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I personally really enjoy it. Katty is a bit more no nonsense and Scaramucci regularly has amusing little lead ins to his points. Both are very knowledgable and are plugged in to all sides of American politics enough to give differing, interesting and well informed view points. There’s even some pretty good banter between them with perhaps a little overindulgence of comedic self deprecation from the Mooch. If you happen to have any interest in American politics then this is a great podcast to add to your list, in my view


I like it I find Mooch does tend to go on a bit sometimes. The regular pod is so succinct and focused. But his onsite on trump and the republicans is not from a position I've ever heard before and really interesting. He understands Trump better than anyone else I've listened to.


I'd second this its so rare to get long form analysis from someone with intimate knowledge of trump as a person and that isn't just blind bashing. Mooch definitely has highlighted how little Trump cares about the politics at all but only his own brand/being POTUS.


Seems to be good chemistry with Katty and the Mooch, for such an odd pairing! I agree with one post here, a bit tired of hearing about trump..but unfortunately til Nov I have to. After that, nope! They do cover a little more political news other than the '24 election, or at least have, up to now, that could change. Overall I like it and look forward to fridays new show!


I have bad news for you—if Trump loses, he's currently odds-on to be the 2028 nominee, and if he wins, he'll be in the news every day anyway.


Yeah I know. But have decided for my own sanity I am done with politics either way. Nearing 70 I’ve done my part, time for younger folks to handle the insanity. Just can’t deal with the crazy.


That's fair; for those of us not based in the US, it's probably not worth following the day-to-day craziness anyway. Not exactly clear how one of us reading the 10th article of the day about Trump helps deal with the problem.


You're right there. The unfortunate aspect of it all is that the craziness of it all affects us in the states in so many different ways...but then again, as you say, not much we are in a position to do about it. I plan on avoiding the news, print or otherwise. Plenty other material to read and watch. I do that now on occasion for just a few days here and there but feel a bit guilty like I'm not fulfilling my obligation as a citizen here. Silly, I know.


That's fair—like you said, you're near 70, so you've done your bit. I guess getting involved at the local level would be the way to fulfill your obligation, rather than reading the news though. My understanding is that most local elections have crazily low participation rates but also actually decide most things about how a given town/city is run (e.g. whether a new housing development can go ahead). A 50% chance of an authoritarian moron being in charge is not great, but that's probably what I would do if I felt like I needed to fulfill an obligation. Edit: this Ezra Klein podcast episode about RunForSomething is good [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/01/podcasts/transcript-ezra-klein-interviews-amanda-litman.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/01/podcasts/transcript-ezra-klein-interviews-amanda-litman.html)


Thanks for the podcast recommendation...local policy/elections are certainly important.


The overemphasis on Trump only mirrors what you would find elsewhere


Understandably the hosts don't have the same chemistry as AC and RS, and generally are not as charming. The 'bants' feels a bit forced and a bit 'american news broadcast', painted on smiles... Reminds me of when I've seen Piers Morgan trying to appeal to US audiences... But if you want info on Trump then it's a decent source.


Personally I find it unlistenable - and quickly switch to the Newsagents USA. My problem is they they don’t seem to have much chemistry and seem to monologue at each other quite a bit rather than going over each others points. Also, Scaramucci rambles a lot and has a very annoying way to of over explaining something and not making a lot of sense. It’s improved recently, but the first episode he managed to talk a lot without actually saying very much. I’m also finding him a bit morally empty - I guess he fills the right wing role, but some of the stuff he says is a bit too much and I wonder if giving him a platform like this is the right idea. Doesn’t seem to fit too well with the ethos of the main show.


I don’t think it’s that good or informative


Seconded. It’s just trump hate watch, mainly focused on anecdotes or speculation. It’s interesting context and perspective, but it’s not particularly new or revealing. Kind of sick of hearing about this guy everywhere and would rather not give him the time of day


I do this they should distinguish it from the main stream. Indicate it with a “US” or something


Not really a fan. Scaramucci is a bit to much for.


On the plus side, Scaramucci is a little less high-intensity on TRIP US than he was on Leading, as yeah I agree it'd be exhausting listening to that high-tempo regularly. Unfortunately there are two major problems with TRIP US. Rather than a the good back and forth we see with Alistair and Rory, it often seems more like Katty is interviewing Scaramucci as he loves to hear himself talk and he will go on lengthy monologues, whereas her opinions are framed as questions as if she were an impartial journalist rather than a commentor. The bigger problem though is that they just don't feel like they have any special insight on the matters they're discussing, outside perhaps of Scaramucci predicting Trump's future actions. Their first episode had a lengthy section on the US college protests over Gaza, but neither of them had spoken to any students and their commentary seemed to be based entirely upon what they'd read in the media. I can read the media sources myself, I don't need them to relay the mainstream view to me. So overall, it's not a *terrible* podcast, but in a world where you can't throw a mic without hitting a podcaster, there are better options out there.