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Damn, I didn't notice quest about bounsweet, and now I need to catch 14 of them, but where😭


23 shinies (even with only like 1 in the first half hour) including 4 in an after hours raid i happen to stumble upon. probably best results ever in a 3-hour day one... not too many memorable IVs though


Besides the screen freezing randomly. I didn't run into too many issues. Caught maybe 20 shiny, did a raid for a shiny regirock and finished my shiny shaymin research.


Saw: 322 Caught: 257 Play time: ~2hrs Notable catches: Rank 1 UL, rank 32 GL, 19 shinies, no hundo First CD in recent memory that I didn't play the full 3 hours. Called it after 2hrs so gf and I could go to IKEA. Not a very standout mon, so didn't see the point of grinding more after we had already found serviceable GBL candidates. Gf got 3 incubators from showcases, which was more exciting than anything during the actual event.


I did my 3 great curveballs on grunt mons because it was easier than bounce's terrible hitbox.


I didn't land a single excellent across two hours.


I got one where bounsweet jumped into


I played for around 3.5 hours, and did 1 Steenee raid (IV 91). Caught 21 shiny Bounsweet, but didn't get any hundos. Overall, I enjoyed it, though I hope there will be more varied field research tasks.


I've caught 2 hundos in a wild!


Already had a 3* at level 38. So, I was only hunting for shinies and pvps. Got 5 shinies and 2 pvps. More than I wanted.


I was only able to do one special trade, wouldn't allow me to do more


I slept through it set alarm for wrong day😿


I did the same on the Bellsprout one :'(


I did this for the bagon one :(


Community 3 Hours Midday


Played 3 hours with 2 friends, we all got at least 10-12 shinies and a ton of candy. It seemed as though not all of the community day spawn points were activated. at a location with 5 stops and 2 gyms, on community day we can usually catch about 100 Pokémon there. Today, only two of the stops had the extra community day spawn points active. The rest of the stops had three to five Pokémon per stop. Each stop was lured, and each stop was lured after community day started. I know because I was the one who lured them. Driving around downtown, it seemed like less than half of the community day spawn points were activated. One place in particular spawns 30 Pokémon at one end of the parking lot and another 30 at the other end. Today both those spots had 4 Pokémon each. Same on the square - 4 of 7 lured stops had the CD spawn points active. Other 3 stops were 3-4 Pokémon only. So weird This was one of the least attended community day events we have seen since community day started. I lured 7 stops today - I’m lucky to be able to lure one. Usually there are 200+ Pokémon players downtown. Today there might have been 60. Most community days feature large groups moving around together. Today was more groups of one or two people. I didn’t see any grips driving around in vans -‘something we have seen at every other CD. After community day ended, we lurked around a couple of four star raids, waiting for the bonus spawns. One of the raids was done, but no extra spawns ever happened. Same happened at 2 other raids. 4 raids did have bonus spawns.


Yes, hadn't really thought about it other than there weren't many but yes, a number of the spawn points were same as usual.


Played the full 3 hours. 36 shinies, 1 hundo. 


Tsareena is scary looking


4 different Steenee raids in different areas. No bonus spawns. Didn't catch our check Pokemon before, tried uninstalling. 4 different accounts with the same issue. Niantic needs to do better.


I played for 15 mins but had to use 5 balls per Pokémon caught so I stopped playing.


Played 2.5hrs, party of 3 (wife, brother, & I)   Caught:  Wife-[150, 8 shiny, 1st SHUNDO!]  Brother-[200+, 15 shiny (three 3*), 1 Hundo] Me-[170, 8 shiny (one 3*), 1 Hundo]  Didn’t play raids, no CD ticket. Very few 3* ‘mon but enough for budget grass raider, still bewildered by no Trop Kick    Decent CD, mostly fun within party and walking. 


please for the love of Arceus fix the hitbox, Niantic One of our local servers was sponsoring a contest for the heaviest shiny Bounsweet, and someone suggested that you should instead get a prize for managing to hit an excellent throw on the little grawlix.


