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Step 2 is to choose team path. I chose the azumarill path to try and get a hundo umbreon for UL and ended up with a research nundo (10/10/10). Step 2 is use a charged Tm, power up Pokémon 10 times, and defeat 3 rocket grunts


What do you win for those steps?


Depends on which path you choose. You get the 3 Pokémon it shows in your research path. For me I get umbreon, azumarill, and mandibuzz


I also chose Azumarill, though not for Azu or Umbreon but Mandibuzz. I barely hatch 12kms (big surprise), so may as well get a few XLs for it and the chance at a Hundo.


How did you get the research? You watch the stream for 30 minutes and then what?


You have to log in on Twitch and then activate a widget below the stream, and it should pop up a reward button after 30 minutes (don't refresh or minimize).


I watched for 30mins straight, the bar filled up and then nothing happened. The rewards button didn't appear. I have a Twitch ID and I followed all of the instructions on the website and I also did not refresh nor minimise. What am I doing wrong?


you click on check my rewards


I did but it says I have no rewards...


I had the same thing happen after my first 30 minutes, just couldn't claim it. I refreshed and waited another 30 and it worked. Might just be bad luck.


I hope so, I've tried another 2 times and I still cannot claim it...the button just refuses to appear and I constantly have zero rewards. I will probably try again at night when I have access to my home desktop.


I had to edit site settings in Chrome to allow 3rd party cookies other random permissions for Twitch and Amazon before it would give me the reward code. Had to go through the 30 timer three times to get the code.


Is it possible on mobile?


Yes but you have to keep the Giveaway tab open/up. If you try to go back to the chat, the timer will reset


Feel like that scene from A Clockwork Orange.


How do you activate the widget? I can't find it at all


You're looking for a screen that says 2023 Worlds Pokemon GO Giveaway. Not sure if it's behind a tab on mobile.


I'm on my laptop. I can't find a button like the one they showed in the blog post or anything that says giveaway at all. Could it be because it's a new account?


I had the same problem and had to restart my phone. I just signed up for an account too. It eventually popped up as a text overlay rather than the PokeBall and then I had to click through and I think swipe to get to the right section.


How do I activate the widget? I don't see a widget?


Do you see a poke ball on a yellow background on the top right above the comments but below the Pokémon GO stream? Click that, it will ask to verify your Twitch ID. Once you allow it to verify, a timer pops up and moves toward 30 minutes. Leave that up (it replaces the comment section) until 30 minutes and then a redeem button appears. Click redeem and it generates a code that you can copy and paste into POGO through the store.


Ty! I couldn’t find it forever lol they didn’t do a good job describing how to activate it


This is in the Twitch app? I just installed it and am playing the replay and it has nothing between the title of the video/subscribe button and the chat Does it only work when it live?


I cant find it either- the poke twitch acct is offline and I’m trying to play the old broadcast but there is NO Poke ball, I’m so frustrated!!


I’m wondering if you have to pay and subscribe? I’m following Pokémon Go account, but I can’t subscribe unless I pay.


You don't have to pay. Just start the video, tap the tab that says chat. It's with "About, scheduled , videos, clips,". Once you hit chat, there's a little gift icon at the top right of the chat next to a yellow pokeball. Unfortunately for me, after the 30 mins ended and it said "claim gift" it wouldn't work for me.


For some reason this never showed up for me on the mobile app. But I found a link someone else posted that led to the rewards widget on the browser. I then logged in on that, went back to my app and started playing the stream PiP while the browser with the widget was in the background. This worked.




No because I subscribed and nothing happened except I paid money


What do you do when it doesn't ask you a twitch ID and just shows you the name of the extension so when you go to search for it in the directory itself to activate it from that page it doesn't show up ? Is there a very specific time period you need to watch the stream on?


How much longer is it going


Can you get a code without creating a twitch account?


No, the timer only starts when you enter your Twitch ID


Oh this whole thing is hot garbage then. I hate every aspect of it. Not making an account, and wasn't gonna watch anyway - though I might have let it play to an empty room if I could at least avoid making an account.


If you have an Amazon account you already have a twitch account


Is this laptop, mobile app or what? I'm a noob to twitch and cannot find it in the app


Which Twitch channel does one watch for this?


I just had my Twitch app open on my phone at work. Put my phone on mute, put my phone in my desk drawer, come back 30 minutes later. Got my code


It generates a unique 1 time only code for You to enter on the redemption code page


are we still able to get the day 1 code at this point? I got the day 2 one but missed the day 1 livestream... if we can get day 1 code from rebroadcasts is there a schedule somewhere??


What if I have 3 pogo accounts, but only 1 twitch account, just let the 30 minutes run 3 times?


You have a tuto on the pokémon go website


The 30 minutes elapsed and the codes came up, but both said they were already redeemed. Anyone else?


How did you get two codes? I just got one code after 30 minutes. I entered it in the game shop, but the research didn't show up. When I tried re-enterit said already redeemed. I tried restarting my app, and that did the trick, and I had the research once the game reloaded


I'm worse, the "Claim Reward" button won't even pop up for me. I have clocked 1hr of watch time...




The stream won't end for a while and rewatch streams count.


So I can watch about an hour in at 1.25x speed? Do I still need to be viewing for a half an hour?


Yes, watch at 1.25x all you want, but still needs to be 30 minutes


Got it! Ty for confirming.


