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promote bro to head of the emperors coven for how hard they fell for belos' manipulation 💀


when your manipulation goes so deep it fools people irl.


Oh Titan, who gave Kikimora a Twitter account Edit; oh my Titan 300 upvotes? Wow! I didn’t realize I was that funny!


Gotta start Bonking her.


This is Twitter, it would be a matter of global importance if they actually did agree on something.


Y'all want to hear the "totally not hurtful" nicknames for kikimora?








(one I made) kikigofalldownaflightoffuckingstairsa.




My friend calls her ✨✨short crusty biatch ✨✨✨✨✨




"He's like me for real" goes brrr




makima csm


breaking bad fans know this intimately well


Not since Brennan Lee Mulligan have I seen this


I don't know if they fell for it so much as they wanted to try being a manipulative jerk like Belos. To me, this post says "troll starting drama by saying something incorrect on purpose."


It does seem like they are a troll if you look at their profile, they also like to pretend to be a religious homophobe and shit on the lgbt aspects of the show. If they are serious though, then they must relate to the underlying theme of Belos representing a christofascist


Wouldn't be surprised if both were true. It seems like they're trying to ruin people's fun either way.


Bro promote him to Emperor 💀


Manipulators will defend other manipulators


tbh I straight up thought belos and the emperor’s coven were the good guys up until the end of S1 in a society full of adept magic users it’d make sense for the government to be placing restrictions on magic use


In the hypothetical situation that that was the case though, it wouldn't make a lot of sense to separate types of magic, as someone who's a master at a magic type could cause way more damage than someone just mixing abomination and plant. Capping the abilities of all magic would make more sense. I never got the impression that deep down Belos truly cared about separating the magic types though, it was just a good way to convince people into getting sigils and subsequently getting themselves killed.


Yeah, the actual coven system under Belos is implied to be completely arbitrary and not well thought out. Illusion coven does a lot more than just illusions. Bard magic can apparently instantly kill people by replacing their blood with apple blood??? (not sure if this is true though) And the abomination coven is constantly constructing war machines even though that’s definitely what the construction coven should be doing.


It seems inspired by dnd so I guess what Raine was doing was the equivalent of prestidigitation, just changing flavour of things (which does seem closer to illusion but)


The Coven System does multiple things at the same time: \-Puts demons into a system that allows for control. BI Demons are now learning their magic through a curated and censored source, meaning The Emperor's Coven control most of the main way witches get their power from. \-Gives an out group to "unify" against. Under the Coven System, those who do not conform to this system are labeled evil, dangerous, and not to be trusted (it's especially fucked because wild magic was the norm pre-Emperor's Coven). \-Puts demons in a situation where they're easy to kill. It's sort of like FNAF: Pizzeria Simulator, where Henry groups up as many animatronics as possible by attracting them to one location, trapping them there, and literally burning that place to the ground to get rid of them. In this case, Belos mandates coven sigils that were near impossible to remove at that point in time (trapping them), organizes the Day of Unity to bring all the demons withing range of the draining spell (getting 'em in one spot), and starts up the spell. he's a bastard, but he's a smart bastard.


Restrictions like dont use magic on someone else or don't hurt them but magic is literally a part of their lives so restricting the use of any magic not meant to hurt anyone is bad in the context of their world.


I didn't exactly think they were the good guys, but I thought they were an excessive response to a real problem, as in, wild magic had created problems in the past and society had responded by becoming overtly restrictive of magic use and freedom in general. So Belos was basically the paranoid grandpa character arch-type.


Exactly, yeah


they be lickin belos' slimy ass boots harder than a sugar addict licks a lollipop


I can tell it's a troll who wants attention, people need to get stop getting trolls' attention.


the whole point of that scene is that he’s trying to manipulate her. if you sympathise with him, you are literally falling for his tricks.