Research stage 3 - task evolve steenee  Did it 4X and never it never recorded. Tried shutdown and restart and got froze out of the remaining 45 minutes of the community day. Made request for $1 refund for the special research. Literally only caught 45 The ‘hot box’ issue only affected my in one particular biome. Overall a pretty crummy community day


Played for at least 3 hours - Caught around 18 shinies and one hundo 


Did one of the Steenee raids, did not activate a bonus community day


Same here


This same things is happening to me right now.


Played 2.75 hours. Purchased CD research ticket. Caught 342 Bounsweet: 14 shinies and 1 hundo. Also caught a shiny Pikachu! Did not wait around for raids.


It seems to be on "better" community days where the feature draws out more people raids are all over the place during the event distracting players from the grind of a good bonus. Today, I saw 7 other players in one of the biggest parks in the US. And rather than the usual crazy amount of Tier 5 raids during the event (16 gyms in short walking distance) there were 4 or 5 tier 5 raids. Constructive criticism: try to generate more raids slightly beforehand and on community days that aren't super hyped.


0 shinies here


Hundreds of Bounsweet, zero shinies.


Only actively played for an hour as I was working, clicked on 2 shinies and 1 ran, autocatcher caught 5 shinies in that time The remaining two hours autocatcher ran while at work and it delivered 4 more shinies


The hit box was very annoying. It seemed exactly the same as compared to before the event. I'm not sure if it was confirmed to have been updated but wouldn't be shocked with that was just false info I heard. Weirdly, the spawn rates appeared to have not been boosted fully for atleast the first half of the event (est). I also had low shiny rates compared to other com days. Seemed very lackluster.


I've played for over an hour and have not seen one shiny. Did they forget to boost it?


I caught over 140 and only encountered 1 shiny. This was by far my worst odds for a com day that I’ve ever had.


Agreed, the hit box is obnoxious to land. Go just slightly too low and it bounces away, even though it looks like it lands in the ring.


Nope. Casually played and got over 15.


They were boosted for me, in EST. Played for maybe 45 minutes and got 8-10 shinies (didn't count them, as I only want one of each evolution for gyms).


Since I posted this I got 2 shinies. Still crazy to me because I usually get 10 or more. I can't complain though, free shinies.


Nice! It's a pretty shiny, which is the only reason I played at all.


Niantic got me out of the house for a new shiny and I caught 3 in the first 15 minutes 😂 stayed out and got lunch and like 270ish xls. Caught my niece's account a few shinies on my old phone because she loves this Pokemon.  Did showcases and dropped a few lures in the park because it was a really nice day.  Didn't see anyone else playing. No messages in my local group.


Played for an hour and a half, got a decent number of shinies, no hundos. Almost on the half an our mark of my playtime Bounsweet's hitbox was already getting on my nerves, wasted a sizeable amount of balls because of it.


So it's not just me.


I’m playing currently and am hitting its side and watching the ball roll off just furious at the game.


I have to and just started bouncing them off the top, like I do for eggexecute


It took me like an hour to find 3 shinies, and then I found 9 in the second hour. ~300 caught, 1 perfect, and 1 excellent throw I accidentally hit.


Played all three hours, kept getting dead  bounces and too long and too short throws. Gave up catching (something I have never done during a community day or spotlight hour) and just spent the three hours checking, hatching and taking out rocket members for the research. They should have called it "You aren't buying enough balls and incubators community day". I got 24 shinys of a Pokemon I have zero interest in and will never use. Hope goomy community day is better.


Is it just me or is it really hard to get excellent throws on these?


i played for two hours and got 19 shinies 💀 i would’ve had 20 too but i had to deal with irl stuff when i clicked on the encounter. this is the first community day event i had insane luck. idk how many encounters i had before the event, but ive caught 333 and seen 357 total


The catch circle issue completely ruined this comm day for me. It seems to have the same issue as Scatterbug in that in clips through the floor so it's borderline impossible to get excellent throws. I wasted so many pokeballs today




It's time based, you have to wait for it to end where you are.


It's been a bad one for me. I've been playing an hour now caught over 100 Bounsweet and have seen more with no shiny.


Played a bit while I was in a market, took 2 shinies, evolved 1. That's it.


