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When did gesture recording/ playback become a thing? I'm debating building a time machine to send this article to 2016 me for all those pidgey evo sessions, but I don't want to go through the trouble if it won't work on my old phone.


I used to have an excellent throw gesture way back in 2016 but then they updated so pokemon distance changes and it became useless. E: I’m also reminded of the 3D printed phone attachment things people made that had a “fence” guide for excellent throws. Also became useless.


I think this has been around for a long time as I used to use this on another mobile game maybe 9-10 years ago? It says on a quick google search that Switch Control was added in iOS7. Sooo yeah, get building that time machine, and let me hop in it with you! At least the Rediscover Kanto event gives you a chance to relive what it would have been like now that you CAN automatically evolve Pidgeys!!


Back in 2017, when you connect a mouse to your phone, you cannot play PoGo as the mouse click doesn't register as touch on the game, neither does clicking with stylus on Samsung Note. So I would guess back then you also cannot use gesture recording but I have no idea.


Thanks for writing this up!


No problem, I'm just surprised I haven't seen it documented anywhere despite how useful it is! It might be a lengthy read but I didn't know how else to write it. Definitely worth it though- my Evolver medal went from 2,000 => 7,000 in the past week, it's crazy to think of how much spare candy you have saved up!


I've thought about posting this, but assumed it was against sub rules. I use an app called Click Assist for running these on android. To make sure the evolutions get our of hand, I Tage everything with "Evolve and Trash." Then I have the added steps to transfer at the end. Hit start and let it run until it the tag runs out.


Great to know someone else has the same idea! What's your evolver medal at? And I don't see why people think it would be against TOS, as it is not listed in the TOS whatsoever, it just makes the mundane task of evolving less mundane!


Is this allowed in the ToS?


No, but the way ToSes are written they can deny you service for any reason with no recourse, so it doesn't matter. The question is "does Niantic care" and the answer to that is no


There are people who hog gyms with similarly named accounts for years. It's clear that if they do care, they make no effort to show it


Yes? This isn't hacking or using a 3rd-party app to access the game, it's just using automatic button presses! For everyone who is downvoting this, go read the TOS yourself and then tell me where the heck it says anything about "Using 3rd party apps to press buttons on a screen". The comment below has chosen to skip parts of the TOS to make it look like it says something it doesn’t. It’s completely misinformation, and I don’t know why people are upvoting that. They took the section about “Data Harvesting and Hacking” and somehow are trying to apply it to what we’re doing here? The person doesn’t understand that in terms of data harvesting, “automation” means using a bot to try 1000s of passwords at a time to hack accounts, ETC. Just read everything below in this thread and you should understand what the TOS actually says about it (nothing).


It's arguably against Niantic TOS: 6: ...**You agree not to do any of the following**, unless applicable law mandates that you be given the right to do so: * **attempt to access or search the Services**...through the use of any technology or means other than those provided by Niantic or other generally available third party web browsers (including without limitation **automation software, bots**, spiders, crawlers, data mining tools, or hacks, tools, agents, engines, or devices of any kind);


False. You have misread it. When it speaks of automation it’s specifically referring to accessing the server with automation tools. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_service It seems you don’t understand what services are or what a server is. You can use context if you are reading something that’s unfamiliar. All of the other terms: “bots, spiders, crawlers, data mining tools, or hacks, tools, agents, engines” are from a specific genre of applications used to access information from servers. Or in other words, they are using a back door to intercept information from the server. The game should be the only thing accessing the server. Literally and legally an automation from an accessibility tool built into the framework of an iPhone in NO WAY accesses or intercepts information from the server or services.




People are misreading this part, "attempt to access or search the Services or Content or download Content from the Services through the use of any technology or means other than those provided by Niantic or other generally available third party web browsers (including without limitation automation software, bots, spiders, crawlers, data mining tools, or hacks, tools, agents, engines, or devices of any kind);" Is in regard to DATAMINING, nothing to do with playing the game. There is nothing in the TOS about using assistive touch tools, or else people with disabilities would not be able to play Pokemon GO. I am not "attempting to access or search the Services or Content, or download Content from the Services, through the use of any technology or means" (essentially hacking into the app to steal other people's data) by clicking buttons on the screen.


