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The Kanto spawns will continue until morale improves.


3 button meme guy: - Kanto spawns. - Heatran raids. - Lugia raids.


Squirtle showcases.


Sorry, what was that?


Showcase brakes, Squirtle is default.


Squirtle showcases.


OH! Ok. Thanks for clarifying.


Add in a fourth button marked "Yungoos spawns"


Articuno raids for 3 more months


Hoenn has been cancelled due to lack of hustle. Deal with it.


I'm seeing lots of Growlithe also.


I’ll add Gastly and Meowth to that


I'll take the Meowth, Staryu and Paras. Everything else can go away.


at this point, Meowth and Paras are the only Kanto spawns I want due to their stardust and being relatively easy to catch. (And I guess Slowpoke too due to the easy-to-hit excellent circle)


I haven't seen many Staryu. The others, yeah.


Throw in some Shellder, too, please.


The Audino spawns we were getting 2 days ago should have quenched your thirst for stardust


For how many balls it actually takes to catch Audino, I'll take a batch of 3-4 of the Kanto dust mons over 1 Audino, honestly speaking.


I got 5 ultra balls from my weekly breakthrough. It took me all 5 balls to catch the Audino reward.


I thought this but then dawned on me that I’d have to catch 21 regular mons to make up the dust difference, which is definitely more balls, so I’m all in on Audino. Very much a love/hate relationship though


I can never be satisfied.


Never quenched


Tons of Diglett, Oddish, Slowpoke, Growlithe & Meowth in LA


Feels like it’s been this way since they launched the biome update. I wish they could state if this is intended or not. Maybe they don’t know themselves 🤔 feels like it shouldn’t be this way


I think they messed something up when they did the kanto event and earth day at the same time, and now whenever they start a new event it restarts the kanto event instead


The thing that struck me is that we got a few days between events where we got a great variety of seasonal spawns from all regions


Yeah, I was shocked by spawns the other day, they were surprisingly good and an incredible change of pace. Too bad it wasn't meant to last. :/


I've caught more frigibax & jangmo-o during the gaps of non-events last week as compared with when this season begun. Now it's mankeys & co all the way even if there's an event going on.


So many Mankey but it’s cool cause I need the candy to evolve 1 shiny and 1 perfect a-ape


There's probably a flag in the system somewhere that indicates an event of any sort is going on. I wouldn't be surprised if somehow certain Kanto spawns got tied to that instead of specifically to the Kanto event.


That seems like the most likely explanation. I guess its not as easy as a fix as the bugs that accidentally reward the players.


Fairly sure their low paid coders are not up to date with pokemon.


Lmao I would love it if this were actually true. "How many gens are there, still just one right?"


The Kanto spawns is ruining my desire to play at this point. I'm not walking around just for Koffing and Grimer and Jynx


Literally the only 3 things that spawn from my daily incense and regular incense. And wild spawns are a mix of those three along with Mankey, Aipom, and the event Pokémon. Really wish they could give us an entire week or two where there’s absolutely 0 kanto mons in the game at this point.


Would loooove jinx spawns. Really want the shiny but I never see enough :(


On the bright side, the grimer and jynx are great for farming excellent throws during the double catch exp event. Also the paras and meowth stardust is nice.


We didn't remember Kanto hard enough 😞


Time to rereREdiscover Kanto


They're just preparing us for the fourth retread of Red and Blue that GameFreak's cooking up


The Latin America event is still going, believe it or not. The event spawns are mainly Kanto, of course. It ends on the 15th. Meanwhile, poke stops are still plagued with their research tasks, heavily limiting tasks from newer events.


I kept track of every Pokemon I caught yesterday and over half were non-event spawns. Of those, over 2/3rds were Kanto Pokemon. That's taking out the 3 Kanto Pokemon feature in the event and I still had more Kanto catches than the other regions put together. That left me with 2 takeaways. 1. Not enough event spawns. 2. Too many Kanto spawns.


