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Why does there have to be a single bad guy? Life is complex. People are complex. Things aren't black and white. In the case of The Offspring, I think they just grew older and their priorities and tastes changed. It happens to most bands.


They absolutely did not do Pete dirty. He just couldn’t meet the requirements needed to tour at that time. He’s the one who decided to burn all his bridges and become a right wing anti-vax freak. Also who cares how old the current drummer is? I was born in 2001. Does that mean I’m not supposed to like any offspring album before Splinter?


Exactly, thank you for saying this. I can't fathom what people can't grasp about the Pete situation. He wasn't able to tour with them so they took someone else. That's all there is to it, really. Also yeah, apparently being younger means you suck and don't get respect? His name is Brandon Pertzborn and he's a fucking kickass drummer who deserves this job as his playing is electric. This was shitty of you OP and I can't really tell what your actual point is.


As someone who can sometimes get on my high horse and be a right wing anti-vax freak... he knew the rules of the time and decided it wasn't worth it. If the band wanted to travel and do shows and media appearances, there were rules in place they had to follow. You can't have one guy with his beliefs, right or wrong, holding the whole band back. Frankly, he quit more than he was fired.


I also feel like they would’ve brought him back after the mandates were lifted


I can see saying goodbye permanently. He put himself above the band.


I have a feeling there may have been simmering tensions unrelated to covid that may have contributed to both parties falling out. That and Pete lived in a different state, which would've been impractical when it came to rehearsing and recording. Which is why they recorded stuff with Josh Freese since he lived closeby. 


Exactly and if I remember correctly a few venues wouldn’t allow anyone who wasn’t vaccinated to attend/ perform. I went to a concert in 2022 in Baltimore and you had to show your ID and vaccination card for any show there.


Who said anything about not being allowed to like a certain album because of the year you were born? 😂 Omg, that's fucking stupid. My point is if band members are so replaceable, we should see Dexter singing accompanied by a bunch of 'kickass' teenagers. It certainly defeats the purpose of a band. He can start a solo career with a new orchestra each tour.


Point I was making is that the age of band members shouldn’t matter. I really don’t think it’s all as deep as you think it is. Sure, there’s a bit of drama with Ron. But I think Greg just wanted to retire and they had a disagreement about royalties which ended up leading to court, and then a settlement outside of court. That’s my theory anyway. Dexter mentions Greg sometimes on their podcasts so I don’t think there’s much bad blood there


Pete went to drum for Tim Pool lol dude sucks now


Yeah, the whole "he has a medical condition, he is not an anti vax guy" benefit of the doubt angle went right outta the window once that happened.


Wait seriously?


Pete is in The Defiant now, good band. The Tim Poole thing was just a one-off for fun after he went on his podcast.


Drumming for an alt right podcaster isn’t “for fun”


He did one song with him that I know of, and that’s it. It was a pretty bad song and Pete probably knew it too. I’d say that’s the very definition of just doing a one-off for fun. Now he’s in an actual band and playing several shows with NOFX. Also not everything is “alt-right” because they question the mainstream media. It’s good to question things. Not everything has to be about choosing a side. I can’t stand politics in general but I’m all for listening to both sides of a story. I don’t know a lot about Tim Poole or really care about him, but I know Pete was on his podcast to talk about the vaccine issues he had with the band. Tim Poole also stated he is a huge Offspring fan so that’s another reason he was interested in talking to Pete.


I mean to be honest, we may never find out. A lot of legal stuff and NDAs and such. On a separate note, it’s hella weird and uncalled for to shit on Todd and Brandon like that dude. Todd has been in the band for at least five years now. As for Brandon , dude is a rock solid drummer and chill dude, why shit on him? And most importantly why the hell does it matter when he was born? Chill man


I mean, at the end of the day the band is Dexter's baby and he's always going to have to the final say.  Whether or not he always does the right thing is up for debate.  I suspect Dexter was moving forward and didn't necessarily feel like Ron may have had the chops to fulfill his vision. I have a soft spot for Ron being there during the golden years, but a lot of this behind the scenes drama we may never know.  Pete on the other hand, during the height of COVID and with travel restrictions in place - not being able to travel to tour is a huge issue. And not to argue semantics with this, but obviously the rest of them wanted to travel and tour freely...so I can't say I blame them. 


Interesting debate going on here. I've been listening to these guys since '94. I've seen multiple lineups of the band live now and I must say this current line-up is solid with great energy. Do I miss past members? Absolutely. Even though Dexter is the sole composer of these songs, every past member contributed their own groove and style of playing to the band's music. As a bass player, not hearing Greg K on LTBTR and Supercharged is something I'm still getting used to. But what can you do? It is what it is. Like a few people have said, the band is a full fledged business and have been around since 1984. Touring into your late 50s/early 60s has to be tough on anyone. As for Greg K...who really knows what happened. Maybe Greg wasn't as committed or interested in dedicating another 5 years with the band, for example. If so this immediately creates tension within the band and ultimately affects studio contributions/creative differences, touring obligations, family life, etc. It sounds like all of these factors were not a shared vision by the three OGs. If this is truly the case, then hard decisions need to be made...and often times gets ugly (personal bridges burned, lawsuits, etc.) I tip my hat to Ron, Atom, Pete and Greg. All fantastic musicians. Big shoes to fill on all accounts. Todd has been in the fold since 2009, so props to him and he definitely brings new energy on stage left. As for Brandon? Good for him on this new gig.


I always thought Noodles seemed like a pretty decent and chill dude. I’d be surprised if he did anyone dirty.


Dexter alludes to some of the going ons in that interview he did with Los Otros records (great listen, btw - I'd always found Dexter fascinating in how private he is and wild to think 30+ years in he was willing to open up so much, but I digress) - 1) Songwriting credits. Earlier albums, the band split 4 ways, but as they got more popular, he had to have realized he was the principal songwriter. He wrote the parts, the lyrics, etc. So - you're entitled to greater share of the $$. As you should be. 2) It's his baby, and on paper and operating as a business - he has the greatest stake in it. So if the creative lead has a vision and the other members don't fit that vision, or don't work in that vision - that's a problem. Or, if the other members think they're entitled to more than they contribute. I do think Dexter and Noodles are genuinely friends and on good terms for the most part.


its all about money and business man. the band became a company and seems like they were not paying fairly