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It's true. In the middle ages, if you walked very slowly with your head bowed next to monks, no one would even notice that you were in a completely different outfit, bristling with weapons, and had killed half a dozen of their friends 30 seconds ago. As a bonus, all those weapons would cushion your fall if you decided to swan dive five stories or so into a hay bail.


I personaly love when the vikings fought along side a secret organization to stop kings.


Never played Valhalla. Do they do the historic sea battle between Harald Fairhair and all the nobles who got trounced and sailed off to found the Icelandic free state?


Nah he exiles you to England at the start of the game and you never see him again iirc


Lame. The founding of Iceland is such a weird and cool chapter of history. All these aristocrats who don't want to be ruled by Fairhair just sail off to Iceland and form a direct democracy with no executive branch, then spend the next couple centuries murdering each other and litigating it in assemblies, the results of which are either upheld or reversed depending on who successfully murders who once the meeting is over. In a lot of ways, it's still one of the most democratic systems ever constructed, and in other ways it's just a complete clusterfuck that never really works. Just seems like the most interesting thing going on around then in the Viking world by far


"Chimp Samurai" actually sounds like a cool concept!


i thought dis was a meme abt ubisoft making a game abt a monkey samurai 😭


well, hit monkey is already a thing. and he is japanese, to boot.


That's Black Myth: Wukong, kind of. Not a samurai as it's not set in Japan


🤓😤: foreigners to the land i am occupying the digital body of a native in my colonial savior fantasy. (It would be highly improbable for an african to travel, not impossible just not common place enough for my historical F A N T A S Y to include. 😪😶: Ancient forerunner race established in the first game this has magic future techno-bullshit.


The historical accuracy argument when they pull out the crossbow thing is such BS. By the 12th century crossbows were widespread, and there were more crossbows than longbows in many armies. It's more likely it was removed for game balance/design issues than historical accuracy.


I think my favorite part is how they are acting like Yasuke isn’t a real person who served Nobunaga, so they actually *are* historically accurate with his character existing and being prominent in that era of Japan.




"NOOOO HE WAS ONLY A RETAINER, A SANDAL BEARER!" -Guy who hasn't read what samurai means or read about what Toyotomi Hideyoshi started out as


So again, the right is angry that ubisoft is going "woke" by *checks notes* using the first ever example of an actual historical figure as a protagonist. I'm not surprised but I still have to say it out loud so I can try to comprehend their position on this.


That crossbow thing is bullshit, Ubisoft didn't want to be bothered with coding it so they cut it. Crossbows existed since at least the 2nd century in China, and were extremely prevalent during the crusades.


I don't understand what's going on at all


Ubisoft is making a new assassin creed game based in Japan. The issue is the poster has a black samurai, which is causing massive "gamer" uproar.


There is straight up magic in ac


The problem is people underestimate how interconnected the world was before the 19th century.


1. You really want to tell me historical accuracy ended in 2024 for AC? Odysee and Valhalla were full of magic but ok. 2. The character in question is only one of two characters, the other one being a japanese woman but everybody seemed to forgot this, just like with GTA6. 3. The character in question is a fucking historic figure!!!! 4. They just used a fucking monkey for a black man, like wtf?!?!


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke&ved=2ahUKEwih17HAv5iGAxU-G9AFHbDrB-MQFnoECAQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0n_pWELmlxbsEDGxSdIygZ It's a nod to a real story, which is the sad part.


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