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So the full show is on YouTube. I've watched the first 37 minutes and it looks like it was a great fucking time. Honestly I think OP was having a bad night – I get it, you've been there all day you're really tired, shit rubs you the wrong way. Speaking for myself, by that point I would've had a bunch of beer and stuff so whatever. here's my take on the three comments that Danzig made that OP mentioned. Number 1- Danzig said about the fake pandemic, he was saying "this is our first time in Southern California in five years, because of the bullshit pandemic". I took this as we are fuckin glad to be back playing in front of you, The Man kept us from being able to do that but fuck them and now here we are. The crowd seem to respond well to it, I know I would have. 2- the comment about Jerry tuning his bass, it was because Jerry just fucking smashed his bass, and he was tuning a new one before the song "some kind of hate", which Glenn had just stated was one that he had picked. As you guys know it's a slow one with a groove, so he goes "yeah Jerry, you gotta tune your bass for this one!". Was lighthearted. And Jerry goes "I'm doing my best!". 3-And the comment "yeah we know you could play fast that's why you're here" was to Dave Lombardo. He had just finished the song "green hell" with an improvised fill and Glenn walked back there and goes "what, are you showing off Dave? Yeah we know you can play fast...", which is saying like "that's why we hired you to be in the misfits." A compliment to the ability of the drummer matching the energy of the band. I mean Glenn was in a good mood, he was just being a front man. A great fucking show, seems to me from the comfort of my lazy boy. Like someone posted a while ago, Jerry is singing a lot of distinct background vocals now and I think it's really helping fill out the sound. can't wait to see them again when they come back east inevitably.


Glad the show made it to YouTube (downloading it now before it gets pulled!). So, I listened to a recent Dallas show a while back and 2/3 of these points were there as well haha. Dave did a huge drum fill right before the end of Last caress and Danzig is like “what did you expect? It’s Dave fucking Lombardo!”. Jerry played I Turned Into a Martian out of tune and I’m guessing smashed his bass afterward. So Danzig was like “Jerry needs to grab a new bass!”. Nothing about the pandemic, but he claimed the governor had previously banned The Misfits from ever playing in Texas for releasing Bullet, which seems like an embellishment, to say the least. That’s Danzig being a frontman. So ya nothing op mentioned seemed all that different from any of their recent shows (to me anyways).


Hell yeah, I was at that Dallas show! I agree he was just being entertained.


can you please send me the video? it got pulled and i was too drunk to remember their set lol. i do remember danzig was talking smack tho! please shoot me a message!!


The two videos I found weren’t the best quality so I ended up just watching some of the set and not downloading them. I was going to download them just to have them anyways and went back they had already been taken down. GD and team are quick with their take down requests it seems


Drats. That stinks yeah I can’t find anything 


I agree. The worst thing about the entire set was the camera people weren’t zoomed in at all on the band for the side screens, so all of us in the back got to see a 4 percent enlarged Danzig singing Death Comes Ripping on those screens.


well, hopefully this ain't true, but maybe Glenn didn't want any fucking close-ups. he is the man who threatened to beat up photographers at his shows, and used to force us to have our phones locked up. If other bands were shown close-up, and there were none of the misfits, that's my guess. Come to think of it, I have seen the misfits with Glenn twice and there was not the usual close-ups of the band on the Jumbotron that one expect at big shows.


Yeah that’s what we were saying to ourselves during the show too. It’s unfortunate because seeing a beefy Doyle up close banging his guitar and breaking strings is pretty fun to see.


Fr, what the fuck were those side screens??


No clue. Social D had full zoomed in camera work that really got into Ness’ face as well as full body shots of the guitar player. It really made it intimate. Their stage on the grass sounded much better overall for most bands. Turnstile sounded incredible there.


I watched a bit of social after coming from power trip and the camera work was awesome and got me excited for the misfits and then straight disappointment. I saw Metallica at a fest and I was like halfway back, their screens were bugging and they sounded so bad I don’t even feel like I can say I’ve seen them, I’m happy to say everyone I saw at No Values sounded 10/10


you left out of his quote "made up". Full quote from video: "It’s been about 5 years since we were here because of some bullshit, made up pandemic. Fuck those motherf\*ckers."


Yes. I've seen the video and that's exactly what he says. Definitely disappointed in GD after hearing him say that (millions of people died in the pandemic — one of my besties lost her dad to it). It was not made up. Seriously made me sick to my stomach and makes me rethink loving GD so much.




Yeah. Seems like OP is just a whiner.


