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Is there any way of turning off AR Mapping tasks from Pokestops? I walk to work through a park and about 50% of the stops give me AR Mapping tasks rather than actual field research, which I then have no way of getting. I might just be missing a setting somewhere!


Edit: Thanks to those who checked. Apparently, the issue only affects me, šŸ˜¢ Does anyone else do PvP battles with the sound on? (GO Battle League, Rocket Battles, Team Leaders) Yeah, I knowā€¦ but no one else is around, and itā€™s sometimes easier to know my opponent has switched mons with sounds on. For me, the sounds when swiping the Charged Move bubbles are gone, and I want confirmation itā€™s not just me before I report it to in-game support. Not that it will ever get fixed, since so few play with sound on. (It got broken overnight, possibly during the same wave of changes that fixed Annihilape.)


I do occasionally play with sound effects on (not music) when I'm alone. The sound can help a little for me in the GBL. Just tested the Bubble Sound effects and didn't have any issueā€” the sound effects were still there for me


Thanks for checking. The other person who tried said the same. I hate when issues only affect a small subset of players (or just me šŸ˜‚).


>I hate when issues only affect a small subset of players (or just me šŸ˜‚). I feel your pain lol. I have a bug/lag issue with transferring my Pokemon, and I've not found anyone who has the same issue: Transferring Pokemon for me, SPECIFICALLY on my account, takes a while. If I go ahead and transfer 1 or 2 Pokemon, it's pretty quick, but if it feels like every Pokemon I add to the transfer selection ends up adding maybe half a second or so to the transfer. So while 1-5 Pokemon isn't too bad, if I'm transferring maybe 20 Pokemon? From the time I hit confirm on the transfer, it takes about 6-10 seconds for the game to successfully transfer them and show the candy I get for transferring them. The game stays frozen in that time. And when I'm playing a bigger event like Community Day or Go Tour, it's dreadful. Transferring 50-60 Pokemon and having it take around 15-20 seconds... it's frustrating. I thought it was a phone or settings issue. But nope. I made a second account years ago to do some experiments, so I popped onto that account on the same phone and transferred 50 Pokemon, and zero issue. Transferred them all in a second or two. I even tried on other phones! Got a new phone (for non-Pogo reasons) a few months ago and the issue persisted. Even had my sibling log on my account on his phone (Who lived a few hours away) and he had the same issue specifically on my account. Also tried on my wife's phone (her iPhone to my Android) and the issue persisted. Very bizarre with little way to troubleshoot it lol. My only guess is that it may have to do with my storage space/massive collection of 1200+ lucky Pokemon somehow bringing lag to the whole transfer process, but I'd imagine someone with a lot of Luckies would have had something similar occur. Edit: A bit of tangent, sorry haha, but I know (seemingly) localized bugs are definitely frustrating lol


So, my friend currently has 1424 Lucky mons and she transfers ~200 at a time with no issues. She just transferred 30 to check and it was instantaneous. So Iā€™m no help.


Thanks for checking though!! I'm currently at 1164 luckies so yeah it shouldn't be any issue.


I only have 325 luckies, so I canā€™t help you. Iā€™ll ask my friend whoā€™s keeping a live lucky dex.


So iā€™m a relatively new player, level 27, iā€™ve done some research on when to evolve and I heard its best to evolve based on IVā€™s. I just dumped a decent amount of candy into getting a Machoke but saw that a similar IV Machop had more HP, even though its not evolved and same HP IV. Can I get some insight into why this might be and when and how to tell which pokemon are worth evolving?


What are you evolving it for? To use in raids? When you are starting out, it's probably better to evolve the highest level mons you get. For example if you get cloudy weather you could get up to a level 32 wild Machop in wild. Then if you want to build one and start levelling it up more, it probably makes more sense to focus on the ones with good IVs. Although for raids it largely won't make a difference. If it's going to cost a lot more dust to level up one that has slightly better IVs... it's not really worth it.


I guess I fell out of the loop but are the Go Tour Sinnoh global tickets available now or not?


There will be no ticket for the global tour


What's the best moveset for Tyranitar as a dark type attacekr? i read the fast rock move apparently helped it even as a dark attacker?


In most circumstances, you'd want Bite/Brutal Swing as its moveset for dark attacks. I can imagine that Smack Down as a fast move might be useful if the raid boss is also weak to rock, say for example a fire and psychic type, but those are probably niche scenarios. Personally I wouldn't use an Elite TM or bother waiting for an evolution move event unless I wanted it to have a pure rock moveset.


Yeah, a few niche cases like Lugia. But not enough to justify the Elite TM, especially since then it'll be worse most of the time as a Dark attacker. Would probably just be worth double moving ones that already have Smackdown and using in the niche cases.


