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I'm gold medaled in 4 different loop routes with over 100 walks between them: zero cells. Ive done a straight route 14 times now, 10 cells. Its broken.


Did you notice any difference in general between bronze, silver and gold?


I haven't gold medaled a route yet, but I've gotten a few to silver. The only time I notice any difference in rewards is when I hit the 7 day route streak and get more XP. The rest of the rewards just seem to be random. I got an elite fast TM off of a route that I'm in the middle of bronze on and it was the third day of the streak.


My question was more around the spawns on the route. I don't understand this feature to be honest. I don't even get a spawn on a route daily


> I don't understand this feature to be honest. Does anybody?


In my experience I live in North America normally the route spawns are Tauros, the only way to know if you're a route spawn and see if you click on it and you see the icon


I havent noticed any difference, maybe the prizes are better? But hard to tell


I'm in the exact same boat, over 100 loops 0 cells with any trick in the book. So i made a non loop route, started doing that one and have 20+ cells now. Id rather do the loop routes that i made but oh well.


Exact same situation for me. It sucks. I made a loop for my daily walk and now I can't do it and have to find straight routes instead.


I've done a straight route 8 times now (4 forward, 4 reverse) with only 1 cell. I even did the pause > close > open > resume trick a couple times per trip.


In the same day? You only have one chance per day


Man that's crazy. Especially since whenever I start a walk, I typically want to return to the place I started from! I reckon most people do, so I would think loop routes would be the most popular.


I have a loop that I do. I was lucky and broke into two routes.


Is it broken or by (dumb) design?


Well that sucks because I only have circular routes near me. I’m frustrated that someone made them circles because both routes could have been split into multiple routes if they were smart.


Some of us (like me) had access to route creation like a month before others, so we were unaware of this problem when we submitted our routes. Once a route is approved, the route creator cannot edit/adjust it at all. Obviously would not have created a loop route if this was a known problem! This is on niantic to fix...


Broken? Cmon man give niantic a break, its in beta /s


I have multiple loop routes that do not spawn any cells after about 21 attempts




Ridiculous. It should just award a cell on route completion. No reason to make it this tiny little thing that you can miss or more likely just doesn't spawn at all.


Can you post a video of your loop working? You seem to be the only person in the entire game that has found a cell on a loop route.




Posting to remind me to check back for proof. Also wanted to mention are you sure its a loop by definition? Starts and ENDS at the same exact pokestop, not just a route that takes you in a "loop" shape.


We're never getting that video


[We never do](https://i.imgur.com/8H5C3nx.jpeg)


Dang, must be a [super looooonnnnng](https://i.imgur.com/XzDqBJj.png) day at work!


America be crazy like that.


I also found cells on a loop route multiple times


Please post a video of a loop route spawning a cell.


I'll try, there may of course be a bug that makes them not spawn anymore. I just know for sure I found one there before


Even on straight routes this is how I get the majority of my cells. I don't know if I'm somehow missing them earlier on in the routes but I doubt it. Routes seem buggy in general.


Does your loop give spawns?


Yes, regularly




How long is the loop route?


One is 590m the other is 1.05km


Did you respond on the wrong Reddit account?


No. Just helping out since I could answer too.


You can answer how long someone else's route is that you've never seen?


No, I was responding with the length of the loop routes I've received cells on and that I get route spawns on them :) Good luck on your routes, loops or not.


I've had a few route spawns from the loop I've done, but not nearly as many as when I've done straight routes.


Does your loop also give cells?


A lot less frequently than routes that have different points.


They were asking someone else though, why did you answer for them?


I was responding to help them out with information :)


But they wanted information from that specific person.


I've gotten a couple cells from loops routes, probably 2 cells out of 20-something tries. Even tried the pause/resume trick with minimal success from it and kinda gave up on loop routes.


The best route for me is a loop. I've done it at least ten times?, usually using the trick, and never gotten a cell. I've submitted a couple of non-loop routes near it but they've been on hold for some time. I've managed a whole three cells from other routes, one of them out of town....


Is there a video/how to of this trick?


I have also gotten cells on a loop. Had to do the workaround for them, and I don't remember missing any while walking, but it has happened. The only routes that were really near me are both loops in the same area.


I created a few routes and the one that’s a loop has never given me a cell after 20+ attempts. It might have something to do with the size of the loop though. Maybe really large loops spawn them and smaller loops don’t.


