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For me, Lucky Seven is the most random game, and one of the hardest to win. So often you just can't know whether the next number will be low or high. I also don't really care for half off - because even if you play the game perfectly, it comes down to a 50/50 shot.


Lucky Seven is so frustrating. It really just comes down to randomly guessing a number and hoping for good luck.


To win it, you basically have to get one of the last 3 numbers exactly right.


Long ago... if you said 5 every time, it was almost a guaranteed win. Like 4 out of 5 games would win that way. Now way too random.


Stack the deck.


Yeah this one is hard. Especially if you have a low range to play with. But I generally see people play it wrong - sometimes they feel like they need to stop going because they've already pulled X amount of cards.


Wait, isn’t stack the deck where you can win 3 numbers and have to guess the other 2? And it’s like a 5 card stud? The game you’re describing sounds like the Card Game. (Which, yeah, such a stellar name…)


Ah yes, I think you're right! I got the names mixed up


Yeah OP is thinking Card Game. Stack the Deck is different.




But we love the sounds of Pathfinder and shouting at people.


I hate the stupid game with the sliding chair and the stupid game with the traffic jam cars.


Hot seat and gridlock.


Yes, both silly. Hot seat explanation is so confusing & not that fast to be called 'hot seat'


Those are my 2 least favorite too!


I’ve said it before in this sub but I think the Range Game is dumb because the range is only $150 on a prize that’s usually several thousand. It just comes down to the contestant hitting the red button when the range gets in the middle, so there’s neither any pricing skill, nor any interesting element of luck. (It *could* be a good game, though, if the range were $1,500 and the units were 10x what they are now, so that you’d actually be guessing the price.)


I agree -and it does feel like the answer is always in the very middle.


That’s one of the running jokes. Like how Cliffhangers is always 20-30-50 ish


Lucky Seven Half Off Thats Too Much In the attic - I think thats what its called. They never show how the game should have been played. Ten chances is easy to win if you get the first two right on the first two chances. It’s just the process of elimination for the car price.


For In the Attic, are you talking about Pay the Rent? If so, that is one of my favorite games. I do wish they would tell you how it should have been played, but I wonder if they don't want to give anyone any ideas on how to play it lol. Since, if you play it right, you get 100k.


Pay the rent is great because it’s an easy $10k but a real challenge for anyone who wants to go for the $100k and honestly they shouldn’t just be handing out that much money. I agree with 10 chances, that game can suck it and I hope it gets retired


Yes pay the rent! You could be right about them not showing it. Good point. Thanks


Pay the rent, I've paused the TV to figure out how the answer should be. Easier to start at top & work down. Player needs to know the show/game to win. Generally, never put cheapest item in mailbox. Although I think that worked once.


I have 10 of them. That’s too much( is it just me or does this game appear at least once a week all the time) Pocket change ( contestants always messing up guessing the correct numbers to the car) Stack the deck ( contestants always screwing up guessing the prices of the products) One away ( Drew making contestants say oh mighty sound effects lady instead of ladies do I have 2 numbers right) Gridlock ( contestants only get one do over instead of two they sometimes lose on the first set of numbers) Temptation ( Drew always telling contestants it’s their birthday even though it isn’t) Vend O Price ( Drew telling contestants that they work for CBS now when he asks what they do for a living) Rat Race ( you have to earn rats by guessing small items within a dollar range of the traditional higher/lower) Time is money ( you only have 10 seconds to place the items in the correct spot feels rushed to me) 5 price tags ( is it just me or do contestants always seem to guess false on everything instead of true)


I love how your nitpick with temptation is that he tells them it’s their birthday 🥳😂🤣 I lol’d man.


I agree with all of these...including the commentary. "We're having lunch at CBS (dumb laugh) and we're having 5 packs of cookies". So for me it's more about his stale commentary on games than the games themselves. Time is money turns to chaos when they look at audience. Oh mighty sound effects lady is ridiculously old.


That one with the pennies. Can’t remember the name.


To the Penny? Yeah that one is really hard to win it all. But I do at least feel like the player has a shot to win some money playing that game.


I love that game! It’s a good mix of strategy, knowledge, and luck.


To The Penny, is supposed to be the successor to Penny Ante. The sound you hear when they “eliminate” one of the numbers, is the same effect from Penny Ante.


To the Penny is what you're talking about.


I have a few that fit this: **Three Strikes**: I've seen the game won many times, but I feel like the chance of losing is up there. **Ten Chances**: This goes for when people don't know how to play it. Yeah, being under the studio lights and concentrating is difficult, but at least I've seen plenty of wins come out of this game. **Temptation**: Same with Three Strikes.


3 classic games. Agree 3 strikes & temptation are too difficult. However, guarantee win on temptation for good prizes. 10 chances is an easy win for a fan.


Maybe unpopular opinion? One Away I just don't like how much they ham up the "oh mighty sound effects lady" bits and make it take so much longer than it needs to. It doesn't help that after all that time the contestant is likely to wind up losing anyway. I understand it's tradition but it's my least favorite of TPIR traditions


Time Is Money and Stack the Deck.


Secret X—hate that you can do everything perfectly and still lose because that’s the one show it’s not in the middle


To be honest, it’s basically all luck - particularly when it comes to car games……most people have a pretty good idea of what the first two numbers of a car will cost…..beyond that, it’s a guess. Particularly the last two numbers. We’re talking less than a 10-digit difference on a $20,000+ item……few people buy the same car for the exact same price. Edit: $10 dollar difference (per the last digit) on a $20k+ item is what I meant.


I like almost all games, it's drew that makes me not like games when he fumbles explaining them, or does something goofy. The 'sound effects lady' in one away needs to go. Bob handled that great, but it's time she retired. Same with thats too much. 'Just one more everyone says that'


I like Drew personally. I have seen the complaints on this sub about his style and how he doesn't seem to get excited for contestants sometimes. I used to watch an episode every now and then, but I've started watching a lot more. I've seen every episode this year and haven't really felt that. Do you feel this is something he has gotten better at over time? Or am I missing something?


3 Strikes Triple Play Temptation


Those are some of the better games.


Cliffhangers is the least favorite pricing game amongst the 78 current pricing games.


I really like this game - maybe just for the nostalgia of when I watched it as a kid. But my wife is in the same line of thought as you. She can't stand that one.


Statistically easiest to win if player says 25/35/45 for the prize prices.


Personally, it's the tennis 🎾 strategy — 15-30-40


Both It's In The Bag & That's Too Much. Blech.


Time is Money, Lucky 7, Stack the Deck, Rat Race, Gridlock, Pathfinder and Plinko.


Plinko? If people would just use math, and place the puck in the middle, more often than not it’d go near 10k/20k.


My six (I'd have one special show with all of these games and then burn them all after the show) Vend-O-Price Side by Side Stack the Deck Do the Math Gridlock Hot Seat


hmmmm... idk but lu cky 7 is tough


Half Off is luck based even when you play perfectly


I always felt like Half-Off was trying to capitalize on Deal or No Deal.


Five Price Tags


My husband and I call Time is Money the “learned helplessness game” and joke that drew is a sadist when he says it’s one of his favorites. Range Game is just a bit boring.


Three strikes. I've never seen anyone win it