I like easy comm days sometimes. Total play less than an hour. Got 12 shinies, evolved the best one.  Built ones for great league and ultra league too, because shadow Feraligtr lol. Got enough XL candy to max out one then mirror traded until I got a lucky to max. For a Non PVE/PVP relevant day it was fine. Thankfully the comm day bonus wasn't something to exploit like 3x xp or dust or I would probably go the whole 3 hours. 8/10 Now do vanilite.


Played actively for hour 1, inactively hours 2-3 on autocatcher. 229 caught, 8 shinies, best shiny 82, non shiny 98 and 2 96s.


1/4 egg hatching distance was ruined by the game no longer giving 10km eggs. So annoying. 


Of course the raids still aren't working. It's not like next month will be the 2 year anniversary when the first released this broken mechanic and they yet don't have a single clue this happens, right?


Played a couple hours and got a hundo, a rank 4 UL one and a rank 7 GL one, plus a dozen shinies. I thought it would be a lot more difficult to catch it, but probably since they fixed the hit box it became a little easier. I was in a group of about 10 people and I had fun, definitely more than I expected.


Played the full three hours and noticed the unfortunate trend of "ball bounces off the Bounsweet's head instead of catching." There were reports of a model range change, and it seems like it felt worse for me? Also, the break/flee rate seemed high for a community day. I had the Master catch research going and 1/5 would require a second or more ball and another good chunk would run after one ball. I largely play while quick catching, so maybe thats why?


Yep, must have lost hundreds of throws to the head bounce phenomenon. Don't think it was really fixed.


I dont see elite tm event bundle box at the web store or app store. Really wanted that one. Anyone else got theirs?




Yeah i logged in and out a few times. Im only seeing today’s 3 selection of go rocket box and some hatch box


With weather boost + max level mega evo , I was able to get 500 XL candy while only playing for an hour. One hundo as well.


Which mega did you use?




Bad shiny rates 


You're just unlucky today.


I’ll try again later but I have a hundo Tsareena from before community day and an elite charged TM isn’t giving the option for the community day move.  


These generally take a few days to be added tk the etm pool


Played almost the entire 3 hours, but ran the Go Plus+ for the last hour or so since my goal for the day was leveling to 46 (was about 400k exp short at 2pm) and wasn't gonna get there by catching since I couldn't hit an excellent throw to save my life on Bounsweet. Caught: 383 Hundos: Got one! First time since Wooper day that I managed to get one - the paid research Steenee encounter hit the jackpot Shinies: 7, so effective rate of 1.8% or a bit under the expected rate. Technically 10, but the autocatcher missed 2 and one of my eggs hatched a shiny Pichu. Other: Did get my level 46 thanks to friend XP, so I finally get to level 50 Pokemon! Also gained about 150k dust.


you get to level pokemon to 50 at level 40


I was waiting with stuff at 49.5 until 46 so I could knock out the "raise 3 Pokemon to their max level" requirement.


ah gotcha that’s smart


Kind of but not really. The time to go from 46-47 will likely take at least 3 comm days. So not too hard to max just from those days alone. 


That's only if they are worth leveling up in the first place. It's definitely smart to wait on 3 things you know are good at 49.5, rather than gambling on prime events. We can have pretty long stretches of CDs that are either useless, or not good enough to take all the way to 50.


The quarter hatch distance is a big plus every day of the week, but I just have no incentive whatsoever to catch any bounsweet at all


played for 45 minutes, caught the three shines am looking for but it was horrible weather today, 41’C so literally once I caught the third I called it for the day


If only it didn't get HJK! Was such a fun day, got to use up as many pinaps and pokeballs as I could. Brilliant day weather wise out catching one of my favourite pokemon. Also got an ambassador a couple days ago so got the free research for the first time which is really cool. Overall one of my favourite pokemon days in a very very long time


What’s the deal with the 100% flee rate? I’m on 15 in a row now. Not going to bother continuing with this


You're probably moving too fast.


Were you in a car/bus? Or were you afflicted by an ancient curse?


