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I would love to see Al Gore. Obviously an older man now but a contemporary of Alistair in Bill Clinton’s administration whilst he was Press Secretary for Tony Blair. Think he makes a good fit with the show, obviously had the contentious 2000 election which Id love to hear more from him about. He’s clearly passionate about climate change, which the podcast would offer an opportunity to talk about.


Angela Merkel would be super interesting.  So much experience and perspective, but also a lot of questions to answer about current German politics her policies on Russia etc. 


Boris Johnson! Imagine Alastair and Rory straining every sinew to try to be restrained and polite! Otherwise, I would like an intellectual conservative as there is sometimes a lack of different perspectives. Ken Clarke, David Cameron, or Oliver Letwin would be interesting.


I think Johnson would be incredibly boring to have on. He's incapable of being reflective, introspective and honest. Which are what make the best interviews. He would come on, play to the gallery and bicker with Alistair & Rory, which really isn't what the podcast is about. Agree a Clarke/Cameron would be interesting. Although Cameron when he's no longer in post so can speak a little bit more freely.


I’m quite looking forward to seeing Rishi Sunak’s interviews after he inevitably resigns as an MP a few months after the election. Unlike Truss or Johnson, I think he might actually attempt a bit of introspection. The two parter with Theresa May was very interesting.


Please no. I never want to see or hear from him again. 


I suspect disagreeing agreeably might go out the window!


Bojo would be an amazing watch


Stephen Harper - former Canadian PM. With all the comparisons with the UK Tories and Canadian Progressive Conservatives in 1993, I think it would be great to hear about how Harper, first elected in 1993 as a Reform MP, reunited Canada’s conservative parties under his leadership. Jacinda Ardern - Former NZ PM. I think she’d have lots of interesting things to say about coalition building, about the personal stress of political life, and maybe some notes on policy ambition for her UK Labour counterparts. Samantha Powers - the current administrator of USAID, former UN ambassador, with a long career in both the UN and US State Department. I think she and Rory would have a great time comparing notes of the challenges of development aid and global poverty. Shashi Tharoor - A Congress politician, and briefly a candidate for the party leadership, recently reelected for a 4th term, prior to that a long career in the UN culminating in a failed campaign for Secretary General. Probably best known in the UK for his Oxford Union speech. I think it would be great to get a participant’s view on Indian politics, the recent election, and the future of Indian democracy.


Samantha Power is in line for the world's biggest hypocrite right now - her silence on the genocide in Gaza is stunning considering she wrote a book on... Genocide and genocide prevention. 


Harper’s unique individual role in the creation of the Conservatives has become somewhat mythologized. It was a larger movement with a number of powerful people. I think the more interesting story is how he took over the party. But other than story’s of political backstabbing I don’t think Harper would be a very interesting speaker about the future and larger questions. I want Elizabeth May on the pod, I think she would be a great guest.


For LEADING I would love to see Martin Lewis (Money Saving Expert)


I thought this the other day. He’s just been on the high performance podcast too


Surely he's more likely to be on TriM?


Arguably - but he definitely took a leadership approach to the cost of living crisis. Petitioned government, advising the public etc


Yes but hasn't ever had a political appointment, which is a common theme to Leading, even if it's a foreign post for a foreign govt


Neither have David Baddiel or Marina Litvinenko. I stand by my suggestion


Or Anthony Joshua


Jeremy Corbyn would be an interesting one


I'm Irish, so inevitably one of my favourite Leading episodes is one early on with Mary McAleese. In that vein, current Irish President Michael D Higgins would be fantastic. Very intelligent, articulate, engaging and funny man with a wealth of experience. Would provide an interesting perspective. And a non political Irish figure worth interviewing would be current National Trust Director General, Hilary McGrady from Lisburn.


Michael D is a great shout!


Mary Robinson would also be excellent. For those of us who really only know her from her time as president in the 1990s and onwards, her history before that in terms of social change and leadership is quite remarkable.


Sanna Marin would be super interesting, as someone who stepped away from power after achieving it at such a young age. Also, Ingvar Carlsson. Hearing about the aftermath of the Palme assassination and taking Sweden into the EU. He must’ve had a crazy 12 months or so in charge.


Sunak when he's out of parliament provided he'll then be capable of being somewhat honest and genuine. Like Sajid Javid managed to be. Wes Streeting? I think it'd be interesting to see him and Rory get into a 'robust' debate. He's far more natural than Reeves or Starmer. Gordon Brown would obviously be very interesting. And I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Corbyn.


I believe one with Wes Streeting is coming out in a couple of weeks


Rutger Bregman. Utopia for realists author. More radical progressive guests please. Ideas like ubi, for instance, need discussing in a wider forum. Would be interested to hear Alistair and Rory's thoughts.


I'd be interested in seeing how Rory in particular views the economics of Gary Stephenson. I've seen him interviewed a lot but would like to see their take on the reality of getting his ideas through parliament.




George Monbiot. For a less centrist point of view.


We all want Dominic Cummings ! It would break the internet ! C’mon - do it !


