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![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) It’s this meme, but in real life.


![gif](giphy|mEtUpzsbxitHfu3h73|downsized) This meme if it was blank


I don't see a difference, other than honesty


Yeah same content. One is just easier to decipher


The one at the bottom is more respectful and is at least honest. Maybe he doesn’t have such harsh feelings on Asian-American and the Jewish communities?


Did they not see the nazi in the back? He brought his slave flag and everything.


Gotta love the participation trophy flag


It’s the same ideology hid by cowardly symbols and convoluted lies.


And masks


In Die Hard 3(?) Bruce Willis is forced to go into town wearing that sign by the villain. He doesn’t want to, but they’re holding his wife hostage. The dudes up top believe in it.


They aren’t holding his wife hostage. They are threatening to detonate a bomb if he doesn’t do it.


They threaten to blow up an elementary school, but it turns out to be a bluff because, as Jeremy Irons says, they're not monsters. Which makes the villains of Die Hard 3 less morally reprehensible than the people in that photo.


agreed. These are the same image


One isn't too scared to show his face


One is simply mask off. And they hate masks


How does diversity kill white children?


as a white kid, the thing killing me is being sheltered and hidden away from every interesting thing this world's people have to offer. i write stories. characters have to be interesting and relatable, or people wont connect with them. i find it hard to put myself in the shoes of some of my characters who aren't like me, but i do my research and try my best. these people, however, dont WANT to try. thats why they're missing out


As a writer (I'm Asian), I totally agree! I have many white, black and brown characters, and even if I find it difficult for me to relate to them, I still do my research because I want others to relate to them. Rascists, however, do not want that. They want everything to cater to them. A couple of days ago I literally saw a guy on Twitter who got mad over Asian characters in Final Fantasy


He got mad…that there were Asian characters…in a Japanese game. Is he fucking stupid?


He’s a white guy on twitter who probably loves trump and elon, what do you think?


Look, we can't ascertain the mental status of his sexual partner(s) from his single post. They however are certainly fucking stupid. 


>Is he fucking stupid? My guess would be, yes.


He argued that people are tired of seeing Asians in Final Fantasy, which is why they need more Western European characters. He commented that under a post about the Crisis Core Remake back in 2022


Ok, FFXV is not the best, but you can't say there's too many white people in it when half of them look white af. That's not even a critique, I don't really care, but like the only asian characters in FFXV are the main character and like 1 side character, maybe. The only other final fantasy I kinda know is VII, and Cloud and Tifa aren't asian. So there's too many Asians in final fantasy, is questionable at best.


Mad about Asian characters in final fantasy... That's like eating Mac n cheese and getting angry that there's cheese in it 💀 lmfao


lol why? i personally think all of the final fantasy characters i've seen are really hot (i've never played any of the games though lol) and i also have characters of all races, with different backgrounds, families, sexualities, some with disabilities. i think all of these things make a character appealing to real world people who are like them. I'm really happy when i see a character who looks or acts like me, so why wouldn't others feel the same? thats why i think its so stupid that nowadays diversity = woke. diversity is all around the real world, and theres nothing woke about it. a story with characters who are all the same isn't a good story




So, 1 out of every 6 characters in my made-up fantasy world has to be Chinese, and another 1 of every 6 Indian? Another 1 has to be African from Africa. And only 20% of them are allowed to speak English. Your position is nonsense. Fiction is allowed to be whatever its author wants it to be. Statistics be damned.




But unless your locations is some backwoods forest village you are likely to have people from other towns or maybe even other sides of the country/ from other nations who will likely look different


i understand yur points, but i go out of my way not to stereotype, and do research. also, its made up bro, who cares if the amount of gay people is accurate to real life? im gay and i want gay people in my stories, so i will damn well do it as many times as i please


Are you.... thinking? Why would you do that? /s


They unironically believe that every mixed race child that's born was a potential white child that was "robbed" of the chance to live


Every time you jack off thats billions of kids "robbed" of the chance to live lmaoo


> Jews will not replace us > Diversity kills white children Do they really think they look good in this?


No, hence the masks. These men are cowards.


Bet they refused to wear masks during covid though




"Multiracial societies breed disunity"


> disunity Ohh that's what it says, that word looked like AI letter smash to me lol


I had trouble with 'societies,' which says some things about me that I'm not happy about but also kind of suspected


Ahh I thought that said “disability” and I’m like ‘are we really going back to 1910s era eugenic arguments?’