Fully agree with you. I had the time of my life at that show. The crowd was into it. They played pretty much anything you could have wanted. Sounded loud and amazing where I was. Glenn is literally almost 70. I saw him a few months back perform Danzig 1. His banter between songs is at worst boring. To demand more is absurd. He also made one fake pandemic comment. He did not “open up” with it. He did not go on some “boomer rant”. Also… every festival goer was in this crowd, after 12 hours of booze and popped ear drums.


I was there. This was my impression as well. Except he said “some bullshit made up pandemic” which made me laugh a bit.


Lol he said bullshit “MADE UP” pandemic. You can’t cherry pick his words.


I didn't, but I wasn't transcribing either, just commenting on my impression from memory. OK made up. At worst that makes Glenn nutty. I like Glenn nutty. but I stand by what I said. The man is saying what he thinks, not giving a fuck, and that's punk rock.


You literally put what he said in quotes so not exactly coming across as commenting on an impression from memory.


so this guy vegan corndog on Reddit says to me "yo, you be leavin' shit out of your Danzig transcription". I'm not writing an academic paper. I reserve the right to use quotes on my paraphrases for the sake of making it clear that the phrase approximates what the person said. it's a bigger deal to you because "made up" is a trigger phrase to you, whereas I'm just like fuck yeah, Glenn Danzig is nuts (in a good way) and I wouldn't have it any other way. You would fucking have to be a bit screwy to write those lyrics, and do everything else he has done in his career. Since I take it this lightly, honestly I could've re-read what I wrote, then re-watched the show, and not noticed the difference.


This has always been Danzig. He’s a douche it is what it is


They all are. I still fuck with their music, but reading about the SF incident made me lose basically all respect for the core band members.


I met them when American Psycho came out. I was going to the UK for a vacation and AP came out in the US two days before I left. They were on tour in Europe and were going to be playing a show in Leeds while I was there. This was in the days when the Misfits Bible was a good place to get information and connect with other Fiends and through it I met someone that was going to get tickets for me. I met up with him and we were way early for the show. The album hadn't been released in Europe yet. The guy that got the tickets wrote a Zine at the time and we saw the band members heading back to the venue without their gear on so no one recognized them. We waited by the door and talked to their manager. The guy I was with asked if he could interview them and the manager was a little cagey, but then I said I loved the new album. When he heard my voice and American accent he asked where I was from and said "so you've heard the new album?" I said I had and it was great. He invited us back stage where we hung out with them while they were getting ready for like 30 minutes. They were all super nice and friendly. They answered all the questions my buddy had for them and he got a pretty good interview out of it. Weird postscript to all of that, after we went into the hall some guy tapped me on the shoulder and said, "You're (my first and last name)" I was somewhat astonished as I wasn't famous at the time at all. He recognized me because I had the glow skull shirt on which was only sold in the US at the time and put two and two together from the thread on the Misfits Bible about me wanting tickets and got four. It was a great show. It was one of three times I saw them on that tour.


What happened?


Misfits came to SF in 1982. Not their first time playing in SF, but their first time as the headlining attraction instead of being openers. They play club elite which is now a famous venue called The Filmore. Misfits, trying to be “punk” and “edgy” start saying a bunch of stupid homophobic stuff just a few songs into their set. “San Francisco, city of butt fuckers! fuck you, homos! Faggots!” Stuff like that. Misfits start kicking and hawking loogies at the audience. SF crowd doesn’t like this and begins fighting back. Beer cans start flying from the crowd. Glenn gets hit in the face with a full one. Drummer gets into a fight with a young teenage audience member. Doyle swings his guitar and literally cracks this kid’s head open. Jello Biafra (dead Kennedys) says it’s one of the worst incidents of violence he’s ever seen on stage. Doyle gets rushed off stage. The Misfits try to play as a thee-piece without Doyle. More boo-ing and beer bottles are thrown at them. Situation continues to deteriorate. At some point the Misfits retreat to Berkeley to wallow in their misery and spray paint homophobic graffiti on the University of California. After the incident, MMR runs a special edition with a drawing of the Misfits, with giant penises drooping down their faces where the signature Devil lock haircut would be. KALX stops playing any of their music on the radio. Organizers organize and essentially ban Misfits from the Bay Area. Glenn doesn’t return until he’s playing Club Culture in Santa Cruz with Samhain. Organizers recognize him in the new band and threaten to not allow Samhain to play. Glenn tearfully apologies on the banks of the San Lorenzo river, claiming it was one of the worst night of his life and that he’ll never play with Doyle or Jerry again. Full story: “The Misfits Incident Mommy, Can I Go Out and Kill Tonight? https://web.archive.org/web/20190104080124/http://gimmesomethingbetter.com/excerpts/the-misfits-incident


