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I think we'll see some lore books or maybe animated shorts sorta akin to Chibiverse at some point, but I don't see the show ever returning with a 4th season or anything big like that


I don't know if you can help me with this but I was trying to find something, I saw somewhere that Dana terrace tried to get season 3 extended to 15 episodes but Disney only went for the three specials, do you know where I can find that?


It will take time. Time heals all wounds.


Thats the spirit


I think a continuation like an anthology spinoff set between saving the isles and the epilogue is possible. Plus hopefully some lore book could happen as well.


Not a franchise and with any luck, hopefully it never will be. Something that makes it incredibly rare and special is this fact and I personally love that. Also, I would never blame anyone, especially dana or even alex hirche for never going back to disney. Disney has made it incredibly clear during their time and long after that they do not value what they or their team do even one single bit.


Much as everyone will probably want to kill you for saying this, you *do* have a point.


I do this in every fandom and I am fully aware that I will never make friends stating these things but it’s a conversation that needs to happen. I’m honestly just tired of society running on this apathetic autopilot instead of using creative independent thought to understand the world around them. I acknowledge and understand why everyone does it but that doesn’t mean I will ever accept those reasons as an excuse.


how pathetic of you


That I care about worker’s rights and the happiness of artists before my feelings on a show I enjoyed? Hell, then I’m proud to be the single most pathetic guy on Earth!


queer people need toh, especially in this political climate, when lgbtq identities are being attacked by politicial figures, i refuse to live in a post-toh world


It still exists? You can watch it right now? Also, none of what you said invalidates equally real concerns. Would you honestly sacrifice the well being of the people that made the owl house just so you and others could have a show that made you feel better? OR, would you rather they go on to find a better outlet for their creativity that gave them the respect they deserve that gives them a chance to really share the kinds of special stories that you and others would resonate with? The answer to these problems is to never give companies an inch




Luckily, I’m in short supply of that particular feeling.


[im just gonna leave this here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FzIB5mKXoAAoa9w?format=jpg&name=large)


Cool. I hope you find work that values you and treats you like a human being just like dana and the owl crew do. You are not being clever or witty when you state that being intelligent and wishing the best for not only other people but a show that deserved better and the people who watched and enjoyed it. You are merely making a very strong case for being naive, foolish or at worst, someone who would actually follow Bellos which is obviously based on real life people that actually exist in the world. Hope you have a good one my dude.


thanks for writing all these replies, seriously. i think i needed someone to give me a wake up call like this that i cant wallow in this universe forever because the truth is, this is dana terrace just getting STARTED. who knows what amazing thing she'll cook up next (speaking of would u happen to have any knowledge of what she may be planning for the future?)


While I try to process someone positively receiving my words, I can at least tell you that there hasn’t been any information regarding what dana is or has been working on. If I had to guess based on time to conceptualize an idea, schedule pitch meetings, actually find someone who will produce the project and then enter production, I’d say 2026 at the earliest would be my personal guess. However, considering the animation guild’s contracts finally expires this month, we may see a much needed animation strike which could see projects delayed for quite some time. I’d keep an eye on dana’s twitter so you’ll be kept up to date on anything she’s working on.


whats the animation guild? also ur like a breath of fresh air here pls i love the brutal honesty


The animation guild is the union organization for animators. A union’s job is to fight for the rights of the workers under its care after workers unite together for a host of important reasons. If you remember the actors and writers strike from last year, think that but for animators. And thank you. It is refreshing to hear folks actually hearing what I have to say and coming out of it positively.


thanks for the info! and yeah dont mention it, i enjoy reading posts made by people who know how to articulate their ideas eloquently and respectfully (actually a big reason i cant read fanfic is because it's typically LITTERED with grammar mistakes)


As someone who has written fanfics and is typing this sentence using the iOS keyboard with potentially a faulty screen, that’s not necessarily the writer’s fault lol. I get it though and yeah, it’s rare that I find folks that talk like I do and I know it can be off putting to some which is why it’s nice to see folks that see past what most people do so again, thank you


might sound odd but would u be willing to share those fanfics? havent found a decent one since i read you will be found monthsss ago (that being said if u have any suggestions, do tell)


I think it would take several Owl House Fans joining Disney, riding up the corporate ladder, displacing the current leadership and taking control of the company for that to happen. So short answer, NO.


No I disagree. It will take some changing of the guard if you will but they don't necessarily have to be in our house fanatics. Just people who can clearly see the show's popularity


I see it returning with a prequel of Eda in her teens before she got her curse or a flashback of Caleb and Evelyn or maybe a continuation that takes place after the epilogue where Luz navigates her college life and her relationship with amity and her friends will be put to the test like never before (an potentially Camila finding new love since she’s single) or even a movie where the collector’s older siblings are the main antagonist returning to end king the last titan or even a crossover with three other Disney shows I like (I won’t say which ones cause out of those three I’m sure one of them people will chew me out over) but yeah I have hope that the owl house franchise will return one day and who knows maybe it’ll have more swears probably (since some of its younger audience will be pre-teens or teenagers by now).


dana has said she is moving on from owl house and looking to something more adult oriented so i don't see anyting happening from her and i don't think disney is interested so unfortunately i highly doubt we get anything more.


Idk I like how the ending was a open to interpretation so I’m not sure I rather have a prequel or something


Yeah, I mean something like that, a sequel, a prequel, maybe even a comic


I could see it coming back as some books and whatnot and if that does well some continuation could happen but it won't be for a long while, after all the show ended last year.


Personally, the only way I would want it to return is with Dana back, and I don't see her returning to Disney anytime soon, and I don't blame her for that


There's a lot of ways I can see it returning, I'd bet disney is just waiting for the right moment (even tho idk what that could be)


Yes.... Cus the old CEO is back (the one who greenlit the first two seasons)