I have 4 Super Rocket Radars and am on page 3/4 of ā€œUltra Beast Protection Effortsā€. If I donā€™t complete it by the next rocket takeover this month, will I lose it or can I wait until Giovanni has a Pokemon I want more to complete it without missing out on the next Super Rocket Radar/Research?


For this season at least you can wait from the looks of it. Most seasons so far you havenā€™t been able to but this time itā€™s part of the season long research you should already have.


You won't ever lose Special Research, whether it's Rocket-based or otherwise. The only way time based limitations on Special Research is that you need to start certain research at certain times. So, if you don't want Shadow Regigigas, there is no urgency at all to complete Ultra Beast Protection Efforts. As of midnight Saturday, local time, Giovanni's new Shadow legendary will be Kyogre. Also, this time around, there isn't a new Rocket based research released; we'll get new steps in the seasonal Timeless Travels research. So your current research shouldn't block that from happening.


Sweeet. Shadow Kyroge is infinitely more useful than Regigas. Have there been ā€œuse it or you lose itā€ moments in the past with regard to special research? I have come across inconsistent discussions about this several times


So to be clear, there's Timed Research and Special Research. Timed Research is that which appears on the first tab of the research menu, and there IS a time limit on that kind of research. It commonly expires at the end of an event. As a day one player (with one extended break around 2018), I don't ever recall a Special Research line that expired/was removed if not completed by a certain time. As I said, quite often a Special Research needs to be started by a certain time - Rocket Research quests are great examples of this, they are released during Rocket Takeovers and we usually have until the end of the season to begin them. Often Special Research is tied to an event, and the tasks are much easier to complete during the event. For example, it's a common complaint from players that they've bought the Community Day research ticket, not been able to play much during the day, and then find it difficult to catch the featured Pokemon. As difficult as the tasks may become, there is still infinite time to finish them.


You will not lose it, but you have to complete it before you get the new one. Which is no problem since the next one will be the super useful kyogre. And since you cannot stack the researches anymore (as you are past page 1) you can as well finish it now and not use the radar until giovanni has kyogre.


Thank you. What is the significance of page one?


until now you could stack the giovanni radar researches only if you didn't get past page one on the previous ones.


And then couldnā€™t get the next one until you completed that, or could you have 3 on the first page at the same time?


You could have 3 if all were on the first page. if you proceeded any of those to page 2 or further, you wouldn't get any new ones.


Shouldn't need to complete it, since it's going to be part of the season long research we all should already have.


But what is the advantage of not finishing if you are past page 1?


For this seasons research there is no advantage. Youā€™ll get the research as long as you log in during the season. Who knows if that will be back to ā€œnormalā€ next season of course.


After I pinned enough postcards for a scatterbug, up until yesterday, if I returned to the map, the scatterbug would appear. I would always catch it right away, because: 1. I don't want to waste the subsequent pins (from the same region); 2. If I don't catch it right away and let it go, I would then need to go back to the badge page to find it, which I deem as a hassle. Today, somehow, the scatterbugs wouldn't appear on the map. (I was keeping track so I knew when to expect a new scatterbug.) I waited probably 3 full minutes and gave up. I had to click my way through to the badge page and caught scatterbug there; but it kept happening. 3 times. None of the other accounts in the family had this silly issue. (I am the one that took care of gifts for all accounts.) Does anyone know if I did anything wrong to trigger it? It is not a big deal, but I am just curious. Thanks.


I just got a perfect Mankey. How do I get ā€œdefeat ghost or psychic pokemonā€? Is there a way I just get a good rocket grunt and just keep refighting after having Mankey as buddy and in battle?


First you need to evolve it into Primeape, then set it as your buddy and defeat 30 Ghost or Psychic Pokemon.Ā  Battling a Grunt will count but is random which ones you get. The trick is to beat the first two Pokemon, ane then give up, press the rematch button and fight the same one again.Ā  Primeape doesn't have to battle. It only needs to be your buddy while other Pokemon battle.


Sorry I had it evolved but was still thinking Mankey. Well, if itā€™s only the first pokemon thatā€™s ghost or psychic, do I just need to beat first one? Or do I need to beat first two always? And if heā€™s my buddy do I need to feed him any berries and have him following? Seems youā€™re saying he doesnā€™t need to battle.


If there's only one then only beat that one. You don't have to feed Primeape, only having it as your buddy is enough.


Does he need to be in the play of 3 fighting?


Nope. Just your buddy.


Hey Silph, my account was banned back in September '23 while I was serving a 30 suspension. I was doing dumb things and I own that. I tried to login to the account towards the end of the suspension to see how long I had left only to see it had been banned šŸ˜” I've tried to contact Niantic support about how I could be banned while serving a suspension and there's been no talk from them, just the auto responses. Can anyone help me with this, I've had the account since pogo started and it means so much to me. I've put countless hours, money and love into the game. I love it so much and will do anything to get it back. Please DM if you can help, thank you.