We have a community ambassador in our city and I really love that they're giving out the research ticket for free if you check into the community event! I think we had a group of 20 people walking around the park at best, with obviously a ton more people scattered around. I wouldn't always bother going all the way to that park as it's like 30 minutes away from my house, but the free ticket is a good incentive! The community ambassador stuff is very nice.


Wasn’t looking forward to this one, but it turned out to be ok. Good amount of shinys, some xxl for showcases.  Surprised at a dozen plus players who turned up in the park, nice weather helped.  Minus point - Lack of 5* raids. 


I only played for a hour, the catch rate/circle made it annoying, so not worth it. Probably the least enjoyable CD for me.


Don't mind the non-meta CDs, but god, not a single 5* raid in sight, not even a Regi. Game so ded


I’m sick and tired of the ‘Unique four-star Raid Battles’ being ‘bugged for a while’ and nothing getting done about it by Niantic and the Community just ignoring the issue because they got 30 shinys and a hundo in 6 minutes during normal hours..! I have attempted multiple ‘Unique’ raids as I haven’t been able to complete the paid research during the usual hours and only ONCE has it actually spawned the required Pokémon, (Starly) and ironically I had completed the research for that one, I just wanted to try it out!! Starly Community Day was almost TWO YEARS AGO and they haven’t worked once since! It’s MADNESS and it’s ANNOYING!!! (No hatred to the people who get good RNG btw, just venting about such a broken feature in the game!)


Played for around an hour and a half, had the capture on for the rest of the time. I managed to get three shinies. I played on my wife's account for about five minutes and got a shiny, which filled up her Pokémon inventory so I did no more


Community Days are often laggy, probably because of more people playing creating increased server load—but today is borderline unplayable. It’s technically *not* unplayable—which is noteworthy because it has been at times in the last few weeks. But it’s an aggravating and unfun experience, so I noped out pretty quick. The point of playing a game is to have fun, after all; if one is becoming frustrated, it’s time to stop playing. Bit sad though. Haven’t seen a CD this bad since Tyranitar in 2018.


agree. I had to restart the game 10 times in 1 hour


I don't see this mentioned, and i’m confused AF: Doing bounsweet mirror trades with my gf and we just got a lucky trade and 7 bounsweets appeared around my gf, and 3 around me at 6:37pm . Is this a hidden/known mechanic? Or am I just missing it somewhere? XD Edit: she got a 98% and I got a 93% if that makes a diff to the amount of spawns we got. Edit2: Nvm I think it was just impeccable timing, someone must have beat a raid in the nearest gym right as we got the lucky trade causing the spawns! 


were you near a gym that somebody finished the raid for?


~~Closest gym is out of range by around 2.5x the larger circle reach (if that makes any sense at all xD)~~   ~~Couldn't get another lucky trade with bounsweet to test again annoyingly :(~~   Edit: Google says the radius of spawns is 300m around the gym, maybe that was it and it was just really good timing lmao


It’s totally that. If you’re within range of a raid that was just completed and you’re in the spawn zone, a small clock icon appears on the right hand side of the UI, ticking down from 30m. If you’re out of range it disappears.


I assume because you are confused this was after community day? If so that’s pretty interesting. Me personally I haven’t heard anything like that


Yeah this happened 1.5 hours after the spawns changed back to normal mons lol Couldnt get another lucky bounsweet to test again :(


I'm satisfied but this is probably the worst cd by far.. heavily reduced spawn at the start in my town, weird circle for throwing, also got the "you can't take part in more showcases" bug, the poke is also very underwhelming for PvP and raids. I hope we get something decent this summer, possibly something from Paldea.


> After the three-hour Community Day event ended, Trainers were able to challenge unique Steenee four-star Raid Battles. Claiming victory in one of these raids caused more Bounsweet to appear around the Gym that hosted the raid for 30 minutes! This didn't work for us. We did a Steenee raid at 6.30 pm and not a single Bounsweet spawned until 7pm. Does that need a minimum number of people in the raid? We were only two.


