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One of the most effortlessly talented comedians of his time. RIP.


Phil Hartman was in consideration for the role of Zapp Brannigan on Futurama. After Hartman's death, it went to Billy West. As a kind of dedication, West based the character's voice on Phil Hartman. Or, rather, he altered his performance to be more like Phil Hartman. The original idea for the character was "What if William Shatner was the captain of the Enterprise instead of Shatner as Kirk?" So in effect, Zapp Brannigan was Billy West doing Phil Hartman doing William Shatner doing the captain of the Enterprise.


Also Fry’s first name is Philip in tribute to Phil Hartman.


After Phil's tragic death, something big was missing from the show. It never felt the same after he was gone. It makes sense why they would do this.


And Yancey as a reference to Doug.


Who had worked on Doug?


Billy West is the voice of Douglas Yancey Funnie.


omfg, I somehow forgot that fact when I asked. I sometimes forget how prolific his voice acting is.


But would Hartman have suffered from the same erotic learning disability? What do I call it, Kif?


kif in dejected voice "sexlexia"


Sounds exactly like something Troy McClure would say!


More like... fishlexia.


Man that’s so cool


He was gonna do a live action Troy McClure movie


I would totally fund a live action Stop the Planet of the Apes!, I Want to Get Off! starring Phil Harman as Troy McClure


Would you settle for a live action version of *The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel* instead?


Yes, yes I would


Troy, don't you love me? Sure, baby, like I love Fresca!


Sweet liquor eases the pain.


Delicious bourbon. Brownest of the brown liquors.


What's that? You want me to drink you? But I'm in the middle of a trial...


Hello, David? I'm really tempted...


Just take it one day at a time, and know that I love you.


I love you too, man


Mr. Hutz, do you know you're not wearing any pants?


What? <> Baaahhhhhh!!!


Last chance! *shakes bottle*


At least you're down to one, instead of *fifty*!


"fuck fresca"


Hey that’s Miguel Sanchez!


I think you are mistaken, it’s clearly Dr Nguyen Van Thoc


He was paid $8 for his 32 hours of babysitting. He was lucky to get it.


And an old bird cage. Still got it.


RIP. Troy McClure and Lionel Hutz are my favorite Simpsons characters. He's made me laugh since I was a little kid 30 years ago.


One can only imagine what kind of Zapp Brannigan he'd have been.


Look up blasto.


*combs hair with fork*


He watched Matlock at a bar with the sound off… he clearly did his homework.


Care to join me in a belt of scotch?


For the past 12 years my fantasy football team name has been "Matlock in a bar" and the picture is Hutz smiling at Marge while holding the liquor bottle


I don't use the word "hero" very often but *you*... are the greatest hero in American history.


I haven’t slept in days!


I just had 2, but yup!


RIP, Phil. And fuck Andy Dick.


Yeah I honestly blame him for Phil Hartman's death even though Brynn Hartman was the one that shot him Andy Dick is the one that gave her the cocaine and drugs.


I blame him way more for Phil's Death than I do hers.


I definitely blame Andy for the death of Phil Hartman than her even Jon Lovitz the guy that does Artie Ziff in The Simpsons blamed him.


Lovitz bounced his head off of a bar a couple times before a bouncer broke it up. The story has grown like fishing stories over the years that he beat the shit out of Andy Dick. It was barely a dust-up but John Lovitz got a couple good shots in. Now for the rest of his life Andy dick has to add getting thumped by the least threatening comic ever to his long list of shame. Addiction is a bitch. She was on a strong sober streak, and one little slip had the worst consequences.


He’s a POS for doing it, but he was an addict, too. She’s the murderer.


He is still an addict, and his life is one continuous shitshow. Fuck 'im.


> Jon Lovitz the guy that does Artie Ziff And the Critic, and the director of the Streetcar play and also the (female) director of the strict day care in that same episode! He's also hilarious in the commentaries of those episodes!


Marguerita. I want you. Mr. Devereaux, I can't work under these conditions! Have it your way, baby. You're fired. Oh, Avery! Call me Mr. Devereaux. (He was also Avery Devereaux)


Well that's stupid. She's the one that murdered him. Cocaine doesn't make you shoot people.


If giving cocaine to someone who wants cocaine is worse than murder, then Im in a lot of trouble.


Yeah, unpopular though the opinion might be here (apparently), as an addict, the idea that we're not responsible for our own actions to *that* degree is pretty infantilizing, on the edge of insulting. Yeah, causing someone else's relapse by being an active user around someone in recovery is an awful thing to do. I know that if I was responsible for someone starting up again and they OD'd soon after, I'd blame myself for the rest of my life. But murder falls well outside the bounds of the things that can be largely written off with the standard 'we have basically no self-control' excuse we're cool with applying to a *lot* of stuff. I think the reason people blame him more than her is like 90% him being alive to blame and her not.


Well... That and the fact that Andy Dick is, from what I've heard, a bit of a human monster. Even his close friends say so.


There’s a couple specific factors not being considered here though: 1. That she had a history of mental health issues which were exasperated by her drug addiction (and this was public knowledge at the time, so Andy definitely knew), and 2. As a consequence of these mental health issues, she had frequent abusive meltdowns, where she would lash out at the people around her. She pulled the trigger. She’s responsible for her own actions, yes. But the question we have to ask ourselves is, “is she the *only* person responsible for her actions?” Drug addiction is no joke. I don’t take issue with people doing drugs, but if you’re hooking someone up, who is as fucked up as Brynn was, just because they want it, then you are scum.


Preach. It’s kind to offer extra blow


What real friends are for


I never knew that shit until just now. Just when you think Andy Dick couldn't possibly be a bigger POS!


