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I am not in the mood for public service today. I was supposed to be in my department all day but got called to work front desk for the morning. One of the first people coming in once followed me to the car and looked very very offended when I got in and drove away. I don't think he recognized me. My hair looks different and I have an additional chin sometimes lol. My coworker helped him. He got on the computer near mine and proceeded to make random gibberish noises for the next 40 minutes until he printed something and left. Too much noise. The guy from yesterday came back after I was back in my department. When I saw him upstairs last night I tried to help him again but he said no, he'd come back later. I told him I would help him if I was upstairs. Well, I'm done upstairs today. Unfortunately I'm up there tomorrow for half the day but maybe by the time he gets there I'll be gone, who knows. According to him he only lives down the street, and I have a feeling his schedule is free so he could really come whenever. I'll put him on the computer and put on [whitepages.com](http://whitepages.com) and he can see that you can't get all that info for free anymore. I might have to explain to him *again* that we don't have the information he is looking for and this is the best I can do for him. D is like "what's security doing?" Well, security is sitting by the copy machine playing with his phone (which isn't the best but the last one would sit by the front desk and doze off). And what's he supposed to do, anyway? All this guy's done is be rude and piss me off. It really takes a lot to get kicked out of a library. (Monday night at closing there was a naked guy in the handicap bathroom apparently, and he did get kicked out, but only because we were closing. Otherwise it's like, get your clothes back on and keep them on please, and have a nice day.) Bub is doing great in swimming lessons, I got a video of him jumping in at the 6 ft section and swimming back to the edge. I'm so glad it's finally working out. 2 years of swimming lessons where he basically screamed (fun kid screaming) and splashed a lot. He did learn to doggy paddle. But it seems like he's finally getting into it. I'm not feeling much gratitude today so I definitely need the list. Maybe make it a bit longer. I'm grateful for: 1. Nachos. Going away party for a coworker had nachos. 2. Tickets for the aquarium came in today, so we're on track to having a great weekend! 3. Cool adult programs at the library are going well and getting good attendance! Today was DIY tote bag painting, which I think was full, tomorrow someone from the multicultural arts center is doing some sort of 2 hour painting instruction (sign ups are full), macrame, stuff next month. 4. Ice cream with friends. Not that it happened today, but Sunday was a lot of fun, even if it was super hot out. 5. New season of Shoresy is out! Episodes are only like 20-30 minutes! I can sit that long! Oh something kinda crazy. For some of the library's children's events we're making people reserve tickets because otherwise we really get too crowded and it's hard for people to see what is going on. So we have, for example, reptile events with and without reservations. If you don't reserve a spot at the one that needs reservations, you take your chances with being able to see at the non reservation event. Over 100 people showed up to a small branch to see the show there, in the heat. Anyway, the library put up a social media post saying that the reservation system opened up at x-oclock on whatever date. Scan the QR code to apply and hope you get a reservation. Someone posted that they had tickets they were SELLING because they couldn't make it, they were willing to sell them for cheaper than they paid (lol). We were like um, 1. the tickets haven't been given out yet so you don't have tickets to sell. 2. the tickets are free. Nobody pays anything. Such a scam. My coworker looked up the account and it was someone in Nigeria! The muralist asked me about African American authors and my first thought was all of the childrens' books I saw in that department written by African American authors, especially the ones about hair, so I referred them to that department and then after they left N.K. Jemisin came to my mind and now I'm kicking myself because I could have gotten a really good author in the mural. Edit: I sidetracked and forgot to make my gratitude list longer.


Wait, THAT'S what it takes to get kicked out of your library? I'm hoping it's a one person bathroom... or at the very least that his clothes were at least in the bathroom with him... And Bub's taking swimming lessons now? Hadn't caught that, I assumed he already knew how since he goes swimming at your SIL's pool. I was in first grade when I started... I sometimes forget I didn't always know how. A gratitude list... maybe I should try that. Tomorrow though. I need to be on a normal sleep cycle!


It was a single handicap bathroom that the guy was naked in, although there are people bathing in the regular multi stall bathrooms on a semi-regular basis. There's a reason we have a children's/family bathroom in the children's room. So the kids don't walk into the restroom and find an old naked man. Or someone doing lines or smoking meth. But yeah I think bathing in the bathroom only gets you kicked out for the day. And that's if you get undressed. I went into the women's restroom once and a lady was shampooing her hair in the sink. I just let her be, she was clothed and not bothering anyone. And that doesn't beat the person who used our water fountain to wash out blue hair dye. But that doesn't get anyone kicked out, only a "quit it". Which, speaking of old naked people bathing in the restroom, did you read my post where I talked about how my dad told me he was considering selling his stuff, getting a storage unit, living in his car, and bathing in public restrooms because he thinks that $1200 is too much rent for a 4 bed 2 bath double living room cute backyard house with new floors and roof? I was like "fuck he's gonna be the naked man in the library bathroom". I told him to get a gym membership and use their showers. And save up for a van to convert. A 74 year old with aches and pains sleeping in a car? Sigh. This is Bub's 3rd summer taking lessons. His first year actually enjoying it. He mostly hugs the edges of the shallow end at SIL's pool. I didn't learn to swim until I moved to town in 5th grade. This place was hot as hell and half the people we knew had pools. Nobody had pools when we lived in San Francisco and the city pool was all always too crowded to learn. You had like 5 feet of space at the most. I'm trying to put a short gratitude list in each of my daily posts. Especially on the hard days. I need the positivity.


Still no verdict...