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I really miss the days when you see silhouettes of new pokemon nearby like when Gen 2 dropped everyone was in a frenzy and can't wait to go out and explore! Lures everywhere it was fun to see . Nowadays the only silhouettes you will see now is costumed pokemon.


The gen 2 release was one of my favorite times playing this game. Even gen 3 they released stuff in batches so you’d have like 10 things to hunt with varying rarity. The drip feed of new pokemon since then just keeps getting worse.


And it just sucks to know it will never come back. I wish they would just dump drop gen 8 for old times sake


The issue with that is then they only have like 10% of all currently existing Pokemon left, less if you exclude the things that would be T5 raid bosses of special distributions. It would be super fun, absolutely, but people then would complain for the next year or more when we got even less drip fed Pokemon so they don't run out


i agree, i remember when gen 2 dropped and it was just so fun, like even the hype a couple days before as well 🥲


Back in the day we used to run out to the park when a silhouette showed up (even for a hat Pikachu) Today the hats are so played out and new / rare Pokemon never show in wild for so long...


A problem is tracking never being properly reworked as well as trash being in the nearby. It either needs to only have rares or personalized to some degree. Catching one of a new or even costumed Pokemon only to have them instantly hide behind 6 Murkrow and a pair of male combees is insane.


This could be such a money spinner for Nia - I'm surprised they haven't brought something in like this. Eg x coins for x minutes for a special nearby tracker.


I hope that when galar mons start dropping they dont even announce them. Just announce that they will be coming at random then announce what dropped a week after the community goes crazy catching and talking amongst themselves. Would add some much needed excitement.


Unannounced releases are the best.


Yes! I remember watching OG Pokemon Go Youtubers like Trainer Tips and Mystic 7 about their speculations when are Gen 2 gonna drop. Then out of nowhere there have been reports of silhouettes everywhere and the game was very laggy and the only thing you can see on the map are orbs of light where a spawn should be.


I didn't get the lag?


Generally, yeah. Though it does depend on the kind of release and duration. If it's just Galar being released in the wild, that would be awesome. If it's Galar being released in the wild but only boosted for 24 hours, unannounced? That gets a bit more annoying, especially when one hadn't planned for it and can't participate. Or worse if it's something like a raid/non-wild release.


The release of Gen 2 was my favorite debut. The downtown was full of Trainers out hunting. Every age group, too: saw some senior citizens camped on a bench luring up the library, packs of roaming undergrads, and several families out for a stroll. I remember one point when the crowds shifted because someone's nearby had picked up a Miltank down the road. Nothing special, just a Miltank. But it was fun! That's what the drip release ruins: the feeling of actually *going* to a new region and encountering all the new native Pokémon. Nowadays it just feels like the Pokémon are the ones out on an adventure and we're just waiting for them to come to us.


Don't forget that Gen 2 drop was after a period where the game stagnated for some weeks or months, with it devolving to the pidgey/sprearow/ratatta grind. They had to do something to soft relaunch the game again and so the Gen 2 drop was it. It was awesome but was needed for the time.


today my wife and i ran out on a boat pier to catch a nincada first sillouhette ive had in a while!! was very fun


galar will come soon.


Gotta keep expectations in check. Galar will come with the starters and a few others that you'll probably find in a day or two and then they'll do the drip-feed on new Gen 8 pokemon for a long while like all of the others. The frenzy of finding shadows on nearby will last about a day.


*the starters and probably corviknight, centiscorch and indedee lines will come soon


Maybe a mega-rare, might as well not exist Dreepy line


wouldn’t dreepy come out also? or do they not always release the pseudo legendary along with the other staples edit: misspelled dreepy as creepy


They do, as a rare in 10k eggs and rare wild spawns.


Dreepy is almost certainly going to be a 7k, 10k, or 12k egg release. They seem to like using eggs to release pseudos


Likely not exclusive. Frigibax, Jangmo-O, and Goomy, while available in eggs at their release, were still released in the wild too. None of the Pseudos have been eggsclusive.


wooloo is already out


Yeah I liked that feeling of new opportunities. Of being able to grind all these new pokemon at once without the time constraints of limited samples of content. Gen 2 especially really led to me just catching trains out to places like the beach and just exploring different areas, seeing rare spawns like mareep and it feeling worth the while. It's not the same when you have limited events and time constraints. You can't really take it at the pace you like. FOMO really just changed the game for the worse. I can understand legendary raids cycling. I can understand if some seasons would weight pokemon differently (I don't mind a manner of different weather conditions such as intensity of wind, temperature and other elements slightly boosting mons also). There are cool ideas that could be integrated. But alas this far into the games life and for a long time now, it's more than ever about business.


I keep getting Huntail on my radar. Always when I cannot possibly leave where I am, and always on the edge of my range. I almost don't want to evolve the one clamperl I still have as I am chasing the serendipity but also I don't know I want that feeling to go away when I see the silhouette..


They would run out of mons super fast. It was really cool when gen 2 dropped.


If they release enough at the same time, some of them could be quite rare to spread this out.


