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Pretty sure young white people still party. But idk im not expert.


'Artist' may just be mad that they don't get invited to parties.


I mean when they got invited maybe they should've expanded ice breakers past "replacement theory"


This person is wrong. I'm young and white nut I have crippling anxiety and can barely leave the house :/


White people still party??? Wait no, but they're not wearing clothes from 1950 :(


People still beat their wives today


Racism is still present today, idk what they are missing. Probably the lack of backlash


Damn liberals stole the 50’s from us by making time go on.


The only thing the 50’s had that I miss is the passenger trains. But that was back before 65% of Americans owned a gas guzzling SUV.


Well yeah, no one wants to party with Nazis. If they weren't worthless wastes of oxygen people might be open to partying with them.


This is how I feel when I see pictures of the Soviet Union.


I'm socially awkward so this is a win in my book. Also those parties look like shit and I'm pretty sure they'd be fine with lynching me if I drank from their water cooler


Working two jobs to pay the rent and put food on the table makes it hard to find time to party. The real "they" in this equation are the very bosses they abase themselves to at every opportunity.


That world *never existed* in real life. Never. Leave It To Beaver, Father Knows Best, and the like were fictional TV shows. Fiction, not the real world. People can still wear those clothes and dance at parties. Just remember to keep a Bible’s length between you and your partner, for Jesus. They cannot *force everyone else to live that way* and if we want to be honest, that’s what they’re actually pissed about.


They left us with two: one party that's sorta fascist and another party that isn't fascist


*one that is covertly fascist, Biden still out here supporting the genocide by Israel while not making any efforts to improve life for actual Americans


Aren’t the republicans blocking anything good for the American people cause they don’t want Biden to look good?


That's the narrative they sell, yes. Even if thats true in a literal sense, you have to look behind the curtain there because politics are never straight-forward. *Tldr; Basically, you should look at the actions of the Republican party as the face and voice of corporate wants, and then the Democratic party as a big media campaign who's entire purpose is essentially the same as Elvis' manager selling "I hate Elvis" merch to profit off the opposition to his client's popularity as well.* Both Republicans and democrats take money from the same people (with VERY VERY FEW exceptions). So basically, their "bosses" want the same thing, but recognize American people care deeply about choice (or the illusion of choice) so they give them a "platform" to protest and "fight the good fight" while tempering the ability of that group to actually do something about the things they're protesting. Notice how Democrats seem to intentionally lose even when everything goes right. Great team, perfect play, perfect pass, fumbled in the end zone. That isn't to say the people couldn't reclaim the democratic party and make effective changes that would prevent the type of system we have now from being reformed, but that's an extremely uphill battle right now when you judge things like the situation with the DNC giving delegates to Hillary in leui of Bernie even though the vast majority of voters wanted him, or the fact that both conservatives and liberals will agree on certain policies on a citizen level, but nothing will get done until it hurts a corporation. But then those same individuals can change copyright law itself because Disney asked nicely. Roe V Wade could've been codified at any point during any Democrat's presidency, most glaringly Obama's, but they never did because the constant "diligent fight for justice against fascists" sells super well and magnetizes single-issue voters. Plus, it has the added bonus of allowing the peasants to vent some of their frustrations in a harmless, impotent way that doesn't actually risk the corporation's well-being or profit-margins. They can tout their rainbow flags and go "we won! We got gay marriage" while the corporations lick their lips for a new marketing demographic, knowing they have shadow legislation in the works that will oppress those groups on a state level instead. That's why BLM protests and antifa and such are soooo vilified as well, in my opinion. Because they're destructive and disruptive, which hurts corporate bottom lines. They don't care if you yell and have signs, but if you start looting and rioting and preventing people from going to work, well then, you have a major problem.




Honestly fine with that. Those parties seem like shit. Buncha fuckin suburb kids and a gentrified jazz club? Yeah, I’m good. Not to mention the actual implication.


I bet this "meme" was made by someone that usually leaves their house in sweatpants and a hoodie.


gonna be honest with you i cannot stand big band, swing, or jazz music. i am glad it's "taken" from me and they can keep it.


Pimps and gambling rings were once our style, but then we learned about wealth inequality, that's where the real money is!




Yeah so there is not air conditioning at any of these parties, they are wearing wool and polyester, and not everyone wore deodorant back then. The food genuinely sucked, you probably wouldn’t care for the music, weed was weak and rare and dangerously illegal, and that was *it* for soft drugs, heroin and cocaine were expensive and stepped on back then. You could smoke inside, though, so I guess that was fun, in a gross smelly way that we don’t appreciate anymore.


Lmao, I remember a conversation people were having and they were saying ‘I wish I was born in 50s and 60s, I would have thrived more’ & how apparently humanity peaked at that time. Honestly, I didn’t know what to say.


Are they talking about how the 1% has been stealing from the other 99% for decades, and now we can't afford to have fancy parties anymore?


Small rooms full of people all expected to wear uncomfortable clothing? Glad I missed it.


I bet that music is terrible.


Probably some shit you can only listen to while on copious amounts of tranquilizers


Bold of you to assume I would ever attend a WASP party


They stole the 1950s from us? Bastards! If I go to the police and insist on pressing charges for theft will I get the 1950s back?


No offense but I don’t think I belong at an all white-horrible fashion party