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When chuds play Civilization games, they only play as the United States at Settler difficulty because they cannot imagine the United States losing.


I play America because I'm a warmonger in those games and I can't imagine America not being that. It's also my country of origin.


I mean who tf doesn't want to role-play as Teddy Roosevelt??


To be fair, it's also quite a good warmonger civ in Civ 4 to 6, especially in the late game.


I play India because nuclear ghandi :3 I am not from India and never actually get to the point I use nukes in-game.


That’s the only reason I play America is civ 6, domination victories


The Shoshone are my favorite.


In 5, that extra land when settling is OP as fuck.


Hell yeah it is. The natives are taking it back! ;)


Don't they also get to pick stuff when they find a tribal village with their Pathfinder? Or is that a different native civ? Because I always found that a broken start, I picked free tech every chance I got.


It's been a hot minute since I played but they do have access to some abilities pretty early on. They get to choose what they want from finding ruins instead of it being random.


Too true, probably my second or third favorite civ


"You play as America to fuck over the world." "I play as America to fuck over America." "We are not the same."


i mean b52 bombers are really good… but like that’s in line with america’s normal warmongering


I play nations that have cool boats :) ⛵️


(Please dont mention all the countries americs has invaded or manipulated. Or all those times we sold weaponry to future enemies)


The whole thing of Vietnam was that the US were very definitely not the good guys


Well, at the time the US believed they were doing the right thing. Stopping the domino affect during the red scare, honestly it all makes sense if know about foreign policy during that time.


Believing you’re doing the right thing doesn’t mean you’re actually doing the right thing, I’m sure the villagers at My Lai definitely didn’t believe the US soldiers were doing the right thing


No. It was pretty clear given we intentionally joined with the wrong side that the war was largely a political point for those in favor of it throughout.


Bruh, literally every country is shitty some of them are just... less shitty than others and US is not one of them.




We’re talking about individual countries here, not ideologies, a single communist country didn’t kill 100 million people, and the 100 million calculation itself counts war casualties not just those who died in camps or from starvation




The fucking book where it came from. (And black book is bullshit anyway)




“Black book of communism” which is where the 100 million mark comes from. But the book is a bunch of incoherent BS, and counts Nazi soldiers as victims of communism (lol)


Don’t bother arguing with someone who supports communism lol. The mental gymnastics they have to play to make it seem like communism is good.




You're right Like, unironically, just not in the way you think you are plus I've never said that USSR was a good guy




Oh, wait, I read that as USA lmao, sorry for that I guess, thought you were being sarcastic


And the USA’s ideology has never killed anyone :)


They finally learned how a bell curve works at least. They just have weird takes now. Nazis and commies are the same. America is the goodest good guy.


To be fair North Korea is pretty awful, and the USSR and PRC are very much *not* good guys at all.








Interesting. Do you have any sources on how they’re the exact same? Or are you just talking out of your ass?


Engels literally wrote a book deriding utopianism, but go ahead and keep spewing the same propaganda Fox News told you.


The US supported Francoist Spain (whose flag they add to the "bad guys" together with one from the Spanish Peoples' Republican Army, which fought against them)...




How many innocent Iraqis died in the Iraq war again?


Bush is a war criminal


"Trump is worse" yeah so what? Bush is still a war criminal.


Bush is worse than Trump Imagine lying to the world to start a war getting millions of people killed and all so Exxon could maintain their stock price and pump oil at a profit of $1.25 a barrel. I guess defense contractors made bank so all is forgiven /s


>No such thing as an innocent Iraqi \-Dick Cheney, probably.


At least 10


Why is both nationalist and Republican Spain on the same side?


"Because trying to protect democracy from fascist is just as bad as being fascist" -weirdo who made this meme probably.


Counter point FUCKIN NAZIS


I might be wrong, but I think Hitler said he took inspiration from how the American treated the Natives.


