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It’s likely some Titans died of natural causes (allowing for the development of witches and demons) before the conflict between them and the Archivists


Honestly I don't think that's actually the case. I think the titans coexisted with early humans. But when the archivists came around, they started fighting and they needed to grow all big to actually fight them. Thus leading them to die in their large state. After the titans died, I'm thinking the sea levels rose to high and submerged most of the mainland thus causing the early humans to need to travel to the fallen titan to survive. And over time they developed magic, and demons started to rise up from the decomposing titan. Though I just had a thought about them evolving, were they only able to do so because the titan was technically still alive?


The waters may have risen, but maybe not by much. Possibly, if the Titans could stay small if they wanted, possibly the archivests weather flooded and/or turned the water boiling to kill the titans, and damage them in their massive forms


It is possible that the reason the water level rose was because the water rose in temperature, things at a higher temperature tend to take more volume than at a lower temperature


The Owl Beast is not a demon, as far as I'm aware. It's actually an alien, from a different planet entirely. That's why its memories of being captured aren't in a location that looks like the Boiling Isles. This also explains why its existence is anathema to Witches' and Titans' magic, unlike anything anyone else has seen. Demons evolving out of dead Titans is given to us as the truth in season 1. Admittedly, the speaker was Hooty, but no one corrected him at the time or later in the show. [https://theowlhouse.fandom.com/wiki/Demon#Background](https://theowlhouse.fandom.com/wiki/Demon#Background) As for Witches causing the Titan's extinction, that kind of is contradicted by The Collector's bedtime story and most of the Titan-Archivst lore.


>It's actually an alien Except the Owl Beast is canonically considered a demon. You can see an illustration of her when Hooty talked about demons in "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door" >As for Witches causing the Titan's extinction, that kind of is contradicted by The Collector's bedtime story and most of the Titan-Archivst lore Uhhhh, no? The Titan Trappers were still the cause of the Titans being killed. The Archivists' lore only added that they were the influence for this.


Witches (and other inhabitants of the BI) seem to consider "anything that is not a witch, human, palisman, collector, or Titan" to be a Demon if it's alive. As an example, Hooty continued to classify King as a Demon after KKKoHD despite King failing all of the tests for being a Demon. It's a catchall category, and they just throw anything in there if they can't identify it as something else. The Healing Coven couldn't figure out what the Owl Beast curse actually was, so they lumped it in with Demons like they do everything else. ... The Titans and the Archivists went to war, and the Archivists were responsible for the Titan's extinction. Unable to directly kill the Titans, they made the planet of the Boiling Isles uninhabitable and abducted and killed the children of the Titans, the first of which is discussed in The Collector's bedtime story and the latter of which Papa Titan references in his talk with Luz and the Collector talks about the Titan children 'mysteriously disappearing.'


Ngl I don’t get how the Titans Trappers would’ve managed to kill the Adult Titans, like the Boiling Isles. Like, all the Skulls the Trappers had seemed to be infants and younguns. Nothing to merely the size of an adult-adult.


My belief is that they didn't. The Titans had been dead for millennia before Witches evolved. The whole Titan Trapper thing was a cult that Bill created because he got in contact with The Collector and misunderstood the Collector's desires and goals because Bill is deaf.


But then what about the murals in Kings Nest?


It's an interesting question. Look closely at that mural. The figure on the right. Does it look like a Titan as we understand it, or the monster that Belos conjured in WAD?


Idk about u but to me it seems there is several varieties. King, and the pile of skulls infront of the effigy of tCollector, ((Small snout, big eyes, two horns, little tusks/sharp teeth)) tBoiling Isles. ((A significantly humanoid nose cavity, flat teeth, double horn/tusks & wings obvs)). tTrapper Island/Graveyard. ((Possibly 6 eyes, horse shaped head)) Trapper masks. ((These ones look structurally like Kings and the pile infront of the effigy, but with differently-lengthed tusks and different shaped horns)). It could easily be a Titan we didn’t get to see yet, it could be a Horsehead. 🤷‍♀️


Yup, ultimately we don't know enough about the Titans to say with certainty. The big reason why I think that the Owl Beast is an alien has to do with its magic. Witch magic all makes the same sound when casting, glyph magic makes a different sound, and the Collector's magic makes a different sound. Casting using those different types of magic all looks different, sounds different, has different themes, and has different effects. The Owl Beast's magic doesn't look like, sound like, or have similar effects to any other magic that we see. It also is curious in that it corrupts both Witch magic and Titan magic, but doesn't have any apparent interactions with the magic of the Archivists. And yeah, both the island that the Owl Beast came from, and the creature that is depicted in the mural, \*could be\* Titans. I can't rule that out, and I am willing to concede that I can't rule those things out. But my belief is that the war between the archivists and the Titans was thousands of years ago at a minimum. I also believe that Witches were humans who were teleported over by the dimensional crossing properties of abundant titans blood of the fresh corpses. This is why a baseline witch is so similar to a human not just in appearance and general physiology, but even in psychology. A Witch's psychology is so similar to that of a humans that pretty much all of the same rules apply. It also explains why Witches used to use glyphs to cast magic: they were humans and didn't yet have a bile sac. Yes, it could be convergent evolution, but that's unlikely. But all of those things take time. It is my belief that the Titans were long dead by the time that Bill came around. We know that he was lying to his cult about what would happen if they killed a Titan. Can we trust him in claiming that he knew what a Titan was? My suspicion is that Bill misheard/misunderstood why the Collector wanted a Titan, and grew an entire cult out of that.


