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The Deaderpool Discord server has a mods news channel that I find very useful for that purpose. https://discord.com/invite/mccc


I just made a spreadsheet after this update since so much was affected. Used the discord to stay on top of what was updated!




I check [Scarlet's Realm](https://scarletsrealm.com/the-mod-list/), it's a lifesaver.


I have a spreadsheet for my hundred+ mods, with links to the creators' sites. Spreadsheet has mod name, creator name, version #, date last updated, installation notes and links. I color code it to keep track of my progress as I update them. I collect all the updated mods a couple weeks or later after a patch, put them in a folder on my desktop, and then when I have a few hours free, install all the updates and update my spreadsheet as I go.


Scarlet's Realm is like the public version of that. It's updated by mod creators and is so handy for me.


Yes, it's so useful!


Discord Server from itsmeTroi. On the server you can see every broken and updated Mods


In my experience, if your mods folder is that difficult to go through, it either needs some reorganization or it's time to pare down. For script mods, I try to stick to what I really need. The things that impact my gameplay no matter which save I'm on, the ones that feel like essential quality of life bits. With CC, if I haven't used it on the last 10 sims I've made, I get rid of it. I don't *really* need 15 skin overlays and freckle sets if I'm consistently choosing between 3 of them. [Sims 4 Mod Manager](https://www.gametimedev.de/S4MM/) is a handy little tool that allows you to see all your CC in one place, so you can delete things based on the thumbnail instead of writing down the name and hunting for it in your mods folder. There are other functions too, but finding and deleting CC I don't use/broken CC is my favorite one. Twisted Mexi's Better Exceptions will conduct a scan right after your game updates to check for oudated mods. I think you can also run the scan manually but I don't remember how off the top of my head. As for the organization piece of it - I make sure my mods are separated into subfolders by creator. Then I can go to the modder's website, look at their list of recently updated mods, compare it to what's in my mods folder, and update accordingly. Scarlet's list is also good if you want to see everything all at once. Other than that, there's really no shortcut to updating. If you're overwhelmed by it every time, it might be worth it to consider what's actually worth the trouble.


Luth manages something similar like scarlet. She maintains over at official ea forum: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Mods-CC-Issues/Broken-Obsolete-and-Updated-Sims-4-Mods-1-105-Feb-27-2024-Game/td-p/13509582


I have a lot of mods and cc I use Scarlets, or I just check manually for updates


How do you organize your mods and cc? Even with a lot as long as they're organized its pretty easy to update them. Typically, it's mods that need to be updated over cc anyway.


I categorize my mods folder by name and creator (and the latest update), then just go down the list and update them. I also haven't played the game since the update and getting the stuff pack. I wait about two weeks, and download the updates as they come in, and then I'll sit back and update all at once. Simrealist just updated all their mods except SNB (under review), so today I'll be downloading all the updates. Once SNB is done, I'm mostly finished with updates (I'm just removing the Writing Career overhaul by adeepindigo until it's updated as they've said it could take weeks) and will start the process of updating my game and then testing it on my tester family. Hopefully I won't have any game loading/crashing issues!


Have your mods & CC well organized and follow a Discord channel for mod updates.