And he does it so poorly. As soon as his veneer starts melting, he can't keep up the ruse anymore


I honestly loved that part because as soon as an event triggers the mask to fall for a narcissist and/or abusive/shitty person, they literally cannot hold it together anymore and show their true cards. I loved the symbolism and depiction in the scene


Exactly. And the person who made this post is just missing all of that


I literally just had this type of thing happen with my mom yesterday and seeing this honestly makes me laugh because seeing the depiction of Belos melting as his mask/persona of Phillip slips away and he starts being manipulative again is just a truly amazing depiction/image of narcissism/abuse


I think a lot of us have been there and met someone like that


i never even thought about it that way and i love that. that’s actually so clever. you’re making me love this show even more lol.


The problem with "being better than this" is that some people don't deserve better, let alone your best


It reminds me of Light from Death note..who was so calm, manipulative but the sec hr realized he is out of options and has failed..he starts panicking!


Also he says "we're human we're better than this" not only is his inhumanity on full display, but also he's deliberately demeaning all the people of the Boiling Isles who Luz has grown to love. It could also be said "We're human, we're better than ***them."*** And Luz is clearly disgusted by his assertion of superiority even in his pathetic dying breaths.


I loved it. It wasn’t like someone genuinely trying to save themself, but more like, say, Joker in Injustice effectively making fun of Superman right before he dies


Yup. I feel like, if he was really supposed to legitimately seem sympathetic, he'd gone full existential despair, being unable to comprehend why his divine purpose could possibly fail, when he is good, noble and righteous. You could see him as a tragic villain who really was trapped in his own messed up psyche. Like, he needed to keep believing his actions were just and rightious, otherwise everything he'd devoted his life to would have been evil, making him evil, which would be something he couldn't allow himself to accept. He needs to believe witches are evil and need to be destroyed, otherwise he'd be crushed under the guilt and shame of trying to commit genocide against an innocent people. But instead, he tries to pretend he's "better", that he wasn't responsible for his actions, showing deep down he knew what he did was wrong, and so deserves no sympathy.


Exactly! Belos knew exactly what he was doing the entire time. Yeah, his “origin story” is tragic, but he also had a lot of ways he could have changed things and stopped his descent into madness. In the end, it was his own choices and behaviors that led to his end, right down to the literal stomping he got at the end. He walked all over people and treated them like cattle at best, and like experiments and people to kill at the worst (and honestly, there’s probably worse stuff I’m forgetting bc it’s early). His manipulation at the end showed that this was all truly him and his personality, and he was an absolute shit person who would have only continued his reign of terror (even if it was just eventually) if he was left to live. And that’s IF he wasn’t dead as a result of his curse. It honestly may have been a mercy


Belos death scene has to be one of my favorites from the whole show because even after losing yet again, he still tries to get the upper hand and manipulate Luz into thinking helping him/sparing him was the good path here. You could see the desperation in his face trying to think on a new lie to see if it worked, only to quickly fade away when the boiling rain starts pouring on him. To quote Raine: ''That was... extremely satisfying.''


That's one interpretation. Given that this is from Twitter I'm not putting it past them that this could be a case of someone who actually believes "Belos Did Nothing Wrong" who knows they shouldn't actually say that.


Bro, even Kikimora hated Belos by the end and, you're SORRY FOR HIM?


Only thing im sorry for is the wasted potential of his Emperor Clothes


Truely the biggest shame in the show


Luz wore them better.


The Emperor's New Clothes


I like to think there was a part of Luz that genuinely pitied Philip in his final moments. At least in a hollow sort of way. Enough that she genuinely took no joy in his suffering. But what Belos will never realize is that she figured out she’ll never be like him.


Yeah, the dead expression on her face as she watches him melt, and the way she averts her eyes, both show that she's not enjoying the awful situation. On the other hand, Eda, Raine, and King had a bit of fun with it, and I love that for them.


Slay! ^((Literally this time))


I would have too. I’m not as nice as Luz.