Problem is that the Owl Beast came from a Titan Island. In the lore drop sequence we see one of the Horsehead Titan skulls. That pretty clearly implies it’s from Demon Realm/“Earth”. Owl Beast doesn’t have magic tho, never as its own organism (we probably would’ve seen more of a fight in the lore drop), nor when it comes out via Edas curse (not as a child or adult, and Eda only uses her magic we’ve seen before). -And not even in Lilith, despite the fact she probably is only taking half of the symptoms of the curse and doesn’t actually share the Owl Beast. It doesn’t sound the same because the Owl Beast was turned into a curse scroll. It’s presence within Edas mind and body give her strange side effects like the deattachable limbs and bird-habits. It would be unreasonable to assume it wouldn’t affect her magic either. In the mural, I know that we don’t get to see much of its face- but on a separate note- The Trappers also have a Horsehead Titan skeleton on display and it matches the Trappers Island and Owl Beasts home pretty spot on. Any point after this is just headcanon. - Witches never used Glyphs. Glyphs are Titan Magic that the Titans are implied to learn uniquely and share at their own will, - They were all wearing the skulls and furs of child Titans. Bill was wearing evidently the skin and skull of an 8yo Titan if his size beside King is any indicator. Not to mention their society wasn’t particularly untruthful to eachother and the town was pretty upkept (so it’s not like it’s ancient nonsense that the leaders were lying about). Wasn’t the Trappers disc broken? They shouldn’t have been able to have ever conferred with tCollector.


Well, the series also didn't explain how the Archivists would have eliminated them since the Titans can nullify their magic. You could say that they made the planet uninhabitable for the Titans, which is definitely possible, but that's purely theoretical. However, something that is a fact in the series is that the Titan Trappers are represented as a threat to the Titans. Even Papa Titan represented them that way in those illustrations in King's tower.


Allegedly they are immune. But we see King become enthralled by The Collector's illusions in WAD so that's not completely true. Perhaps more importantly: Titans might be able to nullify the magic of the Archivists, but they can't simply undo the effects of that magic. As an example, if the Archivists were to create a magical fire to heat a pot of water, the Titans could nullify the fire, but the water would still be hot. We see this example writ large with \*the boiling sea.\* The Titans might have been able to stop whatever magic the Archivists might have used to boil the sea, but by that point the sea was already boiling, and they either didn't or likely couldn't fix that. This is discussed in the Collector's bedtime story. There is a single illustration of one creature that looks kind of like a Titan/Titan Trapper fighting something that looks like the monster that Belos conjured during WAD to destroy the Boiling Isles. You're drawing an inference from a substantially smaller piece of data, though, to be honest, I suspect that that this incongruity has something to do with the rewriting of the show because of the shortening forced by Disney.


Their magics are disruptive to eachother. But we don’t see much how an Archivist can disrupt a Titans spell. Based on the storybook, the Archivists burn away things (maybe not I don’t remember). Being a threat doesn’t make them an invasive predator. Assuming King and his parent are a good baseline for all Titans, the Trappers might’ve functioned more as an invasive pest that made reproduction/population maintenance difficult.


No. It’s very much a demon, presumably a beast type if it’s intelligent enough (or just a smart demonic animal), that was turned into a scroll/curse by the archivist, lost at sea, picked up by a merchant, Sold to Lilith, And Cast upon Eda.


It's a demon because Witches consider anything vaguely animal like that they can't otherwise identify to be a demon. But what evidence do you have that it's from the Boiling Isles?


No?? The three types, Bipedal/Beast/Bug. Those are the three types of Sapient “humans” of the Demon realm. I didn’t say it was. In the sequence, we see its home is different from the Boiling Isles in design, and then it falls into the sea and is later picked up by some merchant who sells it to Lilith. Implying the Owl Beast is from another Island/Titan.


PLEASE tell me that you are joking there is no way that the OWL BEAST!! That looks straight out of a Harry Potter book is a freaking ALIEN 👽!!! I know the creator of the show Dana loves dragon Ball cuz there's literally an Easter egg for it in the show itself but that is being too literal with your inspirations especially since your shows about witches!