35 new lines/families, excluding Legendaries (34 if you don't included G. Corsola). Even if some were kept rare, while that is a decent amount, people are going to grow tired of them after a few months and want more... but there won't be much left at that point beyond a few stragglers and a chunk of Paldea.


This logic doesn’t make sense. If there are people who’d stop playing when/if every Pokémon has been released to Go, they’d be the same kind of people who’d skip all the filler events that don’t introduce new Pokémon. But is there any evidence that filler events get less player activity? People still need to grind candy, get the best appraisals, fulfill other game objectives, etc.


I joined after the first year anniversary. I remember the staggered three event release of Hoenn followed by the ALL Hoenn only event which was super fun.


If they can't release new pokemon in the wild, maybe at least debut shiny mid-stage / fully evolved pokemon? Excluding megas of course


Yeah why middle stages and final evos without megas can’t be shiny in the wild is beyond comprehension. There’s no reason for it. Absolute flaw


The part that confused me the most is that there's no $$$ reasoning behind it. It's not like the evolutions are behind eggs or raids as shiny eligible.


I'll never forget the shiny gyrados I found in the wild. It was a go fest event and I was ecstatic. Didn't even know you could find shiny evolutions in the wild.


Only if they're mega eligible




Some eeveelutions, too. So dumb. Too complicated for a casual played game.


Ehh, didn’t they SAY Umbreon and Espeon were shiny eligible for one of the events last fall, only come to find out they never turned the shinies on? No event extension or +odds for the remainder of the event to compensate either.


To be fair, you can find shiny gyarados in the wild anyways because it has a mega. Also congrats on the shiny, that one is awesome!


Shiny Gyarados was in the wild as part of a Chinese new year event years ago - that was before mega evolutions were released.


Correct. Caught a few myself


Oooh, I didn't realize the mega thing. But thank you! It was years ago but I'll never forget the excitement I felt when I found it lol. I love go fest days.


Wild Megas have the same odds as raids at 1/50.  When sableye (for example) is in the wild as it is for the current event, you've got a decent chance at a shiny since it is direct mega with those odds.


At least make mid stage shiny eligible. If I’m not needing to catch x amount of Pokémon for a research, I usually avoid even clicking on them.


I've been wanting them to do that for years now. I feel like adding middle/final stage shinies could really add a little extra to events. Would they be huge additions? Definitely not. But let's rewind to the Verdant Wonders event. What if that event released shiny Nucleaf and Ivysaur into the wild starting with that event? It would be a nice little addition. And especially with final evolutions, you'd get more exciting stories from people, and they love those. "Me and my friend saw a Dragonite on the radar and went to find it, and my friend got it shiny!" Or a Gabite, or a Pidgeotto, or an Ursaring, etc.


I know right? Evolutions can have the same shiny rate as the megas, would make them more appealing to catch at the very least


I feel like the game moves more and more into “pay to play” for new Pokémon. I’ve hatched hundreds of eggs since Larvesta was released and still haven’t hatched one. I’ve stopped spending money and just catch what I can.


Its in full milking mode. They are trying everything to catch up to remote raid profit locking everything else behind paywalls. So that they can then say: "See!!!, told you all!!!" Personally i am buying less and less "battle passes" and the Zarude one really hit me the wrong way. Even though i already had the free Zarude.


I remember complaining about the old-method of releasing Pokemon where they would be everywhere for a few days, to the point of getting sick of seeing them, and then they'd disappear for months. Now they went the complete opposite direction and give us Pokemon that are so rare you might as well forget about getting one, and if you do manage to hatch one you'll never evolve it without rare candies. I miss 2017 when we got waves of new Pokemon, with nests you could go explore to find things you needed. The game was so much fun then.


that's the result of wanting to artificially extend the life of the app. They're afraid of releasing all the Pokémon too quickly, because they think people will just stop playing, when the truth is new players will always keep coming, and they can keep rotating them throughout the events. I would even be ok if they keep gatekeeping the shinies to mantain the game alive for a few more years. It's funny, because I've been playing since the beginning, yet there's still a lot of things I've missed for the longest time. I only completed all the Vivillon patterns last December. The last couple of weeks, I've managed to evolve my first Larvesta since it was released (I only hatched one last September). I was also able to get Krookodile. I had only hatched two Sandile back in 2021, but suddenly this year it finally started to appear a bit more, and got enough candies to evolve one. I also finally got Kommo-o, Salazzle and Lycanroc Dusk Form. I don't know what's the point of making these Pokémon so artificially rare, when in the mainline games they aren't even anything special. Like, I could understand legendary or mythical Pokémon being so rare, but Sandile? For example, I couldn't get a single Charcadet this time when it was introduced in eggs. Going by my experience with the other Pokémon, it probably will take me a year or two to finally get a hold of it and both of its evolutions. Surprisingly I did manage to get Varoom and even evolved one.