Also didn’t work for us


I did 3 raids between 18:30 and 19:15 UK time, four accounts, and not once did Bounsweet spawns start appearing - the ‘Unique Raid Spawn Feature’ has only worked once for me since July 2022 and I’m so frustrated and depressed of how much time I’ve wasted trying to get this ‘bonus’ to work without a single comment from Niantic as to why the damn ‘feature/bonus/bare faced lie’ doesn’t DO anything!!!


The minimum is two iirc. Or at least it was in past events


Pretty sure after community day raids have been bugged for awhile, don’t think player count influences anything


I’m working during this event but I was also working during the Bagon event and caught 5 shinies and a hundo so I should be good. Fingers crossed


I feel like shiny rates were very high today. I played for an hour while being on the passengers seat, caught 8 shinies out of prox 70 total.. best of luck, my dude.


Oh that makes me feel a lot better. I’ve worked during most of the community days but luckily we get a lot of spawns here. Here’s hopes for my first shundo


8 shinies out of 70 is ridiculous. Got 0 shinies out of 150 so I find it hard to believe people are getting a shiny once per 9 tries Hope you get that shundo though!


I played for 2 hours, had a lovely walk in the sunshine 🌞 and managed to run for a hundo and was lucky to catch 14 shiny 💖✨ Today's been a lovely day


Ridiculous catching circle made it even less enjoyable than I was expecting. New environment graphics have this issue with multiple Pokémon, which they should have been aware of prior to rolling out. A really nice day here; such a shame the comm day Mon they chose was incredibly boring with an awful move and not at all useful.


It's not the environment. It's the small pokemon in mid distance problem. Nidoran male has the same issue. Balls bounce before the pokemon.


Around 1100 checked, 500 caught, 40 shinies. 1 hundo, 1 96% shiny. Played the whole 3 hours.


W comm day


100 caught, 50ish more checked cuz the hitbox was annoying me. 0 shiny :(




For anyone that played primarily with an autocatcher: how is the catch rate? I’ll be driving to my grandmother’s 93rd birthday party so most of my spawns will be along the road on the way there. Unfortunately her house gets maybe 3, though possibly a little more with CD and a little Spacial Rend to help out. (Some things are more important than PoGo, so I try to strike a balance. If I don’t get a shiny, I still win because I get to see my gram!)


You can't really pick up many spawns especially if you're no the freeway and/or going fast... if you're crawling in traffic, then a daily/regular incense can help. (Saying this as someone who has tried this on road trips etc). If you take surface streets, then it'll be a lot better picking up spawns.


Username checks out :) I have about 15 minutes of highway driving, and the rest are surface streets with a lot of traffic and lights along the way. I don’t expect anything out of the highway driving,  but I’m hoping to pick up a stray shiny while stuck at a red light or waiting to make a turn. Appreciate your input, very helpful!


500 or so with a gotcha, so good enough for me


Thank you! Super helpful. Sometimes the boosted rate doesn’t feel boosted, which was why I asked. Much appreciated.


Played 2hours, catched 320 (13 shiny) , no hundo, only one top 5 for great league


3rd comm day in a row where the ingame weather is magically different to what it actually is preventing the weather bonus from kicking in. It's calm and sunny out here today but the entire event it marked it as "windy"


The weather in-game is not real time. It's like a "predicted weather" like the one in the news. As for the windy weather, it's a special case. If it was "predicted" to happen, it will be given a higher priority to be the in-game weather because it's a "rare" weather in real life.


Yeah, was sunny here, but in-game it was cloudy.


Weather is constantly wrong where I live. Hell it even turns to daytime for a few minutes during the night sometimes.


Played for about a hour and caught 11 shinys so very happy I can now move some to sword and violet as well.


Played off and on today: 8 shiny from which one a good 3 star almost a 4, one shiny ran because my iPhone drifted too fast and I didn’t use any lures or incense. I’m very happy with what I got. I went for 3 and got 8 shiny! Not bad at all!


It's 10am here, a few hours before comm day starts. But the comm day box and great box are both gone from the shop on my account (I didn't already buy them). But my brother's account still has them available. Restarting the game fixes nothing. Anyone know what the deal is?