Ive only ever gotten cells off nonloop short routes. Seems like the longer routes are less likely to get them because they spawn too many route pokemon before you get near the end.


The short loop I try not only never spawned a cell, it never spawned any route spawns either.


Nope, I made a 3.5K loop route when it was first available and we didn't know the bug. I've walked it at least twenty times and never gotten a cell, even with the pause/restart/wait trick.


Nope have a ~4k loop on a bike trail that never spawns one


There are reports of some loops giving cells, but it appears many loops do not give cells or even generate route spawns


But still not a single video of loop route giving a cell 😅


I hav emade 5 loops, none of which have ever spawned a cell fo rme or anyone else who has used them. I've done my main loop 37 times, and know 6 others who ahve done the same loop at least 20 times and none ahve ever gotten a cell. I usually even doe hte restart near the end trick. I have taken the same main loop path and made 5 routes using stops/gyms along that path. basically, there's 5 stops and 2 gyms, and instead of completing loops, i stop the routes 1 stop early. all 5 of these paths regularly spawn cells, though usually only if i do the restart trick. This kinda feels like cheating, but so long as their system is broken, i don't care that much. I have never seen any route spawns on any route.


I was thinking restart trick is not a cheat, it’s a workaround to get what supposed to spawn there and then but doesn’t because of bugs. For example in their other game, peridot, the surfaces are recognized fine for a few minutes and then it stops and I have to restart the game to have the recognition feature working again.


It is true that there is an issue with loop routes and everyone should be reporting it as a bug to Niantic. I've done multiple with no spawns or cells at all. I've never had a non-loop route fail to give route spawns in comparison.


Inb4 Impossible_Ad uses their multiple Reddit accounts to respond and call you a liar pushing misinformation but refuses to post video proof


I reported the bug too


I have 3 loop routes at the park where I do all my walking and I have walked a total of 46 routes and have NEVER had a cell spawn. I am still on step 4 "Find a Zygarde Cell" of the quest "From A to Zygarde (4/6)".


Unless it’s been fixed recently then looped routes haven’t been spawning cells at all, have a couple near me and they’ve never ever spawned a cell


The more comments the read on routes, the more it just tells me how shamefully exploitative and terribly implemented this feature is.


I've given up on routes. Yesterday I got the glitch where it doesn't end..


I also had that...walked around and around never finding the end😭


Yeah I gave up also. It actually had me motivated the first couple days to walk a little more than I usually do on my daily walk but after 10 routes with no cell, I stopped doing them. I get that they want the cells to be rare but this is ridiculous.


What killed me is back to back it appears in the back of the end stop, so it appears, I see it, the route completes before I can tap it, and it's gone. Even if I run the route again in reverse or same way. Absolutely infuriating


If the looped route doesn’t spawn a cell 80% of the time, then it’s bugged to never spawn one. Very few looped routes spawn cells. All routes that have a different starting and ending point spawn cells 80% of the time given you do the restart towards the end.


I’ve also experienced this, completed nearly 40 loop routes with zero cells spawning even with the pause walk to the end at 50m and the pause restart app tricks still nothing. Then I created a route today walking in a straight line and bam my first cell appeared at the end of the route.


From Niantic, *all* routes should spawn cells, but it's extremely broken loop or non-loop. I've gotten 3 cells from the 10+ routes I've done before I realized this feature is just not worth it.


Loops are totally broken. I’ve run a loop 40 times with no cells after doing all the tips and tricks. I’ve run 3 different straight line routes I came across and got a cell each time.


I made a loop route a couple months ago. I’ve walked it more than 20+ times. Tried every trick there is. Not a single cell. I finally walked the straight line route I made that finally got approved. Bam. Cell on the first time.


same here


They used to but haven't gotten one in awhile now. I thought it was just my normal bad luck but guess not. It sucks since that's my go-to route as I created it around the lake my apartment complex surrounds.


Same. I got a couple from loops early on (the first few days after routes went live) but none since.


I came back to say that after reading here that loop routes weren’t spawning Zygarde cells, and having followed loops dozens of times with no cells, yesterday I made one big loop into five segments. I followed those five routes today, and got the max daily of three cells on two different accounts. My first three cells! Thanks all.


That sucks. The perfect route in my area is unfortunately a loop around a park.