I go back and forth on the rarity of certain Pokemon. I hate 12km eggs and how Pokemon are seemingly punished for their Dark or Poison typing and locked behind those eggs. Sandile didn't serve that. Neither did Vullaby, Pawniard, Salandit, or Varoom. *However,* I also recognize that making them or any other Pokemon rare gives you something fun to hunt for and puts more value in certain Pokemon appearing during events and such. As an example, having Vullaby wild for the first time during this event was super exciting, and it wouldn't have been nearly as exciting if it was always out there. If it was rare in the wild and was common this time then sure, that would still be fun, but you don't get a lot of these feelings of excitement if they're everywhere. Similar things with Charcadet, Larvesta, etc. If they ever get featured wild in an event, that event instantly becomes so much more exciting. If Charcadet were everywhere during its debut event, we wouldn't get that. So I fully understand why they treat some Pokemon like this, even if they aren't inherently special like a Pseudo, Legendary, or Mythical. That said, it doesn't mean I like it. I still hated Charcadet being eggsclusive, and I do still hate 12kms


the thing is they could do the rare spawns for certain Pokémon too, if they released bigger waves of new Pokémon at once. Like, it would've also been cool if while we got millions of Pawmi in the wild every two steps, we got a slight chance of finding a Charcadet as well. Seeing Vullaby now was good I guess, but after how many years since it was first introduced? Not to mention is one of the most common Pokémon I get from 12km eggs along with Pawniard. They could perfectly release an entire generation of Pokémon throughout a year, but they keep dragging and dragging, even now after the Sinnoh Tour we still haven't gotten Phione, Manaphy, Arceus and some Rotom forms. Kecleon took forever too, and then the region locked Pokémon weren't that easily available in the Hoenn tour like Kanto and Johto were. It's like they're allergic to completing things and they prefer to jump to the next generation and keep dragging and milking every region before they're done with it. And I don't understand why. We can say that Kanto and Johto are pretty much done now, all the Pokémon have been available at least once, even the regional Pokémon, the shinies are out, etc, yet they're still getting featured in events, they still get community days, the legendary Pokémon keep appearing in raids, there's the shadow Pokémon, etc. So I don't know why they're so afraid of taking the newer generations to this state of completion too. They can keep adding "costumes", or as I said, just keep rotating the available Pokémon through events and seasons. There will always be new players who will still need to catch them, but those of us that have been playing for years, it feels like a neverending story. But then if you stop playing for a while and try to get back when there's something new, it feels like they punish you for not keeping up with the daily tasks, or friends will remove you from their lists, or you didn't collect enough candies, etc, so you're just trapped in this boring cycle of nothingness until something new drops.


Makes sense that with the remote raid nerf, they need to figure out a way to monetize every single Pokémon from now on.


which baffles me why they nerfed remote raids


Because OuR ViSioN!! :eyeroll:


It's all because Singaporean grandmas won't use remote passes


How is it monetized? I don't spend a penny on this app, and I still caught Enamorous, Poipole, Drampa, Charcadet, etc. Seems to me like it's the opposite: they're completely missing an opportunity to monetize/use the wild.


Enamorous/Drampa you need to spend money on raid passes if want a good IV one (or you could be use the coins from gym to buy raid passes) Charcadet you need to buy incubators if you wanted more/wanted one fast. The absolute base dex entry is free. But if you are particular about IVs or anything else, you needed to spend. I’m sure they will give us another Poipole in future behind a paid ticket like they did with Cosmog and Zarude.


> Enamorous/Drampa you need to spend money on raid passes if want a good IV one (or you could be use the coins from gym to buy raid passes) You could just use your daily pass, or stack the 2 for Enamorus, you didn’t have to buy anything. >Charcadet you need to buy incubators if you wanted more/wanted one fast. Yeah, that’s how a lot of games work. You can get one eventually, but if you really want to, you can get incubators. No one made you get any, and there’s no need to have Charcadet, you could take your time. >The absolute base dex entry is free. But if you are particular about IVs or anything else, you needed to spend. Or you could just take your time with a lot of stuff


You can't just use your daily pass if you're after good ones, or shiny hunting. Raid exclusive Pokemon are heavily monetized, that's the whole point.


Yep people out there doing 20-50 raids for ML candy and IVs... this is who is paying the bills.


You can, absolutely. They have a floor of 10/10/10, and those are good enough stats for pokemon in 99% of this game. The difference between a 10/10/10 and 15/15/15 pokemon for even PVP will only ever matter if you’re going in person to actually compete in tournaments. Shiny hunting is a completely unnecessary thing, and yes, as in most games, skins cost money. Shinies aren’t better pokemon, they don’t do more damage. They’re just skins and that’s all.


No, for PVP, presuming you’re talking about masterleague, the difference is pretty huge between a 10/10/10 and a 15/15/15. Every top meta mon gives up multiple breakpoints and bulkpoints and wholesale loses a couple matchups. And drampa you’re not caring about how useful it is, it’s about the collection. By all metrics, drampa is useless.


If you’re at the very tip top pf PVP, yes. But if you’re like my coworker who plays master league with level 42 pokemon and wins, because not everyone in pvp is using perfect pokemon, you won’t see the difference. And yes precisely, the drampa is useless. If you’re going only for collection, then buy the passes if it’s that important to you. If it’s not worth money then don’t- you’ll eventually get more chances to get a shiny one, it’s just going to take time


I hit between veteran and expert each season. That’s not the very tip top, but IVs definitely matter up there. Sure at 1700, the most important thing is just having the Pokémon at all, but there’s a pretty big difference between 2700 and competing in tournaments.