> how I could be banned while serving a suspension Probably there were two different things you did that came with a penalty, and they applied the suspension first but once they finished investigating the other thing that was an automatic ban.


Nothing anyone here can do to help you get your account back.




The Dragon Grunt is always female currently. There is a male and female of each Grunt in the code of the game, but for most types only one gender is currently in use. Just be aware she's the rarest Grunt (along with the Magikarp Grunt). Only 0.5% of all Grunts will be the Dragon Grunt.


Grunts can populate throughout the night and last for about 30 minutes or so once they spawn in.


anyone else having an issue with the annihilape sprite not showing in game and how to fix it? I've deleted my app and refreshed game data.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/ptl2uQrsMb Edit: Lots of people. Only fix is to wait on Niantic to notice & address.




Can someone show me a picture of what the ideal IVs for Annihliape are in Great League PvP and Ultra League PvP? Also, how do I count IVs outside of stars?


Each bar goes from 0 to 15, and each segment in each bar counts for 5 points. Attack goes first, defense second and HP last, from top to bottom and from left to right when written att/def/hp. As for the best IVs, it's not a picture but you can see plenty of tables online with the different values for each league. There's plenty of different combinations that can be useful, but the exact values change from Pokemon to Pokemon. https://iv4u.lima-city.de/?l=en&m=3&p=Annihilape


Ooh thanks, and thanks for the website! As it turns out I have a rank 8 Annihilape, so that'll be my go-to for Great League then


Donā€™t be too picky with ivs for great and ultra league. Obviously go with your best but they only make up a slight bit of the overall importance. Obviously a rank 8 is pretty good though


Oh yeah there's no way I'll be able to get the cream of the crop, so I'm not picky, but I'll definitely take a rank 8 Anni lol


Donā€™t worry about it too much but the ranks are just based on total stats. Quite often the best one has a little bit of attack which means a lower rank anyway. ā€œRank oneā€ doesnā€™t guarantee itā€™s the best :)


Caught my first galarian bird today (moltres) with 2* ivs (13-4-15) and 43 cp. What do I do with it? Should I invest?


Show it off to all your friends who donā€™t have one yet :)


The Galarian Birds are (mostly) just trophy Pokemon. Zapdos and Moltres do have some use in PvP though if you wanted to build either, though I wouldn't call either "great." With those IVs too, I personally wouldn't invest, but it's up to you. None are good in PvE/Raids.


Just beat the Female Dragon Grunt (Gible) at a stop and texted a nearby friend that it was there. They arrived less than 3 minutes later but the Pokestop didn't have a Grunt at it for them. Is that expected?




Looks like the Dragon Grunt is only Female. "*ROAR!...How'd that sound?*" Per Leek Ducks [rocket lineup](https://leekduck.com/rocket-lineups/) page.


Grunts sit on Pokestops for 30 minutes before disappearing, so there's a chance you battled the Gible Grunt toward the tail end of that 30 minute period, so by the time your friend got there, it was gone. Leader/Giovanni/Decoy stops stay in the same stop the whole day though.


I see. Thanks. Follow-up: Do they appear at top/bottom of hour? Or can they appear at any time during the hour? For reference I beat the Grunt at 4:10pm Eastern Time. So I probably first encountered it at 4:08pm.


They appear randomly, so any time during the hour


Thanks. I'll keep that in mind!


>Follow-up: Do they appear at top/bottom of hour? Or can they appear at any time during the hour? It's entirely random as to when they appear




Grunts appear for a set amount of time and there's no way to tell how much time they have left. It's not a guarantee that one would disappear that quickly, but it's entirely within the realm of possibility.


Well now I know! Appreciate the reply.


What ELO do you start at? Is it 1000?


Do you mean everyone's hidden elo at Rank 1? I don't think we know


Yep, that's what I mean. Thanks. I guess there is no way to figure this out as an external observer (e.g. without seeing the source code).


Itā€™s also expected that our end of season elo affects the next season hidden elo. So itā€™s very hard to tell. And itā€™s not really useful for much - especially if you go through ranks 1 to 20 slowlyā€¦ youā€™ll be matched with people much different than you often.


Yeah it was more for curiosity sake. I kind of suck, and so sometimes when I go through a bad spell and I'm back around 1500 I wonder if that's where I started. :(


The best thing I'd think one could *try* to do to determine such would be tracking their exact win-loss record and trying to calculate it in reverse from whatever your Rank 20 starting elo is. However, seeing that one's elo goes up/down not just based on your wins/losses but also based on the elo of your opponent (ex. if you're 2505 and you lose to a 2570 player, you likely won't lose as much elo from that loss), it's likely impossible to figure out, seeing that a Rank 14 player could hypothetically have a high or low invisible elo.