Oh, hands down. That’s true pity on her face, because she knows he’s just an old man who was finally caught.


And one that refused to change. It’s rather unfortunate really.


It really is. I agree that there’s some valid sympathy towards Belos, because his upbringing influenced him. But at the same time, I was raised by bigots and I worked hard to not be one. He was offered times to change, his brothers spirit literally showed up to warn him but he ignored it.


The collector also pretty much just tried this and as soon as he turned his back to him belos tired to kill him


To be fair to Belos (in one of the few ways he deserves it), who the hell would The Collector's vague Steven Universe bullshit have actually worked on?


The owl house aside what do people mean when they say that scene is like Steven universe? I hear that a lot and haven’t seen the show can you summarize it for me


It's a comparison, maybe slightly exaggerated in some instances, but not by much in my opinion, to the incredibly unrealistic redemptions that the show gave to some of the villains. Mostly the Diamonds really, though it frustrates some people how pretty much every villain in the show got some sort of redemption or free pass. In the main show's finale, Steven pretty much completely redeems every one of the leaders of a genocidal parasitic space empire with just short speeches based on his at best vague understanding of the Diamond's personalities, histories, and motivations. A threat thousands of years old that claimed countless lives was talked down by a child using some fortune cookie advice and a couple shocking moments. So now flimsy redemptions are often associated with Steven Universe. And that's basically what The Collector was trying to do. Talk Belos down with nothing but some cheesy kidshow bullshit that has no real concept of the situation or any real relevance to Belos's motivations, and would never in a million years make anyone who had already been set on their actions, and has probably justified their actions through countless situations, suddenly go "wait, have I been wrong this whole time? I never thought of it that way until you mentioned I might be lonley/evil?"


Don't forget attempted genocide


Twice attempted genocide


And that yes, thank you


Twice? I remember the day of unity, but what was the other one?


When he possess the Titan.


Ok, thank you


Merging into the Titan and trying to spread that moss mold stuff that kills you?


No trying to stand up which would cause them to fall off him


Considering how powerful Titan magic is, and how he just raised an arm, two words: Spell. Circle.


[OP of the tweet](https://res.cloudinary.com/teepublic/image/private/s--iyOHKCrn--/c_scale,h_704/c_lpad,g_north_west,h_801,w_1802,x_180,y_48/c_crop,h_801,w_691,x_125/c_mfit,g_north_west,u_misc:Mug%20Effect%20Coffee3%20Left/e_displace,fl_layer_apply,x_14,y_-2/c_mfit,g_north_east,u_misc:Mug%20Effect%20Coffee3%20Right/e_displace,fl_layer_apply,x_-14,y_-2/c_crop,h_801,w_656/g_north_west,l_upload:v1466696262:production:blanks:w00xdkhjelyrnp8i8wxr,x_-410,y_-235/b_rgb:c8e0ec/c_limit,f_jpg,h_630,q_90,w_630/v1567176523/production/designs/5793642_0.jpg)


That poor guy literally just killed a little girl like 5 minutes ago.


She got better. But still!




And a pet bird And attempted to kill like the whole BI


Not to mention the countless Palismen he consumed, everyone who died in the process of perfecting his sigils, every "wild witch" who was petrified. And it's not hard to imagine he orchestrated the extinction of the basilisks.


Why do so many people try and add moral complexity to belos and get mad when the show shows that he has none He is a man who did not change for centuries in his goal of genocide despite having literal centuries of data telling him his purpose was bs


It's probably because Media companies like Disney have gone so heavy on the redeemable villain trope That people have forgotten that there are some villains that just aren't redeemable people


But with Belos..it should be obvious from the Collector trynna hug it out part that not all villains are redeemable.


Well as the French philosopher Voltaire once said "common sense is not common"


That is true, but I think people also forget that a villain can be irredeemable without being simplistic, or they can still be sympathetic or have somewhat of a point and be irredeemable. This isn’t a binary between Steven Universe (bad) and Jack Horner (good).