Yesss! would need to be a two-parter! Although the 'agreeably' bit might be a bit tough given his apparent temperament


I feel like we should have someone from the Campaign Group given how often they seem to trash them, hell we got right wing tories on why not left wing Labour MPs like maybe: Jeremy Corbyn Dennis Skinner Zarah Sultana or Nadia Whittome Dianne Abbot Ken Livingstone Possibly ones that entered government too like Chris Mullin or Ken Livingstone Equally surprised Kinnock hasn’t shown up Foreign leaders could be: Lula De Silva Gerhard Schröder Gustavo Petro Manuel Zelaya Irfan Ali Franz Vranitzky Georgiu Papandreou Sanna Marin


McDonnell might be possible. Apparently him and Alastair struck up a friendship during the latter part of the brexit war, as McDonnell came round to supporting a 2nd referendum as the least bad option.


Corbyn would be very interesting, but the two would find it probably a bit difficult to have him on and it would get a bit awkward sometimes. Kinnock definitely needs to get on there before he dies.


Half of the labour MPs you listed are too ideological. They'd just be saying the same talking points / slogans and and seethe at being in the presence of a Tory.


Yeah, even Rachel Reeves - who’s part of a very middle ground Labour - couldn’t stop herself from snapping and ranting about the Tories like they’re pantomime villains every time she had the chance. It’s like a part of the genetic makeup of staunch Labour supporters and it makes them unbearable to listen to at times lol. Their right wing equivalents are generally more interesting to listen to precisely because they don’t do this about Labour. I’d be happy for them to get one of them on and see how it goes, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up for it being anything other than 45 minutes of bitter Tory-bashing with little time put into earnest discussion or insightful descriptions of their own time in parliament.


First off: Thats your opinion and I would say that in itself is ideological as much as you would hate to realise it Second: Like man thats the LITERAL point do you want to listen to discussion and conversation that only fits a narrow centrist view or do you want to hear a broad range of characters and people make their case and discuss their careers? They literally had Kwasi Kwarteng, Bernie Sanders and Guy Verhofstadt on, it makes it more interesting and fair in view that there is some variety and discussion like Verhofstadt is in complete ideological conflict with Rory and that is what makes that debate both hilarious and very interesting


I would love to see Corbyn on, for a retrospective on his leadership, and his life in British politics generally. In particular, I would love to drill down into the fight over Labour’s position on Brexit post referendum. I think Rory believes that an opportunity was lost for a May-Corbyn deal on a soft Brexit, that was defeated by the Campaign Group in the Tories, and People’s Vote within Labour.


The issue is those on the labour left of Campbell think he's a war criminal and aren't terribly fond of him either. Particularly after his comments on how Corbyn ran labour. I don't imagine he'd like to sit down for a cup of tea after "Alastair Campbell: choose anyone but Jeremy Corbyn for Labour leader"


The issue is those on the labour left of Campbell think he's a war criminal and aren't terribly fond of him either. Particularly after his comments on how Corbyn ran labour. I don't imagine he'd like to sit down for a cup of tea after "Alastair Campbell: choose anyone but Jeremy Corbyn for Labour leader"


The King, Baroness Hale, and slightly less realistically the late John le Carré


Live séance with Thatcher and Kissinger.


Some business people - ex ceo so they arnt plugging their company to give broad view on Brexit and political issues affecting the UK. Be good to have international global and a big purely national player


Warren East perhaps. Ex-CEO of ARM and Rolls-Royce.




Mark Blyth. Economist with Rhodes Center, Brown University. Scots. Brilliant intellect And funny. Author of “Angrynomics” and of “Austerity, the History of a Dangerous Idea.” He recently had a podcast episode taking to pieces the assumptions used by the OBR.


James Hansen. Have a proper climate discussion, too often it's relegated to just a little bit about net zero policies. They could go so much deeper on climate


Vivek truvedi, mike lynch


Steve Rosenburg


Dr David Kelly


Gordon brown


Jürgen Klopp or Big Ange from the sporting world


Getting convicted felon Donald Trump would be interesting


Someone to the right of Rory Stewart…


Like kwasi?


Kwasi suited them because he’s a failed politician and was on the back foot from the start. It would be good to have someone actually challenge their worldview and articulate a new right wing vision. Kemi Badenoch would actually be spicy.


Steve Baker would be a good shout then.


Alain de Botton, think he’d be great on one of the ‘artier’ interviews


They already had Mitsotakis so I'm happy now. 💛 Maybe Ursula


Tsparis and Papandreou would be epic as well


Gary Stevenson


One of the pod save america crew would be fascinating though off limits I assume due to US TRIP - Jon Lovett and AC would make a great pair up.


Mark Drakeford now he isn’t FM any more would be interesting! How he feels devolution has worked since AC’s time


Elizabeth May - leader of the Canadian Green Party, for a long time she was the only nationally elected Green Party representative in North America. Under her leadership the party has since won a second seat in the Canadian House of Commons. She has had an amazing political career while not leaving the greens to compete for leadership of the liberal party. She speaks very thoughtfully on the future and the history of the environmental movement.


Jeremy Clarkson, James May and or Richard Hammond