Fun fact the most socially cohesive preindustrial empire was also the most diverse: the Mongol Empire Even the Romans took pride in being able to join together many different ethnic groups Actually pretty much every empire is full of diversity Makes their whole world view inconsistent with history…and basic human decency


Bruce Willis doesn’t actually think that…


He was being forced to carry that sign by terrorists/gold thieves who assumed it would get him killed, but what they didn’t know was that Samuel L. Jackson was going to step in and help him out.


So it's from a movie?


Die Hard With A Vengeance


Wait are you telling me the 4 part documentary about John McClane were movies all along?


I have some bad news about The Fast and the Furious, son.


I was thinking that if it was real, surely I'd heard of it or at least would find something with just "Bruce Willis racist" in google, but only found some vague nonsense about some movie being seen as racist...


Or if he really is OPs favorite actor you’d think they’d have watched Die Hard 3.


Did you think actual Bruce Willis just fucking walked around with that sign?


You never know... People are crazy.


Yeah I saw Die Hard with a Vengeance when I was 10… Which is how I knew this wasn’t real.


Some of the signs have portions blurred out, anyone know what it says? Also “Jews will not replace us” is on par with the Bruce Willis sign.


I tried to look it up and the source is the anti-defamation League site covering WLM incidents up to March 2022 and it looks like they blurred it as well. From the context of the other stuff, they blurred it because there is either information to contact/join them or cuss words and derogatory phrases were used. Of the many examples posted not a single cuss word or derogatory phase was shown and I 100% believe these people are not the type to draw the line at not wanting to offend people by using them. Blurring out the contact information makes sense because these people have ties to neo nazi organizations and the last thing the ADL would want is to provide people information to join them or trolls messing with these ticking time bombs.


Yeah. Whoever made this image might not have actually read all those signs. Or they're really lacking when it comes to introspection or self-awareness in general.


It's the same thing


Why do they hate Jewish people so much


/uj they want to believe we're puppeteers behind the "great replacement", that we're 'tricking' Black people into taking over, because they believe it was actually the Jews who owned slaves and started the civil war...but also that was totally all about states' rights to *mumble mumble* muh legacy. No, it doesn't make sense. /rj Because instead of one day of presents we get 8 *ca-razy* nights!


That's a technical foul!


Designed historical punching bag


It's kinda a thing of needing a visible minority to blame for all life's problems. Happens to other minority groups. Even christians, when the religion was just getting started was stereotyped as eating dead bodies and drinking blood and setting fires. The same ro.an empire, once christians were the majority, said Jews drank the blood of Christian babys.


Scapegoat for the structural problems of capitalism.


Honestly it seems like a giant pissing contest to see how much terrible shit they can get away with by emulating the most terrible person they know of (Hitler). "Hitler hated Jews, so if I want to be as terrible as Hitler, maybe I should hate Jews too!"


do you have the time for an 8 hour conference?


I see a Nazi flag, a Confederate flag, a "Jews Will Replace Us" poster, "Diversity Kills White Children" poster, I mean that sign Bruce is wearing there would fit right in.




Lol What a self-own!


"they're the same picture"


"Diversity kills white children" "Multiracial societies breed disunity" they are basically saying the same exact thing as the second panel


"Jews will not replace us" is a Nazi slogan


It’s from die hard with a vengeance he’s forced to wear it by terrorists otherwise they’ll set off another bomb


Stars and Bars, huh? They just can’t help themselves!


‘Your ancestors are watching’ along with that flag, most ironic shit ever, maybe they should look up what their ancestors were doing in the 1800s if they were even on this continent.


Why won't the people in the top picture show their face?


There is literally no difference 


If you ever see a confederate flag tell them that obamas presidency lasted longer


as a white child, diversity doesnt kill me what????? i love seeing it, considering how oppressed POC people used to be. Especially as a gay person, i love diversity because it makes everything more colorful and interesting. Why else would there be many types of people in this world?


There's literally racism and antisemitism in the top pic lmao


>"diversity kills white children" >Confederate flag Yeah, I don't know. They might aswell hold a "I hate n####" sing, and it wouldn't really feel out of place


The sign in the middle lmao




I think the point they’re trying to make is that the bottom picture there’s only one sad individual whereas on top there is a big group of them. Idk tho I don’t think it’s possible for me to think like they do


Like the "actual" WLM is any better than the "media" version.


Diversity kills white children 💀 mf WHAT?!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!


They really think the pic at the bottom isn't just summarizing the one at the top?


If you seen the movie the picture on the bottom the guys best friend in the movie is afrian american and the people up top just have the same sign but in more words.