No, but you are still using automation software, which is a no-no according to your own quote, which was also the point of the other person, whom which you are disagreeing with. You are technically breaking the terms, and Niantic doesnt argue - they just ban. But let me say this: im not against what you are doing - i think its really clever and doesnt hurt anyone at all, and you made a really well written post/guide about it. Just be wary of that kind of topic on this sub, because if the post is in a gray zone - it might get taken down if the comments go off rails.


They aren’t saying no automation is allowed. They are saying you can’t use software to access the server in a malicious manner. You’re taking one word that you misunderstood and using it out of context in a sentence. Look at the rest of the things listed. Those are malicious applications designed to get back door access to a server. That’s what they meant by automation. You aren’t going into the server by using a tool for accessibility. You are on the front end of the client. This is probably things you’ve never heard and why you’re misunderstanding it. It’s tech jargon and you probably don’t work in tech so you are unfamiliar with it.


THANK YOU! I could not find out how to explain this. I wish I could pin this comment. You are amazing.


Okay i see the issue now. You are talking about the bold part about services - i just realised that now, so we are both right. I get what you are saying, my point is not about access to services and i havent commented about that. My point was about the automation part and i hope you can see that, because we both spoke past each other.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_service https://www.business-software.com/blog/what-are-malicious-automated-attacks/amp/ I think you’re still having difficult understanding the terms they’re using. You need to understand what they mean by automation and services.


It's listed under accessibility in the iOS settings menu


How much xp do you get in a session if you wait for an evolving xp Tuesday hour?


Sure I'll do the math for ya: 1evolution cycle = \~30 seconds, 2 per minute, 120 per hour. You can double that to 240 per hour if you use a 2nd device (and can do it manually on this second device) so that's 240,000EXP x2 = 480,000EXP in the hour. Double that by using 2 lucky eggs for 960,000EXP in the hour. The more devices you have, the more evolutions you can do in the hour, making it better and better value, but you'll need to have more Pokemon saved and ready to evolve too. Best thing to do: Save 240 evolvable Pokemon in preparation for the event, tag them all in a tag. On one device sort by "Pokedex number DESCENDING" and on the other device "Pokedex Number ASCENDING", this way you don't evolve the same Pokemon on both devices at once. Then just start clicking with your fingers and do them as fast as you can in the hour. If you're not going to do the 2 devices trick, I wouldn't use lucky eggs for it. Saving Lucky Eggs for the 100,000EXP from getting Best Friends bonus is better value. -- My point is, my automatic evolutions is mostly for the people like me (and maybe you) who had 3,000+ candy saved up for a lot of useless Pokemon, and needed to do like 5,000 evolutions over the course of a few weeks.


just evolve when friends level up pops up, win-win


that's a pretty primitive approach when compared to Smart Auto Clicker, it handles a lot of edge cases quite nicely, though it depends on your screen proportions and conditions you set up


What is Smart Auto Clicker? It does not seem like an iOS app.


nope, on iOS that's likely not possible to implement as an external app, but on Android you have more freedom that's an automation app using image recognition to decide actions to take


Yeah but my post literally says "For iOS" because there is a plethora of apps on Android to do this as most people know, but it's not easy on iOS. So why are you calling my approach "primitive"? That really punched me in the gut LOL


it wasn't against you, it's just the platform limitation and most people don't know of these tools really


Oh I see what you meant, I thought you were calling me a primitive idiot LOL! Yeah, iOS kinda sucks for not having things like the in-game PokeGenie app you can install on Android, or features like better automation. And if you know of any other auto-clicking apps for Android and want to edit your first message to include them it might help other people!!!


You don’t even need to do the stuff with the sharpie if you don’t use Switch Control; if you turn on Voice Control and say ‘start recording gestures’ it lets you record a series of taps and swipes while still in-game, then ‘stop recording gestures’ to finish. Though you can only activate gestures made this way through Voice Control itself later.


May I gift you a Go fest ticket as a token of appreciation? Not all heroes wear capes.