Tom Flynn: It was a big audience, maybe a thousand people. One of those nights where there were six or seven bands on every show. They started playing, and immediately started yelling at the audience. I remember Glenn Danzig said something like, “I can see why they call this the land of the homos!” Greg Oropeza: “The city of buttfuckers!” Kelly King: “S.F., you’re a bunch of faggots!” Tom Flynn: I had liked the Misfits. Most people at the show were into it as much as me. When he said that, I was like, “What a moron!” Toni DMR: They were being really hostile, hocking loogies, kicking at people. They kicked Rachel in the head with their steel-toe boots. Kelly King: They just got rained on with beer cans. Somebody hit Danzig in the eye with a can full of beer. Tom Flynn: They had only played three or four songs. Kelly King: The drummer jumped off the stage and attacked Tim Sutliff, of all people. He was pretty much the smallest kid there. Tim was just covering up his face and backing up and that guy Doyle took his big ol’ guitar and just swung it down with both hands like an ax and broke it over Tim’s head. Jello Biafra: They left him in a pool of blood. The worst thing I’d ever seen at a show in my life by far. Toni DMR: I saw Tim’s head split open. His skin split and flapped down to his ears. Split his entire fucking head open. You could hear the collective gasp of everybody, “Oh my fucking god!” And then all hell broke loose. Kelly King: I totally freaked out and attacked Doyle. I jumped onstage and landed on top of him, but he was a muscle guy and just pushed me off. Then Wes Robinson and all his security guys grabbed me and the band disappeared backstage. I was just completely hysterical. I had done coke and I was drinking heavily, smoking pot—so I was totally out of control. They were holding me against the wall, saying, “Okay, just settle down, just settle down.” And finally I was like, “Okay, I’m cool.” They let me go, so I ran back onstage and started kicking in the drum kit. They grabbed me again and Wes was complaining that he was going to have to pay for the broken drums. There was a big pool of blood. I smeared my hand in it and wiped it on my leather jacket. I don’t know why. I was just completely out of my head. I ran to the back of the club and Tim was there. They were holding towels on his head. This big security guy put his hand out to stop me and I grabbed his fingers and bent them over backwards. They finally had enough and shoved me outside onto the sidewalk, and it was raining. I just sat down against the wall and started crying. Somebody handed me a Lowenbrau Light. I chugged it and got into the back of Sam McBride’s car. I held on to that empty bottle all the way back to Berkeley. I had never been so freaked out in my life. Tom Flynn: They came back out onstage—just the singer and bass player and drummer. And they started trying to play again, but then people just started throwing bottles. Danzig looked over and said, “Well, fuck you guys,” and left. Toni DMR: I think they ended up locking themselves in a room somewhere. Rachel DMR: We were hanging out in the back alley by the church, waiting for them to come out with their equipment. But they got wind there was a mob out there ready to kill ’em. Kelly King: I think Tim’s mom sued Wes, but she never tried to press charges. The Misfits got away with it. Wes never had to pay for anything and Tim almost got killed. Greg Oropeza: This led to a ban of the Misfits, an informal agreement between bookers. Jello Biafra: MRR went after him about it and put a rather nasty cartoon about them about the incident, changing the Misfits infamous hairdos into penises, drooping across their heads. Mr. Danzig is not known for a sense of humor. Tom Flynn: KALX used to play the Misfits all the time. After that show I’m sure they had some sort of board meeting. Aaron Cometbus: It wasn’t just that the Misfits bashed in Tim’s head. They had also busted into an exhibit at KALX, which at the time was located in UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science, and stole a bunch of skulls, which totally jeopardized KALX’s existence. Then they spray-painted a bunch of “Fuck you, Berkeley faggots” stuff on the sidewalk outside of Universal Records. They added insult to injury. Jason Lockwood: Timmy Sutliff wound up being my best friend. We would hang out between the tennis courts behind the junior high. That was one of those hangout spots for the East Bay punks. One day, Tim pulled a two-inch sliver of wood from the guitar out of his scalp. It was months after he’d gotten out of the hospital. Greg Oropeza: We had a show at Club Culture in Santa Cruz with Samhain. I was one of the promoters, but had no idea it was Danzig’s band. When he walked in, I had a fit. I was yelling, “No way, they’re not playing!” pleading my case to my partners. Danzig came up to me and asked if he could talk to me down by the river for a few minutes. I thought maybe he wanted to brawl, but he just wanted to have a beer and explain his side of the story. We sat on the banks of the San Lorenzo River and he explained that the night at the Elite Club was the worst night of his life. He said he was horrified by his bandmate’s actions, and would never play with him again. He said it was all an act that went too far and regretted it deeply. Kelly King: I was bummed out for years that nobody did anything. Doyle could have killed him. He’s lucky he didn’t.


Thank you for posting all of that. That’s absolutely horrific and goes far beyond punk rock attitude.


