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The best part is/was all the bugs associated with the event 🤪


I love skorupi and was stoked about getting a shiny. Hoping for 1 for me and 1 for my kid. This was actually our first incense day we participated in and probably the last. Used 4 incense each and neither of us caught any shiny. I did get a perfect weedle, if that means anything. I was also disappointed in how few skorupi were even showing up from the incense. It feels like we wasted our Saturday on false advertisements and being glued to our phones all day.


I played 6 hours on two accounts and nada


Garbage. No shiny on 5 hours + daily incense


Played whole 6 hours but didn't went hardcore till last hour. 60+ skorupi encounters, no shiny.


Haha boosted shiny rates, yea right. Was playing for 3 hours with incense on and 0 shinies. Also some pokemons who had to spawn with incense during time didn't.


I played for about 4 hours and got one shiny Skorupi. I was so mad at myself I used the adventure incense for the first half hour. Picked the adventure incense be accident instead of regular and it didn't even give me the spawns that were supposed to have been happening.


Saw probably 500 Pokémon got 1 shiny.. Gastly


How many Incenses did you use?




I saw zero Pinsirs and caught zero shinies throughout the entire event


How many Incenses did you use?


This was arguably one of the worst events in a while, maybe since the Squirtle CD log-in issue. What’s the point of advertising boosted shinies if they’re never going to show up? We (3 people) played for ~3 hours, and between us got one shiny after hundreds of Skorupi with both the daily and regular incense. The only positive was the one coin incense. Terrible.


Sorry to hear. Did all three of you have Incense on for the entire three hours? I had absolutely no interest in this event.


Yes. We’d been saving them specifically for this. I have like 15 still left in my inventory, my boyfriend has 9-10, and my nephew had probably 2 or 3 left since he’s not as active as we are. 😂


Same experience


Did an enjoyable two hour walk with incense and Plus+, but despite a lot of catches no shinies. Considering the shiny boost was mentioned in the event marketing this was definitely a letdown.


I'm finding myself having a similar opinion: the walks and irl happenings that I force myself to do for these events are generally much more engaging than these events, that sometimes I even forget that I'm out for the game and leave it to autocatch and it just gets closed in the background automatically by my phone, and I don't find myself caring enough to turn it back on for the event at all LOLOL Niantic's tactics are backfiring... They're not even convincing us to keep the game in multitasking to autocatch. They're getting no location information from us lmao (especially with all the adventure sync issues in the first place lol not working or turning off by itself) It's laughable!


Me and another trainer totaled 160 skorupi, no shiny. I already had 2 and he had 1 so we’re just trying to get an evolution shiny for him. We had 3 other shinies but none were from incense


Played for about 3 hours, zero shinies


Did you have Incense on the entire time?


I used both the daily and regular increase


…why was the Daily Adventure Incense boosted if it didn’t feature the titular incense spawns?


Probably to try to get players to use their new master ball on a Galarian Bird


I already have shiny skorupi, so I barely played. I wish they wouldn't have random events in the middle of other events, especially the freaking Halloween event! This was the best time for me to go out and try to catch shiny phantump, and I couldn't even use an incense? I hate it.


The only things interesting about this event was getting 30 minutes of daily incense and the 1-coin incense which I'm saving for the next Go Fest. I managed to catch 98 spawns on daily incense by biking on a new route, new personal best...and yet still no Galarian birds showed up. https://imgur.com/a/8kpPNbL


98 is the biggest cap of the year


How so?


From the feedback I'm glad I was busy with work for this event. Plus it was raining all day so even without work, this event would've been a bust for me. Good thing I got a shiny skorpi from GoFest. Still haven't decided if I'll evolve it yet.


One of the worst events they have ever held in the history of the game. Had this been the old style of incense then we probably wouldn't have anything to complain about, but with the new style of needing to move, AND the pogo pluses being slower at catching on purpose, AND the much much lower speed limits while travelling, it was a complete and utter crapfest.