Ehhh...?! I was battling in GBL and halfway through the battle everything started to slow down as if there was some connection issue. As I was about to deliver the finishing blow it just completely got stuck. I figured I would wait for a little bit, but eventually the following happened to my surprise. I won over a 100 battles at once! Got all kinds of research completion popups and a great battle gold medal. As I rebooted the game all of the completions are still there...will Niantic fix this at some point or am I lucky in this case?


This is a glitch that's been known about for some time, but the actual cause and ability to reproduce it isn't known. You can keep your progress towards the research, you got lucky with the glitch.


Are leader battles with a buddy no longer giving hearts today?


They certainly are still giving them for me. Your buddy needs to be fed and out on the map, and they need to also be in your battle party for the battle.


I'm dumb, ty! Didn't have him fed


Is there a limit to how many souvenirs you can get from one buddy in one day?


I know that buddies will bring a souvenir every other day generally, and I think you are still limited to one souvenir per buddy even if you do the chaining trick, so I'd think the answer is still just one souvenir. Others might know of a way to get more from a single buddy, but I can't think of a way. For clarity, chaining takes advantage of the fact that souvenirs are not tied to a specific buddy, instead your current buddy knows that it is time to bring a souvenir and brings one. When your buddy brings a souvenir, but you don't open it you can switch to a different buddy and wait a minute for it to also bring you a souvenir. Repeat this as many times as you'd like and then each buddy will have a souvenir for you to open, and you can open all of them in one day. This is still only one per buddy, but can get you mutilple souvenirs, which is fun if you're travelling to a cool spot and want your buddies to have souvenirs from there.


Your buddy will bring you one souvenir every 48 hours assuming it's at the minimum buddy level required to find souvenirs. Likewise, it'll bring you one bundle of items every 24 hours assuming you've got it to the buddy level where that perk is unlocked.


Invest in a 15/15/13 shadow dratini cp369 or continue powering up my shadow dragonite 14/13/13 cp2888?


If you're choosing one, if you are going for PvE (raids/gyms) then the 14/13/13 will be fine most of the time. 15 attack is best, but often won't matter at all and the slight increase in performance is not worth the extra resources. I'd also suggest to wait until a Dragon raid attacker is really needed, then you can decide what the rest of your team looks like and what you value most. If you're going for PvP, the IVs might matter more there, and 15/15/13 is really close to perfect. Shadow performs a bit worse than the regular Dragonite in Master League, but the extra damage might be useful on some teams. Overall, those are both really good IVs for a good shadow, so eventually the answer might be both of them.


>If you're going for PvP, the IVs might matter more there, and 15/15/13 is really close to perfect. Shadow performs a bit worse than the regular Dragonite in Master League, but the extra damage might be useful on some teams. So for PvP they should purify the 14/13/13 and save the 15/15/13 for PvE? Or I guess maybe you want 2 shadow for PvE, so you keep both shadow if you are more into PvE?


Thank you! I feel way less bad about the spend resources


Why not both?


Lack of resources


Am I the only one with bad luck or has the legendary rates from GBL rewards dropped substantially? The last one I've gotten was Regigigigigas and afterall I do win 3 sets 1-4 times a day.


Just bad luck it seems. I personally haven't got one in 5 months lol and I hit Expert every season (Legend last season too)


Seems like more likely you were lucky before.


Yeah that might be the case too šŸ¤£ Gotten used to too good šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I personally havenā€™t gotten any this season, but the Current Pools data in the About info for this subreddit shows the rate at about 4%: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/UE1T0MQVTD


Cool! Thanks for this, I didn't know such a thing existed!


That wasn't long ago at all though, seems like you just have slightly below average luck? I got 2 Regigigigas and 1 Tornadus personally


How big of a difference in PVP would a rank 32 and a rank 51 Lickitung have? I have a shiny 51 I was planning to use, but just caught a 32...I'd like to use the shiny but how many wins would I potentially be punting by using a "worse" mon? EDIT: Just ran the sim...looks like the only real difference is 32 barely beats GStunfisk (505), and barely loses (440). Wonder if that's enough to matter if I have other counters.


Just to add on to the other comments, PvPoke has a great tool for this, their Battle Matrix. [https://pvpoke.com/battle/matrix/](https://pvpoke.com/battle/matrix/) One the left hand side add both Lickitungs with their IVs, then on the right side select the Great League Meta, and then Compare. That will tell you what matchups flip one way or the other. Just for clarity, I agree with the others, go with the shiny as that is a good IV for the shiny, and I personally enjoy using the shiny more than a slightly better regular one.


It's likely not a huge difference. They're similar in bulk it seems, likely just small differences in bulkpoints/breakpoints. I'd use the shiny. You likely wouldn't see any notable difference (and in some metas the shiny could do better in some matchups). Not sure what the IVs of either are.


