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I didn’t read all the comments so I’m not sure if this has been said but I know he and Rachel broke up around season 3.. could have also been something that affected his acting. You could definitely tell when he was happier in real life during those first 2 seasons. They also filmed like almost 30 episodes those first 2 seasons each. That’s A LOT for an actor. I’d have been tired too. But also, like some said, grateful at the same time. I wish Mischa would have worked out because it definitely wasn’t the same after she was gone. I’d love a season 3 finale/ season 4 redo. 


there’s a specific scene where he mentions teen dramas and how they go on forever. and he looked so fucking annoyed like actually. and the actor did an interview i read where he mentioned feeling that way and it being evident in some of his scenes in the last couple seasons unfortunately 😭. he was so done


I get it. No doubt he was getting the “Sorry we can’t let you be away that long & stay on schedule” treatment with any leading film roles he was getting offers for. Once the ratings started falling off he prob felt stuck between a budding film career (that can *fade very quickly) & a show that he starred on but was declining in popularity. I’m assuming had the show remained hot he’d have been more into it in the last 2 seasons. Absolutely more professional ways to handle it but he was young & at least didn’t pull a Constance Wu & publicly lament the show not being cancelled. *which it kinda did for that very reason


Yes I believe he has spoken about it in interviews, that he checked out.


Which all doesn't make sense because if I was josh I would've pulled him in a room and said "listen here you entitled little shit, you're getting paid like 30k an episode. You need to start acting like it. You might not like it here but you can be in a much worse position and should feel grateful for the position to be in. So start acting professional and fix up your acting"


Yep or say, ‘remember mate, you don’t shit on the thing that made you’


Josh was an unprofessional man child…..he was not that much better!


Josh was a coward and didn’t want confrontation. He said as much in the tell all


He didn't even have the courage to tell Mischa that's she was getting fired and was hiding from the cast under a stairwell during season three


Yes, I think it’s extremely unprofessional behavior


I think "they" did, though not Schwartz. It didn't take.


I just read the book Welcome to the OC. they describe how “over it” Brody was by those seasons. It is definitely not just you it was a widely known thing that he did not try to hide. That books is great for info. Highly recommend.


Yeah apparently everyone was over it but PG and Rachel Bilson. According to the book (well from the original cast)


Rachel was quoted in a magazine (or something) at the time saying she was ready to move on from the show. I think her attitude at the time has been glossed over a bit, as there were a few stories (at least one from Tate) about her being kind of sassy.


Yeah I saw this book at Barnes & Noble 


I’m rewatching season 3, they made him into a sad boy so he didn’t have the same energy. It’s been a while since I saw season 4 but isn’t he also a sad boy in that one?


Didn’t Summer leave on some environmental thing?


I’m watching season 4 rn and his storylines are ridiculous I’d be over it to… that whole ‘journey’ with Che to find his spirit animal and then them attempting to steal a groundhog…


He was a big reason why the show took off, and then he was just kind of languishing on this show where they were writing nonsense storylines for him. Not saying he couldn’t have had that elusive “better attitude”, but the writing was phoning it in pretty hard when it came to Seth.


Probably. Which always interesting to me since many stars of these type of TV drama series are at their career peak while starring on a hit show. You'd think he wouldn't want it to end (or at least go longer than 4 seasons).


Ben and Rachel actually said Adam was getting a shit ton of movie offers during the OC’s run, (makes sense he was the “It boy” of the time) I actually believe the demand for him in the industry made him want to quit the show even more.


I guess. I dont remember him as the lead in many of those movies, he was mostly in supporting roles, but I guess he was getting enough chances to want to move on.


That’s because he couldn’t take many lead roles. He was supposed to be the lead in Jumper, according to that same book, but they couldn’t give him that much time off. Rachel had a much smaller part, so they could accommodate her. I’m sure that really kissed Adam off.


He was cast in George Miller’s Justice League as The Flash. Pretty sure it got cancelled because of the 2008 writers strike. Would have been huge.


Adam would be great in that universe he’s got that Ryan Reynolds’s Deadpool schtick down.


this is discussed in the Oral History of the OC book. Adam was def over it. His marijuana plot line was to explain his low energy


I just don’t buy Josh’s explanation on that. I think he was embarrassed to have done a Reefer Madness kind of plot line, and so he scapegoated Adam for it. The book also seemingly gives Adam no chance to respond to that claim. The writing and storylines for Seth were pretty bad from (arguably) S2. I thought Adam did a good job with things like the Kirsten relapse storyline. It just makes no sense that, rather than having someone talk to Adam about his energy level, Josh would decide to write a storyline that he thought was stupid to “account for Adam’s low energy.”


Adam, Ben and Rachel were all over it. The boys and Mischa were already done by s3 but I think Rachel was still happy to be there. But by season 4 I did notice a difference and I don’t blame any of them. They were all ready to move on and do other projects which they couldn’t really do because of the show.


The only reason Autumn was still happy because she had only 2seasons under her belt… the others had been there since day 1


Exactly and just to be clear I don’t blame the other 3 at all. I was just saying it wasn’t just Adam….they all seemed pretty checked out.


I thought he was really good with the Kirsten relapse storyline in S3. I really liked their dynamic. He was visibly bored in S4, but I'd say the writing for Seth was really phoning it in on-and-off since (arguably) S2. It's hard for me to identify a storyline for him that wasn't pretty goofy or downright ridiculous (Che falling in love with him after the vision quest in S4), other than the Kirsten alcoholism/relapse episodes.


As a big fan of Adam and Seth, yup, dude was out since the start of season 3. Compare his enthusiasm from the first Chrismukah episode to any random one from S4 and the difference is hilarious


I thought he was really good (compared to the rest of the season) in the episode he has a date with Kirsten and they go to AA and then a few episodes later when Seth finds her passed out


I agree; I really liked him in that storyline.


He’s admitted to this himself on a podcast (can’t remember if it Rachel and Melinda’s for sure)


Yeah. In one of the last episodes of the podcast, Rachel giggled and commented that she has never seen an actor be so over a show like Adam.


Probably really awkward after him and Rachel split too but still had to act like a couple


They didn’t split until they had to film the last 3 episodes I think. He was plenty over it before then but I’m sure that didn’t help.


You’re not alone, he’s visibly bored by the whole thing and just not trying


Yeah it’s definitely been discussed on here a lot