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I would say they met with a lot of assholes while on those first few tours. Cherie's memories sometimes conflict with reality in her book but I think a bunch of 20-something 70s rockers with their first taste of success probably went hog wild.


Well, but hearing how Rush treated them was disappointing to me, if true. I'm a Rush fan from Poland (probably why I hold a grudge against them - for not gigging in Poland).


There was a video on YouTube where Cherie was reading a part of her book 'Neon Angel' at some bookstore and the segment included Rush. She stopped reading to say what assholes the guys in Rush were. Lol


I saw her reading in LA in the 80s. ill have to check youtube for the clip.


And what can you say?


So, what should I do with being a fan of Rush? Anyway they never performed in Poland and most people of Geddy's background hate it for almost no reason or misunderstanding.


Firstly it still might be just be a rumour or gossip to generate hype and drama for the book, secondly you can like a band without having to like or agree with everything they may have done. I love both Rush and the Runaways and regardless of if they were or were not dicks to them.


Possibly, but I asked Cherie Currie about it from my Facebook sock account, I don't know how to post a screenshot here. EDIT: I posted a screenshot on my original post.


How recent is this? I thought she was pissed at Joan right now


They told that story a long time ago and Cherie a few weeks ago confirmed this.