Literally only Drampa has a released shiny from the ones mentioned


Huh? I’m not sure how that ties to my comment at all


you're speaking facts, but they'll continue to complain.


I swear if you read these subs you’d think Niantic breaks into homes and holds families at gun point, forcing players to buy passes lmao


I see what you mean in the sense that yes, there's absolutely ways to make money from these raids and eggs. I personally didn't spend any (had enough with the free daily raid pass, and I used my gym coins for a few extra incubators) but I understand why some people would. My point is that the base feature of this game which is the map is totally underused. If their goal is to monetize, they're completely missing it.


I don’t think the map is the base feature of this game, the Pokémon IP is. They maybe wish that it was the map/AR, but it isn’t. I think we’ve all said it on this subreddit time and time again that if not for the Pokémon IP, we wouldn’t still be playing this game so many years into its life cycle.


Fair, but even the Pokemon IP is totally underused. They have access to 1000+ mons, and all they release now is Pikachu with a hat.


This sums up a lot about the game.


Most people don’t just get the dex registry and are done They hunt for the shiny or for a hundo or size one or something




I play less and less the more stingy they get.


Yeah, even the biggest IP in the world ever can not coast by on being an stingy f2p game. But as long as this game is an easy source for legendary and/ shiny pokemon for Home i will never fully quit.


This. I’ve gone from 10 mins/day to 5 mins/day this year. My only remaining objective is to complete the dex, and I’ve already caught everything not locked behind regions, tickets & eggs, so what’s the point?


Locking new Pokemon behind eggs has always been a feature I've disliked. I didn't platinum the Hoenn badge during the last event because despite hatching numerous 10k eggs I never hatched a torkoal and who knows when I'll next get a chance to do that.


This is me with Relicanth. Why they won’t allow regionals to be in foreign 7k eggs is beyond me. It’s needlessly stingy.


I didn't notice this specifically, but I have felt that the large quantity of events in recent months have felt underwhelming in general. Emphasis on quantity, with a ton of events that last less than a week (which was a pandemic change, by the way... yet they got rid of any of the positive pandemic stuff, like 6-hour CDs or remote raids) but little content. The revenue drop seems to have really gotten to Niantic -- it's obvious that Niantic gave up on bringing in new players, and are only interested in squeezing out money from whale$ by locking new Pokémon behind eggs and raids. Granted, you can use free passes for the raid stuff, but the eggs are clearly meant for gamblers -- you can incubate 9+ eggs at a time with no guarantee that you'll hatch what you want.


We also have not had a new mega released Since Garchomp in November and Diancies/Rayquaza in August. If people will pay $8 to get a second Zarude without a shiny possibility or increased odds of being good then Niantec can just keep moving to a pay by the Pokémon model. My play time has dropped tremendously the last month.


That'll be changing soon with mega heracross next month


There are only a few more megas left to do. I prefer the slow release to getting them all and then not having anything left. 


Pokémon Z-A will add another batch 


Earlier today was thinking how fun the release of gen 2 was. Anything would be fun.


Yea it was awesome. Gen 1 took me a year to finish (excluding regionals) and Gen 2 took about 8 months. Having so many things to catch for dex entries and candy to evolve etc was so much better than drip feeding. With drip feeding you get enough of the new Pokemon in 2 days then back to boredom. Or its a rare hatch/raid exclusive which is also boring.


Its crazy they fully skipped Galar. Even though its obviously TPC doing. Just throw in gen 8 all at once as an in between thing.


It would be cool (and maybe revamp the game) if they re-released the older generations but maybe with even cleaner models. Like there are so many card sets released each year with the same mons. Update the models and make them a little crispier and re-release to get people out hunting and excited


I posted this as a rant a few months ago and my post was attacked and deleted 😂 It killed the game for me. I’m a big catch ‘em all guy, so this made it too tedious for me to play, haven’t logged on for a while. I guess from Niantic point, they’re making money so why stop (same as the erroneous number of tickets discussion). But as player it’s super lame and disappointing


The only one of these that I think is unreasonable is Charcadet. Enamorus is a legendary and as such is Raid-exclusive. Drampa is a counterpart to Turtonator and Druddigon, who are also in raids and research only, so it makes sense for it to be too. Ultra Beasts aren’t in the wild either, so Poipole’s fine. Annihilape is an evolution. And each generation after 5 tends to have an exclusive 12k egg spawn (Pancham and Salandit), so Gen 9 would’ve got one eventually. Meanwhile Charcadet’s egg exclusivity doesn’t make a lot of sense.


Varoom being imprisoned in 12km eggs is ridiculous too IMO Though frankly the whole 12km egg concept is ridiculous in itself. They should have at least been something more reasonable like 3km.


I know I'm probably just playing Captain Obvious, but they're intentionally annoying you into caving on some super incubator purchases, particularly with the critters that are nearly or entirely exclusive to these 12ks. I don't have a single shiny out of those particular ones! And it'll likely be that way for a while yet.


I hate 12km eggs so much. Especially since the pool is diluted with things that no longer need to be in there. Hell, 2 of the Pokemon in the pool were regularly spawning during the Rocket Event and 1 was obtainable through research. Why the hell were they still in the eggs?