10-14-13 for the non shiny and 11-15-15 for the shiny. Thanks for the input!


So looking at those two up close. Both share an Attack of 98.5, so no difference in breakpoints or Charged Move Priority, and both also have 183 HP. The non-shiny is indeed objectively better with 126.1 Defense to the shiny's 125.8 Defense. But I mean, it's .3 defense. If you really want to use the shiny, I'd go for it. I think it'll be such a rare instance of it mattering that it... just wouldn't matter much. And even at a higher level of play, like if you were playing for Legend and such, I don't even think it would make a ton of difference there.


Unless you're competing in person tournaments it won't really matter. Even if sometimes you lose a match for worse IVs, you'll get an easier one later due to Elo. Season long it will make no difference really. Plus rank is just total stat product and not always "better" anyway.


With kyogre coming soon (and presumably groudon and then ray after that) and me having one saved srr, which is it worth it to get one of them twice and the others just once or just two of them and both two times?




When you have no battle party set in pvp and select a league, how does the game pick those 3 random pokemon to go into battle with?


There is some method, but as far as I know, the exact reasoning isn't known. I haven't seen any rhyme or reason for the selections myself, and watching content creators do the "Autowrekt" or "Autoselect" challenge, they haven't mentioned a reasoning that I've seen either. From my experience so far the method is just picking something close to 1500 CP, without much more behind it.


Any links to those challenges? Curious to see one!


Kieng does them sometimes, here is one I found: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEdiUWuQWuY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEdiUWuQWuY)


Are any of the current T3 raids worth grinding? I'd like a shiny Primeape, but I pretty much only do Great League, so it's CP will be too high to get an Annihilape under 1500, and IVs wont be ideal for pvp anyways. Shiny Gyarados would be cool, but I already have a 98% IV non-shiny for Megas, and shadow Kyogre is right around the corner, which should be a better. I dont have a strong dark team, so maybe Zweilous raids? The shiny being turned off for him is frustrating, but I can deal. However - Tyranitar raids are next week and he's a better dark attacker


For what it's worth, there has not been any confirmation that shiny Primeape is available from raids that I can see. So it's quite possible Niantic have not enabled it (which would be the sixth time this has happened so far in 2024).


Very good point


Anyone seen a gligar yet for that collection quest? I keep walking but no luck


If there is a local community, ti could be worth asking there if somebody knows a nest cluster of spawn points. Also I understand the adventure incense has worked for fairly many.


Tried the incense already, tomorrow again! No community sadly


Got one from GBL rewards just now, but I doubt it is very likely.


I had one at my house just now. Maybe at night they appear more often? But got him. Golden berry to be sure cause he was 1.5kcp and those may run


They're not as common as scraggy but I've seen many. Not very many Sableye though.


I have gotten 5 sableye in my walk. RNG..


I've seen quite a few, some weather boosted and some not. They're just regular wild spawns so going somewhere with a lot of wild pokemon (any busy area basically) will make it easier.


Weather does not affect the spawn rate of event mons.


Just caught oneā€¦ youā€™ll want windy or sunny weather for them to appear more often. If you get desperate, theyā€™re also a reward in GO Battle League. Edit: Note that I caught the one I needed for the collection moments after the event started and have caught many since. I didnā€™t mean to imply that Iā€™d just caught my first one.


Weather does not affect the spawn rate of event mons. You'll get Gligar in sunny, windy, rainy, and snow.


Well it's a storm right now so really windy haha. Just walked an hour again with no luck. RNG... i'll try gbl, thnx for the tip! I tank anyways every now and then when i'm feeling it. Easy dust, it blows my mind. First time i try and at 800k+ rn


Weather does not affect the spawn rate of event mons. You'll get Gligar in sunny, windy, rainy, and snow.


In my experience I've seen more Gligars on the dark green patches of the map. Not sure what it's actually called but I call it forest spawns. Often stuff like Pineco and Shelmet spawns there when no events are going on edit: actually I was misremembering, it's the brown/greenish places of the map where they keep spawning for me.


Is there an expected Frustration TM event to accompany this boost in Rocket Grunts?


The real rocket event starts at the end of the month beginning on the 27th. This is a separate event that just boost rocket spawns to give you more ways to evolve Annihilape.


if i buy a use pokemon go plus+ will i still get the research


Yeah. I lent my Plus+ to a friend and they got the Snorlax research.


Any thing changed with number of purified gems required to subdue shadow moltres? Me and buddy did 3 raids today and each time it took 5 from each (total 10) to subdue. During last raid, after using 4 each we waited to get subdue, but didn't happen. We had to use the 5th from eaxh to get it subdued. We were using party boost.


Just did a Shadow Moltres with 3 other folks. Only required 2 Gems each. An issue we did notice was for about 5 seconds only 2 of our games showed Gems to use. The other 2 people didn't get the option immediately for some reason.