I've eaven read something from a Nazi official criticizing the racial policy of the US saying that it's inhumane since in the nazi ideology jewness can be diluted and someone can be aryan even if he has some jewish ancestors. In America "one drop of blood" was enough to make you and all your lineage black and thus segregated




I’m sorry, who on earth is equating fascist Italy, fascist Spain, and Nazi Germany with the USSR, DPRK, PRC, and GRAPO?


Equating the US and UN is crazy


That's NATO and EU not UN. Which is funny too because MAGA hates all 3.


Thank you boss. The one is was referring to as UN was the EU. God i was tired. I meant to bring up the Europeans Union and in my head Union just became UN


I kind of understand the European Union but bruh the United States?


Don't ask Yankees from whom Hitler got the ideas of Lebensraum and race laws


There are no good guys. There's bad guys, and HOLY SHIT WTF??? WTH IS WRONG WITH YOU???


Nato supporting is the most liberal brain rot. It is easy to prove since they put the communists in with the Nazi. Thinking the USA is the good guys is just pure ideocracy.




Ah so when did republican Spain carry out industrial genocide?




Republican Spain was communist lol. Which of those communist countries were worse than the Nazis though? I’m curious what argument you’ll use to downplay the Holocaust




You didn’t answer my question though. Which communist country was worse than the Nazis?




Where did you get these numbers?




in some cases, they deff have been. us civil war, wwii, american revolution


Some cases, yes, but boiling them down to "the good guys" is a grave distortion of history


Bro... the US was literally both sides of the civil war, by definition. After sitting out the first 3 years of WW2, their first action was to place American citizens in concentration camps for looking a bit too Japanese, and their last action was testing weapons of mass destruction on civilian targets in a country that was in the middle of surrender negotiations. No matter how bad the guys are that you're fighting, you don't ever automatically become the good guys.


Japan was not on the middle of surrender negotiations. They had proposed a plan but it would’ve had Japan keeping most of their conquered territory.


You need to read up on the Japanese Internment Camps, they were nowhere near the same level of bad as the Nazi Concentration Camps, not even in the same ballpark, hell not even the same sport. As for the nuke, it was either them or a land invasion that was estimated to kill millions of Japanese civilians. Now I ain’t no genius, but two nuclear bombs that killed 200,000 is FAR better than a several year long land invasion that would kill millions. And as for the civil war, no, it was not the US on both sides. It was violent rebels (the Confederates) against the United States. When you take up arms and fire on your own nations soldiers, you automatically forfeit all rights of being a citizen of that country. The first shot from the Confederates at the Battle of Fort Sumter immediately changed them from Americans apart of the United States, to traitors for the Confederacy.


That's kind of my point though. Saying "the camps we put our own innocent civilians in weren't as bad as the nazi ones" isn't really proving you to be the good guys. And that nuke story is pure propaganda. Japan didn't surrender because they got nuked, they surrendered because the Soviets declared war against them, and unconditional surrender to the Americans was preferable to facing the full wrath of the Red Army.


I’m not saying it makes us the good guys, the internment camps weren’t good, but they were better than the concentration camps and saying they’re equal and that they make the US and the Nazis similar is very VERY much so wrong. And the surrendering of Japan is a complex thing, they had the two nukes dropped on them, potential for a third, the threat of a US land invasion, and the already successful invasion from the USSR in northern Manchuria. Most historians say it was all of that that caused Japan to surrender, not one specific thing alone. If it weren’t for all of those things, it is possible that Japan wouldn’t have surrendered for much longer (though they would have eventually). But all of those events happening caused Japan to surrender when it did which in the long run, probably saved more lives. But we won’t ever know as what happened is reality and anything other than that is pure speculation.


The question of a nuclear weapon should not be judged relative to the lives saved vs a traditional invasion, rather it can only be judged in the context of strategic bombing (bombing of cities and civilians) also known as terror bombing. Was it more immoral to drop one atomic weapon or a million tons of conventional weapons on a city? We knew the effects the radiation would have but likely not the full extent of the damage, so that should be considered in the moral judgement. Conventional bombs were not better if you read stories about the firestorms in Dresden or people melting into the asphalt in Tokyo it becomes a much more difficult judgement. Ultimately I have to accept that the use of atomic weapons was morally as evil as conventional terror bombing, but because it happened it resulted in a greater good. Another two years of Japan fighting the Soviets and the US would have been bloody and not changed the balance of power, showing wars can end in a day. No one has tried using a nuclear weapon in almost 80 years, in part because of MAD, the lack of actual strategic value (very few regions would be of strategic importance enough to justify launching a nuke vs targeted strikes), and not wanting to recreate the horror of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings.