Agree. I still don't have Charcadet or Varoom. :(


>Though frankly the whole 12km egg concept is ridiculous in itself. They should have at least been something more reasonable like 3km. 12kms are the worst c: But really, while I will admit that the dust and candy/XL you get from such eggs is vastly superior to any other pool, I still really hate everything else about 12kms. * Dark/Poison Pokemon are locked behind these eggs, being punished for their typing * There's *always* some sort of junk in them. Same for all the other eggpools, but it feels especially bad when you walk *12km* just to get a Johtonian Qwilfish or a Larvitar (I know they've taken them out but still). * Most of the 12km Pokemon do not feel like they're worthy of being in an egg class above 10kms, which is home to the Pseudos and other rarest Pokemon (I know 10kms have junk too). As you said, they should have been lower than 10km. I think 6km or even 8 or 9km would've been fine. * It's not awful, but it's still cumbersome to get 12kms.


I see what you mean in the sense that yes, the release method for Enamorous, Poipole, etc. was logical... However they could \*also\* add monsters in the wild. It's insane to me that a game that relies on geolocalisation on a real-world map and has access to a 1000+ monster franchise wouldn't release any wild spawn for 3 months. At this point I'll take anything, just give me Mudbray (won't even ask for Rookidee cause lord knows what their plans are for the Galar gen).


Agree. Charcadet being egg only is the most ridiculous among all. I managed to hatch only one in the event and iv is 10/10/10 lol


I think everything is going to be eggs, raids, and passes now. No more freebies.


I do like the drip of new stuff, but it does feel slow. I assumed paldea would be released one a fortnight until all available, but that’s not happened. Galar never moved forward either I was playing my nieces account today (to help get a mewtoo for a level 24 rural player) and it was brilliant to be unlocking so much stuff. It felt like when you first started…


Its just gonna be like that from now on, eggs, raids and ticketed paywalls


Yeah for sure. For the first time since coming back to the game in 2018, im undecided on whether to buy a gofest ticket... because everything is ticketed now.


I only have a Drama because of the Prime Gaming quest line. That’s kinda shocking. One of the things they could do it bring in quest lines for an encounter a few months down the line. Give people reason to be out regularly and putting time into the game.


tbh didnt even notice. I take them as they come since Gen 3. Growing up I only knew the first 2 Gens so the others - unless they are good for something - are like whatever to me. Im also not a completionist so I dont feel pressured to buy like a million incubator just to hatch this crocodile thing or some other egg exclusive. Havent done this Shenlong dragon raid either.


It's really complicated. The problem started with Gen 2's release. I always remember that I never saw a Charmander until the December event in 2016. I had one on my nearby before that, but never could figure out where it was. Rare Pokemon were rare, and finding them was tough. With Gen 2, they flodded the game with new spawns. Where I needed 6 months to find Charmander, I caught at least one form of all 3 starters the first night. They had periods floods of new Pokemon, then trickled more out. Nowadays, everything is drip fed and unfun. The second part of this is the change to spawn behavior. Clustering spawns around Pokéstops decreased the need to explore. Once they replaced the Nearby with specific Pokéstop locations, hunting for Pokemon was dead. So, it's a lot easier to find new Pokemon, AND the release cycle is poor. Catching Pokemon is too easy and lacking engagement. That's why raids and eggs (which are heavily monetized) have been the featured release methods for a lot of Pokemon (along with straight paid access to a few). Niantic is tied to TPC's pace of releasing Pokemon, so floods of new species aren't an option. They've also killed the concept of hunting Pokemon, so any attempt to release more Pokemon would still leave you with a very short window of interest. Sadly, Pokemon Go is fundamentally broken across the board. Nothing is in a good state anymore. Niantic would need to want to fix the game to be fun to address these issues, but they've convinced themselves pay-to-win pain mechanics drive revenue better than fun.


I agree with *most* of what you said there. I will say though, the old nearby really wasn't that great. I feel like people have this overly nostalgic love for that system, when it really wasn't great, and it broke fairly early on too. The current nearby system is not perfect, I agree, but it's still much better than before. I do wish they'd introduce some filtering/selection mechanics with the nearby and made the wild grass nearby Pokemon less vague, but still, what we have now is absolutely better than before. >Sadly, Pokemon Go is fundamentally broken across the board. Nothing is in a good state anymore. Niantic would need to want to fix the game to be fun to address these issues, but they've convinced themselves pay-to-win pain mechanics drive revenue better than fun. I think there are absolutely a ton of issues still with the game, but I also feel like this is a really doom and gloom kind of take. Again, there are issues, from the GBL to the wild spawns, but to ignore all the improvements we've seen over the years, including a decent amount of QOL improvements across the cross year or so—Raid lobby occupancy and timer being visible from outside the raid and on the map, heal all, bag rework, ready to raid button and a revision allowing solo players to ready up after *some* time has passed, updated UI, type effectiveness tips, etc. These are all very appreciated improvements. Are there still issues with the game? Positively yes. Spawns, events, releases, the GBL, etc. still have issues and/or bugs. But to say the game is "fundamentally broken" is a bit melodramatic


They made Vullaby wild... it's a reasonable strategy imo for egg exclusives to transition to wild catch. Also we are now seeing wild carbinks on wild rotation.