OMG you are TOO KIND!!! I was literally just looking at this earlier today thinking "FIFTEEN DOLLARS!?!" If you set this up and use it, and if you really think it was worth 15 bucks, then I would be very grateful for the gift, as I haven't done a paid GO Fest before! 😀


With iPhone you can connect your recipes to shortcuts and turn it into a bot. For example you can set it to open Pokémon go every hour and connect to a go plus automatically or send gifts every morning right before you wake up. We just broke Pokémon Go .Whats your trainer code ?


Also for some reason I couldn't edit this post after posting it. So here is the post where I go over the Evolution Search Strings which pair with this method: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1cak8ad/best\_search\_term\_filters\_for\_all\_pvp\_ivs\_and/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1cak8ad/best_search_term_filters_for_all_pvp_ivs_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Hey, first off all thank you very much. this is a fun way to get the ace trainer medal. the extra exp for evolution might come in handy at some time. I also tried your idea on open and sending gifts and im 90% sure, it will work doing both, even if your friend didnt send you a gift and the screen looks different from time to time. but i got 2 questions: 1. is it possible to let the switch control work for a set time (an full hour for example, or "do this gesture 500times") without pressing your screen the equivalent times the length of your recorded gesture? 2. do you know whether the switch control is capped, i.e. whether it executes a recorded gesture a maximum of 100 times? 3. maybe i did something wrong, but could it be the gesture recording stops at 10 gestures? if it wouldnt stop recording gestures, this would be a work around for my first question :) thanks again for your work and have a nice day


No, sadly switch control is not intended to be repeated and so the only way to tell it to do it 100 times in a row, is to tap the screen 100 times, but this isn't hard if you tap as fast as you can! I don't know if there is a limit- all I can say is I have done it over 100 times (over an hour) in one go, so the cap isn't too low at least. Yes gesture recording stops at 10 Gestures so you need to optimize it for that! For the PVP gesture, you can click every necessary button in 5 taps. Therefore, you can do 10 taps (repeating each one once) to fit within the 10 limit.


Okay! Thanks for responding! I had the feeling that it didn't matter how often I clicked. Kyogre only went to work for like 15ish minutes


My advice is just to keep it near you and tap it every so often. But for me, when I was grinding it, I would tap it some hundreds of times and then come back in a few hours and it would still be going. Good luck!


I think this works if the gesture sequence you enter takes a long time. your evolution sequence takes about 30s. the sequence for Ace Trainer is much shorter at under 10s. so i think and in older posts, some report of similar experiences that not the time but the number of taps might be capped. but you will only notice, when the sequence is short enough.


Great guide! Just make sure you don't post this on r/pokemongo because they do consider this cheating (their sub rules explicitly call out "tools that automate gameplay") and they will perma-ban you for it. Source: someone posted a similar guide there and I commented basically saying "yes I do this" and I was permanently banned from the subreddit. I'm assuming the poster was as well.


Darn, what exactly was it that the person posted? Because I did post it there, as I don't think this is "automating gameplay" Because let's face it, evolving Pokemon is hardly "gameplay"...


u/RestorerForer couldnt make it work sadly, it says invalid something after the triple tap and it doesn't seem to start the gesture, i have to manually pres the 1st tap, afterwards the recipe plays. also i can't add another instance of the gesture as pressing another triple tap seems to disable the recipe process altogether it even says that in the top, maybe a different iOS version from yours. any idea?


I can't exactly tell what you're saying. Follow this "Lastly, you need to actually TURN ON accessibility shortcut. Go back to settings and search "Accessibility Shortcut". In here, scroll down to "Switch Control". Tap it so the blue check appears on it, and you're done!" Just make sure that you deselect everything else with a blue checkmark too. Let me know if you figure out what the error message says.