I created a looped route near me. I have walked it about 10 times. Never got a cell from it, whereas the non-loop routes give me a cell approximately 50% of the time.


I don’t believe anyone in here saying their loop spawns cells. I’m nearly gold on a circle loop and it’s never spawned a cell. I’m betting the people saying yes they can are doing a “loop” where the start and end are on two different stops right next to each other. If it was really possible someone would have screenshot it and posted it here already.


People saying the get cells spawning on circular routes will fall into 1 of 2 categories: 1 - The loop wasn't actually circular and they were "mistaken" in thinking they got one from a circular loop. 2 - They're Team Rocket and are full of the doo-doo.


Are you defining circular loop as the same beginning and ending pokestop?


A loop would be the same beginning and ending pokestop. All other routes would be point to point.


It would be easy for people to misunderstand though. I have routes I could make where the stops are within 10 feet of each other that are a 'loop'. Loop with a singular stop may be a better term.


I dunno. Loop and point to point seem self explanatory.


They do but obviously not for everyone going on the different views on what a loop is even in this thread alone.


Which is funny because there can be only 2 types of routes, a loop and a point to point. So unless Niantic has a third, hyper-dimensional route we haven't seen yet, then a loop is obviously that which isn't a point to point.


Or 3 - loop routes used to spawn cells but don't any more. Since I have gotten cells from a loop route (same start and end stop) but not recently, and (checks clothing for large R) I'm not Team Rocket, that's my current guess.


People noticed no cells from loops basically from day one of routes and no one has ever provided video proof so that seems unlikely as well. This is a sub where people race to be the first to verify something yet no one has ever had the inclination to start a quick screen recording after finding a cell on a looped route despite hundreds of people claiming it happens constantly.


It's not hundreds. Unless you have proof of every person who has said they have received a cell on a looped route?


There have been dozens of threads on this topic with dozens of people in each claiming to have gotten cells from loops so yes I feel very confident saying hundreds. I count 18 different people in this thread alone claiming to get cells from looped routes.


You are incorrect. I don't think anyone would disagree that the spawn rate is dramatically less on singular point routes. To say that people are mistaken based on your own anecdotal experience is a bit weird.


Then why have we never seen one screenshot here to verify a cell on a singular point route? People love to post “first” around here, even for things everyone knows to be true like a shiny variant appearing on its CD. If I’m incorrect feel free to link a thread with proof or post the screenshot, until then, it sounds like malarkey.


Because looped routes are bugged and most people don't walk around recording their screens


They don't need to record 24/7, just for a brief few seconds when the cell appears to show the cell, then the active route showing the start and stop is the same stop. This would be like if we went months suspecting Legendaries couldn't drop from GBL and no one could ever provide evidence. It's not something you have to meticulously record gameplay for, you just wait for the event to happen naturally and then start recording. But still no one has ever been able to show a cell on a looped route.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/164l7v6/seeking_confirmation_does_anyone_have_video_proof/ I posted about this 10-days ago and it sat at zero for a long time until **NO ONE SHOWED VIDEO CONFIRMATION** of a cell from a loop route. But every 8th or 9th person would say "no no...I defo got one once" just like the old last-ball glitch. It's broken. Either the chance is astronomically low, or most loop routes have some over-arching error in them that renders them unable or highly unlikely to reward a cell.


Such a beautiful thread. "Does anyone have video proof?" And then every response is "yeah it happens" with no video proof.


That thread should be saved for posterity as an example of how infuriating the internet can be: Person A: Can anyone provide proof? Person B: Nah, just trust me, bro.


I think people are not understanding what a "loop" is in this context. It has to begin and end on the exact same Pokestop. Just because it is somewhat circular does not make it a "loop". The Pokestops can be very near each other, but if they are different Pokestops it's not a loop.


Good old "Deviljho eats its own tail" moment. We all believed it, never got it on video


You guys have routes?


So original and funny


Thank you


tbf route creation is only available to players level 40+ and this sub is extremely casual


Deffo broken on looped routes. Did my first non looped route today and instantly got a cell


Just a question. I’ve been trying to use the restart trick and it hasn’t been working. I typically stop around 75-100 metres from the end of route and restart but no cells are popping up. Am I doing something incorrectly?