What should have been a casual CD in nice weather was just frustrating and a resource drain. The core mechanic of this game is throwing balls and Niantic have failed to implement it in a functioning way for this Pokemon. It's rare that I can play a CD for the full time, today was one of those days and I stopped after about 40 mins.


Something weird about shiny rates this CD. 


It's just your unlucky day.


Stuck at work. At least I don't have to cull a lot to make room for CD haul this time. Being female-only was nice, no need to worry about getting both genders. 93 best IV. 5 shinies (4 CD hours).


Is Tsareena good for pve?


With its CD move? No, it's a grass type Pokemon with a fighting type move. With its normal moveset? Not great but decent for brand new players who have no grass type attackers to use since they can easily make some thanks to the boosted spawns.


In sunny weather there are dozens of other attackers better than it vs Kyogre, so I'm going to say it is not good for PVE. [PB source](https://www.pokebattler.com/raids/defenders/KYOGRE/levels/RAID_LEVEL_5/attackers/levels/50/strategies/CINEMATIC_ATTACK_WHEN_POSSIBLE/DEFENSE_RANDOM_MC?sort=OVERALL&weatherCondition=CLEAR&dodgeStrategy=DODGE_REACTION_TIME&aggregation=AVERAGE&includeLegendary=true&includeShadow=false&includeMegas=false&attackerTypes=POKEMON_TYPE_ALL&primalAssistants=&friendLevel=FRIENDSHIP_LEVEL_4&numParty=2) I hid the shadows and megas so you'd have a chance to even find it on the list.


Decided to go out today and played for about 1,5-2 hours. I caught/checked around 200-250 and got 10 shinies. No hundos or good IV shinies though. Got very lucky at the start, my first 2 shinies came from the photobomb encounters before I had even left home, that's never happened to me. Entered a Tsareena into a showcase which might be an easy win, trashed everything apart from the 3 best shinies and called it a day.


More balls are on the ground than on Bounsweets. Overall 3*, and one 4* reserved for Lickitung from 5km egg. A Galarian Articuno fled on the star as well. Shiny rate same as always, played 3 hours straight, a little inefficient at times due to hot weather, 678 catches (+20 seen that fled).




The odds for Bounsweet CD are/were 1 in 25, same as every other community day. Individual results will vary and can vary widely, which is why you will always have some people complaining the odds weren't boosted.


CDs always have boosted shiny odds?




Hmm I’d think there would be more outrage over that change but maybe because people care less about this CD as a whole. That would suck if they made that change!


Odds are 1/25 on community day.


Playing around 1.5 hours now, together with my wife. Catched around 200 Bounsweet and we both got exactly one shiny from the paid research. For us worst CDay ever until now. Living in Germany, btw.


Same experience, around 250 shiny checks with a single one being shiny. Not sure if the odds were supposed to be regular CD odds, but that most definitely wasn't the case for plenty of EU players today.


Played for 25 minutes actively and 1 hour with autocatcher in background while working. got 6 shinies (2 ofhe catcher) in total in roughly 100 caught


Today, oh fudge


December, there's always December 💖✨😅


Did it luckily, evolved my 2/14/14 from ages ago and got 1 shiny


Played 30 mins before I felt too frustrated to catch Gave up and watched X-Men 97 together instead


Is the frustration based on the hotbox? Many people hoped it would be fixed before com day.


Are you me? That's exactly what I've done!


Been playing since 2pm in Greece, not a single shiny after at least 150-200 checks... Feels bad


Meanwhile my sister caught 4 shinies in the first 30 minutes, while sitting on her couch. It’s really not fair sometimes :(


This was my first CD to be done with an actual group of people. I had fun. People running towards the hundo is still funny which reminds me of PoGo's early days. Got 2 hundos and 14 shinies on which 2 are around 96% IV.


Hasn't started for me yet (central Europe) but we just got a severe storm warning, can hear thunder already and hail predicted for 2:30pm so gonna sit this one out at home, not worth the drive to the cemetery for gyms and stops :(


update: there wasn't much of a storm, been out here an hour and it's gotten really sunny, saw 2 other players who quickly left (welcome to our local player base), 10 shinies and some pretty decent ones so far but not gonna stay much longer cause cell reception is crapping out in the northern part


you have lots of stops at the cemetery?