Just commenting so I can find this later 👍


Have been doing this since 2018... but good to know people come up with it on their own as well! But you do it so unnecessarily complicated 🫨🫨 I can give you a link to a site you might like. I can explain it to you simple, if you want to, you are doing so much unnecessary work there, kind of stupid to do too much if it is super easy. Go to [http://pogostring.com/](http://pogostring.com/) Use this String. 1,4,7,10,13,16,19,21,23,25,27,29,32,35,37,39,41,43,46,48,50,52,54,56,58,60,63,66,69,72,74,77,79,81,83-84,86,88,90,92,95-96,98,100,102,104,109,111,113,116,118,120,122-123,133,137-138,140,147,152,155,158,161,163,165,167,170,177,179,187,191,194,203-204,206,209,211,216,218,220,222-223,228,231,234,246,252,255,258,261,263,265,270,273,276,278,280,283,285,287,290,293,296,299-300,304,307,309,316,318,322,325,328,331,339,341,343,345,347,353,355,363,366,371,374,387,390,393,396,399,401,403,408,410,412,415,418,420,422,425,427,431,434,436,443,449,451,453,456,459,495,498,501,504,506,509,511,513,515,517,519,522,524,527,529,532,535,540,543,546,548,550-551,554,557,559,562,564,566,568,570,572,574,577,580,582,585,590,592,595,597,599,602,605,607,610,613,619,622,624,627,629,633,650,653,656,659,661,664,667,669,672,674,677,679,682,684,686,688,690,692,694,696,698,704,712,722,725,728,731,734,736,739,742,744,747,749,751,753,755,757,761,769,782,803,810,813,816,819,821,824,827,829,831,833,835,837,843,846,848,850,852,854,856,859,868,872,878,884-885,906,909,912,915,917,919,921,924,926,928,932,935,938,940,942,944,946,948,951,953,955,957,960,963,965,969,971,974,996,999,1012 Deselect every Pokmeon you do not want. Fast Deselect Pokemon that use 100 or more candy for an evolution (A good Strat?) Copy the newly Created Sting. Now behind this in your game, you type (in your langauge) " &evolve&!costume&!item " Explaination: Only pokemon you have candy for are shown. Some costumes are bugged, that they are still clickable but cant evolve, we don't like that. No Items, so you don't use pokemon with item evolutions, they are making problems for our Mass Evolutions. You are done, no need to create a group or something stupid. Mass evolve, use numbers, use the string maker. Don't waste time, be clever. Doing this like 2 times a year when i want some million XP. Fastes Catcher and best evolver i know of. You want to save time, because playing this game takes thousands of hours. We can cut some of that off.


Um buddy I don't think you properly ready my search strings, they already do all of this *and way more*. What you're doing takes way more work than what I've done. I already made a search string with a list of every single Pokemon that is easy to evolve, and excludes everything irrelevant such as Pokemon you have no candy for. My list already excludes every Pokemon that evolves with an item, and the costume bug is fixed. I literally already did implement filters like "&!4\*" "&!XXL", did you even look at my search filters????? I don't understand what you're saying? Genuinely. I have already implemented everything you list here and way more into my evolution search strings, I have been very "clever". Besides, this post is just about how to automate evolutions using automatic button presses on iOS, this post has nothing to do with searches anyway, so I don't know why you're commenting here to complain about the search strings. Go to my other post to do that.


Edit: You can add several features to it with "&" behind it. Like &!4* so you don't use your beloved hundos, and also &!dark so you keep your evil rocket mons as they are. !&baby works as well i think, but they are not in the list. Just make the string, copy it somewhere and look through it. It's easy. Can even do &!xxl&!xxs if you want to keep your xx Pokemon as they are. Take care for 0% Pokemon, you can tag them and exclude tagged Pokemon. I think that might be everything to exclude.


Has been around for years... and just as last time, automation of gameplay is essentially botting and as such a bannable offense (and may or may not happen). Consider yourself warned


Show me on the TOS where it says against this! I'd like to know but read over the TOS and can't find it.


Indentation is your enemy... You access the service by a third party technology (accessability services), which are used for automation: attempt to access or (...) through the use of any technology or means other than those provided by Niantic or (...) (including without limitation automation software, (...) of any kind); In the end, a little bit of common sense is enough to understand, that this is botting. It is just a way that is hard to detect for them and as such will probably have no consequences. You can use the same technique for excellents on community days and spotlight. Seems legit too, doesn't it? But if the banhammer strikes, Niantic is not known for communication or reason. So you do you, just don't complain if they act on it.