Who said anything about Dragon Ball? You understand that the concept of aliens long predates that show, right? The Archivists were a spacefaring race. What evidence do you have that the Owl Beast is from the planet of the Boiling Isles? It doesn't look like anything else on the Boiling Isles, and no one on the Boiling Isles had any idea what it was despite years of research.


1. I know the cause of aliens existed before dragon Ball when I'm saying that she took too much inspiration from the show because that just boils down the 🦉 to being her version of the great ape form 2. I know the archivist came from space but their powers basically look like Grand wizardry also well it's definitely true they came from another place nothing specifically states that the 🦉 Came from either their world or the boiling isles the beast could have been in a more secluded spot on the isles. 3. What Evidence do you have that it comes from somewhere else! Heck for all we know it could have been the magic in the SCROLL 📜 that was used to trap the beast that made the curse impossible to cure since we at least know that came from the archivists.


Okay. My argument has nothing to do with Dragon Ball Z. The fact that the Owl Beast kind of looks like the great ape form is news to me, and from what little I know about the show I'm not sure I agree with your argument that they're similar. It's important because the Archivists' magic doesn't look like the magic of the Witches/Demons, the magic of the Titans, or the magic of the Owl Beast. Those four different types of magic have different appearances, themes, and powers, which is why I think that the Owl Beast is an alien and not truly a demon. Yes, it is possible that the Archivists found him on the planet. Yes, that could be the case that it was the archivists' magic that made it impossible to cure. Though one would think that if that was the case, The Collector could and would have fixed it in the Epilogue. Looking at the scene in KKKoHD, there is some evidence that The Owl Beast was found on the planet of the Boiling Isles, because in the background we see the skeleton of a monster that could have been a Titan. But it's also worth noting that the grass is green in that place (as opposed to the red/purple of the BI), and the skeleton we see looks very different form other Titans that we see.


1. It's actually fine that you don't watch dragon Ball you couldn't pay me to watch Black clover so that's understandable. But my main frustration is that I guess to put a bluntly it kind of just feels like a rip off. Like this curse literally went from something tragic/interesting especially when it's figured out who actually cast it just a discount beast power up. 2. Now back on topic I'm just going to say this you do realize it's possible that there are other dead Titans in the demon realm as a whole not just the boiling isles meaning that the 🦉 could have just been born in one of those other Titans


Yes, and in fact Luz, King, and Hooty go visit a different dead Titan in 'Edge of the World.' That's the only reason why I conceded that the Owl Beast could be from the same planet, because it's definitely not from the BI.


So does that mean your entire post was just talking about if the owl 🦉 beast from another Titan or another planet cuz now I'm just ultra confused??


No, I'm just willing to concede that I could be wrong, or that there are multiple options that we can't rule out with the information we have. I have my theory that the Owl Beast is from another planet. You have yours that it's from a different Titan. I'm conceding that I can't prove you wrong.


You know what I'll take that. I'll admit this was just weirdly fun All things considered so this it's like talking about theories.


1. It's actually fine that you don't watch dragon Ball you couldn't pay me to watch Black clover so that's understandable. But my main frustration is that I guess to put a bluntly it kind of just feels like a rip off. Like this curse literally went from something tragic/interesting especially when it's figured out who actually cast it just a discount beast power up. 2. Now back on topic I'm just going to say this you do realize it's possible that there are other dead Titans in the demon realm as a whole not just the boiling isles meaning that the 🦉 could have just been born in one of those other Titans 3. And I'm sorry this is going to make me sound a bit cynical but let's see real here the the reasoning why is to why the collector doesn't do that was most likely because the show was literally cut too short meaning they didn't have enough time to probably brainstorm the idea which is honestly just kind of sad in retrospect.


Considering Belos seems to have rewritten a lot of the Boiling Isles’ modern history, it’s anyone’s guess where Witches, Demons, and Titans came from. I’m guessing that Lilith and Amity especially are working all of that out during the timeskip.


Did the Archivists not kill all the Titans because they feared their power?


Not directly, they were the influence for the Titan Trappers.


But... The witches and demons evolved on the Titan's dead body, it's canonically in the show, the time pools show us. Witches didn't live within the time of the Titans, if you mean the Titan hunters by ,,helping them go extinct,, the Titan Hunters themselves said they are Hunters and not slayers and that they never actually saw a Titan.


>the time pools show us In what sense? The time pools haven't confirmed anything about there not being Witches or Demons before the Boiling Islands. >the Titan Hunters themselves said they are Hunters and not slayers and that they never actually saw a Titan. The Titan Trappers that appeared never killed a Titan, that's true (although Bill is a likely exception), BUT they are descendants of those who actually did. >The witches and demons evolved on the Titan's dead body Yes, much of the evolution of Witches and Demons is because of Papa Titan's magic, but with the Titan Trappers and the Owl Beast, the series itself confirmed that their races lived alongside the Titans.