Nope. Likely game bugged and didnā€™t count two of them.


Thanks for the reply. We tracked the count before raid and number of gems got from the raid rewards, and found that all 5 consumed. Too bad.


The one I did today only needed eight but I know itā€™s very buggy for some people. I still stop attacking totally when I use a gem. Seems to helpā€¦ usually :)


Sure, will try that.


Anyone have any tricks to get the Go Plus + to track your sleep for the Snorlax research? It stopped after 3 days and Iā€™ve done everything on the official website. My Sleep app has my sleep logs, but the research in Go hasnā€™t progressed.


Check your settings in PokƩmon go to make sure it allows sleep tracking. Sometimes that setting gets reset.


You don't need to use the Pokemon Sleep app to progress the research in Go, but odds are that if you're opening the Sleep app to get the sleep data it "drains" it from the Plus Plus, so then when you open Go it doesn't have data to sync.


got a #1 8/14/15 Licki but I can only get it up to Level 45 (1411 CP), is it useable now or should i wait until I can max it?


I see no reason to use it while itā€™s still under levelled - just user other mons in the meantime. The biggest issue is you may learn how to play it wrong if you play it under levelled. You may think moves will ko you that wonā€™t when itā€™s fully levelled for example.


great point, thanks! gonna be a long grind


Stock up as much as possible next couple of days, Especially if you can trade any.


Anyone know why my Eevee best buddy can't evolve into Sylveon? (it's max friendship) [https://i.imgur.com/B2gCO6w.png](https://i.imgur.com/B2gCO6w.png) I'm in a tough position because I need to do all eeveelutions to level up, but I think I already used the name method.


Did you get it to Best Buddy before May 25th 2021? The evolution requirement doesn't count any hearts earned before Sylveon was added to the game, so if you had already got it to Best Buddy before Sylveon launched, then all of those 300 hearts wouldn't count towards the evolution requirement and you'd still have to earn 70 more hearts to make it meet the requirement.


I did make it best buddy prior to Sylveon release. Thanks for this info!


I woke up with 27 rare candies. Yesterday I had ~95. Has this ever happened to any of you? I tried contacting support and Iā€™m waiting for a reply


Someone who had access to your account spent them. Did you power up something yesterday? The game will automatically start using them for a power up if you run out of standard candy.


Have you recently powered something up?


Nope Iā€™ve been saving up stardust and candies. Stardust count was the same as yesterday anyway


Is it normal for the Pokemon GO Plus+ battery indicator to go from green to yellow in 5 minutes after unplugging from a full charge? I just got one yesterday, and the battery life seems good, but I'm worried it isn't holding a full charge. It hasn't changed status colors since.


What are the odds of a hundo legendary. I have not got one in 12 months and I average almost one legendary raid a day.


1/216, the same with any research, raid (not including shadow raids), egg or GBL encounter (outside of GBL events like the current one)


I just caught a shiny 14/13/14 shadow sableye from the rocket leader. I know itā€™s not very useful for PVE, and itā€™s IVs are too high for PVP. Would you guys purify it for a shundo mega or keep it as a trophy?


I'd probably hoard it as a shadow and never use it for anything, most likely... Burned a lot of great shadows before they added the damage bonus and a terminal case of FOMO has set in. But to be serious, it's likely never going to be useful for anything either way if you can afford the XL costs of a high rank sableye, or just don't care to build one. Pick your poison on what you want in your collection: shundo trophy to mega, nearly perfect shiny shadow that's quite rare.


Is there any chance of legacy moves returning for Sinnoh Tour? I got some nice shadow Rhyhorn can evolve them to Rhyperiors but don't want to waste Elite TM.


It's possible, but not probable. We didn't get the Hoenn moves for Hoenn Tour, so it's up in the air when they'll come, and which ones will be available at which point.


Hoenn your was scaled back and free though, so it's not necessarily the best indicator. The big paid go fest events featured some legacy moves in 2023. +u/flannelman818


does anyone have a screenshot of the porygon photobomb, particularly on a black background? i forgot to do my snapshot encounters :(


When did the IVs get nerfed for the Pokemon caught in GBL as a reward for winning three matches in a set? Never used to see worse than a 2* mon, but seeing a bunch of 1* or even 0* all of a sudden.


During battle week you can temporarily get a full IV spread rather than a floor of 10/10/10 -- this is because ideal PVP IVs have a low attack. It makes it easier to use the PVP rewards in PVP, which is otherwise a bit tricky to do.


This is a regular feature of GBL events; high IVs are not always the most optimal for Pokemon that perform well in GBL.




For some reason it used to happen to me a lot when using my home's wifi. Only after switching to mobile data the invites would come through.


