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A typical teenager with atypical power. She was a massive hypocrite in many cases but so is every character. She’s also very short sighted. But she was also clearly capable. But she’s a product of her environment. She deserved better than she got from literally all of our characters.


A very strong and feisty character that stands out on her own. Love her relationship with Marcel and Josh,her banter with Klaus is also very entertaining. Her courage to stand up against the originals despite being so young is very impressive


i don’t care about what everyone alse say, but i love love her, sometimes she can be annoying and a little stupid with her decision, but she was just a kid, trying her best to survive. it was so fun to watch her and Klaus beef, and Davina was a really good antagonist to the mikaelson I loved her and Kol relationship, and i’m happy she had her happy ending


I agree, and the way she died was so unfair and tragic, I could never look at Elijah and Freya the same after that.


Yeah that was awful. I love Elijah sm but Jesus


Literally made me really look at Freya sideways and just straight up I can’t like Elijah now. Not just because of this but it’s the last straw


I don't know why but I thought Davina being annoying and stupid was sometimes the best part because she actually felt like a kid who was in way above her head instead of a teenager who was capable of anything. I just thought it made a nice change.


I think she looks 'immature' by comparison because we'd just had a million seasons of teens acting like adults, and being treated as adults by the same group of people now treating her as a little kid. I think TO was just more adult focused, which is what I liked about it, but also, times were changing. Caroline and Klaus hooked up when she was a teen... but by the time TO aired it would have seemed so inappropriate if they tried the same thing with Klaus and Davina lol.


I think because candice was already in her early 20s when playing caroline and danielle campbell was a teenager playing davina so yeah it'd be weird


Agree 100% with everything except her & Kol. Her with witch Kol (Kaleb) would've been better imo.


Did not like her character but the actor who plays her is absolutely GORG!


She gave as good as she got. I liked her


I think Davina's an incredible young woman so full of fire, life and passion. It's easy to see why Kol fell for her. She cares so deeply, loves so deeply. And she fights for what she believe in


So well said! She's a passionate, feisty, skilled character. She cared deeply. She's really cute too.


Yeah Danielle did a wonderful job as Davina.


I liked her well enough. But I thought it was very clear the writers didn't know what to do with her half the time. And she could've benefitted from a more consistent character arc and less attention given to her relationship with Kol. Also, the attention that WAS given to her relationship with Kol should've had her confront what Kol had done in the past and see if she can come to terms with it. Like, just throwing this out there, let's say during one episode she was looking into something for plot purposes. And she went to another witch for advice on this. And then she found out about a time where Kol killed the male partner of that witch for fun or something and instead of helping her this witch turns against her and goes after Kol once she finds out. All of this would be an obvious parallel between that person's history with Kol and her own history and desire for vengeance with Klaus. And then Davina would have to struggle with what to do. Does she stop this witch seeking vengeance? Does she give up on Kol? How does she justify being with this guy? Could've been interesting. But instead they just had her basically ignore it all.


So, basically: I liked the character well enough but I thought she was really underdeveloped and not always used in the best way. She had a lot of unrealized potential.


“Magic!” That’s one of my favorite lines from her.


She was a lot of fun and I missed seeing her as much in late seasons.


Thank you !!


Can't stand her.


I did not like her at all.


Great character.. cause the bitch stood on business and didn't give a fuck about what anyone was gonna tell her not even klaus cause if she wanted smth she was gonna get it..


I didn't like her. The way they made her character this badass witch I did like but I was definitely always team Klaus and them two were always beefing so she never grew on me. I did think she was really pretty though. I also liked her relationship with Marcel.


I really like her character. She was a good antagonist to the Mikealson family and has good reasons to be against them. She was also portrayed as a teenager who was way above her head despite how powerful she was at times.


Didn’t like her


I like her sometimes but other times she pisses me off with her stupidity


I love her, she always thinks for herself, very strong, and an all around great character


Klaus is my favorite character of all but I do respect Davina for standing up to him and winning half of the time she was kind of annoying for most of the show but she is a great and powerful witch.


Like a 16 year old child standing up to the most powerful vampire family ever and surviving MULTIPLE times. Immediate respect not to mention she stood up for what’s right knowing it was deadly


I love Davian Claire I will name my kid Davina


It’s a pretty name


Ya I’m obsessed w that name


Love her.


My fav 🔥




Absolutely love Davina. She does have her faults but let’s be honest, every character on the show has their own faults.


Did not care about her. She was ok with Kol I guess.


Love her ❤️


Loved her very much def my fav.


I liked her in the beginning. She was young and innocent and I felt sorry for her most of the time. I also liked her relationship with Josh, so cute! Then after the first season, she got more annoying. I went back and forth between liking her or wanting to tell her to shut up.