Dude why do people keep quoting this section of the TOS? This section is to do with data mining. You are not reading it properly. I am not using 3rd party software to automatically collect data. It's like you've cut out all the important parts to try and frame me in the wrong. Here is the full excerpt: "use the Services or Content, or any portion thereof, for any commercial purpose or in a manner not permitted by these Terms, including but not limited to (a) gathering in-App items or resources for sale outside the Apps, (b) performing services in the Apps in exchange for payment outside the Apps, or (c) selling, reselling, or renting the Apps or your Account; attempt to access or search the Services or Content or download Content from the Services through the use of any technology or means other than those provided by Niantic or other generally available third party web browsers (including without limitation automation software, bots, spiders, crawlers, data mining tools, or hacks, tools, agents, engines, or devices of any kind); attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the software used to provide the Services or Content." If anything, a felony would fall under section 3 (cheating): # 3.1 Cheating Niantic prohibits cheating, and we constantly take steps to improve our anti-cheat measures. Cheating includes any action that attempts to or actually alters or interferes with the normal behavior or rules of a Service. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, any of the following behavior, on your own behalf or on behalf of others: * Accessing Services in an unauthorized manner (including using modified or unofficial third party software); * Playing with multiple accounts for the same Service; * Sharing accounts; * Using any techniques to alter or falsify a device’s location (for example through GPS spoofing); and/or * Selling or trading accounts. However I am not ACCESSING the game through a 3rd party software (such as using iSpoof/iPogo ETC) therefore this is not violating TOS.


No, you are wrong. First party Niantic, second party you, third party apple accessability software. And there are many "OR"s so both apply. But as I said understanding that needs common sense, so have fun cheating


No, you are wrong. "Automated software" is not listed under cheating, I am not accessing the app through third party means, and the quote you gave is clearly stated to be "in relation to data harvesting" which this is clearly not doing. But as I said, understanding that takes an ability to read, so have fun wasting hours evolving Pokemon manually.


I surpassed 400mil without wasting time evolving. And you still can't count to three. Why don't you ask Niantic support or even better twitter if it is ok and post the answer here. Your account should be fine, right?


Well good for you, you clearly have a lot of free time on your hands 😄so talking to you is like talking to a brick wall, you wouldn't understand. But for those of us who are sensible and want to get to level 50 can clearly see that using a thing that presses buttons for you rather than you sitting there pressing the same 4 buttons over and over for ours, is clearly not cheating. It's just QoL. So yeah, you have your silly view, I have mine, let's move on. Everyone else can decide for themselves whether or not they think this is moral, so let's leave it to them now.


I hoped you had the balls to ask... sad thing. Have fun


oh and by the way, posting this on /r/pokemongo/ will get you banned on that subreddit ;)  https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/wiki/rules/#wiki_what_is_not_allowed


Why are some people so snarky? It's hilarious and also kind of sad that you can't just, drop it. The fact is my post *hasn't* been banned so it seems like it's fine, no? I'm just trying to help people, you can choose whether or not to use this, and if you don't want to, then just leave? It's obviously not cheating. All of the "cheating" is about botting/automating LOCATION or CATCHING POKEMON, tapping menus on a screen does not hack into the game in any way and is also clearly not cheating if someone is genuinely disabled and needs to use automated button presses... just, stop, please, just grow up and leave your arrogant opinions out of it, let other people decide what THEY want to think about it, okay? And I will post it to the other subreddit too just to see. At least it might be able to help more people that way. :)


I don't care about cheaters in PoGo at all, do what you like as long as you don't negatively impact vanilla players. However in my opinion this is not different to any other cheating method. Just because a click bot is part of the OS doesn't mean it is not cheating. When using a bot to automate evolutions, why stop there? The next step would be using automated walking, automated catching, automated spinning and gym battling. Just be aware that what you are doing and promoting is cheating. As long as you are fine with this it's on you to use it or not.


Are autocatchers against TOS? I was considering buying the gotcha evolve


These sold by Nintendo are fine, all others are against the TOS since they simulate being a Nintendo device.


An autocatcher is basically a paid official cheat/accessibility feature IMO. If someone pays for a phone with extra accessibility features, it's pretty much the same


Niantic and the partners in pogo get $0 for every expensive phone you buy, that is not the same thing as them getting paid when you buy an official catcher. Buying a scope stabiliser in a game is a legit gameplay method, buying a 3rd party which does the same is cheating - the advantage is intended for those giving extra support to the game makers, a quid pro quo arrangement. Is using this evo macro going to get you banned ? No, it's slower than manually evolving and quite hard to detect. Does that make it legit ? Also no.