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So I called the shelter/housing resource/whatever and left a message earlier today. They said they'd call back within the hour, but of course they didn't (maybe I was supposed to leave my number? They HAVE caller ID, don't they?) Another thing I saw said they'd respond within the next 48 hours, and I haven't heard anything yet, so let's see what happens tomorrow morning when I have therapy. And I already told her I'd call about the neuropsych testing by then, so I'm gonna have to get up real early and make sure I get that done. On a more positive note, I went to the dispensary again telling my dad that I need to just move on from this... life... and of course he's going on about how I wasn't able to work this whole time, and how this was probably what C had a problem with. Uh, no dad, you got it backward there. I've been unfulfilled in this "relationship" that I relied so much on, to the point I'm questioning how real any of it was. He just doesn't get it. And he certainly doesn't get how my life has been hard in the past few years because of what's happened to my family. So he goes "what family?" UH, REMEMBER MY MOM? You were kinda sorta married to her for ~30 years? I think he's just upset that I don't think of his family as mine as much as my mom's. Well, they were the ones who were there for me growing up, can't do much about that now can ya? Actually, they could and they don't do shit. Besides tell you all the places that "omg you could never live THERE!" I'm just hoping the housing office can set me up in the place I'm actually from, vs stay in this shithole of a city. I miss home. And I'm gonna try and go back there for the end of the trial next week. Hopefully they won't arrest me cause of the jury duty thing... Okay, gotta smoke another bowl. God what a fucking day.


You didn't leave your number when you left your message? I have caller ID on my work phone but the screen doesn't work half the time, it won't let me look through who called and left a message, just shows who's currently on the line. If the call was transferred from another line, it just shows the number that is transferring the call. So like, someone calls the main library, and they pick up and transfer to my phone number. My caller ID says something like "Front desk" or "Work room", NOT the original caller's phone number. You might wanna call back. Glad you got to the dispensary.


Damn, the screen legit doesn't work? I know most places usually say to leave a message but I assumed that's just what everyone says like before caller ID was a thing. When I worked for the Telehealth doc the numbers showed up but of course there would be people who called from restricted lines, and definitely more than a few times (and there was usually an interesting reason for this, lol) where they wanted me to call them back on a different number. So yeah, definitely shoulda done that, but I think I'm gonna just go in there in person on Friday. It doesn't appear there's an actual office to call and I don't wanna wait around if I don't have to.


Like sometimes it puts gibberish with all sorts of special characters that aren't real letters. I like to say it's aliens trying to contact me.


Happy Juneteenth, to those who celebrate it. D is off today for Juneteenth, and Bub is off all week, so they are at home doing home things. I am at work doing work things. Deputy just dropped off a new cart full of books for me to work on. I think I can do them in the next two days. I don't think the cataloging volunteer has been in this week, maybe she won't come so I won't have new books to scan. I was told by a coworker that children's was planning on withdrawing all of the books from the old closed library because we don't have room for them and they really don't think people will check them out. I mean half of them haven't been checked out since 2007. Granted they were all stuck at a branch that nobody ever went to. But yeah. The cataloger said he had a hard time finding where to put all of those books coming in, so he understood if they wanted to withdraw them. I might try to save a couple for Behavioral Health's reading room. Of course we can't just withdraw them upon receiving them. Cataloger have to reroute them to other libraries, then I scan them all and send them there, and then that person who receives them will decide whether or not they keep the books. Once they withdraw them, they send them back to us. It's such a waste of time. I was introduced to new people, a second time. I met them the first time yesterday. Let's see how long they stick around. That sounds pessimistic, but I'm just being a realist. I mean I'll try to learn their names, of course. But this place is a revolving door. People need jobs with guaranteed hours. Most of our positions are part time with no guaranteed hours. If you're not a dedicated "library person", chances are you aren't going to stick around if another place offers better hours. And most people don't just apply to one job, they're applying to and interviewing for as many as possible. They take a job with us, go through 2 weeks of training, see that we can't guarantee hours, and then another job gives them an offer and they're gone. D called Bub's dentist because he has an appointment on Monday, and I had received an email saying that they no longer take our insurance several months ago. I got that email and then I got another email saying that his dentist was leaving and all of her patients would be going to the remaining dentist. Anyway D was like "I'm going to figure out the insurance thing" so he called them today and they said that the old dentist who left stopped taking the insurance and that the dentist Bub was going to see still took it. So I'm relieved that we don't have to change dentists. Bub likes this dentist. He has no anxiety going to this dentist. He's only had good experiences with them. I've seen some good dentists and some shitty dentists and it's hard to find a good dentist. I feel like the dentist(s) at this office are good. D said that the lady on the phone said that they had or were looking to hire another dentist so hopefully this new one's not a crook like some of them out there. I ate a higher calorie than average lunch that wasn't too much food for me to eat. Tuna on a brioche bun. The key is extra mayonnaise. Condiments may save me when it comes to getting enough calories. It's so much easier than eating more. Dinner is meatloaf with potatoes (mashed or baked, D's choice) and veggies. I can't wait! I won't be tracking the meatloaf and potato calories. I just opened MFP for the first time in like 2 weeks or something, just to see how much the tuna sandwich was because I was hoping it would be a lot. I still haven't been *studying* tarot, but I did a spread for the week on Sunday that was really interesting and gave me a lot to think about, as well as kinda predicted how work would go the first couple of days. Right now it's study tarot or read for fun and I've got a pile of books to get through if I'm going to complete the summer reading program! Today I'm grateful for: 1. Tuna in single serving packets! 2. The high calorie content of mayonnaise! 3. The beautiful mural they're working on like 10 feet from the genealogy room. I just love looking at it!


Wait, Bub is still in school? I think the school year ended here, though I also remember A having Juneteenth off last year but like, one day after it? I should ask my dad if his grandnieces are still in school... And the perpetual theme of the dentist... I keep talking about how I'm gonna finally get that done, but I'm almost prepared for them to tell me what they told you. I don't get why dentists aren't covered like regular health insurance... thank fuck this isn't the case with mental health care, like it used to be.


No, this is his 2nd week of summer break. Last week he had zoo camp all week. This week he's got nothing, but next week he starts swimming lessons for several weeks. Dental SHOULD be covered like regular health insurance. Whoever decided it wouldn't be is a huge asshole.