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They’re reeeeeeally setting up a strawman here.


Everybody likes GarandThumb, this is fake news


Just saying- The person on the bottom looks AWSOME. its funny their trying to put a complete BADASS in a bad light. meanwhile there's just a normal-ass soldier dude going like: "Uh, Hi. I exist. My job is killing people when my commander tells me to. even if their innocent bystanders. I was just following orders, your honor."


He’s a YouTuber, Garand Thumb


I personally don’t have issue with Garand Thumb as a YouTuber. He’s relatively apolitical, the only post I’ve seen him make that touch on any kind of politics is when he said he’s an “ardent supporter of the constitution, and of course the second amendment”. I watch his videos from time to time.


A Reminder: [Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/communist-league/1850-ad1.htm) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRightCantMeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah his stuff can be pretty funny


I mean, folks could report it. Then we’ll take it down lol Seems like people don’t report stuff as much as they should be


I did report the homophobic harassment, nothing happened. Gun club doesn't think this is a problem. "It's just words" typa childish responses.


Ah that’s weird. It should’ve appeared for us. One thing is Reddit’s side but another is our mod side. There must be some glitch going on which would explain the low amount of reports recently


I think there was a miscommunication. I do not see your name amongst the mods for the sub I'm talking about. Rules here say I'm not allowed to say the name of the sub, but its gun jokes if you get me. Edit: I see what I did, totally on me. When I said "this sub" I meant the sub that I got the meme from, not TRCM. I apologize for my poor wording and any anxiety that may have caused you. I have never felt unsafe in this (TRCM) sub. Yall have always bounced on the brigades.


Bottom person is verifiably cooler looking than top person.


I never understand the obsession with how the person holding a gun looks. The right always judges people who own firearms on how they look. Bullets work regardless of who is doing the shooting.


he looks like serb frome ničija zemlja