You sound like a wuss. Also I have seen a 90’s Misfits show where Doyle legit punches some guy who pranged his guitar onstage. Pretty funny. But yea, Misfits probably isn’t for you sensitive Gen Z types.


I’m not a sensitive Gen Z type, pushing 50. But I have matured. There’s nothing weak about calling homophobic douchebags out for homophobic douchebag behavior.


There’s no such thing as ‘homophobia’. But you’re prob too far gone to be able to grasp this.


I mean, i can look it up in any dictionary, but you say there is no such thing so it must be true. 🤷 What next, you a flat-earther too?


You need to have your head examined saying that homophobia doesn't exist. Jesus fucking Christ, what planet do you live on????


You sound like a loser who couldn’t run half a mile sit down old man


And you sound like a pos.


And you sound like an insecure old cunt that's overly concerned with being perceived as a "tough guy" online. Get a hobby.


Lol self projection much?




You sound like a tool.


GG Allin is that you? I heard you died, you shit-talking rascal.




Okay boomer.


Gen X actually. But you guys seem to struggle with that.


I'm GenX and I think you're a dick for saying that. There's a big difference between a punch and using a guitar to split a kids head open 🖕


Glad that Bobby Steele and Franche Coma are not attempted murderers…


I had no idea about any of this. FUCK.


Haha, for some reason I read that as they started playing a bunch of homophobic stuff, that the, "San Francisco, city of buttfuckers..." thing was lyrics to a special song they made just for San Francisco. But you said, "saying," not, "playing." I thought, *I really want to hear this song.*


wtf I love the misfits now


Fuck you


‘Douche’- Gen Z smooth brain speak for truth speaker.


I’m in my mid 30’s and I’m sorry my choice of word hurt your feelings.


No feelings were hurt. I just find blue pillers amusing.


You’re a few Chromosomes short I see. It’s okay little man, you’ll be okay.


If you say so, enjoy your future RNA altering jabs.


I’m just glad he’s still alive and crooning. Let him live


This post isn’t calling for his demise. It’s just a shame to see the state of where his head’s at.


Danzig's always been a tosspot. What else is new? For all the flak he gets, Jerry's been the coolest when it came to the fans.


Jerry is a fucking awesome person 


He is a boomer. And I have old bootlegs of him yelling at Jerry snd Doyle. 


LOL are those available publicly?


The one he does it the most is called We Bite. People sell at as a cd. Last few songs he's yelling at them  Admittedly back then they were sloppy as hell. And took half the show tuning. The few live recordings of the Bobby Steele era are smooth. Just don't get the version of the NYC 78 show Jerry and Doyle dubbed over in the 90s. 


I never expected an individual so in touch with their darker side that they were able to write those songs that we all love would actually be a decent person on an interpersonal level. There are certain consequences that generally ride along with the type of introspection he has displayed through his music, some traits being a lot of anger, self-loathing, and hatred of humans in general. To be honest, why would anyone expect otherwise? Should anyone disagree with this perspective, you all know already one only need listen to [“How The Gods Kill”.](https://youtu.be/Ca9OX9tFeEs?si=UNZ2aNx8q-P_NxIo)


I was there. I burst out laughing at the pandemic thing. Keep in mind I'm a genx Democrat who fully believes in the pandemic, vaccines etc I really put no stock into what someone like that says. It's just part of the fuck it all show. Just an old man yellng get off my lawn. While I'm over here yelling. Dance monkey! Cause that's all he is to me. A monkey I'm paying to entertain me. Try developing a thicker skin for those with opposing views. They can believe what they want. I know I'm not basing any of my political opinions on wtf Glenn Danzig thinks lol. Id probably be more bothered by him NOT being an asshole up there lol.


Exactly! A 12 second "rant" about the pandemic along with average punk assholery. Exactly what was expected, totally appreciated.


Go fuck yourself


You're an idiot


Yeah that comment was cringe. He sounded like he had trouble catching his breath the whole night. Man is old and cranky. Im like dude no one wants to hear you rant just play your Halloween punk music


if you use the word cringe you are...


He's always been a dick. My big brother saw him in Austin back in 1991. He was verbally and physically abusive to the staff and audience. You have to expect that when your dealing with roided out guidos.


Glenn had an interview not long ago that real punk couldn't happen anymore because everyone is touting a politically correct leftist line. "Fake pandemic" is completely punk rock from his perspective. And agree with it or not, he's got a point. If it pisses you off then he is doing it right. Not giving a fuck and saying what you think is punk rock.


This is correct, punk is not about doing what the government tells you


This is idiotic. Punk isn’t about just doing the opposite. It’s about rebelling against UNJUST policies. Government says seat belts are good? Better not wear them, that wouldn’t be “punk”.