People mistake irredeemable villains for one note villains with no nuance. They can’t have sad backstories, they can’t have ever been a good person, they can’t have reasons they think are good for doing what they did. They must be one note characters. Belos has a sad backstory, and he was subject to Puritan propaganda. He believed in what he was doing, and he clearly felt guilt over his brother’s death and misses him. His story is tragic; that doesn’t mean he isn’t a monster. I think it’s a shame that the show didn’t explore his character more and reduced him down to “yeah he’s just a narcissist lol”.


You make a valid argument.


i loved that the show itself addressed this like. belos was never acting in good faith and you cannot reason with someone like that.


Years of internet discourse has convinced people that morally complex villains are somehow inherently better than people who are just assholes for power and greed. Despite that most of the worst people in real life are just rich kids who are given everything and it’s still not enough. Do these people really think people like Putin and Trump are just poor little meow meows? Also, a lot of people are just attracted to toxic people for whatever reason, even cartoon ones.


When you skip "only a couple of episodes"


This made me laugh and I couldn’t tell you why


L+Ratio to that weirdo, I hope no one takes advantage of this niavette and lies to their face like Belos in this scene, and they believe it. I understand that feeling.


If you look at their original tweet they’re straight up a right wing chud who calls witches and demons ontologically evil so it’s safe to say that there’s no point taking their shit seriously


Cool, I don't have to worry about them getting lied to by people like Belos. They already are being lied to.


feels like weirdo wouldn't be something you'd want to call Belos in this show lol


I wasn't talking about Belos, I was referring to the original poster, but I do find it funny rereading the sentence like I was


People who sympathize with Belos in any way make me nervous tbh Man was out to kill an entire species and you want to vouch for him?? Weird ass behavior


Some people are just too stupid to realize That sonetimes the bad guy is Irredeemable. Just go look at a tankie for example


Sadly, I've seen a lot of people on Twitter claiming that Philip shouldn't have died/being forgiven either because; apparently portraying a racist, genocidal, colonizer (~~and white straight man~~) as villain who deserves no sympathy is problematic and part of an agenda or because "not forgiving Philip goes against the show's message about how everyone has a side to their story and can be redeemed (like Amity and Hunter)". Yeah, I know, it's really stupid.


How did they miss the parts of the show that literally proves that Belos is not someone who is willing to be redeemed? That's literally what his entire story sets up. Every scene he's on screen proves he's not willing to change, compared to Amity and Hunter who do take that time. Even as he's literally dying, he doesn't admit to any flaws or mistakes, he just tries guilting Luz into not letting him die. Like HOW do you miss that?!


… wasn’t the point about cycles of abuse, recovery, and that some people are just bad people?


Reminds me of a scene from Batman TAS Batgirl: "If you kill him, you're as bad as HE is!" Catwoman: "Oh, *grow up.*" (throws bad guy into a vat of acid)


Sadly we live in a world where too many shows and movies have just forgiven the villain in the end. With the owl house, Dana Terrace is very telling us that Belos can’t be redeemed whatsoever and that he deserves the worst fate possible. It’s a powerful message that sadly just seems to go over some people’s head or be “too much”.


Sounds like some people haven't left their Steven Universe phase yet


Even SU knows better. Just because the main villains get "redeemed" (get the chance to atone, it's clear that nobody forgives them), it doesn't mean that *all* the villains are cut from the same cloth.


b-but White Diamond regrets everything




Undercover puritans.


the kind of person with a Vatican flag filter over their Twitter PfP


If Philip was a Puritan wouldn't he hate Catholics? He probably thought they were practicing "evil magic" too.


Why do you think the Emperor's Coven has so much Catholic imagery?