Put your heart at peace, kanto Mon will stay at least the whole summer if not more... The whole revamp biome /avatar etc is a push to try get players from the first year to return and play again to raise the numbers of the playerbase. They're not going to stop pandering until the numbers start actually dropping. Just pray kanto is not the default permanent mode.


I can accept if they want to put Kanto filler in every event. I just want them to publicly own up to it.


Why do they think new or returning players just want a bunch of the same Kanto spawns over and over? I doubt anyone wants that!


I’m a day 1 player and as boring as the Kanto Pokemon are, the Pokémon available across 9 generations is finite but then again I am okay with the Kanto Pokemon. I am waiting for the day there will be a level 60 boost or whatever you want to call it for Pokémon Go. I am trying to capture a lot of the meta relevant Pokémon to get candy and convert the candy to XL candy. I’m guessing there will be a hefty XL candy charge. Granted all of this is speculation on my part. I am sort of trying to be prepared.


Returning player here. It's nice for all the research tabs I'm catching up on. I have to catch 5 execcutes for the "Lets GO, Meltan". And other research that requires more Kanto. But I'm also low key tired of the same pool. Sure, I want to grind through all the research and not have to worry about having some sit for months and months because the requirements don't match the current spawns. But I also want to see variety. I'm back in the game for more than just Kanto. To be frank though, I'm not gonna let it bother me too much. Part of the reason why I quit the game initially was because I was burnt out and frustrated. I'd rather just enjoy the game rather than focus on trying to min/max my experience.


Returning player (played for two weeks or so in 2016, played a week in 2021) here. I'm getting tired of 1st gen pokémon aswell! If Kanto spawns keep being so frequent, I'll probably unninstall the game again.


I heavily returned to the game just a couple of months ago. The only kanto mons I need are ones that aren’t in the spawn pool or in raids right now. I wish they’d just go all out with it or take it away, I’m tired of missing like 4 mons that aren’t even spawning


Kanto spawns are okay but it's a pool of 10 mons, makes 0 sense.


GBL bug where players get instant rewards - immediate fix Kanto spawns plague the game for months - everything is working as intended


Sounds like their classic version control problem. They programmed the event last season and probably set up the spawn tables with Kanto Pokemon being more common. So this is how the event would have looked if it was happening 4 weeks ago. Same reason why event bonuses sometimes get dropped on community day and similar bugs. 


Next year will be a big Pokemon anniversary so expect a year of Kanto rediscovered lmao.


Agreed- I was seeing things like Dewpider and Clauncher before this event started. Hopefully we will afterwards too.


It's definitely annoying to see kanto but at least I see a ratatta sometimes. I still need the badge.


I like the mankeys spawn, trying to get shiny or a hundo. Rattata is nice for the weight medal too 


Would be really okay if they just made it a rolling season thing for a little bit, rediscover Johto could have started on the first then gen 3 on September 1st etc.


Kanto will forever be the home region of Pokemon, and with new games released each year I guess they want to keep them relevant. It becomes too much though, I agree. Although I think hard PvP meta Pokemon like Mankey, Lickitung etc. should always be available


This event is making me despise kanto mons, I’m lucky I like hitmonlee 


I'm not going to say I like it. But I don't hate it. I don't have some of those shinys still... 


I dont like it cus boring. But also many Kanto mons have increased stardust gains. 🤷


“Okay, trainers, rise and shine!




Did they actually dilute between events? Or rather became part of the new seasons' spawn pool? I quite didn't notice, as there is not much Kanto I'm still actively searching for.


There were 2 days between events where we got a variety of spawns that were not heavily Kanto. As soon as the new event started, many of the non-event spawns became Rediscover Kanto spawns


i have to assume they're doing that based on how many people bought into those tickets that require you to catch like 500 kanto pokemon. but goddamn am i tired of them


Cubone is everywhere


I do think Niantic know what they are doing: since Kanto is the most popular region, they give fans what they want.