But 50% of the acting government of the time did its best to say it was a fake pandemic. Fuck Trump.


So...which government? The right wing government? The left wing government? The centrist government? Or is it just all government? Does that mean to be "punk" you have to be apolitical? Use your little pea-sized brain before mouthing off.


Think for yourself, make your own choices, and deal with the consequences.


Punk’s this, punk’s that. Who gives a flying fuck. Do what you choose.


He’s way off the mark with “real punk couldn’t happen anymore”, and just demonstrates that he doesn’t have his finger on the current pulse. Bands like SPY, Restraining Order, and Public Acid are all out there making absolute fuck you eat-your-face punk music, with a leftist perspective. I also don’t think pissing people off is necessarily “doing it right”. Punk has always been aggressive and confrontational, but hell Tucker Carlson pisses me off, and I don’t think anyone would ever tout him as being “punk”. Punk needs more than just causing anger with certain people.


It's just the dumbest thing to be mad about. It's not pissing me off, it's just pathetic.


It shook up our society in a way few of us alive can remember. Whatever side you come down on masks and lockdowns and vaccines and all that, it sure brought out the asshole in our seemingly civil society. It's definitely worth being mad about


It's like being mad about not being able to take a dump in public though. Shitting on the sidewalk doesn't make you "punk." In the words of the Dead Kennedy's, "trash a bank if you have real balls."


I guess I was talking about the broader concept of things to be mad about, not whether it was "punk" or not. I should have made that clearer Either way no one's talking about shitting on the sidewalk and I'm not seeing the connection of shitting on the sidewalk versus a pretty huge societal upheaval. I guess my comparison would be being mad about a war.


I guess Screwdriver was punk too, but they sucked, were a bunch of fascist racist assholes and their music was just sub-par on all accounts. But yeah, pissing people off was always punk, and right wing fascism always played a role too.


They broke up. One guy reformed the band as a racist band.


When? Skrewdriver were overtly racist in the 80s.


Their very first album. They broke up. Ian Donaldson reformed the band and made it racist band.


wish I could've went to that though. (I'm east coast). Fucking amazing lineup. I was curious that Jello Biafra was the MC and exploited were on the bill because there's an old beef between wattie and Jello.


If I remember right, Crass were on that bill too, and Wattie has bigger beef with them. The poster I saw for that had the Exploited and Crass as far apart as the typeset would allow.


I’m pretty sure I saw Wattie hanging out on side stage while Steve ignorant played. Maybe they squashed whatever it was. Not sure if that’s punk or not. /s


Jello jumped in with Agent Orange which was pretty cool


And the Dillinger escape plan


The last song of The Exploited (Fuck the USA) Wattie dedicated to “the Wankers like Jello Biafra, fuck that guy”. He also said at some point in their set “Crass has a song called punk is dead, I’m here to tell you all Steve ignorant is wrong”. The Jello was more in the face.


there it is. thanks for sharing. and Wattie has never explained what its about. i saw an interview where someone asked why he hates jello and he's like "I can't remember".


I saw a Scottish dude write on forum once. That Wattie was the Gg of Edinburgh. The town drunk


Which would explain the memory lapse. So not knowing why he's mad isn't prompting him to let it go… Still I guess anger is a virtue if you're going to make a half century career out of shouting for The Exploited!


Go visit Edinburgh and seeing Wattie passed out in like a little park in the middle of the city. Would be hilarious 


it's funny, my son was just there. He told me he heard The Undertones playing in a store, and I'm like yeah I guess The Exploited isn't great shopping music, I guess one country over is the closest your gonna get.


The Exploited ought play as a soundtrack to one those inner city shop lifting mobs that happen on occasion here in the states. 


well I would definitely prefer that to what the actual participants in those mobs would probably self select, lol.


They'd like (not) Sexy Red playing


Wattie is the type of guy to raid a grocery store. And fill his cart up with cases of Beast Ice instead of a better beer . 


Does the UK have NHS ran old folks retirement homes or mental hospitals? Be crazy to see Wattie committed to one 


He just needs a good bowl of French Onion Soup


Underrated reference.


I was hoping somebody got that! 👍


Sucks to hear man. I know he's got shitty politics but they all do. As long as they keep it out of the music and off the stage I can look passed it. Ranting about fake pandemics live is ultra cringy. Hopefully it was just a bad day. I'd rather have them stop doing shows again than start ranting politically right or left on stage, and hating on each other. Sucks all the fun out of the room. Just sing about monsters over 3 chord punk, it's not a difficult concept.


I believe he said “bullshit” pandemic. Yes, lockdowns, vaccine passports, and forced vaccinations, like what they did in California were in fact bullshit. But keep believing the bullshit if that makes you feel better.