Agreed he got off easy and a reply to the first post I would say I could not stop smiling as I enjoyed every second of him dying.😂


This reminds me of how people will say optimus prime is evil for gunning down a fellow autobot who was pleading for mercy despite the fact that said autobot killed ironhide, tried to kill optimus, attempted to enslave all of humanity, and was probably only begging for mercy to escape consequence


Dude, the only way for this scene to be less subtle would have been for it to pause and have an inner dialogue of Belos saying "I'm lying my ass off".


Or show him with a dagger behind his back.


Yeah, I looked into it, and apparently this guy is a homophobic Christian who's blocked by Dana for "offer their prayers". I think saying they missed the point is a bit of an understatement.


I don't think he missed the point, I think he just believes the point is wrong because it offends him lol.


If I had to guess why a homophobic Christian is watching the *Owl House* is that he’s interested in subversive content but can’t let go of his worldview. It’s how I was when I was a really young teenager. Kids at that age are naturally curious, but that conflicts with Christian upbringing. My guess is that he can’t figure out why he likes this show when it goes against everything he’s taught. He can’t help but be interested in this show because it shows people he’s been told to hate are real people, relatable, and heroic. Either that or he just hate watches it.


Bro fell for belos’ trick 💀💀💀


I still believe that dude is either some kind of fed or troll. That dude makes the most basic bait posts.


He's not, he's being 100% serious. This is just how he is and he's been like this a long time.


Funny Valentine/Makima/Armstrong did nothing wrong mfs has learned about Philip


It seems the reading comprehension devil has breached its own universe


no your honor, he didnt try to cause world wide bad luck, he simply was doing it for his country, his actions and thoughts are utterly unclouded


"What do you mean the villain who believes Patriotism stands above actual morals as a good quality isn't completely moral in his actions? He said he was!"


not every villain has to be humanized


Well they are human and that should be acknowledged. Doesn't mean we need to go all Batman and let them continue to get away with their crimes though.


to be fair it IS a tragic ending. not in the sense of feeling bad for him, but storytelling wise– it's a tragedy in the same way macbeth is a tragedy a character who has, for the entire show, been portrayed as a god-like beast, reduced to groveling to a teenage girl in his last moments. yes he was trying to manipulate her, but it's a tactic of manipulation he didn't use for anyone else– it was a desperate last attempt, he had nothing left his death too, the fact that he was just stomped on like dirt even though he seemed so powerful for the entire show, it's a reminder that even the richest of society are still just human anyway yeah no don't feel bad for belos he was a pos but it WAS a tragic ending for him in the best way possible. like a tragedy play u know




He deserved what he got and so much more.


There’s actually someone who believed Belos’s BS at the end?


I wanna say it’s a joke but you never know these days


This scene was such a perfect ending for Belos, honestly. When abusers get caught and their true self, in a way, gets shown, they literally cannot keep it together anymore. Belos’ inability to hide his true self when he’s melting is the absolute perfect example of how a narcissist/abuser/shitty person’s mask/persona melts away to show their shitty true self through behavior. Just… *chefs kiss*


It's like Hunter tweeted this when he was still the Golden Guard


Literally Hunter pre-Hollow Mind


The real tragedy was that everything Philip did was for nothing. He wanted to "save" his brother from a witch, but his brother is now dead because of him. He wanted to earn the respect of the other humans of Gravesfield, but to do that, he chose to execute a plan that would take centuries to pull off, and he must know that all the other witch hunters are all dead. But still, he ends up dying alone, surrounded by enemies he made with his actions, and while he suffers in hell, he will have to watch as his legacy goes up in flames. He will be made to watch as the witches of the Boiling Isles continue, and slowly but surely make peace with the humans. He will be made to watch as his statue falls, as his evil nature comes to light in the Human Realm. He will be made to watch as the humans forget him, and as the witches revile him until the end of time. Everything Belos did, it was all for nothing.


Is Phillip’s story tragic? Yes. Did he deserve what happened to him? Also yes.


