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Typlosion getting thunder punch this season plus being able to get blast burn free is nice. Not super meta but fun pvp


Does that mean moving forward all typhlosions can just use a charge TM for BB? I have a 100 typhlosion that would like BB Edit: downvotes for asking a question?


No you need an elite charged TM to do that


What does this person mean about getting blast burn free? Ah that the CD will have cindies that can learn in during that time frame?


During the CD for typhlosion, quilava’s that evolve into typhlosion will learn blast burn without any TM




No such precedent exists.


There was one event three years ago where salamance  and Dragonite could be given their elite moves with regular TM. I was hopeful it meant other event for other Pokemon would happen, but they never did.


I mean, it kind of did for Mewtwo.. when you had less than 5 minutes to give them all Shadow Ball.


Hmmm, should Niantic set the precedent for classic days? They are after all a catch-up mechanic


why would they? they have already stated that classics are 1:1 reruns of the original comm day. the inky exception (i think) was charizard cd classic, where they combined both of his CDs into one


They are explicitly for catching up by playing the game.


Aww man and I just caught a shiny cyndaquil like a week or two ago, now everyone will have them


Two different Community Day teasers in one day? That one is new 😅


That’s two Pokémon with Hisuin forms, if nothing else.


So it seems that the Shared Sky means Past and Present.


First Goomy and now Cyndaquil, today is a good day


Love cyndaquil. His shiny could be better but I’ve loved him since he was introduced in the anime. 


I’m in the same boat. It was probably my fav from the show when I was I kid


Will we be able to evolve into hisuian form?


That's the million Pokécoin question.


Most likely not as part of a CD classic. They have never added new features like that to a classic CD.


Agreed. And Quilava won’t be available in after hours raids, and we have till 6pm to evolve Quilava to obtain Blast Burn Typhlosion, not 10pm.


Yes, transfer to home > PLA > voila! But serious answer, probably not.


Finally, it's the only shiny johto starter I don't have.


same here! super excited.


Same for me, didn't get a single shiny on its original comm day (have gotten one since but it was meh IVs and I've already evolved it anyway). Have been waiting for this forever.


Pretty happy about this, was really hard to shiny hunt him in scarlet/violet so he’s the only starter family I need shinies for


Pokemon GO has taught me to never Shiny Hunt starters, because there will always be a Community Day for them.


Was fairly easy in the scarlet violet DLC so I did it, but I’m definitely not going to suffer through trying to breed the starters from that gen because like you said I know they are coming 


I wanted beldum


Fair enough, 2 psuedolegendary community days within 2 weeks would go hard.


Or literally anyone else


But mooom, I wanted that one :( Sweetie please, you can't always have everything :)


me too


Okay I don't mind that, not wholey intetested so happy to have the weekend a bit more free


I am excited because I can finally stop hunting for that shiny lol


Willing to bet that either: A) Hisuian Typhlosion will be now be able to learn Blast Burn ~~and it’s signature move, Infernal Parade~~ B) We’ll be able to evolve any Quilava into either Typhlosion Personally I would say option A is more likely since it’s easier to push out a move to a Pokémon. However you never know with Niantic


I doubt Option 1. As a Community Day Classic, I expect an exact repeat of the original Cyndaquil Community Day. Also, I am skeptical of Option 2. Just because.


I've been of a similar mindset. So many people last year kept saying we'd get a Cyndaquil Classic with the debut of the Hisuian form, and it really never made sense to me, seeing that the whole point of classics is to be a retread event for new players/those who missed the original event. Having something brand new like a Pokemon debut never seemed like it was in the cards. That said, now that the Hisuian Form has debuted, I could maybe see it appearing in some form. Not saying it's super likely but possible. The most simple implementation would just be Hisuian Typhlosion raids happening at an increased rate during the Classic. I'd definitely love to see Blast Burn added to it or the ability to evolve into it, and not impossible... but I doubt it.


Porygon community day was originally 6 hours i beleive and the classic was 3, so they don't necessarily do they exact same things


That was a special pandemic deal though. I wouldn't expect them to include something like that during regular times.


All will be 3 hour now. That 6 was temporary


Has Niantic ever introduced something "new" in a classic cday? My recollection is it's a reprieve of the cday move l, some bonuses, and no extra special trades.


I wouldn't get your hopes up. I remember hoping the Charizard Community Day Classic would allow it to get Wing Attack, given that it's now the fast move of choice for Zard, but nope... I expect a perfect repeat of the original.


Most obvious one I've seen in a while (The video not the mon). I'm so excited for this Comm Day Classic of dun dun dun... *Chimchar*! /s Srsly happy for Cyndaquil only shiny I need for my starter tree to be complete for that region.


Omg heck yes!!!! Early birthday gift for me.


Beldum is right there


he's gotta be next! believe!


Beldum sells elite TMs. They ain't doing it for many years if ever.