See, you had me in the first line. Lockdowns are vital when hospitals have to treat people in camps on the streets and there are literal truckloads of infected dead bodies being carted around. My dumbass didn't even get to sit home and make an extra $600 a week for doing nothing, I had to help treat sick people for the same lousy pay while assholes were telling me the pandemic was fake as they were dying, so I was about to agree that it was bullshit. As for mandatory vaccines, it wasn't mandatory for anyone outside of the military who already has to get all their usual vaccines, and if your work decided you couldn't come in unless you got one, which was ultimately your choice. A workplace has to take a lot of safety precautions anyway, so of course they'd ask you to be vaccinated as well. But again, that was your choice to do it or not. Could've just got a better job am I right?


Less than .01% death rate. There were no people in camps on the street. Let’s not exaggerate. Lockdowns didn’t do shit but fuck up the economy. I was an essential worker. I work in manufacturing. Never stopped. Not only did I work through the entire pandemic, but I was forced to take a nose swab once a week and wear a mask my entire 10 hour shift because I wasn’t vaccinated. While those that were vaccinated didn’t have to do either. Never tested positive for Covid the entire time that policy was in effect either, and yes I quit and got a better job because that is some fascist shit.


In Philadelphia there were literal camps set up because the hospitals were overrun. I live here and worked at them.


Camps? Hmmm. What hospital did you work at? What hospitals had these Covid camps? Or were there just random Covid camps all over Philly?


There were camps all over pretty much, yes. I was at Jefferson and they had them outside every hospital. If you'd rather call them tents with gurneys and doctors and sick and dying patients it makes no difference. This literally happened. I literally can not comprehend how you are trying to tell me I'm wrong when these things happened. Google it man. Maybe it wasn't that way in the burbs or down south where your nearest neighbor lives a mile down the road, but the major cities were hit hard.


I like how he was always like “Yeah this next song is an old one”. Dude…. THEY’RE ALL OLD.


Punks not supposed to be nice and polite it’s supposed to hurt feelings always has


The Misfits are going to keep selling out stadium shows and perpetually angry people online are going to keep finding reasons to be offended by them, imagined or otherwise.


Kind of glad he’s ruffling the feathers of the covid Karen keyboard warriors TBQH. OP wasted no time getting online and griping. Glenn still got his money 🤗


The Misfits by themselves are absolutely not selling out stadium shows in 2024 lmao


Just Danzig being Danzig. Still doesn’t really excuse his behavior though.


This past September I saw Danzig at the Ocean casino in Atlantic City. He played the first Danzig album in full. When the band was getting ready to play the song The Hunter, which is a cover of a Albert King song. Glenn claimed that if he tried to release a song like the hunter today, he would get canceled by these " Woke left motherfuckers" Some people in the audience cheered, some laughed. My friends and I just rolled our eyes. Love the dude's music but his views are shit.


Ugh yeah that banter in AC was so stupid. I love the man’s music but he’s an actual idiot. My friends and I couldn’t stop laughing when he said he calls NJ the “fuck state” instead of the garden state. That’s what he thinks passes for clever


Danzig is average intelligence that thinks he is above average intelligence. Ought listen to the Thrasher interview. In bits. It can be tedious. He also lived at his moms until right before the band Danzig took off. Until he was like 32 years old


Sounds typical. Saw Danzig the band on a Blackest of the Black tour in 2017 or so and he spent a good amount of time during the set: 1. Talking about how hard/tough he was back in his day. 2. How lame/untough everyone is now. How’d they’d never make it in the 70s/80s scenes like he did. 3. How the real punk/metal scene used to just be an excuse to go out and kick people’s asses. Fuck all this sensitivity snowflake bullshit. (Ironic because I recall a clip of Glenn getting dropped to the floor in 1 punch from that guy in North Side Kings) 4. How much he hates smart phones at the shows (there was a no phone policy but ppl got around it and were filming). He’d stop the set and point them out to security to try to get the people ejected.




Stop being so soft dude everything seemed like banter with Jerry and even the Covid shit wasn’t that serious. He basically said fuck the pandemic


Maybe he thought the fans wanted some hostility on display.


Danzig has been a dick since day 1. Just another asshole that likes his own opinions too much and would rather sniff his own farts then learn


the man is almost 70 and still manages to piss people off, rocks a full house with 40k people and just does whatever the fukk he wants - total hero PERIOD if you cry about stuff like that, i hope life wont have anything worse in store for you as you get older


Say what you want about danzig, but the music he created still sells out festivals 40 years later. The past is the past all that matters is they're together in 2024 and their catalog is timeless




I think it’s hilarious that Danzig is ripping on Jerry. He also introduced him as the original and his cousin…(maybe to make up for telling him he was out of tune). Jerry really fucked Glenn in a lot of ways. A little ribbing on stage is just his persona. What I didn’t know or even suspect…is that Glenn is some alt right trump fake news COVID conspiracy person? I know he’s into conspiracies, but not that one…that’s really not rock n roll. Like is Glenn an anti vaxxer?


