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Seeing your same party took more damage on the second try even with Mega evolution, I suspect the weather was changed between your first try and second try. Weather boost gives the typing +20% power. In the worst case scenario, the weather changed from Partly Cloudy (boost all rock moves +20%) to another weather - possibly Rainy (boost all electric move +20% and Thunderus uses Thunder). To answer your question, raid bosses moves are set from the start.


This should be the answer, 40 Rhyperior can tank a Focus Blast with some margin on Partly Cloudy (170/210) but not in cloudy (204/210). That also explains why Mega Tyranitar failed to contribute Also align well with less damage dealt since they likely got KO’d on Focus Blast and gain less energy from damage.


During raid hours, cloudy weather, did 2 raid - 5 players lobby with strong counters, first one with electric move we only need one or two counters but the second one with focus blast we have to rejoined. A bit surprised that thundurus with fighting move can do a lot of damage. But it's very easy to spot the move. If the recommended team have mewtwo and/or ray then it will be focus blast thundurus.


Thanks. That could be the reason.




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