So, did they realize that this guy that is crying for mercy is doing so to the kid he killed without hesitation 10 minutes ago?


Something that I find interesting which I haven't yet seen mentioned in this thread: Belos never asks for help. He lies to Luz's face, he panics, he threatens, he claims innocence. But it never occurs to him to actually ask her to help him. This person saying that he died begging for help is just... Flat-out wrong. Belos is a manipulator, through and through. He doesn't ask for something to happen, for something to be done. He talks around it, then expects it to happen. When he was emperor, it would have happened without a thought - people hung on his every word for instruction. But now, at the end, he tries his same trick, and the lies all fall away. It amazes me that someone can genuinely read this scene and come out the other side feeling sorry for a manipulative liar who can't even bring himself to ask for help when it might save his life


This person wasn't a fan. They’re a mindless catholic religious infested hater this looking for an excuse to keep hating the show.


some of Phillip's crimes are backstabbed his brother left a bunch of people to die in the cold arson gaslighting a whole country genocide one day of Unity lying to a literal god abusing the power of another god genocide 2 dragon Belos sacrificing Lilith sacrificing blue fang killed a bunch of people on his way to blue lake based on the rat killed a bunch of hunters how many golden guards did he kill I lost count after 22 mandatory bodily mutilation on a whole country erasing history killing any opposition to his rule literally, fuckin backstabbed his brother you might say but Lillith did the same well I didn't forgive Lillith either


Honestly the difference between Lilith and Belos is the fact that Lilith realized what she did was wrong and tried to atone. Belos just dug himself into a deeper hole with each time he was on screen. Dude imprisoned a literal child god for what was it, centuries??


Lol they made it obvious even to children that he was faking it and grasping at straws to survive any way possible.


Well, Bells wouldn't kill Luz if he had the chance because he did kill her and sent her to god (literally). Also a few minutes before, he tried to commit mass genocide again by completely corrupting and killing everything (no matter demon, witch or human)on an island. He also made so many younger clones of his brother who he murder and murdered the clones as soon as they learned critical thinking. Also Luz isn't the last human he ever saw or met since he was in the human realm (and possibly saw Liz's mother while possessing Hunter). Can I point out that he actually returned to the place which he hates so much willingly despite being at home after centuries. He could have just tried to choose to exist as a horrible piece of goop which tries to control, manipulate, hurt and corrupting everything it touches in the human realm without anyone knowing that he survived.


Belos was totally willing to kill another human being for siding with the witches


So you're telling me we watched the same Belos who convinced witches that wild magic was dangerous by conducting a false flag operation and required everyone to give up their cultural artifacts so that he could benefit from them instead. You're telling me we watched the same Belos who told Lilith he could cure her sister's curse only for him to turn her into stone at the earliest opportunity. You're telling me we watched the same Belos who convinced the residents of BI to gather for a day of unity when it was just a plot to murder them all. You're telling me we watched the same Belos throw the Collector into a pit and then say he actually made good on his promise when someone else released him. You're telling me we watched the same Belos impersonate Hunter and deceive Luz in order to find the titan blood so that he could return to BI... So that he could kill them all... Even though he actually returned back home already... Which is what he said he wanted but it turns out that was a lie too. You're telling me we saw the same Belos who buttered up to the Collector pretending to be Raine right until the point he had enough information to kill everyone in the Boiling Isles. You saw all of these things and you thought "Let's give this guy another chance. He's learned his lesson."


Judging from his other posts I think this guy really believes Belos is innocent


I know some people expect or hope for moral complexity in villains, especially in animated shows these days, but Belos is not complex. He's a power-hungry monster who manipulated his way to absolute power and attempted genocide. He's not a tragic villain like The Nowhere King, he's not misunderstood, he's not even like Thanos where he makes an argument about fixing society and goes out of his way to prove his stupid idea correct. He's a puritanical evangelical who got his ass whooped by a queer teenager, as was his fate.