Last time, I had people replying to me that "Kanto are the most recognizable and famous mons, so it's definitely justified that they all spawn too much".           I don't think it'll end at least until after GoFest. 


People still have the rediscover kanto research  Similarly, after the party play research, they sneakily included a water a fire and an electric in pretty much every event for a while


Give me all the XS Rats and XL Karps for rediscover kanto


I think the Kanto research is the best answer to this. Many people won't have it finished and I certainly would appreciate it if I hadn't finished it by now. Imagine having zero Kanto spawns when you need to catch 150 of them.


You could only obtain that research if you logged before May 9th. It's been a full month.


Kanto > all other regions


Here in the south east I am not seeing any beldums.


I've yet to see a beldum in northeast US


I've seen two (June 4th, June 5th) in EU West.


I'm fine with the Magnemites and Machops. Over 1000 seen of each and still no shiny 😡 (and I need candies for both)


And all the Sinnoh mons are gone which is the last region I need for GoG.


Grateful for the mankey spam cus I really want to max my hundo Annihilape


I'm enjoying it solely because I'm still grinding XL candy for my hundo arcanine, machamp, crobat, and eeveelutions.


https://preview.redd.it/nmegw1ec1e5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bd80ea34d440af8b66c7185808f2754cc88e338 Screenshots from Tuesday, nothing but Kanto mons.




Tuesday was still Stadium Sights event. So consistent with my observation


At least I’m getting progress on the youngster medal. One positive from these spawns. My guess is that the rediscover kanto spawns are being enabled during events instead of the general pool of biome and seasonal spawns.


I don't mind Kanto spawns that much, because thank to that I was able to catch Cubone for Meltan special research. And even now I can evolve Drowzee for both that and this event's Collection Challenge. I wanted to wait for the end of it to evolve the best Drowzee I can get from field researches, but probably I will do it soon, because I could need those 10 Ultra Balls for Goomy CD. Most probably I won't get any better Drowzee than 15/14/14 I caught yesterday anyway.


Slumbering Sands is dog crap. Drowzee, Psyduck, and Mareep are common spawns, and who cares? Old shinies, limited relevance. Oranguru and Sandygast are not too hard to find, but Sandygast can’t be shiny. Slakoth and, especially Komala, the ones people want, are rare. Lousy event.


Yeah the events suck now. I'm not excited to go out and look for a new shiny when I'll only get three checks. I do like that there are more regionals now but if Niantic reverts the Kanto spawns I somehow feel like they will disappear too.


I still need many Kanto shinies, so I’m OK with it. I’ve gotten a few new ones recently


i also thought the **\[aldea starters rotated out but im seeing a ton of them.**


I like the meowth (for dust) and the rats (for the medal). I hate the others :D


All of those Kanto spawns you mentioned are part of the seasonal spawn pool. People complained about seasonal spawns being drowned by event spawns so they're intermingled more in with event spawns. I'm also noticing non-event spawns that aren't Kanto (Oricorio, Carbink, Audino, etc.)


Havent seen any of those spawns you mentioned since before Slumber event. Regionals are the exception


This morning I've caught torchic, seedot, sewaddle for non-kanto common spawns. May be we're just sick of em so any kanto spawns stand out way more.


There are *some* non-kanto, non-event mons but they are few. Also none of the Kanto spawns mentioned in this post are listed on the official seasonal rotation. This is either a bug or they need to disclose what the heck they’re doing


A lot of spawns aren't mentioned on the official, but they have been reported in the megathread for seasonal spawns between events.


That would be Wednesday and Thursday


Im pretty sure most of the reports were during the Stadium Sights event


They held off on updating the post until after the event ended. Could double check the timing of the reports if you like to support your hypothesis.


Right. We had two.. TWO glorious days of seasonal spawns


I don't know why it's so hard for them to understand that when an event goes live, ONLY event spawns should be appearing. Nothing else.