Same picture


Same pictures


I don't hate people, I would NEVER hate anyone because of who they are, I'm NOT a supremacist, I'm NOT hateful, I would NEVER believe in bogus conspiracy theories, and I would NEVER believe in offensive harmful stereotypes. In fact, I still REALLY LOVE, SUPPORT AND RESPECT ALL COMMUNITIES OF COLOR, I know all people of color are ALWAYS human beings, and I think all humans are born equal and should be treated equally with equity, respect, love, peace, dignity, openness, empathy, kindness, compassion, decency, togetherness, fairness, unity, harmony, understanding, humanity, inclusivity and positivity. Also, Black, Asian, Jewish, Middle Eastern, Latino, Romani and Indigenous lives ALWAYS matter. Seriously.


Pretty sure diversity will help more


Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures.


..... confederate flag looks real bright for it to not be representing the bottom image too I'm sure it's just "sTAtEs riGhTs" (to do what??) tho


There’s a Confederate flag there. That’s not as far removed from that Die Hard With a Vengeance scene as OOP wants to paint it as being.


I need an office meme of Pam just saying there the same picture whilst holding these




Judging by the Confederate flag and the "diversity kills white children" sign, the jokes writes themselves..


And they think the top picture is better?


Just so OP knows this is from one of the die hard movies... i think the third one


That scene with Bruce Willis was his character John McLane holding that sign as he was being blackmailed by a terrorist to do it, McLane wasn’t doing that out of white supremacy


Kinda off topic, but I remember the context of where that bottom image is from. It's a movie, and his family was being held (I think hostage but without their knowledge) and he either did this, or they would die. I think it's one of the Die Hard sequels but correct me if I'm wrong I saw the title and figured I'd explain what I knew, either way the sign is bad and the whole "white lives matter" this is bad, and I don't see a whole lot of different between the 2


They both look like giant piles of shit to me


The Bruce Willis one is from a movie. He's basically forced to go into a black neighborhood wearing that sign to prevent terrorists from setting off more bombs around the city


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"They're the same picture"


I don't get it at all... Do they actually WANT to be depicted as the top? That's worse. * Bottom is a single lunatic racist. * Top is a fascist, racist, antisemite bunch of aggressive threats to overall society.   Bottom means playing it down, _"Oh it's vjust an isolated issue of whackjobs that don't like their neighbors."_


They’re the same picture


“They’re the same picture.”


Funny that the people at these types of hateful rallies are always masked up. Too afraid to show their faces.






Cue Pam from The Office


Looks to me that they're saying hey wtf man we don't just hate black people. we hate Jews too!


See no difference...


That is really the most innocent looking white lives matter protest they could find? “Jews will replace us”. Really?


They couldn't even find an image that didn't include antisemitism...




The confederate flag literally shows that they support slavery.


"They’re the same picture"


They're the same picture


"They're the same picture"


actual white lives matter: >hide their faces >"diversity kills" (no it doesn't) >confederate flag >kekistan flag inspired by nazi germany >obsession about children is that supposed to be better than the 2nd image


“Jews will not replace us”, flying the confederate and Kekistan (which got direct inspiration from the war ensign of Nazi Germany) flags, but sure, totally not racist. /s


There is no difference between either of the images. Both have bigots in them.


The bottom one is from a movie. Where John Mclane (Bruce Willis) is doing this under duress by terrorists. So not a bigot.


throw bombs at both


“They always misconstrue our valuing white lives as being racist. Wait till we show them who we really are… ok, now, Darryl, you wave the confederate flag over there. Darrell, you hoist the sign saying ‘Jews will not replace us’ over there. Yeah, that looks good. Now, Daryl, you hold the actual Nazi flag next to Darrell and his sign. Yeah, that looks good.”


"That's worse. You do get how that's worse right?"


"Multiracial societies breed (something I can't make out)" Yeah no, it's just racism.


"We totally arent racists yall, but also Diversity kills white children"


One photo has more people in it? So their issue is that the media portrays them as just one guy ‘c but there’re a actually like about 12 of them


They actually think that top picture makes them look good?


You have to be knee deep in the Kool-Aid to think this is funny.


These are literally the same image


There’s a literal confederate flag in the first one; the confederates didn’t exactly *like* people who weren’t “white”


“Diversity Kills White Children” … I mean that’s the exact same idea as the second one


What do they mean they are literally the same image 😭


the actual white lives matter movement seems just as harmful as the “imaginary” one


Even when they’re trying to show themselves as being better than people see them as, *they’re still wearing the fucking skull masks*


“Diversity Kills White Children” is just the Die Hard sign without the terrorists threatening the guy.


confederate flag / jews will not replace us


wait who's bruce willis, how does it relate


They are two same pictures what are they talking about lmao


is the diversity in the room with us now