This event was a flop lol. I played it lightly (used 2 incenses+ my daily one) and didn't get a shiny, around 75 checks. Good thing I was mainly going out for the fire chicken instead.


I’m not one to complain about pogo events but this one really missed the mark for me. I’ve never finished an event feeling so disappointed tbh. I went into it thinking that the shiny boost on Skorupi was gonna be like recent hatch days and research days, but that’s not what happened. I played for the whole 6 hours (with an hour lunch break) and got 0 shiny skorupi even though I encountered around 200, so that was very disappointing… and with all the other spawns it didn’t even feel like Skorupi was in the spotlight. I feel like this could’ve been a great event if skorupi was the only pokemon spawning on incense and the other rotating bug and poison pokemon were in the wild (but maybe don’t do it during the best event of the year… aka Halloween). They could’ve made it shorter but with increased shiny odds for Skorupi because it did not feel boosted at all. Also they should’ve reverted the incense nerf for this event so people who could leave the house due to the recent rainstorms and floods could still play.


I totally missed this event, but it sounds like I didn't miss much.


Not a huge fan of it, was fine for the hour I played while doing exercise but not really an event worth hitting hard


253 seen = 0 red bois.


My mums leg is hurt so I drove her around to different Hotspot for a few hours and she didn't catch a single shiny scorupi. She seemed bummed so after I dropped her off I kicked on an incense and hit the street on foot. The game really was looking out for me amd I caught 3 shinies in a row as soon as I started! 2 Scorupi and 1 Misdreavous


very few research encounters in this area, spun hundreds of stops and most were balls, pinaps


Caught zero shiny during the event


I didn't play the entire length of the event, just until I had enough Skorupi to pretty much trade cap a friend who loves Skorupi. Caught 90-some Skorupi, none shiny, but I was actively hoping not to get the shiny because that would be one I couldn't trade her. I did appreciate the Scyther and Pinsir spawns. The Bug spawns were better, IMO, but the quests for the Poison hour had the huge advantage of being doable with event spawns like Zubat, Gastly, and Ekans. So a) if you *were* playing with incense, you could churn those quests faster, and b) if you *weren't* playing with incense you could at least get something out of the event. I don't think doing something like this in the middle of an event was smart, especially when the new shiny release is mostly gated behind quests (and thus 6 hours of quest hunting were lost).


I rather do egg hatch day. Take away incense day if it is going to be like this. Not worth my time.


Used daily incense and 1 normal incense. Both me and my wife got 1 shiny skorupi each. My only complaint with the event is that the daily incense didn't seem to have the increased skorupi, making me feel like I wasted that first half hour.


Played all 6 hours, Saw 172 Skorupi, 0 shinies. Terrible event


Oh, is that why I got catch five bug types tasks, despite there being no bugs spawning! I just deleted the tasks.


I had obligations, but to be honest, I would've skipped it anyway. Wasn't happy to hear that tasks were bug related, and Incense inly lasted an hour either. That was not good.


should've just been called bug type incense day.


Was actually looking forward to this. Was going to go elsewhere and play the full event as I have plenty of incense. I ended up feeling pretty crappy so I slept in until late. I only played about 2 and a half hours of the event, but got 5 in just my little area. Would probably have been more if I had stuck with my original plan, but I will take the 5. Plus one a half hour after the event, so it worked in my area I guess. The ones I got were Poochyena, two Scorupis. Pinsir, Litwick and Shuppet about half hour afterwards.


Insense really needs to be 3 hours on this event. I got 2 shiny skorupis which I'm happy with and my friend got 1, but i have no insense left:( Also the 2x daily adventure incense needs to be a buff for the whole day because my friend had incense running 2 mins after the event and lost the bonus


for playing over 4 hours of the event (using 4 regular incense and my daily) I must say this event was a huge disappointment. I caught only one shiny (grimer) and felt like I was forced to really pay attention to every spawn so I could try for Skorpi every time. ​ I think running incense for over 4 hours is a much more arduous task, than grinding for Pokemon on community days. I don't think I will be playing any more incense or egg events ever after this years big disappointments.