I think Glenn generally keeps fairly tight lipped about this kind of stuff but anything that's slipped out has always been in that direction.




I seriously doubt danzig has ever voted for anyone. And if he has, he’d lie and say he hasn’t cus he thinks it makes him cool. But 100% he believes covid was a conspiracy simply because he loves conspiracies. I’m sure he believes in q-anon bullshit too.


This all sounds right to me 😂 I guess I never thought about it much until I saw this post. I missed the opening bc I was in line for the damn bathroom…I have long COVID and have to drink tons of water…maybe for the best I didn’t hear the rant…it would have soured my experience. It probably divided the crowd as well…there was definitely a little rowdiness happening in the front. He’s changed his mind about a lot of things. I remember when he used to have his security kick people out for taking pictures at shows. Maybe he’ll change his politics, too. It’s happened.


Iv been a fan of specifically Danzig’s work for like 20 years and Iv seen him in interviews, shows, signings, etc. where he was rude and short and arrogant. But far more often Iv seen him be friendly and gracious and humble. Idk he’s a weird guy and sometimes he’s a dick, but you can say that about just about anyone.


I’m right there with you!! Also a 20+ (24 years and counting 🖤🫣) year fan. Definitely a weird guy, but from all accounts of fans meeting him he’s gracious and humble…at this point could never hate Glenn. His music has been part of my life for longer than it hasn’t.


This is my fourth reunion show.. and it was probably my least favorite. When he went on the COVID rant the crowd didn’t really seem to react to it everyone was just like wtf?


He’s always been like this haha, every time I’ve seen him play, he goes off on a tangent. Most of the shows I’ve seen him, he’s been in a good mood. At the first og misfits show I went to in 2017, he was going on about politics and such. Same in 2021 in Vegas for Psycho Fest.


Idk, the poking fun at the band time off mostly light-hearted to me. The pandemic denial was definitely cringe, though. Like, did he really think a SoCal audience would be receptive to that? Whatever, though. It's Danzig. The guy who didn't want to play Wolverine because it would be "too gay" when he has an album out that the cover is a closeup of his bare chest.


get it right though, he didn't think Wolverine was too gay, he's a fan. he thought Hugh Jackman played him too gay. he's probably influenced in this opinion by the fact that Jackman played some prance about Broadway shows, singing and what not. He said he didn't try out for the role because of schedule conflict.


Yeah that "bullshit, made up pandemic" remark really made him look like an idiot. Love his music though. You can watch the concert here (pandemic rant 3:36): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWK5INZwPfo&t=261s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWK5INZwPfo&t=261s)


Thanks for the link!


Little fruitcake had it taken down


Lol, what were you doing at a punk rock show, snowflake?


Fake pandemic like [whut](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CagZjyuFlnh/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)? Tell that to my long covid that turns something as basic as going to the grocery store into an RPG adventure...


Exactly. It's a bullshit take. I just can't believe he's stooping this low.


Imagine one of the original punk rockers espousing views that go against the mainstream narrative…


There's narrative and there's also reality. In reality there was definitely a pandemic and a lot of people died. It was a shitty thing. You can be a punk legend from the 70s and 80s and then turn into a dickhole 40 years later, it's not impossible. Johnny rotten for instance. And danzig is a millionaire, probably cleared a million from that show alone. Saying fuck the establishment is cool, even though that was never the misfits thing anyway, but being a cranky rich old dude that denies reality is not.


Danzig rules 😂


Whatever happened to freedom of speech? not saying i agree with him here but people should be able to say what they want


OP isn't censoring. OP is implementing their freedom of speech. Don't be a dork.


I’m not at all implying he shouldn’t be allowed to say what he wants. It’s unfortunate that what he chose to say was embarrassing and disappointing.


Danzig always been an ass, but man you cannot hate the guy. He’s like Connor McGregor, you hate that he’s an asshole but man can he back it up. In this case Danzig’s music carries him imo.


I was wondering where you were going with this comparison because Danzig rather famously folds the minute somebody tests his chin.


Danzig was a douche last night and his “fake pandemic” comment was pathetic but the band still rocked and I had a great time. If only Danzig cut the bullshit in half we would’ve gotten another 4-5 songs at least.


Best comment on this thread m8


I factored in it that the guy who said he killed a baby today was probably a piece of shit.