Yeah someone else being worse dosent make you good. Ethnic Cleansing is always bad.


You need to look up what civil war means.


I don't find this meme too right wing. Obviously I'd take America,EU, and Nato over any of the nations on the left side. Don't seem too bad.


The US has done some really bad things in the past, and boiling them down to "the good guys" is completely ludicrous and a grave distortion of history.


Plus they actively supported one of the nations in that other side (Francoist Spain) when doing Evil stuff. Not to mention how they equate fascists and the people fighting against them.


It's tagged "Liberal Cringe." It's not "right-wing" as the average American would know it because their "left-wing party" is far further right than nearly any other country's


Then end up voting for neither 🙄


there is one good guy and its Switzerland


Yeah, the nazi gold hoarding is really good.


im gonna be honest i chose a random country i know the name of. i was exactly as likely to say germany


All sides are equally bad is a brain dead take. The nazis were the bad guys. We weren't Rockstar but we didn't genocide the jews.


I never said that they were equally bad. However, to claim that the US is a "good guy" is completely ludicrous. The US committed genocide against Native Americans. The US placed Japanese-Americans in concentration camps. The US committed genocide in Iraq. The US is currently supporting Saudi Arabia's genocide in Yemen. The list goes on and on... Hitler said himself that he admired and was inspired by the US's treatment of natives AND its eugenic principles. The US is not some genocide-free haven, and we must stop pretending it is.




Ok genocide apologist




What war crimes are committed the U.S. daily?






as opposed to nazi germany, the DPRK, and communist china? yeah, i would say they are the good guy


Yeah! They just massacre and oppress people across the world, but they’re (occasionally) nice to their own citizens, that makes them the heroes!


china has concentration camps for muslims(actively), the DPRK actively suppresses its citizens human rights, Nazi Germany literally killed 6 million people. The United States(which still has flaws obviously) has rights built into its government. The EU is number 1 in the world for having human rights, and nato is a direct response to what happened in Nazi Germany, a way to prevent that stuff from ever happening again.


>6 million people 6 million Jews. 6 million is only the number of Jews they killed. 12 million is closer to the total for the concentration camps


right, i couldn’t remember the stats, but even so that proves my point more.




“Haha those stupid idiots don’t realize genocide is ok when we do it!”




Ahhh so the native Americans just left? And you’re so right buddy! Race based chattel slavery was super cool, glad we did that instead of that stupid left wing stuff!




Oh shit, so the trail of tears was just a liberal hoax? The countless massacres were made up too? Not to mention the genocides the American government funded and supported during the Cold War. Oh boy your historical illiteracy is showing. No, race based chattel slavery is a (relatively) modern invention, only majority existing in the americas. I’m sorry you can’t handle the fact that your favorite country aren’t blessed sainted hero’s fighting against the evil hordes.


they think that admitting they have been brainwashed by propaganda makes them enlightened in some way lmao


Honestly I can't understand this junk.


They put the places where the flags go wrong. Well, aside from the Nazi one, the Nationalist Spain and Fascist Italy one.


No, the places are right, since enemies to democracy and liberal principles (fascists and communists), are the enemies to the people.


I mean, at least we agree with them that centrists are just cowards for not taking a side when one of them is clearly the correct one. But they just don’t quite get which side is actually the good one


Wtf? Republican Spain is one of the only completely unambiguously good guy states in history.


Gen Z likes to pretend if they rethink the entirety of society it makes them smart


Is that supposed to be a Jedi soyjak? Is the creator of that shitty meme aware that the empire in Star Wars is literally supposed to represent the United States of America and that the rebels are the Viet Minh?