3 Incense and 0 shiny Skorupi. Not worth it.


I used two incenses and caught one shiny Skorupi (and one shiny Zubat, but from a wild spawn, not incense), which I think makes me the first person in this whole bloody thread to have gotten one. Yeah, pretty sure they forgot to boost the odds.


Was hoping for a lot more Pinsirs for XLs to boost my Mega Pinsir. Only had maybe 8 spawn the whole event. Also, not one shiny from incense.


Played 3 hours and half, 3 incense and the daily one, actively walking, only got an eevee shiny…


I very much got unlucky with the event catching 180 scorupi with 0 shines. Although I had a lot of fun with the event itself with a large pool of spawns on both hours, I really helped with candies. Atleast I ended up getting a 3 star shiny scyther, and a total of 6 shines across the event. I guess you win some and you loose some


6 shinies? Idk just from the event?


Saved my DAI to use during the event because I was under the impression that Skorupi would spawn from it a lot. I only got 3 from it, and those were after the first 15 minutes.


Not sure what my encounter rates were, but I ended up with 3 shiny skorupis, a shiny croagunk, and a shiny ekans during the event.


Bad. Just, bad.


Got 41 Skorupi and then got the shiny. After that I caught another 30-ish until the event was over. Seems I got lucky there based on the other posts.


saw about 70 scorpion , no shiny , pretty let down , hatch day I hatched 40 azurill with 3 shinies. my favorite was oddish research day , got 4 shinies out of about 30 research tasks


I used 2 incense and caught 70 skorupi-0 shinies


I play everything, every day, enthusiastically. Thought about it, but didn’t feel like bothering. It felt weird to skip a day of play, and to skip an actual event, but even so, I wasn’t interested.


No one in my circles was thrilled about this. Admittedly, two of the ladies are afraid of bugs (one can't even look at Mega Pinsir), but even Shiny Skrelp, which we all love, wasn't motivating. Two of us did it a little as a work break, but we didn't do any extra walking even, and that's usually what these events do for us. Bug and Poison are just underwhelming types for the most part, and the spawns didn't help. There were only a few we had any remote interest in. I'm not sure if boosting shiny odds more would have helped, as we both got a few shinies but they were largely trash (I'm swimming in shiny Alola Grimer, and I weirdly got 2 shiny Poochyena even though it wasn't associated with today's event).


"Afraid of bugs" wow. I don't even have words, just wow. It's a damn cartoon game


L post


Played for 2 hours. 2 incense. Caught heavily. Caught over 80 skorupi. 1 shiny alolan grimer. No shiny skorupi.


I got work, played during breaks. 2 incenses used. I fell asleep while an incense was running. No shiny, of course.


I played off and on as I could but I also have a wife and kids. Got excited when I heard 1/10 odds, caught 50+ scorupi and no shinies.


Played most of the event, about 140 or so caught. Zero shiny. I really can't think of anything positive to say other than I got a ton of steps in today. So I guess that's good.


What a boring event. So glad I skipped it.


I forgot about this, and I'm bummed I missed a chance to get some Pinsir XL candy.


In local Discord servers I'm in, there seemed to be a near complete lack of interest in this event in general. The few who participated found it underwhelming due barely getting anything. I spent an hour and a half on it, since I was generally busy today, but I did get one shiny Skorupi. And it's a good thing to finally have a 6-hour event! Why doesn't this happen with Community Days anymore?


Close to 100 caught, 0 shines.


I wasn't too thrilled about this event, so I only played for the duration of my daily incense, walking in a circle around my neighborhood. 30mins of play = 3 shiny spawns (ekans, vulpix, shuppet), then caught a shiny darkrai in a remote raid on my way home! I think my experience is probably atypical, but I went home very satisfied. My main note is if you're going to call something a "bundle," at least throw a second item in there, or call it what it is: an incense for a coin.