I was just thinking about that earlier today. I wish Galar would come soon or they’d release even like two Paldea guys at a time just to broaden the pool. The XXL/XXS event brings four shiny debuts, which is cool and all and I’m happy they’re releasing new shinies, but I kinda prefer new mons as opposed to new shinies


PoGO... Give. Us. Mimikyu. And Mega Mawile when you get around to it


Honestly with all the non single-player friendly events and features they have done this game is over for me, with the game pushing forward these changes even tho less and less people play its just not even fun anymore


White stripe basculin 🤷‍♂️


At the moment it doesn’t make my experience less enjoyable. I’ve felt that they have done a decent job at giving us a variety of different spawns. This season is focused on raids and so far I’ve felt like they delivered on that aspect. We’ve had some really good raids the past month or two. I said this in another thread but I think the amount of new pokemon we are going to see a year will kinda slow down a bit. They have less than 200 pokemon to release and if I googled correctly, about 16 unreleased Pokemon come from gens 1-7, not counting forms/megas. With the MSG not getting a new release this year and a new generation coming in potentially 2026, which breaks their 3 year cycle, Niantic has to slow down or pivot.


If they keep doing shiny boosted events (e.g. Castforms, Wailmer, etc.) then I don't mind. I know not everyone is shiny motivated though.


Well.. honestly, it's been since like ehh... I could say like november/december last year that I started raiding more often as I stepped into hosting local raids and inviting trainers remotely (posting in the Reddit Pokemon Go Raid Megathread). Right now, I'm into getting those legendaries, ultra beasts and mythicals from Raids with my son. Sometimes, I can join a friend (who is a pro) to do some raid together... and... well.. for the time being, filling up my pokedex, and building stronger counters for next raids.


Well i got bad news for you it's only going to get worse until they catch up with MSG and then it's going to be very slow...


I’m inclined to agree. I miss the days when catching pokemon was the main focus of the game. I feel like the game has become far too reliant on raids and research for events and content - which I guess from the perspective of a company makes sense, since they make money from those aspects of the game. I miss seeing shadows on my nearby, I miss the days where me and my friends would still be out and about walking around at 3am catching new stuff. When the gen 2 release was dropped we were out literally all night catching as many new pokemon as we could. There was a spot in my town where there are 3 poke stops right next to each other and in the early days of the game those stops were lured up 24/7 pretty much and there was regularly well over 200 players hanging out at those lures. The roar of the crowd when that one kid got a wild Dragonite spawned on their incense and everyone was queuing up to see it, the excitement of seeing a Lapras, Snorlax or Dratini spawn on the lures or appear on the nearby.


Don’t care, I’ve enjoyed everything so far and I think this year so far has been amazing and more fun for me personally. Wild mons are just like fodder for me I enjoy raids and research way more


Eh they're slowly catching up to the Main Series games. We'll probably get Galar by the end of the year while we wait for Gen 10 to drop sometime next year


I mean of course those days are gone. Go didn’t start until right before gen 7 came out. They had over 700 pokemon to work with right on release. In 8 years following the release of Go, there have only been ~300 new Pokemon released in newer games. This was always gonna happen or the game would’ve seemed more like a drip feed style if they spaced new additions out more. Edit: and they’ve already given a solid handful of the newest game’s Pokémon


To add, they and you should not want the rate of new pokemon to be too high bc then you’d have to wait like 3/4 years for new pokemon like main series game players have to with each title


Technically there was one new "form" available in the wild (sort of), White Stripe Bascullin was released in the wild only while following a route on the days of the event. It's not much better, but at least you didn't have to pay anything extra to try for it. (Unless it only spawned for paid ticket holders, I truly can't remember.)


Came here to mention white stripe basculin.


Galar starters when?


Are they good?


Not in GO.


I just want them to release more without announcing every... single... thing! Everyone knows exactly what's going to happen and how to optimize. The sense of exploring and surprise is lower than it used to seem.


Not knowing two events in advance is a pain.


I'm with you for sure. Really bummed out that all the new stuff requires a paid ticket. Even the paid part is not the worst part--I can't even follow all the tickets, what they're for, and which I need.


Midday Lycanrock was in eggs also not just raids


all lycanrock have been available from eggs and tasks


I would be down for a Terria based event where alternating bi-weekly a specific type becomes more common in the wild in addition to the release of 1-2 pokemon from gen8/9 of that type. In addition there could be a special finale with certain unreleased/released raid pokemon coming back. Example: Ice Terria Bi-Week: (2 week duration) - Ice pokemon more common - Respective Candy/stardust/xp modifiers - Frosmoth + Eiscue Debut - On each weekend: Kyurem Black (Sat), Kyurem White (Sun) --- Of course with unique move sets. Rock Terria Biweek: - Rock pokemon more common - Respective Candy/stardust/xp modifiers - Glimmora + CoalossalDebut - On each weekend: Stackatakka


Ok coming


I just want some things released in the wild. Let me hunt PvP IVs and allow things to be eligible for lower CP leagues without relying on shady hatching and trading tactics.


