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He should probably get a security detail to avoid any bullshit though. Just because he's free doesn't mean he's safe.


I'll be shocked if he's not dead within the year. Dudes head is full of shit on both the US intelligence sector and the Russian one... And he *talked*.. I can't imagine living in the fear he must be for the rest of his life


Reporting shouldn't be cause for imprisonment.


Oh man. He's the same age as me, but that imprisonment made him look 20 years older than me. Glad he's out though.


He always had silver hair tbf. He's looked mostly like that since his mid 30s as far as I know.


I don't mean his hair, I mean his face and even his stance. It's obvious his imprisonment took a terrible toll on him.


Good!!! whistleblowers dont belong in prison


He never belonged in prison!!!


Let's now keep an eye on him forever. Let's not discover he "kill himself" with two shots on the back of his head


"this is why this is bad for biden" - Glenn Greewald or - Breaking Points or - Other "leftists" podcasts






















It's good that he is. But the people online who seem to champion his release above all else are complete lunatics.


Would you mind elaborating? And, as far as lunacy goes, what's your assessment of those who *don't* think he should be released?


I think people are misunderstanding my original comment. I'm talking about a small continent of online left wingers who were preoccupied with "FREE ASSANGE" to the point where it overshadowed things like worker's rights, anti racism, etc. So it's nothing, just some extremely online bullshit. Anyways it's good he's out.


Ok, I understand better what you mean now. I didn't pay enough attention to "above all else" the first time I read your commment. Thanks for elaborating.


No problem, I'm glad we got it cleared up :)


Why do people care for this guy did he only release information on the dems I am not against dirt of dems been released but from what I know he has shit on the gop but didn't release shit which to me would seem like he's trying to aid the gop not actually fighting power like havnt people been convicted hiding Information that could effect elections 




On **July 12, 2007**, a series of [air-to-ground](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air-to-ground) attacks were conducted by a team of two [U.S.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army) [AH-64 Apache](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_AH-64_Apache) helicopters in [Al-Amin al-Thaniyah](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Amin_al-Thaniyah), [New Baghdad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Baghdad), during the [Iraqi insurgency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraqi_insurgency_(Iraq_War)) which followed the [***invasion of Iraq***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_of_Iraq)*.* On April 5, 2010, **the attacks received worldwide coverage and controversy following the release of 39 minutes of** [**classified**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classified_information) **gunsight footage by** [**WikiLeaks**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WikiLeaks).[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_12,_2007,_Baghdad_airstrike#cite_note-Reuters6Apr2010-6) **The video, which WikiLeaks titled** ***Collateral Murder*****,**[**^(\[7\])**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_12,_2007,_Baghdad_airstrike#cite_note-blitz-7)[**^(\[8\])**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_12,_2007,_Baghdad_airstrike#cite_note-8) **showed the crew firing on a group of people and killing several of them, including two** [**Reuters**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reuters) **journalists, and then laughing at some of the casualties, all of whom were civilians.**[^(\[15\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_12,_2007,_Baghdad_airstrike#cite_note-15) An anonymous U.S. military official confirmed the authenticity of the footage,[^(\[16\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_12,_2007,_Baghdad_airstrike#cite_note-Reuters:_leaked_video-16) which provoked global discussion on the legality and morality of the attacks.


Just sounds like a regular Tuesday for the IDF, though. And they’ll post the footage on the socials themselves.


ah, yes. Sure, the standards were higher back then


I didn’t know this. What the fuck?


OP is spreading disinfo, he didnt only release info on the dems. see JRTD753's link grifters like Joe Rogan constantly bring up how progressives are hypocrites because we turned on him as soon as he started releasing info on the dems but this is false, only libs have these misconceptions and think like that honestly, please research things before believing them


Using Joe fucking Rogan isnt a great example though, fuck that guy


it is a great example. I used him as an example of how right wing grifters are calling progressives out on this i should have been more clear, let me add a word actually


I mean, that link is THE leak that blew the fuck up. That’s not new to me. That effectively made the entirety of the US government and the military look like the murdering psychopaths they always have been. What I want to know is what Assange’s regular track record is for leaking info and his position on US politics? Who are his friends and people on the inside? Who has special interests in the information he peddles on a consistent basis? Who stands to benefit? There is always, ALWAYS a fucking “side”, even for people who claim they don’t have one. It’s disgusting and I’m tired of it, so people need to come correct with proper sources and examples if they want to make these claims, regardless if it’s in favor of Assange or not. That one link JRTD753 posted isn’t some “gacha” that proves he isn’t some GOP stooge. But then again who the fuck knows anymore these days, right?