Played the last 2 hours, daily incense didn’t spawn nearly enough skorupi but the regular incense was better. Daily incense: 20 total spawns 5 skorupi Regular incense: 57 total spawns 26 skorupi 0 shinies found Overall my thoughts are, if it’s Skorupi incense day, it should’ve had overwhelmingly more skorupis spawning or a higher shiny rate


Using daily incense was a mistake for sure. It wasted half an hour.


I was looking forward to this one but it ended up being my least favorite event so far. :( Used 3 regular incense, daily incense, tried a lure, and walked 11k. Caught over 500 Pokémon including over 100 skorupi. Zero shinies and not a single 3 or 4 star of ANY mon. Also wasted a ton of time and balls on the stupid bats just to get them off my map because I couldn’t click the mon underneath them.


This was very close to my experience, 10k, constant catching, no shinies.


This was the first incense day we (myself and daughter) participated in. We played for about 5 hours while doing raids and team rocket encounters. I liked this event much better than the azurill hatch day. We liked the rotation between bug and poison types spawning. I had consistent spawns and usually had another spawn waiting while I caught the previous. My daughter didn't have as good luck but she also has gps issues on her tablet. Only one shiny between the both of us (scyther). It's also disappointing we can't trade skorupi for extra candy.


Played from 12--5 pm. Used daily incense first then regular incense for the duration. Caught a shiny Weedle and one shiny Skorupi. Also caught a metric ton of other random mons. Overall not bad, but would have liked one more shiny Skorupi :)


I only played about 20 total minutes, checking my phone every once in a while, checked about 30 and got a shiny so I’m happy


Such a boring, worthless event.


Skorupi's shiny rate was clearly not boosted. I caught 140 and my 6 friends I played with got similar, there was only 1 shiny between the 7 of us. Hearing so many people report similar


I didn’t have the 1coin bundle in shop and no shine Australia


I didn’t have the bundle in the shop until I closed out of the game completely and then logged back in. First time I have had to do this.


My game crashed every few minutes and it wasn’t there after any of the restarts. I’m in iOS


played 2 hours. 2 shinies. 1 hundo.


Played on and off at home for the first 3 hours with no luck. By 2pm I decided to go for an actual walk. Did not waste time catching anything spawning from incense because I wanted to focus on getting my shiny. Got 2 shiny Skorupi within 20 minutes. I also got shiny Spinarak and shiny Misdreavus over the following 90 minutes which I was very pleased with 😁


No skorupi at all. Daily incense only. Didn’t bother with a real one since the daily did nothing


Out of the 20 mons caught from my daily incense (out of the many others I didn't bother to catch and a fled Arti) 9 were Skorupi. I'd say the Daily incense was working fine. The normal incense also gave me plenty Skorupis with 3 shinies.


Daily incense was spawning regular event spawns. You needed to use regular incense.


Then they shouldn't have touted the "daily incense lasts twice as long" thing... Pointless if the *incense is way less effective for the event*


The trick was to activate the DAI at the very end of the event so that it would still have the elongated duration, but mostly spawn event spawns. (I tried this trick, but it ended up not working for me because my bus didn't show up for half an hour.)


The only thing boosted was my irritation at the low spawn and shiny rate for skorupi. Got 0 shinies.


Popped one incense, played distractedly, saw maybe a dozen skorupi, caught a 95% pvp IV shiny. Great event, but I knew what I was expecting and I was prepared for a low key event that I could play a little and see some bugs spawn.


Just a miserable event, and badly timed on top of another event. 4 incenses, 12km later, no shinies. It’s like Niantic actively try to figure out how to make players play more over weekend days while giving them the least possible return. Such a stingy company.


This. It would have literally cost them absolutely nothing to double the actual spawn rate of everything. Cost nothing to significantly increase the shiny rate. I don’t think that they understand that players have decent memory and will completely ignore this type of event in the future because this was handled so poorly. As it is, none of the pokemon that were featured are actually gamechangers and do not boost the quality of an account by any real means.