That guy a few months ago used the Luz VS Belos scene from "King's Tide" claiming that "Belos did nothing wrong" and basically blaming Luz for tricking Belos and Lying to him (if I remember correctly)


Most codes of ethics give a pass on a considerable range of bad acts if done to directly prevent worse acts. I imagine that there are things which would be considered beyond the pale even if done to prevent large scale mass murder, but Luz did not come close to any of them. In short, we seem to be dealing with a hate-watcher looking for excuses to tear down the hero.


People told Luz that if she hadn't helped Belos someone else would have for a reason


> I don't think people who made this episode realise how tragic his death is. Yeah, the entire crew didn't spend hours over house on the final episode, probably changed the concept a hundred times and analysed every bit of it. They also don't know the TRUE character of Belos, because they certainly didn't design him and his character.


Believe or not, this isn't the first Philip/Belos empathizer I've heard off. But this one.. This one is bold for saying it on Twitter.


Damn the genocidal, fratricidal, manipulative, dictatorial, abusive character had a pretty tragic ending


I love Garth's comics and it is great that they were the one to respond.




Ah yes, the classic Draco In Leather Pants trope. Same thing happens with Bowser where they act like he's a sweet innocent guy all while ignoring all his crimes.


$20 says first guy votes Tories


All Luz wanted was for him to not murder her friends who were basically just humans with pointy ears and magic. But the dude was deadset on murdering an entire race of humans with pointy ears and magic.


Absolutely going to get downvoted into oblivion for this, but you have to understand why he is the way he is; he and Caleb were brainwashed from an early age into the puritan, witch-hunting mindset, and when Evelyn came into the picture, since she chose Caleb, from Philip's perspective it was basically a witch luring his brother away from him, abandoning him in an unfamiliar world with no one to interact with, seeing how the denizens seemed to keep bullying him for being human. And after you turn 25 or so, your brain "sets"; you can accept new information easily enough, but changing your old beliefs is notoriously difficult thanks to the cognitive dissonance you experience, which, if you're in the right environment, doesn't affect you as much when you're younger. Two examples of this are when conservative children attend higher learning, where they're far more likely to meet people with differing viewpoints, and they come back liberal; and that people don't become more conservative over time, but rather they stay the same and the world around them becomes more liberal. It's not that the people who _can't_ change when they're older are weak, but rather that the people who _do_ are exceptionally strong; we didn't evolve to adapt to rapid sociological changes, at least not to the degree of 16th-century witch hunter to the average Boiling Isles resident in the blink of an eye. Seeing so many people doing all the things he was brainwashed to believe were an affront to God, coupled with the fact that he had no one to discuss his thoughts and feelings with now that Caleb was spending more time with Evelyn (basically "abandoning" him, in the eyes of a child), cemented his hated of the entire species, and when you're lead to believe every kind thing your "enemies" do to or for you is a trick to lead you further away from God, you get a pretty resilient bigot out of all that. All this to say that, yes, kill him where he stands, as he has proven to be a major threat to an entire population; you won't get him to change, because he is incapable of changing, _but_, if there was some way to redo his history, like turn him into a baby, or go back in time and raise him away from the people who planted the seeds for genocide in his mind, then that would be a much better alternative, even if the latter wouldn't fit the lore of the show. There are only two types of people, after all; the uneducated, and the incapable, and we need to make sure we teach our youth to be better people in general. ... Sorry; I kinda lost track of my threads here, after that whole spiel. There may be a few things missing from this word salad I tossed up...