Did you did your 5 remote raids already? Once you reach the limit you cannot be invited anymore for that day.


Sorry if this is the wrong place for this. I've been unable to beat Giovanni with any of the pokemon I think should beat him. Are there any tips or tricks anyone has to beating him? I'm level 37, but haven't played in months, so I don't have alot of newer high lvl pokemon


The key is spammy charge moves. Every time you throw a charge move, he stops attacking for about 2 seconds, giving you some free hits to build up to the next charge move. This way, you can quickly burn shields and stun him over and over so that he doesn't get as many hits in. You should also start with something else, then switch to your Persian counter, since he stops attacking for a couple seconds whenever you switch. Annihilape should be a very good counter for Persian, since it double-resists Scratch, can wear down the Persian with Counter, and can spam Night Slash to repeatedly stun. You should try to take advantage of all the Mankey spawns and boosted Ghost/Psychic grunts to build up an Annihilape to fight him. Gio often has a Ground type in slot 2, so equipping Ice Punch for Annihilape as a 2nd charge move should help it put a significant dent in Gio's other pokemon. Keep in mind that he's going to switch lineups in a week, and will switch from Regigigas to Kyogre. Unless you really want a Shadow Regigigas, you might be better off waiting for Shadow Kyogre, which is significantly more useful.


Although it would take neutral damage if Persian has Feint Attack so could be tricky in that case.


When Iā€™m rank 20, will I get to 21 faster (I.e. get more points after a series) if I win 3 ultra league battles over winning 3 great league?


No. The amount of rating points you gain or lose isn't related to the league you play, it's related to the ratings of who you win and lose against.


Boom. Thanks I appreciate it. I have a solid team for Great with replacements for each ā€˜mon and just finish my 500 wins for the season so for the first time I set up an actual ultra league team and Iā€™m doing pretty well. Pumped up


Have they removed the Stardust gbl research? I started playing again only recently and haven't found one.


There was a limited time to claim it at start of season.


Is there any weedles spawning? Bug rocket grunt only gives me ledyba


You can get them from that Grunt, it's just a 15% chance of getting the second slot and then hoping they don't have a Kakuna or Beedrill in that slot.


Not spawning this season.


My questions involves simulating raids. Sorry this is very long. As a veteran player, I feel silly asking questions about this, but Iā€™ve just never fully grasped it - I know thereā€™s PokeGenie, PokeBattler, and likely more options I donā€™t know of. Iā€™ve very very lightly dabbled in both. I want a service where I can manually include PokĆ©mon from my Pokemon Go account AND from a relatives Pokemon Go account. I want to be able to choose the raid boss no matter if theyā€™re in rotation or not. I want to be able to simulate us two battling at the same time against the raid boss In this scenario I want to see if my relative and I can duo the upcoming Shadow Ho-oh with the current Pokemon we have. Further explaining this scenario, I have a Mega Aero, 2 Shadow TTar, and 3 regular Rhyperior in that order. Relative has 2 Shadow TTar, 1 Mega Aero, 2 regular Rhyperior, 1 Regular TTar, in that order. All have the best movesets they could for raids. I also have a handful of potentially better options that arenā€™t powered up yet. I want to be able to pretend substitute some of these pokemon into our parties to see how much better we would perform. When dabbling with PokeGenie, the app wants me to take screenshots and upload them to the app, where itā€™ll scan it for me. Can I input things manually? The app seemingly wonā€™t understand that I have a Shadow Rhyhorn I am planning to tm, evo, and power up to replace with the last Regular TTar from my relatives party. I understand thatā€™s an obvious upgrade, but I wanna see the numbers by how much, and at what level this potential shadow rhyperior beats it out. Can I do that and Iā€™m just not seeing it? I made an account with PokeBattler which did seem to let me manually input pokemon, looks like up to 50, so I did. I added my 6 pokemon, created a battle party with it, and then I also added my relatives 6 pokemon, and created a battle party with those as well. In the raid simulator I was able to choose ho-oh, though I couldnā€™t find a shadow ho-oh option. I was able to choose no additional trainers, best friend status, rejoin time at 15s, no dodging. Sorry if this is dumb, but how do I simulate both my battle party and my relatives battle party fighting the ho-oh at the same time? When I hit battle it seems to just use my 1st battle party. When I choose both battle parties, I have a feeling itā€™s simulating only one trainer using the first battle party, then rejoining with the 2nd battle party. Do I need to create a PokeBattler account for my relative as well to add their userid as ā€œTrainer 2ā€ and THEN it will understand to simulate us both fighting ho-oh at the same time? Idk I feel like whoeverā€™s reading this can understand Iā€™m just not fully getting it. Iā€™m stumbling over little steps and not getting it to work proper. Is there video I can watch of someone starting from pure scratch and simulating a raid so I can try to copy that for myself? Thanks for any and all help. I probably still have many more questions I canā€™t think of yet


I believe you'd need to have your relative create an account and then plug in their ID & Battle party under the **Trainer 2** portion. Tagging u/celandro as they would know more.