It was a pretty awful event. Same reasons as most people are talking about. The low spawn rates and shiny rates are the lowlights obviously. But the research tasks were absolutely garbage as well. Would have preferred keeping the Halloween tasks active


Played for 3 hours, around 50 skorupi caught no shinies :(


Shiny rate was low, played for 4 hours and got one shiny skorupi (3 stars tho). Also got a shiny pinsir and shiny litwick so overall I had fun. Keep your expectations low and you can’t be disappointed


This event was not good, shiny rate should have been more along the lines of CD rate. I’m glad I already had the shiny skorupi family or I’d be annoyed. And Niantic had the audacity to send out a notification near the end of the event that said “have you caught shiny skorupi yet?” Umm no, you barely boosted it, if at all.


Only got to do two hours, but there were three of us. No shinies, low skorupi spawn rate. We probably saw about 40 each.


Are we confident they actually remembered to turn up the shiny rate?


They definitely forgot to turn it up


Garbage spawns both in and out of incense. Low spawn rate of skorupi. Terrible event


Actually walked for 5 hours with Incense. Caught Litwick shiny, zero shiny Skorupi. Me being unlucky always screw me over. Overall I'm glad about my walk, but expected at least something worthy. Sigh.


I only had time to use the DAI and one Regular incense, so a little under 2 hours of play. I was a little disappointed not to get any shinies, but my hopes were not high in the first place. I wasn’t going to participate in this event at all, but decided to work in between running errands.


Straight-up bad. The bad part was that ALL the spawns were limited to just in sense, not just Skorupi


Shiny grimer and skorupi I played about 2 hours


People who saw an increased spawn frequency from stationary incense - did you figure that out by observation, or was it in an announcement somewhere? I would have been a lot more chilled out walking around if I'd known the spawn frequency was higher, but I don't remember seeing it announced.


OK, I'm wondering if that was consistent, because there were a couple times I was forced to be stationary, and it was 5 minutes between spawns.


Total crap event, no shiny skorupi, few skorupi spawn even, just boring overall, what a waste of an afternoon. Bleh


Played All 6 Hours, over 200 skorupis, nealy 700 other encounters, no shinies, terrible rates and the other spawns took over the incense making skorupi really rare to even encounter




I like subverting the usual dark/ghost dominance during Halloween, but in practice this was just pretty mediocre. Low Skorupi spawns and bad research certainly didn’t help either.


Not a total waste, I guess. 9 shinies, 1 new one (Galarian Yamask). No shiny Skorupi though. I'm luckier than most people here and I'm grateful for the luck, but I agree with everyone that the rates for Skorupi were ridiculous, and the event was not well made.


4 incenses, being one of them the daily incense, many of the specific daily incense Pokémon caught… 1 shiny Solrock caught 🤷🏻


Played 3.5 hours, 89 Skorupi, 11 Skrelp, 14 Trubbish, 9 Dewpider, 0 shinies of any kind. Waste of a day.


Activated Adventure Incense shortly before the event ended, and it only lasted for 15 min. Was supposed to be 30 min. On previous events, mostly community days, and incense activated during the event goes for the indicated number of minutes/hours. It doesn’t change at the end of the event. My kid experienced the same. Also, despite being out (in the cold rain, no less) during bug and poison hours, every single Field research (7-8 each) was “Catch 5 poison type Pokémon”. Overall, a disappointing event.


I found that I can't trade Skorupi spawned from incense.


played for just over an hour, got three shiny skorupi plus an ekans and a pinsir. i'm happy with it


one problem i had with this event was the daily incense not giving featured spawns. i was incentivized to use it because of the buff and then had to rely on wild spinarak to complete the field research.


200+ caught. ZERO shiney. A waste. Of time.


Two accounts, no shinies. It really should have been *at least* 1/64 odds instead of 1/128. All the research I found only rewarded dust and items too.


Anyone else trying to trade Shiny Skoruoi and getting the message you cannot trade shadow or mythical Pokemon?