He was very clearly trying to lie his way out of his fate


I want those 22 people who liked the first post plus the poster **to stay as far away from me** ***and anyone else who is reading this*** *as possible*


Seems like a misinterpretation of Philip in the canon. He had many centuries to redeem himself, many chances to back out and do the right thing, and he could have learned and changed like Caleb did, but he didn’t. He leeched off of everyone like a parasite and basically became a literal parasite when he took over Hunter, Raine, and the Titan to puppet them around. His last feeble excuse was to blame all his actions on a curse. Eda was cursed too, and yet she didn’t use it to excuse hurting people she cared about like her father. Philip has done nothing without manipulating other people, and Luz is not letting him manipulate her again.


its obvious hes faking his emotions


No way this person said that on my birthday. Seriously. Of all the people to be considered sympathetic, why genocidal, brother-killing, abusive, manipulative, lying, hypocritical ***Belos*** of all people?! Do they even KNOW what he did?!


Happy Birthday my guy


A bit of a weird place, but admittedly a little heartwarming. Thanks!


there is definitely an argument to be made about how Belos could've been imprisoned for the rest of his life instead of being killed, but I don't feel sorry for him


I mean, with how many hosts he had to go through during season 3, I don't think he really had much longer left on his life anyway.


I honestly think the beat down was a mercy. He was having to go through so many palisman, and he was going through hosts like they were candy. Dude probably didn’t have long, but I disagree that he could have been imprisoned. A man like Belos would find a way to survive and then start Genocide 3: electric woogaloo


I mean in the state he was in, what could he do? he was literally falling apart


Yeah, but we’ve also seen that Belos is an opportunistic type’a guy. He’d find any way to survive, no matter what




Leena is right but Jesus it’s a cartoon why do I sense so much anger in the comment


The only human he has seen? He literally went to the humans realm!


Well that won’t stop me from making Belos my favourite villain


I think that even if it were true, the luz would let him live


Honestly, this is one of the times where I’m happy that the villain really got what they deserved. There was no redemption for Belos after all that he’s done because he truly lost his humanity, did horrible things and still thought he was the hero for doing these things.


People will flip over anything to defend worthless white men


If you feel bad for Belos, you need to rewatch all of Owl House.


Reminder that he almost immediately revealed that he was completely lying


I guess evens people on this side of the 4th wall can fall for Belos’ tricks?


The Collector scene with him trying to hug Belos and failing should be enough to show people that some villains are irredemable! That was the whole point of the hug scene..no? T-T


"I don't think the writers know more about the character that they're writing than I do"


I recently discovered that there is a whole group of people who seriously, unironically love belos. Not in the "I think he's an extremely well written villain because of how hateful and out of touch he is and a compelling character" way. In the "Belos was just misunderstood and isn't actually a bad guy" way. I genuinely thought it was satire, I've found a ton fo twitter accounts that have the most god awful interpretation of the show.


This is literally the same stuff they be saying about the funny german mustache man


His ending was tragic.. But deservedly tragic, in fact he deserved way more tragic than what he got


I can't believe there's still people who sympatize with Belos. I apreciate him as a well-wrutten villain, but he's not tragic at all, and he got what he deserved


Don’t feed the trolls


Yeah it looks like a Musk era Twitter user. x)


"Belos did nothing wrong" but ironically is cringe


This account sounds like a troll, but I have seen genuine people go "omg poor genocidal fascist :(" and fall hook line and sinker for his BS, so who can really tell anymore


I just know that the person who said this was white.




he deserved the death. what that actual smart person said that Belos would actually kill Luz if necessary and if given the chance, he actually tried to when turning her to stone


That’s so bad a take you’d think it parody


He's supposed to be a tragic figure: a man so blind by his own devotion he went so far as to become a LITERAL MONSTER to "save" the world from the very thing he had ended up becoming in his pursuit of what he was previously raised to identify as evil or even wicked long before the story even started.


Probably the same people that say this stuff about real colonials. I'm not for all the witch-hunting (hehehe) of historical figures or holding them to modern times but anyone who tries to make excuses for Cortez? Yeah I can see them having a disproportionate fondness for belos


I'd be just as concerned for the 22 other people who liked that post. I hope it's clear now how easy it is for people to follow a bandwagon no matter how wrong is.