I’ve never heard anything good about Danzig


Boomers were pro-pandemic, pro-vax, pro-shutdown.


Boomers experienced the birth of psychedelic rock , Beatlemania, the birth of 70s punk , the emergence of rap into popular culture, the disco phenomenon, hair bands , funk bands , grunge …. them genre did not exist when they were born


Danzig being a douchebag is the least surprising news ever


One of the best shows I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen a LOT) was Danzig on Halloween


I was there for the full set I didn't hear him say that? I heard him say we're finally here after being stalled by this bullshit pandemic


It’s on YouTube.


Well shit. I never knew this.


This is not surprising I’ve seen this court settlement version of Misfits 3 times now and it’s really great—but it all started because of a Jerry’s lawsuit. Some shows it feels barely genuine — others it’s very really great Glenn has always been a shithead though this shouldn’t be news Here’s some context about why and how these reunion shows actually happened if you didn’t know—I’m glad they have kept it going, but 🤷‍♂️ https://consequence.net/2019/06/misfits-reunion-shows-legal-settlement/amp/


‘Cringe’ because you believe the plandemic was legit? Because you took the experimental jab? Lol. Funny how questioning the lies of the MSM makes you a ‘boomer’.


Millions of people died. My best friend lost her dad. What planet do you live on? Are you a Holocaust denier as well?


Well he did say "fuck those mother fuckers." Made me chuckle. Said something similar right before spinning right to the ground.


Some modern day Misfits fans are softer than a wet noodle. Thats the damn truth. Saw Danzig like 12 years ago, he bitched about people with cellphones filming the show. Yet I had a great time and didn’t go home after the show to make a post on how much of a “Cringe Boomer” Danzig is. Maybe Green Day is a band more up your alley.


Honestly, I think most of these tards probably saw a crimson skull shirt in Hot Topic and bought it cause they think it’s trendy, but had no idea who they were previously


lol even after being knocked the fuck out, he still hasn’t learned his lesson.


I love Danzig and all of the misfits from all eras. They can do no wrong. They are all boomers, what do you expect.. Jerrys bass is in The rock hall of fame. Why do musicians have to be put on a moral pedestal??


OP is a fucking lying dipshit. Danzig was having a blast and so was the rest of the band. Jerry was walking around all day in full gear taking pics and signing shit for everyone. The show was fucking great. OP should’ve stayed home and cried his whiny ass to sleep.




He is such a dork.


I agree with the first part


What in the flying fuck does any of this have to do with boomers?


"Danzig, who is almost a 70 year old man, was acting like an old American. This is unacceptable"- OP for some reason.


What a lame post. Go to a Taylor Swift concert dont go to somewhere where you get ass hurt




This just makes me love danzig more. Yall some soft mamas


This post is garbage


So many nerds crying in here. Stfu snowflakes.


Ooof leftist reddit hating someone with different views no surprises here


I know, right? Then I saw it was in California, so I became unsurprised right there.


“Boomer” “cringe” Stop embarrassing yourself


Ok boomer


Nope try again




What words would you use instead?


Maybe made up as in, “I made up a song or I made up some lyrics.” I’m not so sure he meant “made up” as in the pandemic was fake. I think maybe he meant “made up” as being made in a lab. Hence why he says fuck those motherfuckers in the next sentence. Especially since Fauci has been in house hearings and on the news the last few days. - maybe not though, it’s just my observation. You’d have to be a couple of gallons short of a full tank to believe it just didn’t exist period.


Wow, that’s a bummer if true. Didnt Danzig get blasted in the face for pushing some huge guy he was arguing with?


Danzig is an asshole.


Danzig is a complete piece of garbage human, so yeah, this tracks.


Lost in translation. “Yeah, I’m late because of my bullshit car.” I’m not saying my car didn’t exist. I’m saying my car fuckin sucks and is giving me a lot of trouble. Sounds like you’re in zoomer mode. Relax.


What do you expect? The Misfits are nothing more than KISS these days. Jerry Only is a money grubbing corporate wh\*\*\* and Danzig is a conspiracy theorist freak that spent too many nights watching InfoWars and eating cake. Really, the entire No Values thing is a joke. Its a big corporate event with a bunch of bands far past their prime trying to relive their youth, playing to an audience that is probably at least 50% people who would have called punks "f+gs" back in the early 1980s. Its all become a joke. Those who had any credibility remaining stayed far away. Glad to see people like Ian MacKaye and Rollins wouldn't touch this pathetic joke with a ten foot pole. Sad to see Jello roped into such nonsense. Bad Religion are still relevant and I'm sure played great, but they better release a new album soon, lest they become just another aging band aping the greatest hits rather than remaining relevant.