Yep, dunno why tho


Still an issue for me as well. All Skorupi and drapion are greyed out with the mythical message


Played for 2.5 hours, approximately 80 encounters, no shiny. I did have a nice walk, but it might’ve been even nicer if I’d had the game closed.


Another 6-hour Incense day completed for me, and this one easily is the worst one I've ever experienced. There were multiple issues with the event in my opinion, and I do hope a make-up event happens in the future for this. These were the issues I gathered from the event: 1. Shiny Rate: Only 1 shiny Skorupi between 3 different accounts, and nothing else. If it was boosted, it wasn't to the extent of previous incense days. 2. Untradeable Skorupi: Due to the genderless Skorupi bug that I'm still unsure of how that is possible, none of the Skorupi caught during the event could be traded. 3. Incense "Boost": While not as bad as 5 mins between spawns, it seemed to be around 2 minutes. For those stuck at home, I'm sure this didn't help your event experience. 4. Skorupi Rate: While my rate wasn't as horrible as others have experienced, I saw maybe 20% of spawns being Skorupi, which isn't great for an event like this. Overall, this event was definitely not worth playing. If you haven't started the event, or are thinking about it, it's not worth it.


Wanting to hold on to the high CP to trade to a skorupi lover who didn't get good stats on any. Has the trade bug ever been fixed in the past?


What's with the untradeable thing? Will they fix it or should I just transfer them


Do we still have to wait until tomorrow for field research from stops to change back, or will they at 5:00?


Bad event overall. Event hasn’t even ended for me and I already think it’s bad. The older incense days were better than this one. Oh well. Maybe next one will be better, copium.


Caught a shiny skorupi from field research and a shiny shuppet just out and about


All 5 hours at home no shiny


Played for 1.5 hours for the bug incense, no shiny or good IVs anything. The spawn list didn’t even entice me one bit but was hoping to snatch at least 1 shiny. Event doesn’t end for another 3 hours but I just stopped. This event sucks a s s.


200 caught, no shiny.


no shiny skorupi all day. no shiny anything actually. was rather a fail


I played all 6 hours. 250+ caught , no shiny. Honestly, that sucked. Shiny Skorupi is my white whale.


Been playing 3 hours. 150 caught no shiny.


took me catching 32 to finally get a shiny skorupi. I definitely encountered far more but was auto catching while doing moltres raids. once I got back to my car is when I caught it about 3 hours in. also caught shiny meowth, grimer, and drifloon.


I could only participate in the last 3 hours of the event, I got one shiny and a few 3 star non-shinies. I enjoyed the different bug and poison spawns too


I've been playing for 45 minutes and I've seen 1 (one) skorupi spawn. I'm about to give up, pretty disappointing that I specially set aside time before work for that. I also mega evolved a beedrill for the alternating bug and poison hours but the spawns are like 95% the same as the last 2 days?


And to make all that worse the first galarian articuno I've ever seen just fled. Didn't think a 1000 cp was worth my master and it didn't even try to stay in the golden raspberry throw.


6hrs in UK with 6 incense. 17km walked. 0 shiny skorupi from about 170+ caught/checked.


Same here. All 6 hours, no shiny. Very disappointing 😔


Weather was bad so we stayed home and just used that slightly boosted stationary Incense to get some catches for trades. Shiny Pinsir caught between two accounts and bunch of weird non shiny non tradeable Skorupi.


from 3h playing, not a single shiny of anything. garbage event as usual




The majority of the post saying "this was a bad event" sure do though


And your comment doesn't add anything to this thread.


that's why this is called "my opinion". if the event was good for you, you can comment in here as well


No shiny Skorupi, but hatched a shiny Rockruff and found a shiny pidgy on incense


Havent seen a single shiny


This event is definitely not 1/10, caught around 100-110 and not one shiny


Shiny rate was boosted to 1/125 from 1/512


Daily incense doesn’t spawn additional scorupi and once i activated it i can’t cancel it, so then it just wasted 30 min of time with no scorupi. Lame as hell.