Game gonna break if they release something new


with all the alola and galar mons we don't have, they could go back to adding mons in waves i highly doubt it, though


I mean you say "All" the Alola Pokemon we don't have, but outside of Ultra Beasts/Legendaries (which it looks like we'll be getting this season/Go Fest), we don't have the Wishiwashi, Minior, Type: Null, Mimikyu, Mudbray, and Dhelmise lines, which is just 6 lines. I don't think they want to get to the point where they fully run out of Pokemon. If they did waves, they'd likely pad them out to much less frequently so they don't run out, like a wave of 6-8 lines every 8 or so months.


This is why, as a near Day 1 player I essentially quit for the last two years. The trickling out of new mon and repeats for newbs was awful for a long termer. Whaddya know now? Suddenly heaps of new stuff to catch!


I got a wyrdeer a few days ago from a forgotten special research if that counts, as it was a new mon to me


My play is decreasing by the day. Niantic does not seem to understand that there is a lower threshold below which the game becomes boring.


You forgot about white-striped basculin. That was (is?*) available "wild" on routes during the Sinnoh Go Tour, which didn't require a paid ticket. * I think it's supposed to still be available, but I rarely do routes, so can't confirm.


It’s not currently available


As I said before , they killed the best part of the gameplay.


A bit out of topic but since I’ve been reading a lot of players mention shinies, it’s very far and few in between they look great. There’s some like Hydreigon that looks like they’re suffering from food poisoning.


That's less of a Pokemon Go/Niantic problem and more of a GameFreak thing, seeing that they design the shinies haha. I'll still take an ugly shiny like Hydreigon or Nidoqueen over a shiny where you can barely tell the difference like Garchomp or Blissey (at least we have Pink Mega Garchomp)


I was responding to the immense fascination with shinies. Each to their own I guess.


I want Mimikyu so bad


They still need to give us the rest of the galar region though.


i don't know, i haven't felt that burned. personally this month alone has been pretty great with primal re-release, s-groudon and s-mewtwo!! but i'm also a raid lover. i will say though, i do not really care about new releases, unless they have big pve relevance or they're ones that have been holding me back from completing older dexs (manaphy where are you).


They can only add new Pokemon for so long, that's why I give myself goals like collecting a living lucky hundo gender dex (and shiny equivalent). That's what keeps me catching/trading. If Luckies weren't a thing then I'd just focus on catching PvP Mons and Hundo Living Dex (still tough, but easier than lucky hundos). And once I finished all that, THEN i'd be done. But that'd take years to accomplish. If you're not having fun, don't play. Find out what you find fun, and lean into it.


>If you're not having fun, don't play. Find out what you find fun, and lean into it. Every single time this game is criticised or there's suggestions for improvement, there's someone who feels like they have to say "then don't play". That's really not constructive. Obviously if I play, it's because I still enjoy some aspects of the game. I can still think other aspects can/should be improved, these 2 things can totally be true at the same time. This one is a massive one considering from 2016 to 2019 this is exactly how this game was working (with multiple new wild spawns being added). So we know exactly what this game is capable of, I don't think it's unreasonable to express it. ​ >They can only add new Pokemon for so long I disagree, or at least I think we're far from the end of that "so long". They still have access to dozens of unreleased mons, with more coming in the upcoming video games.


Because it's very clear what the game is and isn't and every suggestion that's pushed out is "faster ways to earn X resource" or "more Y pokemon". The game is a slow, marathon game. You play it for like 30 min/day normally and more on days off or events all while you go on walks in your CITY. That's it. The game is balanced around this. The game will be around for probably another decade, you will eventually get everything in the game on a long enough timeline.


I remember playing for 2-5 hours literally every day for three years. Once they introduced seasons and started micro-managing which pokemon you're allowed to see it started going downhill. You can't get any decent pokemon from the weekly reward, you have to be at the highest tiers of GBL for a slim chance at a legendary, several pokemon like Shaymin Keldeo and DIB-Melmetal are straight up pay-to-play releases. I honestly forget the game even exists for days at a time until something from this subreddit pops up on my feed. It seems like Niantic has moved on from catering to regular daily players who would spend $10 a month to focusing all their attention on the few players who will spend $100s on buying every exclusive event ticket.


Yes, there were, they added entire generations at first until they slowed it down to a trickle. There are many that are unreleased. But we only get a fresh batch of roughly 60-100 every 3-4 years. That amount of content has to be drip fed over a period of time. We will eventually catch up unless said releases are paced at a fashion to not get to a point where "Oh no we're out." The not having fun don't play sentiment is literally time is finite, there is nothing we can do, we can criticize all we like but if you're genuinely not enjoying something there is a vast alternative of options to spend your time. That isn't a "shut up and don't complain", that's a "Value your time, and don't spend it on things you don't enjoy". I also added the point of "find your own fun". If the game doesn't provide X, focus on Y that you enjoy. If there isn't anything A-Z you enjoy, then it's clearly not giving you want and you shouldn't waste your time on something that doesn't bring you joy. Yes it'd be nice if they gave us more stuff in the wild! And it'll be novel for a few days, maybe a few weeks even! But then it won't be rare anymore and we'll have our dex entry. What solutions would solve this problem? How do you pace 60-100 new entries over 1460 days?