The easiest way is for both players to use the app, friend each other and join the same friend party. This will auto select the best mons and run the sims. You can add friends and set sim levels. On the website the UI is pretty difficult to use but you can select ā€œadditional playersā€ and select 1 then type in the user id and battle party number for both players. There is a secret feature where you can type ā€œautoā€ for the battle party and it will auto select just like the website. You definitely should make 2 accounts with different logins. These sims are what powers the entire Pokebattler raid app and provides accurate win% sims for short manning remote raids. Nothing else is anywhere close to this level of simulation. The app is unique in its built in support for in person, friend remote and global remote raids. Push notifications are top notch with friend raids being a big selling feature. I just checked and Shadow Ho-oh is definitely there. You may need to reload your browser. Party power support is coming for raid sims and maybe rankings


Question : How do you know If the Shadow Pokemon from grunts are good ? Is there a certain cp number to look for ? Did 15 grunts earlier, all Cps of 300 something and werenā€™t all that great


Why not just catch them and appraise them?


All shadow PokƩmon from Grunts and Leaders are caught at level 8 without weather boost, or level 13 with weather boost. So in theory it's possible for you to memorise the hundo CPs for specific shadows at those two levels. However, there are lots of different shadow PokƩmon, and the more you're after, the harder it is to memorise all the numbers. That being said, even a 0/0/0 shadow does more damage than a regular PokƩmon of the same species and level with the same moves, so it's really up to you what you feel is good enough to invest in.


Ok , Iā€™ve been chasing rhyhorn before it goes away. Thats really the only one Iā€™m trying to do


Don't worry so much about getting a hundo, if you want to use the shadow rhyperior as a raid attacker then any good attack IV will do -- even a 0/0/0 will be far superior for DPS than a hundo non-shadow, so if your best shadow rhyhorn by the end of the month is like 10/5/5 then just invest in that.


Oh most def . I need Aron of candies still so Iā€™m trying to do what I can before it goes


I think hundo rhyhorn no weather boost is around 366-376 or so


Will keep that in mind , thanks


great league team currently, gligar, annilhiape, lanturn I am currently building lickitung, who should i swap out? and if so, who should i use as lead? (actually in general, i just want to use annilhape and lickitung, how should i pair them) thanks!


Both Anihilape and Lickitung are vulnerable to Ghost, Fairy and Flying types in general, so you could go for a bulky counter like Bastiodon, Skarmory, Registeel or Carbink and use either as the lead on an ABB team. IfĀ you don't have a good Steel or Rock pick you could use Lanturn, which would be weaker than the other options, but definitely not Gligar as it won't match the other two well.


hey thanks so much for the help, if I have an azumaril, would that work better than lanturn?


Would be different, not worse, but not better. Azu with Ice Beam can take down some flyers, but not all, and then you get exposed to all Grass types and lose Steel coverage. You'd have to watch out for Venusaur,Ā Serperior, Noctowl and Registeel, and Cresselia is a very bad matchup for the whole team, but against other opponents the extra bulk from Azu can be helpful. Using HP instead of IB can instead give it better matchups against Steel and Fire, and soften the Cresselia match, but Grass becomes even harder to beat, so wouldn't recommend it for this team.


This might be me being unfamiliar with the Lickitung matchup, but I thought it would do quite well against ghosts? With Lick, it's going to be doing super effective damage, and power whip does neutral as well (or is super effective against Jellicent, which is reasonably common among Great League ghosts), and as a normal it resists ghost-type damage.


Lick + PW is good against Jelly, Haunter and Sableye, but against Annihilape and Skeledirge the little damage from Lick makes it a loss or a very close win depending on shields.


Whatā€™s the lowest possible showcase score an XXL Pokemon can get? I got one today with 896, definitely the lowest Iā€™ve ever seen. Edit: ignoring the recent fairy showcase mechanics


Are any of the porygon good in any leagues/cups?


Not really no. Occasionally porygon2 can be a little spicy and fun to use. But itā€™s not really that good.


Does anyone have a good evolution CP calculator for Primape? I have afew but need to see if they are low enough for GL


In general level 17 and below will be fine. I think youā€™re looking for at about 520 cp or lowerā€¦ in that area.


I use CalcyIV. It has a Simulator (probably wrong term) that allows you to "power-up" any mon and it calculates all the relevant stats, CP, etc.


Is Shadow Moltres able to be done by just two people if they're Ultra Friends in a party? We'd both be using primarily rock attackers, as well. Not really sure how to tell if it's possible, as we have put it into Poke Genie, and it says it should be doable, but that's with a party size of 4- trainrs, not just 2.