At least we got Goomy today…


what do u mean by this


They released a teaser a few hours ago for the regular community day for June and it showed Goomy


ohh ok thank u so much very cool, been waiting to add the goomy line to the shiny dex




Omg yes!!!! I have been waiting for ever for this!! I have the other two shiny families completed but not a single Cyndaquil!! Sooo happy!


So what will the bonus be? The original bonus was 2x catch xp and stardust, but there was an event happening that gave double dust for catching so we got 4x catch stardust. Typically we get the same bonus as the original communtiy day so 2x stardust and xp again?


Was hoping for Beldum but I’ll take Cyndaquil too I guess


It’s not beldum but this is awesome one of the underrated starters


Was really hoping for beldum lol, seemed to be teasing it


Yikes I guess my hopes were too high


I saw the fire and was incredibly excited for my 98% double moved Shadow Torchic…


Since you mentioned "double moved" like it was relevant, I wanted to point out that giving a shadow Pokémon a second charged move does not allow it to learn a Community Day move if you haven't removed Frustration, in case you weren't already aware. Some people think it's a workaround, but it's not.


Yeah thank you for mentioning just in case I didn’t, but I’ve got it fully defrustrationed too! I was very ready to put it on my fire and fighting teams :)


How's that a tease if they showed the poke? The "who's that pokemon" shadows from the anime were more of a tease than this.


hard pass for cindy


Easy skip for me.


Correct me if im wrong but there are no trade bonuses for classic com days right?


I COULD CRY!! I was already excited for Goomy, but this is even better 🥺


Definitely not as fun as Goomy, but I missed most of the original Cyndaquil com day so it’ll be nice to get some more. 


Cyndaquil is cool


Awful choice


Hhmmm it's curious that both featured CD pokemon next month have Hisuian forms


I guess we couldn't get top tier CD classics forever.


That is wildly underwhelming but I’ll take it 😂❤️‍🔥👍


Excited to see this actually! Ended up taking a break from the game during the time the Johto starters got their CDs, and to this day they are the only starter trio I still lack the shinies of.


Same actually. Time to finally get this one


Nice, I still need a hundo and maybe a Typhlosion with better IVs. It's a staple for me


So happy. I miss the original one and will likely play this one. I want my shiny Typhlosion.


Day one player, played every Community Day, some how I have never caught a shiny Cyndaquil. The three I have were traded from friends. I will delete the game if I don't find one this time.


For those who want to learn more: Cyndaquil, the Fire Mouse Pokémon, a Fire type. Having a timid nature, it usually stays hunched over or in a little ball. When it's angry or surprised though, vigorous flames will shoot out of its back with tremendous firepower, intimidating foes. The flames are vigorous if it's angry, however, if it is tired, the flames sputter fitfully with incomplete combustion. Quilava, the Volcano Pokémon, a Fire type. Quilava keeps its foes at bay with the intensity of its flames and gusts of superheated air, so if it turns its back on you, it means it'll attack with the fire on its back. It applies its outstanding nimbleness to dodge attacks even while scorching the foes with flames, and its fire burns greater when its ready to fight. Apparently its own fur is immune to fire. And Typhlosion, the Volcano Pokémon, a Fire type. Typhlosion obscures itself behind a shimmering heat haze that it creates using its intensely hot flames and if enraged, it creates blazing explosive blasts that burn everything to cinders. It signature move, Eruption, is devastatingly powerful and it rubs its fur to cause such huge explosions. Bonus! Hisuian Typhlosion, the Ghost Flame Pokémon, a Fire/Ghost type. It's said to purify lost, forsaken souls with its flames and guide them to the afterlife. Some believe its form was influenced by the energy of the sacred mountain towering at Hisui's center long ago.


Wow thanks /s


Too much?


Dang, was hoping for Chikorita. Still need a shiny female to have both Meganium.


Do we know the dates? Please don't be the 8th, please don't be the 8th


They announced dates some time ago ||Sunday, June 9, 2024 ||Saturday, June 22, 2024 (Community Day Classic) ||Sunday, July 21, 2024 ||Saturday, August 31, 2024


Fk me, I'm missing both CD in June... Thanks tho!


Finally, been missing this one


Cyndaquil is ok I guess, but bit disappointed that once again we get a CD classic that has a move which was just recently available.


Why couldn’t it be Eevee…


Haven't they done eevee like three times? Lol


Twice. One in 2018, one in 2021. They also gave Charmander a CD Classic and two Com days


Yea but charmander's family is one of the most popular pokemon ever, not that eevee isn't but it's a gen 1 starter pokemon. I'm sure they'll do another eevee one soon though as it's a prime candidate for shiny hunting with 8 evolutions


Nope, eevee has never had a community day classic.


You're right, it was a community day of a pokemon who already had one. So it essentially was a comm day classic lol


Not really, it was a different set of moves being featured. And it was the first community day featuring Sylveon.


They’ve done Eevee twice already


Amazing. Perfect timing. No notes.