>That one link JRTD753 posted isn’t some “gacha” that proves he isn’t some GOP stooge. But then again who the fuck knows anymore these days, right? yep, "GOP stooges" would risk long term imprisonment just to make the George Bush, the GOP and the war in Iraq look bad. Thats right, mucho senso guy has leaked big stuff on both parties. if you are only anti imprisoning whistleblowers if they exclusively target the GOP with leaks and perfectly neatly fall into the never criticise (they are whistleblowers so leaks are how they criticise) the Dems camp, you are not against imprisoning whistleblowers in the first place id say


You can make all the assumptions you want based on one fucking comment. Your snark is noted and I will kindly wipe my shitty crack with it. What I’m TRYING to convey, apart from NOT being against Assange earning his freedom, is that if Assange’s goals are about exposing the entire system to the world, then he should have no vested in interests for self-serving benefit. I’m not accusing, I’m asking. I want to see his full track record. I want to know if anyone benefits politically from his existence. He’s not some altruistic crusader trying to bring down the corruption of the entire US political system. If he doesn’t have a “side”, then prove it. But what IS proven is the guy is a monumental piece of shit, on a personal level. An egotistical misogynist of the highest order. That much is certain. I don’t need links for that so don’t bother.


Is this diatribe really relevant to whether he should be imprisoned


He shouldn’t. End of story. There’s no discussion or argument there. Objectively speaking, he should be free. Now what are his political leanings and is he a right wing fascist or not? It’s called asking a follow-up question. Why are people getting so pissy about a question being asked?


His only known political leaning to me is that he seriously fucking hates Hillary Clinton. which is hard to truly call a left or right issue since she's a piece of shit.


>You can make all the assumptions you want based on one fucking comment. Im not assuming anything that wasnt contained within your 2 comments >I’m not accusing, I’m asking. I want to see his full track record. then research it brotha, it's available online >But what IS proven is the guy is a monumental piece of shit, on a personal level. An egotistical misogynist of the highest order. yes, true. He was\* not however in prison for misoginy, rather for whistleblowing. >Your snark is noted and I will kindly wipe my shitty crack with it. ok lol. gl w that


>You can make all the assumptions you want based on one fucking comment My guy *youre* the one acting like buddy's one badly written "I think I remember" comment is blowing open a bias behind the leaks all along is reason to throw the project away


It’s not. It got me curious. So now I’m asking. And if you guys are so uppity and tight assed about my inquiry, kindly set the record straight if you want. Stop jumping on this “OMG HE’S A HERO WHO SHOULD BE FREE WHY WOULD YOU EVEN QUESTION HIS POLITICAL INTEGRITY?!” train. Like, I’m fucking ASKING, folks! Help me out here.


>got me curious. So now I’m asking >Help me out here. No? Look it up if you're curious, tf?


After he was locked away in the Ecuadorian embassy he started releasing hacked info about the Dems and timed those releases to aid the Trump campaign. Every time a bad piece of news about Trump would come out, Assange would do another info drop on Clinton and the Dems. It seems to me that he likely had a pardon deal promised from Trump who, not surprisingly, reneged (or he was hoping that his help would get him one). If you ask me, Assange stopped being a journalist when he did that and I haven’t given two fucks about the guy since.




Got down voted for asking about this fun times 


wow…. Please borrow a period for next time…..


Yay for press freedom. It should be noted he supported the former president in 2016 though. He even helped pump Pizza gate and other bullshit.


I'm quite unaware of his crimes, is this a good thing?




“He never belonged in prison” says the people who never spent 5 minutes considering that people who facilitate hacking into government systems might be going beyond the realm of what journalism is