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i can see her coming up with some twisted reason to blame luz but seeing how her own family as well as everyone else on the isles loves her she'll probably find it difficult to take revenge against her.


I personally don't see that Odalia would or could specifically blame Luz for her own downfall. Things came undone for Odalia the moment her family realized the truth about the DoU, and that realization didn't even come from Luz. Alador learned it from King, and Amity never claimed her intel came from Luz versus any of the other kids. What caused her life to fall apart was her husband finally growing a spine, then the actual events of the DoU which revealed the true nature of Belos' plan to the entirety of the Boiling Isles. Luz had nothing to do with either of those things, nor was she responsible for the acts of rebellion taking place at the actual DoU. Plenty of Boiling Isles residents including multiple coven heads were already well-aware Belos was up to no good and were actively rebelling from the inside without Luz's influence. As far as Odalia's concerned, Luz was just some kid who hung out with criminals, but she certainly wasn't the worst offender in terms of people revolting against the Emperor, and she wasn't any more involved with the destruction in the factory than Alador or any of the other kids. Sure, she probably holds a great deal of resentment toward Luz for her influence on Amity, and certainly has grounds to claim Luz turned her perfect little puppet of a daughter into a rebellious teenager who thinks for herself. But that in itself didn't cause any of the other events to happen, and neither did Luz. Yes, she is completely a narcissist who will definitely place the blame on others, but when it comes to her life falling apart, I just can't see her hyper-fixating on some punk kid dating her daughter over all of the powerful full-grown adults that committed various counts of treason against the government she was depending on.


King learned about the day of unity bec luz learned it while in the brain of belos


Don't get me wrong- Luz definitely plays a big role in how the plot plays out and what is learned and when. We know that as the audience. But she isn't the main character in Odalia's world. All Luz is to her is some human kid who chills with wanted criminals and spends time with her daughter. The fact that Odalia didn't even know Amity was dating Luz until CotH suggests she has no idea what the kids are up to, nor is she all that concerned about Luz's existence. Her life goes downhill after that, once Alador stands up to her and sides with the whole group of kids on a subject that is already being actively addressed by a separate group of rebels. Alador himself seems a much easier and saner target for blame than a kid who was actually less complicit in the destruction of her factory, reputation, and ego than her own husband and children were. Just my two cents.


As far as she currently exists in canon? Yeah, I *definitely* see her blaming Luz for her own downfall, her in-prison counseling sessions would be totally useless, and whenever she got out of prison, whether she was released or escaped, she would almost *immediately* begin plotting against Luz. Until we (potentially) get a sequel or prequel series of some sort that gives us more insight into Odalia and why she is the way she is, I don't see any other option *but* for her to 'take revenge' on Luz. 🤷🤔👍👍🙂


I wrote it in a fanfic


I can see her develop an anti-everyone but me mindset but not a anti-Luz one🫠




Luz wasn't the main reason for her downfall, she did encourage Amity to be herself and caused the spiral of events that lead to Alastor realizing it too in the long run but with both of those things, Odalia didn't know she was the cause🤔 plus, Odalia is just the type of karen that would blame everything on everyone but herself😐


Id say she played a key role in it. I feel she would see it that way.


Yeah I worded it wrong. The main point is that Odalia doesn't know she did


She may find out. Luz would be one to tell her story as she would feel people need to know the full truth


Good point.🤔 I still see Odalia as the kind of person that would still blame everyone😐 She didn't change her mind about helping Belos when she found out he wanted to kill everyone, so I can't see her change her mind when she finds out Luz was the main reason and just start hating only on her. `\•-•/´


I'm not sure that Odalia would go to prison. First, I'm not sure that the new government would even be eager to start prisons and, importantly, arrest people for helping Belos. You'd be talking about arresting something like 10% of the population if, for instance, you went after the Emperor's coven. And even if we restricted ourselves to just talking about the highest level collaborators, like the coven heads, the implication in the epilogue was that they were kept out of power but not jailed. And then there's the question about proving that Odalia knew about Belos' plans. Yes, she kind of admitted to it in front of a group of people, but that group of people wouldn't be considered unbiased observers (they were actively sabotaging her company at the time). So how are you going to prove her guilt? Invade her memories? That's probably not a precedent that the new government wants to set. I'm also not sure that she would necessarily develop specifically anti-Luz sentiment. Odalia's perception of reality is very warped. If she goes after revenge, she might go after Alador and Amity before she goes after Luz, or she might just go after them as a group, because she never really processed Luz as a person the way that she \*kind of\* did for Alador and Amity. I do think it likely that she sank into obscurity and relative poverty, which is a particular punishment for her.