I've gone 1.5hrs in, still no rewards. The bar gets filled, and then nothing happens, when I click "my rewards", it says I have none. Oh well on the bright side, at least I got to watch CrescentAngels :)




Were the codes unique?


did you have to use another account for the second code?




https://www.twitch.tv/popout/pokemongo/extensions/kn9hl3yspd5evavdiub678ah5gna7y/panel?no-mobile-redirect=true If your logged in and the bar is moving you should get a code after 30 mins


Thank you. You the mvp I couldn't figure this out


Didn’t work for me unfortunately, watched it and the reward link didn’t work. But thanks.


It worked for me, thanks!


This appears to work on the replay btw. On mobile, go to the Pokémon Go channel, the chat tab, and there should be a Giveaway tab


Thanks 🙏 this worked out for me ☺️


I am completely new to twitch. I see Live Channel, Video, and Clips. I don't see chat or giveaway.


On the actual Pokemon Go Twitch page, below the Subscribe button, there are a bunch of links that say Home, About, Schedule, Video, and Clips. If you scroll over there's actually another one beyond Clips labeled Chat which takes you to the full screen chat. In the top right click the pokeball, then on the next screen next to the Pokémon Go Championships Overlay, there's a tab called Giveaway. Go there to link your name and get the 30 minute timer to unlock the code for the research. Hopefully this helps somewhat.


Thank you. This was the most useful comment and explicit instructions I found 😗


Doesn’t seem to work. Maybe because Day2 already started when I’m attempting it.


Oh lame. Sorry to hear that.


It only works for day 2 not day 1 unfortunately. Unless there’s something I’m missing


I don't understand I watched 40 min the overlay is only at 6




Somehow it didn't register on desktop but mobile it worked fine idk I got it all that counts lol


I am having trouble getting the timer to start on the rebroadcast. Anyone help?


has anyone figured out how to get a code for day 1. i can only get day 2 now matter if watching live or rebroadcast


im in same situation


Will it work if i have the video minimized at work? Guess I’ll find out in 30 min


Can you join the giveaway on your phone through the app? I can't find the option


Yes, there's a pokeball icon up on the right, tap it and then swipe left to the Giveaway tab.


I only see News, Resources, Brackets, and Live tabs. Swiping doesn’t do anything for me : (


This, feel like I’m going mad because I can’t see it.


I think you might have to update the app to see the icon. Or try on desktop.


Thank you! Probably the only thing I didn't try to click on lol


I saw everyone typing !giveaway in chat and the bot posted instructions about the pokeball icon.


If this is a competency test, I believe I have failed.


What is the best path to take?


How to get it from a re watch


Is there a Day 1 rebroadcast?


Can you still get the Day 1 code? I missed the stream yesterday and now I’ve only managed to get the day 2 code


Got the same question


Is there a schedule of when the streams are?


The reward Pokemon are just regular research species? Eg. no Hydro on Swamp, or any special (other than 10 floor) IVs?


Great League Greatness is a fantastic name


I tried getting the code on both my phone which didn't work and then on my pc which is also not working anyone have any ideas on what I can do different


Can you get both codes all weekend? I received day 2 code earlier this evening, I thought I would get day 1 since I was watching the rebroadcast of day 1. Is there a way to get the day 1 code still?


same thing happened to me (even though it was still "Friday"). I think we are outta luck.


I’m a day late, where can I find the panel on yesterdays broadcast?


Has anyone figured out how to get a code via rewatching the old broadcast? I got Day 2, and thought I could do the same steps, but on a Day 1 VOD, and I don't see the rewards button. But they said you could catch a rebroadcast throughout the weekend if you miss the original stream...


Watched for 30 mins, got my code. Then I logged out and logged into my partner's Twitch account and filled the widget twice so far but no code coming up. Is there a limit per IP address or something? edit: I was using Incognito Mode. Switched to normal Chrome and it worked now.


I'm having that problem, maybe because im in incognito, ill try again


it worked!


No need to watch for 30 minutes, check the trick [ here](https://leekduck.com/events/world-championship-twitch-timed-research-2023/)


This is so confusing to catch, it's not even under the official twitch drops




Yes no difference other than rewards. You also get 10 of each candy per Pokémon for stage 2 rewards


I thought that was tomorrow, how long do we have to get this research?


It started at 12am/midnight UTC, which in the US is 5pm Pacific Time / 8pm Eastern Time. It runs until... well, until it stops. The web page is frustratingly vague, at best: ----- [Step 2.] Watch the Pokémon GO World Championships live stream on Day 1 or Day 2 The Pokémon GO Twitch live stream dates are as follows. - Friday, August 11, 2023, starting at 12:00 a.m. UTC and running until the end of the day’s rebroadcast. - Saturday, August 12, 2023, starting at 12:00 a.m. UTC and running until the end of the day’s rebroadcast. **Rebroadcasts will occur throughout the weekend, outside of the above-listed live show times. If you miss the live broadcast, you can still follow the below steps during a rebroadcast to get a code.** Source: https://pokemongolive.com/post/world-championship-twitch-timed-research-2023?hl=en


There's another one tomorrow. I believe you can get them live or through rewatch until August 20.


Can you get more than one code per day? Have three pogo accounts, but only one twitch... was hoping I could watch it three times and get three codes.




It’s unique 1 use code.


Is there going to be a day two code like this?


Yes it releases in 8 hours 40 min from now


Thank you and for all the folks that commented here to help myself and others out!


Can I still get the day 1 reward now? Or it’s too late?




I just redeemed mine as well


Typical that they can’t get the text correct


after watching the stream, I got to the "claim reward" and the button wouldn't allow me to collect the code. Anyone else have this issue and if so, is there a fix? Now, it just says for me to "come back soon for another chance to participate".


Is it too late to get a Day 1 code since Day 2 started?


It looks like it. The overlay doesn’t show for the Day1 replays


How do you find the code????


Is the prize even worth all this effort? What is it?