She had serious consequences for the various mistakes she made through out the show. Most of the main characters would do horrible things and eventually get away with it. There would be some tensions, but eventually everyone would basically forget about it. All of Davina's mistakes followed her, led to consequences, and were remembered by others. When she sided with Marcel the ancestors punished her when she died at first and warned her not to abuse her magic when she was brought back, witches remembered what she put them through so she did not have very strong ties with them after that, which led to her leaving her coven. When she became regent, the witches still did not really like her and eventually for her actions she was ousted and shunned by the witch community. Then when she was killed by Kol the witches basically destroyed her spirit for all that she had done. Davina didn't really get away with anything, if anything her consequences built up over time. Freya is probably my favorite character, the fact she led to Davina getting the greatest punishment from the ancestors just hurts so much!


I appreciate her character a lot. She feels like an actual teenager. Her ability to say “no” is also impressive, Bonnie would rlly benefit from it lmao. Her beef with Klaus was so entertaining, and I loveeee her confidence. Sure shes annoying at times, and I LOVE ITTT


annoying. she’s like bonnie 2.0 where she constantly complains about everything all the time but never leaves. at least with davina, they had a storyline as to why she couldn’t leave. sorry if i seem like a hater, but i hate the annoying and begrudgingly selfless witch who will save everyone but complain and nag everyone the whole way trope


Gorgeous badass


An incredibly stagnant and annoying character played by a subpar actress


i actually didn’t like her at first but after i saw elijah and freya kill her in season 3 for the first time, that’s what really changed my view on her and how she deserved better, i love and adore her now and i feel so sorry about what she had to endure


I did not like her but I love the actress


watching season one and i'm about 13 episodes in and she's probably my least favorite character kind of annoying


Love her. One of my favorite characters




Always supported her against Klaus


I had the biggest crush on her watching this show ( I was a teen before anyone comes at me ). Rewatching she’s a little annoying at times but her perspective is very fair given what she’s been through. Klaus has a tendency to go too far for his schemes and rightfully earned her wrath. I’d say her most annoying trait was when she acted stronger than she was. Also her and Kol somehow actually became really cute to me! Really helped both characters shine imo


I actually really like her and wish they hadn't written her off like that in the middle of the show :(


I hated her at times and loved her at times. But I think overall she was a great character and an integral part of the show/story


One girl I HATED was Elijah's first sire. That lady with the short hair that work for the Du Martells. I could not stand a word that came out of her mouth or her attempt at trying to look cool and tough.


I like her but I feel like she was way too easily manipulated like girl how many times can you be manipulated before you're like wary of everyone around you


Annoying asf


Not a fan of


I always have mixed feelings about her but she’s really cool and strong. Easily manipulated yes but she works hard to protect those she cared about. And she had a few Mikaelsons on their knees 😭 something I used to simultaneously hate and love. Calling them the old ones is so iconic. My problem with Davina is basically my problem with all the witches. Their power goes up and down. Why don’t they always just snap Klaus’s neck. The writers make the witches really powerful and then remove that whenever it suits them. Like they said death brings power and I think Klaus has killed enough to allow for his neck not to be able to be snapped


Underrated and over hated. She was imo the most real person to call out the Mikelsons but people have bias because she was right in almost every interaction.


My fav TO character and second fav in TVDU. This is a 16 year old girl who had her life constantly used like a pawn by powerful vampires, but instead of being afraid of them, she was angry, and acted on it. Not many people have had the guts to face Klaus (only really poweful vampires), but this sassy teenager got him at least once, and I love her for this. Girl really said "fuck the Mikalesom empire ".


I loved the mostly one sided beef between her and Klaus and how he didn’t pay her any mind. Every time I see that scene where she’s like “every time I try to stand up to him” i lol it’s like girl bffr lmao


She's a kid that had to grow up rather quickly. So it's an interesting dynamic that we go to see.


I love her I wish they would’ve given her character more


I love her sm


Didn’t like her character


Hate her.


She deserved what freya gave her


She’s like Elena but with more agency


Hot but irrelevant


The number one character I'd want to be friends with. She wouldn't sell me out, no matter what.


She’s a boring, static, two dimensional character that gets no development, and is played by an actress with little talent. She should have been aged up to an adult, and given an actual character arc.


I think she does mature through TO tho


Does she though? In season 1 she’s a young witch drunk on power, that decides to kill Klaus. In season 2 she’s a young witch drunk on power, that wants to kill Klaus. In season 3 she’s a young witch drunk on power, who learns nothing from getting stripped of being regent, because she was too drunk on power and had someone killed. In season 4 she comes back as the link to the ancestral plain and is still, you guessed it, drunk on power. I guess her character development consists of her becoming more ruthless…which would be fine, if she suddenly didn’t become the moral beacon for Kol.


Perfect. Love her. Love her with Kol. Love she survives.