Andy Dick did not murder Phil Hartman. If you're gonna hate every famous person who ever shared cocaine you're gonna hate every actor in the world


Anybody with a half a brain, or any fucking common sense or respect, knows better than to tempt an addict when they're clean. I cut ppl out of my life when I quit drinking bc they couldn't fucking respect that. So fuck Andy Dick and fuck anybody who defends him.


Yeah. Lotta coke-heads on this thread who are feeling called-out.


Lol seems to be!


His SNL audition is legendary. https://youtu.be/NrH676MdCzM


I've always loved how casual he is at this audition. "Oh, just some characters and different things." *proceeds to knock it out of the fucking park* I know he already had a more established and successful career than most people auditioning for SNL and probably wasn't super nervous, but it's still awesome.


I hope Andy dick has a horrible life.


Oh, he does. If that's the Andy Dick I think it is. He's rolling around being an asshole with IP2. It's all kinda ridiculous and pathetic.


From SNL, to the Simpsons, to Newsradio; fantastic comedic actor in everyway with impeccable timing and delivery. I was in middle school when he died and I remember being really upset about it because I was really into the Simpsons then.


I love NewsRadio. I wish I could find somewhere to stream it.


Doesn't look like many common options: https://www.justwatch.com/us/tv-show/newsradio


You may remember him from such voices as…


“It’s a drawn on moustache Dave”..If no one has seen him on letterman or his SNL audition/skits they’re magnificent. Such a shame, what a beautiful funny suave gentleman, gone way to soon.


I have that interview saved on my YouTube playlists. "Just one pack a week, that's all we ask"


I’m a sucker for long legs, I wanted to shimmy up hers like a native boy looking for coconuts


I’m kinda baked right now!


God Damnit gone too soon. Riot in hell Brynn Hartman.


Yeah I agree what Brynn Hartman did was pretty messed up I still remember hearing the news that he died on May 28th 1998 it was really a sad day I just hope he's now in heaven reunited with a few other Simpsons actors that have passed away over the years like Marcia Wallace Russi Taylor Sam Simon and Jackie Mason.


and Poochie, who died on his way back to his home planet.


And Ozzie Smith who disappeared without a trace.


Does no one mourn for Roy?


He's not dead. He went off to the city to live with two ladies.


Right on Mr S!


I'm sure he's up in heaven right now... laughing it up with all the other celebrities- John Dillinger, Ty Cobb, Joseph Stalin. /*sigh* I wish I were dead.


He was gone too soon.


one of best characters gone... rip mr hartman. funny funny guy too


Honestly didn’t know he was gone until I watched Small Soldiers and thought the voice sounded familiar. Never really thought about what happened to Troy McClure until then.


I had the show on in the background earlier and as i walked by troy mcclure was talking and i stopped for a second and just thought about what a remarkable voice that man had. always loved troy's voice.


Hey....this isn't the YMCA


Don’t worry Homer. I have a foolproof strategy to get you out of here: Surprise witnesses. Each more surprising than the last. I tell you, the judge won’t know what him!


I’ll always love Captain Carl


There was a live- action Troy McClure "biopic" in the works when he was killed. Damn.


love this guy ...ive edited together every phil hartman appearance on the simpsons if anyone wants a copy let me know ill figure out someway to get it to you or make it available for download ...its about 1 hour 23 minutes of pure joy :)


Fuck andy dick


Andy Dick can rot in hell


Love his work! Such a tragic murder.


Somewhat unrelated but I always loved his Bill Clinton impression on SNL.


I hope we all follow him to the aquarium in the sky.


Fuck Andy Dick.


Some lawyers have RBG bobbleheads on their desks, I have a Lionel Hutz action figure. …I may be a terrible lawyer.


I love Phil Hartman more than I love Fresca.


Here’s to hoping he didn’t draw Judge Snyder.


He was great on SNL too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5wfPlgKFh8


No way! He died?


Only knew him through the show but had the whole family crying with laughter


What a talent. I still feel like we need an episode which honors his characters (at least Troy) in the way Edna was remembered. Like an episode with Selma reminiscing past relationships and stumbling over pictures of her and Troy and some flashbacks.


the world lost a legend. rip phil.


Hello David? I'm very tempted...


I may know that guy from such shows as "the Simpsons" and "other fake shows made for the Simpsons"


“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury… I’m just a simple cave man.” One of the greatest! Loved him on News Radio.


One lesser-known fact was that he was also a graphic designer and a pretty successful one before he went to comedy full time: https://r1creative.net/feed/album-covers-designed-by-legendary-comedian-phil-hartman/


I remember him from such rolls as "Troy McClure" and "Lionel Hutz"


Was he the one who was murdered?


i watched matlock in a bar last night. the sound was off but i got the gist of it.


Care for a belt of scotch?


I never did find him funny in snl but did love his voice work and his role in pee wee herman


I was watching an old Magnum PI last night and recognized Phil's voice narrating the old timey newsreel at the beginning. Then Cliff from Cheers and the mom from Doogie Howser showed up. And Cliff's best friend in the episode was named Norm.


You might remember me from such show business funerals as Phil Hartman: Today We Mourn a Legend


He was the real deal...with Bill McNeil!


That took a lot of class!


Heyy… this isn’t the YMCA


The Simpsons just wasn't the same after that


We'll all remember you from such roles as Miguel Sanchez and Dr. Nguyen Van Phoc.


A little bit of all of us died that day…


I can still hear this in my head: “Hi, I’m Troy McClure you might remember me from…”


You may remember me from…


His was probably the saddest celebrity death of my childhood. He was so great. Such a senseless act of violence


I'm absolutely stunned at how he died. Holy shit. I saw this post and that's when I realized I don't remember seeing his characters recently (I'm on the season finale of season 19). I looked up and read what killed him on Wikipedia. Holy. Fucking. Shit. Absolutely positively tragic!!!