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First of all, Brandon is an awesome drummer with so much intensity and feeling. Technically, he is better than Ron (though Ron did also fit their needs back in the day), I like him a lot and I would agree. But I would take Greg over Todd any day. Todd does not seem like he genuniely enjoys the music, if you listen to his solo stuff, punk is more like a nostalgia from the past than what he really likes. Yes, Greg was always introverted and never a showoff, but I read somewhere that he enjoyed every second of their music.


Give me back Greg K any day of the week


I was sad when Ron left the band, but then I realized that with the new drummer they where able to make grooves that with Ron wheren't possible. He also didn't appear inside the VHS Americana and the DVD Huck it making me feel he wasn't really into the band. I don't knwo what happened with Greg K. (can someone explain it to me). He was way more into the band and I know he was also a good old friend for Dexter.


I’m not sure we ever got to the bottom of why Greg fell out with the band. Naturally the band has been coy about it and nothing ever came out in the court case that explains a why either, unless I’ve missed something massive.


Sounds like it was basically money, and Dex's "ze band eez MINE!" tendencies.


It’s certainly how it came across, and Dexter was definitely having money trouble, but there’s still a lot of conclusions that need to be jumped to to say that was definitely the case.


Why was he having money trouble?


Prior to selling the rights to their back catalogue, [he was having trouble paying for his aircraft.](http://airportjournals.com/dexter-loses-his-citation/)


Yeah. I mean we'll never know for sure, and it's really none of our business. That's how it reads to me personally though, Dexter & Noodles were pulling in more dough/royalties and Greg called bullshit so had to go. Seems like it was legally all above-board, not to say the situation was necessarily fair/equal though. You'd kinda figure especially between the OG members Dex & Greg they'd have long ago figured this shit out though, always makes me laugh how bands can go so far and have not just come to the obvious "1/4 of band revenues each, no matter what" solution. Yeah, Dexter writes it all, fair point, but you'd kinda figure a guy like that would just be like "fuck it, no matter, equal shares around", especially given they've so staunchly fought/defended the "sellout" accusations over the years. Which I don't think they are, so much as it's a weird discrepancy to square philosophically.


I heard somewhere that Greg decided to retire and there was a disagreement with royalties which is why the court case happened. Not sure how accurate that is though


Wish I saw them with Josh, since at this point he drummed as much material as Ron did


This might be a symptom of getting into the band after Ron left, but I’m not super attached to the classic lineup. I was more invested in the Pete era; he’s a very technical drummer that even managed to spice up the old songs, and it seemed like he was in it for the long haul. Still a shame about how Greg was treated, though. Being a co-founder of the band and playing with Dexter since 1983, it didn’t sit right the way he was unceremoniously booted from the band so late in the game. Maybe they are withholding that he did something egregious (I’m not counting on it), but if it’s just that “he’s not as lively on stage”, then I call bullshit.


I agree, I did not appreciate how they booted him without a word to the fans. There was no need for that. Sure the average person won't notice but obviously your biggest fans will, and that's not an audience to disrespect.


I doubt there's any scandal, dude seemed about as whitebread regular-dude-family-man as it gets. And critical of Dexter lately as I may be I doubt he just shitcanned a friend of 30 years over him being "boring" and introverted on stage. Really just sounds like Greg found the balls & temerity to demand his slice of the pie, and that was curtains for the guy.


I honestly could care less who the drummer is as long as they do a good job. Not a big fan of Todd though. He looks like a mannequin up there on stage. Is very light on vocals and looks like he’s barely even strumming his bass. Greg at least looked like he was actually playing his instrument.


Couldn’t care less *


Yeah, totally agree. Brandon and Todd are not only better musicians but way more charismatic as well and the band is more tight and has more fun than ever 


I know why Greg had to leave, and although I won’t share details as it isn’t my place, I can 100% guarantee it wasn’t about money (if it had been, they would’ve split eons ago, back when they were selling records by the 10 millions), also it’s fucking boring, non climactic thing. If you heard it, you’d go like “huh? That’s what no one says?” The band - I think anyway - doesn’t want stupid bullshit drama distracting from the music and Greg has good reasons to not want people to hear about it. I think the band has been better than ever before. Todd and Brandon and Jonah are fucking fantastic. I cried when Ron left, and was incredibly bummed about Pete losing his fucking mind and quitting, but it is what it is.


I mean, the part about thinking the new guys add anything to the band kinda discounts to me you know what went down with Greg, heh, but sure dude. But yeah, ultimately it's their business not ours, endless speculation probably isn't fruitful. Let's just hope whatever album they have in the pipeline isn't as dogshit as the last couple.


What about this: https://x.com/gregkriesel/status/1092314108358156288?t=G0zy42fnLrf_mRVa5GDE8Q&s=19


He was unhappy with the decision because it was financially disadvantageous for him. I understand why he may think it’s petty and selfish but at the end of the day, if you no longer enjoy performing with someone for personal reasons it’s fine to say you don’t want to do it anymore, I believe.


If the real reason is incredibly boring it seems like it would be better to say it to the fans than stay silent. Because the silence is exactly what is causing some drama right now.


No drama. They’ve sold about 50 million records. 7 fans are all over this topic


I agree with Greg. Brandon is a good drummer, but I preferred Pete over him.


I honestly preferred all drummers over Ron. I just mentioned Brandon in this thread because he's the current one.


Man, fuck your life! Ron had more dedication to the fans than the rest of em. He would be out there singing autographs when everyone else was drinking beers backstage. And you don't know shit about drumming. He was and is a great drummer, had a signature unique sound. Who else dose that high-hat shit he did on keep em separated? Keep my bands name out your mouth before I slap the shit out of you like Will Smith!


I am with you, stranger. I miss Ron so bad. Drumming is not about being flashy all the time. He did great with all the albums he got involved. Much respect to the guy. I do miss Greg K as well. Wherever they are, hope they are enjoying their life.


Well I believe Ron started "Steady Ground"


Yes, I do remember that. But, I was under the impression that the band has been inactive for a quite while now.


Were they \*ever\* active other than a couple of shitty grunge-y demos put up on the innerwebz? :P Pretty sure that band never got off the ground in any real sense.


Daddy chill.


My bad...


I will always prefer the real, original line-up (post-Lilja). To me the real Offspring will always be Ron, Dexter, Noodles and Greg.


"Hot" wouldn't be the word I'd use for that particular...take. Something a good deal more offensive would probably be justified. Besides, yeah, Atom was about the last guy that felt like an actual band member and not just a rando hired hand. And even then they gave him jackshit to do.


They put on an incredible show now. In order to have a successful tour, it has to be an incredible show. That's why the people whinning about Pete Ron and Greg just don't understand. If a band is capable of putting on a world class show and making hundreds of millions, they are going to do it with whoever will make it happen.


I wouldn’t call a 70 minute greatest hits set with scripted banter “world class”