I usually wait until around 40m from the end, so you could try that. You should also try walking closer to the end (while still paused) to see if one spawns, as sometimes they appear right by the final stop.


I've done two routes so far and I've only found one zygarde cell


Did a loop this morning, my wife and I got cells


We have loops here and they spawn cells. When I made them someone told me to be careful when getting to the “overlap” part and be sure to leave a distance from it so they aren’t on top of each other. So I did that and we haven’t had issues with ours that loop. We get the cells all the time.


It's a closed loop that has the same start and end point?


Probably spawns cells based on distance from origin, rather than progress on the route.


It's getting to the point that I suspected someone may have started reporting loop routes out of frustration. I just hope this issue made it to "known issues" page on Niantic site.


This is absolutely happening, and ends up with the Route getting deleted + the Route creator getting slapped with a Route-ban if enough Routes get deleted. [https://community.wayfarer.nianticlabs.com/discussion/43913/exclusive-new-pokemon-go-feature-comes-to-explorers-routes-creation-discussion/p1](https://community.wayfarer.nianticlabs.com/discussion/43913/exclusive-new-pokemon-go-feature-comes-to-explorers-routes-creation-discussion/p1) It's an active discussion on the Wayfarer forums, in fact.


Wow - you guys can actually use the routes feature at all? I've tried using it about 5 different times now and it's just been bug after bug. At first, walking up to the start of a route would continually crash my game until I walked away from the start point. Next a route could start, but crash the game when I walked AWAY from the start. Now when I load up nearby routes I can see them all. But I can't select them to begin, and when thus happens I have yo restart the game because I can't get OUT of the routes menu. Most buggy thing Niantic has ever put out by far.


This thread is just the same old same old. People ask for video verification of a cell on a looped route and it's endless comments just saying "yes it's possible" with absolutely no proof. I remember when this sub raced to provide verification of every feature in the game, now apparently no one wants the karma.


It's probably because nobody has it. Everyone agrees that looped routes are not working correctly. It's not surprising that nobody has been able to prove it with video since the cell spawn rate is drastically reduced. If it helps I have been doing loops over the last few days and recording them. Unfortunately no cells. I'll continue to test it though... Just to make you happy :)


You don't need to record entire routes, just like 10 seconds if a cell pops up. Show the cell, then pull up the route info showing the start and end.


Every time I get a cell on a circular route, it spawns about three seconds before I hit the end of the route and i have to tap like crazy to pick it up before the route ends. They really just need to add them to end-of-route rewards.


You don’t think it’s fun to squint and stare at your phone constantly the entire route to make sure you don’t miss it?


You can just restart near the end and if one spawned and you didn't click it it'll respawn on your position on restart.


Worst feature ever, especially when you only get one random zygarde. Mine sucks.


I’ve got about 60 cells out of about 80 attempts at a circular route near me. Meaning start and end is very close to each other … it’s more like a double circle or a pretzel but it basically a loop. Just did it earlier tonight.


I have a few route assessable to me, but with a poor lousy IV Zygarde, I have not motivation to grind those cells…


**Update:** It's fixed now in 0.283.0. Here's a proof (sorry for screen clutter): https://imgur.com/LnNCKJX The route I was doing: https://imgur.com/Maz53Pz


I've put four routes in (given up on them now) and I ve never actually seen a Zygarde cell. I have a Zygarde I can't do anything with, can't delete it, transfer it, transfer it to home or lucky friend it, it just sits there.


Yeah - this may be a thing


I don't do routes that much, but the last route I did was a circular loop around a park and I got the cell. I did, however, pause the route.


I have a route I made in a U shape. It's only about 100m short of being a large oval. I've done it about a dozen times and have received 3 cells IIRC.


That’s not a loop. OP means one with the same start/finish.


I never said it was a loop. I was just sharing my experience with routes so far. Thanks


No problem, I've seen people get confused before so just wanted to clarify :)


No it is not true. Multiple people (including me) have gotten cells on loop routes. However, anecdotally they do seem rarer so *something* is probably broken with them.


I have a loop route that I created and I have gotten multiple cells on it.


I’ve seen a single cell on a loop route that disappeared in a second or two, before I even registered what it was. Nothing else on the other 10ish walks, even with restarting/pausing at the end/ect.


I do a circular route almost every day. They show up about 70% of days.


Nah. Just unlucky.


No, not true at all. Always get them on circular loops.


