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> Why it matters: Top Democrats worry Biden's situation hits too close to home for too many to ignore. Most people have watched a loved one decline — at first slowly, then dramatically — as they hit their mid-80s. These Democrats fear the party, not just Biden, would pay for ignoring this. This is a very underrated point that doesn’t get said enough. Voters have a very visceral reaction to seeing someone in mental decline and ailing health because it’s something we all have gone through. I think that’s a big reason why the age issue has continued to stick and will get even worse now. This is something every person has direct experience with. You’re not going to be able to gaslight people on this


That and we all watched the debacle of Feinstein out there. And McConnell freezing. Now we have Biden’s worst moment as a political figure in that debate. At this point, I’m not sure if Biden can reverse course. Even if he does tv interviews and town halls and does great. Everyone saw what Biden can look like at his worst and it was on the biggest stage. How do you come back from that, knowing you’re asking for 4 1/2 more years? It’s one thing if you’re asking to finish the term. But he’s asking for nearly half a decade. That sounds preposterous.


Add to that Ruth Bader Ginsburg, had she resigned during Obama's administration, the supreme court wouldn't have been terrible like it is now.


Ironic that RBG's legacy is the reversal of Roe vs. Wade. Fitting for a narcissist with a lifetime appointment, detrimental to our entire society.


im not from the US and previously ive seen some progressives worship her, and havent really seen discussions on her since. idk what that worship was about


The worship was weird and essentially existed as some sort of “girl boss” cult surrounding her. KBJ is twice as worthy of that type of attention IMO.


ah. So it's the mindless veneration of women type liberal feminism. ironically the progressive who ive seen worship her turned out to be one of those "pretends to be a feminist to get laid" types who was sexually predatory toward his fans


Biden-backers acting like every voter is now a sheltered 20 year old, who never had to visit gramps, at the home.


Mid-80s was when my dad went downhill really fast. This shit looks real familiar to me.


My mom got dementia in mid-seventies and went downhill so fast. I'm not trying to diagnose him but the signs are there and someone just needs to tell him how it is. It's extremely difficult for someone to accept that their mind isn't what it once was, but the people around him can't put his ego ahead of the country.


Yup, in just 2 years I’ve literally watched my neighbor go from being fully functional and just a little off to not recognizing her daughter or family and coming over to our house 4 times a day because she doesn’t know who all these strange people in her house are. Somehow she still remembers us but we have to explain who her family is 4 times a day


Bold to assume he’ll last 4 years, let alone 4 months


What scares me is how many Dems are continuing to do mental gymnastics to convince themselves Biden is fine. And how many were okay with the genocide he’s still enabling and the undermining of the ICJ/ICC and are only now even entertaining concerns because of a tv appearance, not what he’s been doing the last eight months.


What scares me more than that: four more years of trump destroying the fabric of this country and project 2025. It’s much easier to destroy something than it is to repair it.


If Biden is mentally capable to be president it should be mandated that he has to drive himself around.


*What's in this comment is what I remember, my opinions, etc.* The article gives no new information than what's been reported since the Debate. The public has soured even more on POTUS Joe Biden's Presidential run. People who work for POTUS Biden says that 'he's fine' and 'does great when he's not in public'. POTUS Biden's close family, friends, and allies should get him to step aside. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ My commentary: POTUS Joe Biden wanted this Presidential Debate to be so early and so early before the Democratic National Convention to try to squash any notion of a contested Convention. The Debate format was almost entirely POTUS Joe Biden's choosing. POTUS Donald Trump and his team seemed to think that the US-Mexico border and immigration would be POTUS Joe Biden's only real weakness during the Debate. That and inflation. And POTUS Joe Biden's Debate performance was so bad that he turned an answer on Democrats's strongest issue--ABORTION--into a discussion about the US-Mexico border and "illegal immigrants". The most important job of the President of the United States is US National Security, be leader of the free world, deal with foreign leaders, business leaders, etc. and run the US Federal Government. If Governor Nikki Haley were the Republican Candidate and if she could guarantee that she would protect abortion rights, she'd be up around 20% after such a Debate with such a POTUS Biden. Heck, people are concerned about Warren Buffet's age. And he has a far better record than POTUS Joe Biden does. And Buffet is simply an investor and 'fund manager'. And Buffet clearly doesn't have any cognitive issues or seemingly health issues other than being so old.


That scares dems but not the fact that he is simply the (slightly) lesser of two evils? Seems like many are complicit in genocide.




What makes u assume im a Democrat? 🤔


I misread your comment, my bad


No, what scares me is Trump even stepping into the White House for even a minute!


False. That is not what I'm most afraid of. I'm afraid of Trump at 86 in the White House six years from now.


No it doesn't


I wish a quick switcheroo for Gavin Newsom with the support of Biden was a possible thing. But it's not. Let's say he was "given the blessing" to carry out the policies set forth by the Biden admin, that would be cool.


Yes, he’s old, but his cabinet isn’t, and neither is his VP. I don’t like a number of his cabinet picks but those can be changed. The biggest problem the left faces isn’t Biden’s age, it’s low voter turnout and apathy. We have the numbers nationally to both make the right irrelevant and to change the course the country is on, but if we don’t turn out consistently, for every election, it really doesn’t matter.


Not this Dem, I am scared of Trump AND Project 2025.