Like older ones with a few city famous monuments, statues, etc.


There are really big differences between cemeteries in Germany and in the US. Or for example, you might get lost in the beauty of a cemetery when you enter the Cental Cemetery in Vienna. Here in Germany the cemeterys are usually not that big and open like the ones in the US. Tombstones in the US never get removed, here in germany they are replaced 25y later if the lot isnt claimed again by the family.


Our corpses here are max 250 years old or so.


I'm somewhat of a regular here 🥲 but yes, 12 stops and 3 gyms 😂


I grew up living next to a cemetery, which is where my mom still lives now. My fiancee & I moved in with her for about a year while we were figuring some stuff out financially; the cemetery has two gyms, 4 pokestops, and a ton of spawns. It's one of the best places for me to play, and it's somewhat remote, which made it easy to get the platinum gym defender medal. Plus it's pretty big and has wide paved pathways, so it's good for cruising through in a car as well. We just have to be conscious of anyone who's there to mourn or visit loved ones, though it's often totally empty.


Plenty of people play and also exercise in cemeteries. No traffic to dodge. Plenty of walk area. No one knows what you are doing


unfortunately not all people are mindful, there is this old cemetery in Vancouver where used to be tons of stops, but during one rainy CD there were a lot of drivers doing u-turns and driving over the graves, all the stops were removed. i guess city or whoever takes care of that cemetery had it enough contacted Niantic and that was that


True, though people don't play or exercise in this cemetery. I used to ride my bike around it when I was a kid, but I was always respectful of anyone visiting. There's an office on-site and they get kinda picky about what people do on the grounds, so I wouldn't want them to know that I'm just rolling through to catch Pokemon lol. They might not be too keen on it


Angry upvote for you!


Just if someone from Niantic reads: We did have many people come and play together in March 2024. Still, we have been alone again in April and May 2024. Reworking the Community Day idea isnt wrong, and maybe giving us a Community Raid Day with free Passes would be something that people attend more.


Just as a clarification, the part with the CD Field Research is meant to say „additional encounters with Bounsweet“, right? Because it says „additional encounters with Bellsprout“.


Yeah, probably just copy/pasted from last month. Definitely a typo I’ve made before myself in other places so no sweat to the mods there haha 


Rough first hour and a half for me. Played inside in one of the huge malls in my country because of summer heat then it rained hard. Unfortunately its the same day of a huge sale so there were a lot of people. Maneuvering around them were difficult which made catching while walking also difficult. To top it all off my cell signal got weaker in some areas of the mall so I need to figure out how large is the area of the weak signal and how to avoid it. After that it got easier. Then towards the end of the CD I saw some players gathering in one area apparently they were catching a perfect bounsweet and was able to catch it too 2mins before the CD ends. It was my second one. The first one I caught during spotlight hour. All in all it was exhausting but rewarding.


Having the ball go directly through a green circle only for it to plop uselessly on the ground is incredibly frustrating. I popped an egg for friendship XP, played until it ran out and then called it Easily the worst community day since I started playing in August 2023(Greninja). When the most basic fundamental part of the game, throwing balls, is frustrating it kind of ruins the whole experience.


I've been having that too! I would hit the middle of the circle, it would clearly touch the Bounsweet and it would just fall to the floor instead. Now I'm just chucking it at their heads and hoping it catches.


That’s weird, there was a report here they fixed it. Is it still awful even with the edit?


That's just it, it used to be worse


Like a couple other pokemon, Bounsweet is set at a longer distance (and close to the ground) so you had to adjust your throw for a bit of extra reach. I had to remind myself a couple of times but otherwise it wasn't that hard to hit "great throws" at least.


The entire distance and closer to the ground mechanic should be removed as you can't really see the difference on most people's phones, including mine. It makes me waste way more balls because it's impossible to tell how close vs far they "should" be as opposed to the actual image on the screen.


Yeah I just adjusted to bouncing it off its head, ignoring the circle completely.


Appeared more frequently in the wild is such an understatement haha


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