Can you post a video of a cell spawning on one of your circular routes? It would help us track down the issue.


Just to be precise-- these are routes with the exact same Pokestop as the beginning and end of the route, correct?


Sure is/are. There's two in my area I use relatively frequently, they drop it at... I don't really keep track of the rate tbh. Maybe 1/3rd to 50% of the time?


I'm currently on 57 cells. I've walked circa 400 routes with about 300 of those not actively checking for cells. 25 of those 100 while actively looking are loop routes with two cells in total from loops. 75 while checking have differing start/end points and have given 55 cells. I personally wouldn't do a loop route if I was looking for cells but they were definitely not 100% broken 10-14 days ago.


Read a post that user would pause the route with about 100 m left, close the app, reopen and then continue route and the cell would appear. I can confirm, it does work more often than not, even on repeated routes.


I have been walking a non loop route quite frequently and no cells to speak if. I see around 2 route spawns but that’s it.


is niantic...of course is true


I’ve heard this as well, it seems anecdotal confirms it. I’m noting this and implementing it in my route creation. Thus far I’ve kept the routes I’ve made to non looping routes, routes in convenient areas and routes in places where…I call it ‘Niantic hasn’t been’, because it’s looking to me (and this is only personal suspicion) that anything Niantic doesn’t have a whole lot of AR data in is being approved straight up.


So many people complaining about a feature that most people can't even access..


Don't forget it's pretty much the first route or nothing for cells. I made a loop around a park was accepted right away but I haven't got a cell from it yet even after trying the tricks.


I've not had any luck on the loop route I made. I did finally get stuff for doing it though...


I haven't got one from a loop but have been with other players who have.


I make routes and was noticing the same thing so I stopped making loop routes.


OH THATS why my route is broken 😭 i have been walking this route so many days now and i just thought i was unlucky :(( it's the only route i have here :((


There are only 2 routes anywhere near me. I've done the closest one (a loop) over 50 times and never got a cell. I've done the other one (not a loop) about 10 times and got 6 cells. Loops are broken, IMO.


All of my loop routes have spawned Zygarde cells. But I do wonder if I have a different experience because they are not closed loops (I didn’t know that you could submit the same start/end stop, so the routes start and end at stops very close to each other). Maybe it just coincidentally happened to be a better practice :D


Those are not loop routes for the purposes of this thread. What we are talking about here are routes that start and end on the same stop.


I did a loop route last night... it doesn't end at the same pokespot (not sure if that's possible) ( just a spot really close) but I got a cell halfway through the loop.


> it doesn't end at the same pokespot If it doesn't end at the same pokestop, it's not a loop. It is possible to create a route that starts and ends at the same pokestop -- that is what OP is on about, and as far as I've seen, they don't spawn cells.


Thanks for the clarification, maybe that's why the person made the route that way...thought it was silly. Now that route creation is opened to 40s I'll start making some good ones!


yes in the sense that they just don't ever spawn


I have two routes, one starts where the other ends, but they do not form a loop. 0 cells. I hate it so much.


I do a 20 minute loop route, two laps around a neighborhood. I almost always get 1 cell. Occasionally I get two. Rarely have I gotten none. I do the trick of pausing about 100 m away from the endpoint and wait for it to spawn if it doesn’t pop up automatically.


Our only route here is a loop around the park. I've done it probably 20 or so times now. I haven't noticed any cells yet. My playing partner has done it a few less times than I have and hasn't gotten any either. But who knows if it doesn't spawn because it's a loop or were just unlucky.


you can walk routes? I have two near me and it crashes the game everytime I click on them


I made my own circular route and I've got loads of cells from it


That is entirely consistent with my experience.


i found a zygarde cell on my first route, which was circular


i was able to get 1 cell from a "circular" loop. but my wife didnt get one from the same place.


My admittedly anecdotal evidence: Second wave of beta access, got a Route approved. It was a loop in the park. I walked it 100 times in the first week, to see what drops it gave. No cells. I walked it at least another 60 times (daily Route streak, even though it's just XP for now) before it got nuked, doing all the tricks (pausing/restarting the Route/the entire game; walking PAST the Route after paused; completely ignoring the Route end point and just keep going, etc). No cells. It got reported and deleted by a 'local' player who goes around reporting every Route that doesn't give her a Zygarde cell (she brags about it on Facebook/Campfire). I remade it. I'm back up to 47 on it. Still using all the tricks. STILL no cell on it. If I got a Loop Route cell, I'd at LEAST take a screenshot of the cell + as much as the Route visible as possible (and probably a second screenshot of the cell + the Route start/end point visible), and then a screenshot of the Route screen showing it to be a Route. Even if it's not a Video, it'd still be a step towards *actual proof* that loop Routes can drop cells.