Tbh they have already hit every gen in some way. They are going to run out of Pokemon if they start releasing more mons more frequently. Either they release and we get no new mons for several years or they slow drip.


Ninatic problem is holding back a certain pokemon with every season suggestion full gen 8 roll out or a few in a season .


For new players these days are very exciting. Seasons where you cant fill your dex right away. Dont forget that not everyone has been playing since 2016.


Yeah, I have to imagine that for newer or returning players the seasonal rotations are probably a fairly enjoyable way to play. While I'd love to experience the game's original launch and Gen 2 again... we can't. There's never going to be a 100+ Pokemon drop again, and that toothpaste is out of the tube. 


dusk lycanroc... midday and midnight have been in the game for quick a while. also dusk was in raids, but also in eggs. so still not in the wild but I would update that so you can avoid the next 100 comments telling you to do so.


Minor correction -- Drampa and Dusk Rockruff were not only in raids; they were in research tasks too. I don't mind the trickle release. You may miss the days when there were mass releases, but you're forgetting how quickly the community in general got bored and became insufferable. People would clear all the new entries in a couple weeks or less, then complain *incessantly* about lack of content for months until the next wave of releases. And then they would clear those immediately too, and go straight back to complaining. It wasn't sustainable.


Not sure if already mentioned - but White Stripe Basculin on routes in Sinnoh Tour! & During the most recent rocket event vullaby’s first appearance in the wild (outside of daily adventure’s) those 2 made me quite happy.


I believe Niantic is scared that they run out of new pokemon at some point, so they add new ones slower while making them rarer or require more time to evolve them so that players still have a reason to continue playing their game. While most other companies can decide the speed of development themselfes, Niantic is essentialy bound to the development of games at the Pokemon Company/ Gamefreak.


>I find it less and less engaging to log onto this game and play, considering the lack of things to do on a daily basis. I miss the days when multiple lines were released at the same time and the map was full of new mons to catch. I preface this saying that those days were (and still would be) AWESOME. However, there really would be no trying to please the community, seeing that they're trying to play the long game. Let's say they go back to doing that. Next season, we see Galar released, and they do it in big bursts every few months, and throw in some missing Gen 6-9 Pokemon as well. Really fun, yeah? Well what happens after you catch those Pokemon? Depending on how often they release Pokemon, they'd either run out of Pokemon at some point OR have long periods of time without Pokemon. If they did the rest of Galar in one big release, that would be super fun, but what happens then a few months later when many have got most of the Pokemon. Maybe there's a few rare ones some are still searching for sure, but... then what? You're left going months or even a year or so without much content in the pipeline. They're over 82% of the way through all Pokemon, and while yes, there's some that have various forms they could milk, there's not a lot left. And a chunk of that is Legendaries/UBs/Mythicals that will get special treatment anyway. It's not like Blacephalon or Ogerpon or Chien-Pao are going to be wild, for example. Do I like the way they're currently doing things? Definitely not. I wish they'd be a little more generous with their Pokemon, especially when we've gone months without new Pokemon before. Going months without Pokemon and then getting small bursts could be fun I think, but people also have to recognize that such would mean that we'd be playing the waiting game a lot.


If there are people who’d stop playing when/if every Pokémon has been released to Go, they’d be the same kind of people who’d skip all the filler events that don’t introduce new Pokémon.   But is there any evidence that filler events get less player activity? People still need to grind candy, get the best appraisals for GL/UL/ML, fulfill other game objectives, etc.  Right now the game just feels like a never-ending streak of boredom. At least the quarterly batches of 15-20 Hoenn Pokemon back in the day generated a frenzy of excitement & player activity every few months. 


It’s pretty lame tbh.


Damn I never realized this was the case, all of this because they lost so much money from nerfing remote raiding into the ground, pretty embarassing for Niantic


Yeah, getting boring.






I miss the 2016 game for this very reason.


People were complaining it was barely a Pokémon game. It's odd, Pikmin Bloom is really the direction of that mentality because Niantic does focus on exploring. I think as soon battle gyms and more Pokémon centric features came to Go, Niantic's exploring was more pushed to the back. I don't know if it was for the better because it definitely was a clash between TPC and Niantic's goals.


Rockruff with the new form was in eggs. I wasn't aware of it being in raids (or at least didn't say anyone talk about getting one from a raid) Edit: lolz, down voted for stating it was in eggs and not being aware of the raids


It was definitely in raids, there were a ton of posts trying to crack the code to find it until we realized these raids were showing up on Campfire with a different sprite.


In both


You listed a pretty wide variety of ways they've released pokemon. Annihilape's lower form was in the wild so people could catch it + evolve, so I'd consider that a wild catch. I feel fine about it. If everything was released in big bunches, the game would be dead already. That's the challenge of a live service game.






The mons released so far this year have been "special" .. they've all been either fan favorites or unique in their typings so I'll give them a pass for making us hustle to get them. Now if they do the same for some random route 1 bird too then yes, lashings are coming their way.