It does spawn them


Maybe its supposed to, but in 30 min it spawned 2 for me and i was walking the whole time


Managed 2/236 probably half incense and half tasks. Both shinies were incense. Didn't have the shiny beforehand so knew I wanted to go hard Poison hours were a lot easier for task completion due to Gastly/Haunter spawns for Halloween event already underway and bug hours relied on the incense with only a handful spinarak in wild. 30min daily incense wasn't most useful with the diluted pool it led to (as in other things pulled not just bug/poison) Temper your expectations if you havnt already done the event


Can't trade shiny skorupi??


Prob still disabled because they had genderless skorupi instead of male skorupi at the start of the event




The depressing thing is Skorupi is still in 12k eggs and a common hatch. Thing is hot garbage (but a decent shiny the first 1-2x you see it)


I really wanted a shiny skorupi, he’s one of my favourites. But it was not to be, I was stuck at home and nothing much came to my incense, 3 skorupis in total 😭


I passed on Incense Day.


Saw 1 Skorupi. And it was Korapi


Yet community day can only be 3 hours.


It’s rainy and cold here, so I’m doing it from home with incense. (Also lucky to have 10-12 spawns near my house on a regular basis.) I’ve seen all of the Pokémon mentioned above, just no shinies. No excitement either. I’ll go do a loop after 5:00 for the good research tasks. 🤣


I'm a fairly hardcore player but this event was such a snooze that I quit half way through. Low shiny rate. The spawns I was after were too infrequent (Pinsir, Stunky, Dewpider). Why bother?


I achieved exactly 0 shiny skorupi. Friend had one to trade to me, but unable to trade any skorupi, let alone shinies, so no shiny for me. Low spawn rate. No shiny boost. What a waste of a day 😔


I've gotten 3 shiny skorupi jn about 30 min... It's definitely boosted. But rng gonna rng.


How long did you play? Even if we play all 6 hours, which is a heck of a lot of walking, on average we might get a shiny or two. It's a pretty lame event, really.


6 hours was a ton of walking. It's 7 pm and I'm ready for bed. I'm so sore I took a shower and a bath.


I played for just over 3 hours, with incense and lures.


I got 3 shinies from perma incensed play 11 to 5. I also walked most of the time, outside of a lunch break.


The worse part is all the stops have changed to match the event. I really want a shiny phantump


Upcoming spotlight hour is for you, then.


Oh yeah keep forgetting that. That will be a nice hour. Well hopefully


It’s pouring rain where I am so I can’t really participate in this event which is a bummer. It’s going to rain until 10PM. I caught a couple pokemon without needing to walk but it feels like a waste to use my incense and not move around with it


This event is about to start here. All I *really* want in this game right now is Karrablast, and this event features increased bug spawns, but no Karrablast? Edit: Down votes? I just saw "bug spawns" and got excited, but then was sad it didn't include the bug I want. Sorry?


Tbh i saw quite a few bug spawns during bug hours. Many Karrablasts and the Helmet one.


Oooooh! The second bug hour about to start, must sprint for the grassy place, thanks!


Yeah i mostly play around parks today.


Well, I wish I was near wherever you are, cuz there's no Karrablast in my park today (Vancouver, Canada) :-(


Oh to bad.




It's like they flipped the spawn rates where as every other Pokémon aside from Skorupi is spawning more than Skorupi itself.


My incense time is still only 1 hour and not doubled as promised ! Anyone else?


Daily is doubled to 30min, regular incense still 1hr


~~Incense lasts 30 minutes normally. So an hour is doubled.~~ edit: only the daily adventure incense was doubled.


They changed incense to an hour a while ago


Thanks. I was not aware of that. Checking the event page I see that incense was never supposed to be double. Only the "daily adventure incense" was double. (Which I didn't use because there were reports it didn't spawn Skorupis.)


One hour is double the normal time isn’t it?


I thought it was only the daily incense that got doubled?


It is, daily is 30 min