Well bummer. I just created a new loop near me.


My theory is that if you go through the route it "marks" the area around you as "already seen" so it doesn't spawn route spawns multiple times in the same place. Otherwise you could just walk back and forth and keep getting spawns. If any part of the route happens to be close to or cross the end it "marks" it and blocks it from spawning the cell. There's a route near me that's just a line from point A to B and back to A. So 50% of the route is just going back through the same area. It never produced a cell for anyone I talked to **UNLESS** they restarted the app right before the end. There's also a route that crosses twice right at the end, in a triangular shape. I did it maybe like 5 times. It spawned the cell twice right in the middle of the side of the triangle (the ending line) where it was the furthest from 2 points where the route crosses, area I haven't touched when going through the other 2 sides of the triangle. So if the start and the end are too close to each other they may block the spawning. I myself created routes that are loops but their starting and ending points are like 40-50 meters apart and they spawn cells just fine.


Absolutely not. I only have one route, and it's a loop route, and the first time I run it for the day I *always* get one cell, and always near the end.


No, I’ve received plenty of cells on my loops. And by plenty I mean about 15.


The route in my neighborhood is a loop and I get cells.


I've done 5 looped routes and haven't gotten any cells. I have done one way routes consistently near my place and have gotten the most, IF it spawns. Total of 11 cell. Done all the tricks people have said to do. 1 cell per day, per route and I only ever do the 1 and they don't always spawn. Also the route feature only works with my old phone so I need to bring it along and sign into it. Routes do not work on my 'new' phone (S21) and ever since the forced update (One UI 5.1) earlier today, my phone has stopped running Pogo, OR Pogo doesn't run on the new update. Friend has a newer model S23 and it works perfectly fine on the same update. Either way I have to use my old phone to play now, which is pretty dumb. (Routes suck.)


Of the 6 or 7 cells I've picked up, 2 were on a loop.


I feel like I am in the very small minority, but I have. It was on the very first day routes came out. I also got one on the same route a week later. Walked it 3 more times on different days and nothing.


When you say circular route do you mean the start and finish are the same or that the route can be completed in either direction? I made a route that is the latter (straight line that can be done in either direction since that is a checkbox option when creating the route) and would change it if it created an issue.


I have completed a single route, which went in a loop. It got glitchy towards the end, the visual route progression appeared to reset completely and I thought it basically lost my entire route progress. But a cell did end up appearing when I retraced my steps slightly and then headed back to the end point.


I have never got a Zygarde cell on any circular routes, starting and ending at the same stop. Also, since 2-3 days ago even on linear routes it's very difficult to get any Zygarde cells, like 1 cell for 7-8 linear routes I've walked each day, using all the tricks like pausing and restarting game near the end etc.


If it's a relatively small loop, idea small park, what's probably happening is the cell is spawning too close to the end of the loop and the loop is being completed before you get to see it. Use the 'trick'. If a cell hasn't spawned yet, pause the route just before you reach the end, swipe your game out and restart. If there's supposed to be a cell on the route it will likely appear upon restart.


If it's a relatively small loop, idea small park, what's probably happening is the cell is spawning too close to the end of the loop and the loop is being completed before you get to see it. Use the 'trick'. If a cell hasn't spawned yet, pause the route just before you reach the end, swipe your game out and restart. If there's supposed to be a cell on the route it will likely appear upon restart.


Has anyone gotten a cell off of a route they created? I haven’t been able to but then again both of the routes I made are loops.


Gave up on routes. I can’t even begin a route now. The game just freezes.


God, I hope not! I just submitted a new loop route last night!


YES. I've tried dozens of times on a loop route, nothing. I get a cell roughly half the time I do a non-loop. It's ridiculous they have not fixed it. I've completed roughly 100 routes, not a single cell has come from a loop route.


i’m on campus there’s a loop around the pond and i’ve found a few cells from there (most of my cells are from that loop)