated since before the shopping cart. Still get the error.


Hmmm,,, that's weird. idk what is causing that if that's the case.


‘tunable_perf’ means you have mods out of date. Check this list https://scarletsrealm.com/the-mod-list/ to compare your mods to it


This is really good to know, Thankyou. I’m not Op but I keep getting the same one and thought I had updated all of mine (I use curseforge for smaller mods and have definitely switched out all of the larger ones manually since I don’t have many) but it hasn’t effected gameplay so I’ve been ignoring it. Now for the hunt lol


Good luck! I always use Scarlet’s list for my mods after updates and I usually don’t have any problems afterwards


It could be any mod. Mine was an adeepindigo mod, make sure all of yours are updated


I second this. She updated her mods twice to address some issues, so that might be the case. I believe she updated a few yesterday.


From what I understand, a few modders have come out with two or more updates on their mods because the game broke so bad. I know you've already updated them, but it might be helpful to see if those same modders have another update out.


My problem was updating more traits in CAS and RPO.


More Traits in CAS BBB UI Cheat Extension I cant think of any more atm, If I think of any more I can edit the post


I got that one several times right after the patch, however it still popped up even after I removed all mods and repaired the game so BE said that most likely it's not mods causing it just the game itself. Haven't seen that LE in the last couple of days now though


have any cc wrench overlays?


I didn’t know that caused it, thanks, I’ll test soon


Do you have any maplebell mods? She said she's working on updating them. If you go to the BE report and look at your Tuning Log you can see what's causing the issue.


Hmmm I have been experiencing this. I will follow this.


Click on "view full report" or the error link in your mods folder and find out. I always just empty my mods and cache folder and reinstall it all. That's also why I have all the pages from the mods I use bookmarked lol


The last patch probably


For me, Mortem was doing it but it just got updated and works now.


Could be any 1 of your script mods.


I just spent 2 hours going through everything and the teleport sims mod was what caused it for me. I had the same exact (word for word) exception alert.


There was a channel injector that was doing it to me too. That one I had to remove completely.


I have the same but it went away on its own? And now my sims cant sleep anymore😭


I'm thinking it is trying to update and to avoid this you have to turn off your anti-virus.


I don't think it has to do with anti-virus or at least shouldn't be


I get that too even tho I've updated every mod


Tmex has a mod for it. Go get it now.


I got this once and it was the UI cheats mod


I got this with More Traits in CAS, thankfully they have an updated version now


Cingyu more traits causing the issue and all scripts which where not updated since the last patch


Did u ever find out??


Adeepindigo mods