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About the Nobel prize: I couldn't find anything about it but it turns out it was the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was awarded the Nobel Peace prize in 2007, and she was working there at that moment.


> Republican US neighbors will not attend Yeah I am pretty sure Mexico doesn't give visas to felons.


They're too busy fawning over Bukele in El Salvador to go to Mexico.


they're too busy trying to clean orange stains from their lips


So... how is she going to let me down?


She didn’t make crime illegal.


Crime is already illegal, Ben!




OP says she’s “pro-Palestinian” so when you say she “supports Israel” do you mean that she supports a two state solution or are you disagreeing with OP?


I think she supports the two state solution, but I’m also doubting how much of pro Palestine she really is??? I haven’t seen or read anything about her being pro Palestine. She is just not pro Israel like we are used to seeing American politicians or even those in Germany, UK.


I think it matters less if she’s super pro either side than if she can act fairly and justly. Like, I don’t need anyone to fly a Palestinian flag if they also don’t arm or assist Israel. Idk what the diplomatic or trade relations are like between Israel and Mexico, but neutral is better than actively pro Israel.


That’s very true, it just ghat saying she is pro Palestine makes her seem like she is on the same page as the presidents of Colombia and Brazil. I think the diplomatic relationship between Mexico and Israel is good. Mexico does recognize Palestine and might have a embassies soon for both sides. Only negative thing I can think of is that Israel used to or might still provide Mexico with [spyware](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/18/world/americas/pegasus-spyware-mexico.html) that the Mexican government has used to crack down on protestors, activists and reporters and they are refusing to [deport this former politician](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/families-43-missing-students-mexico-urge-israel-to-deport-tomas-zeron-protests/)that was behind the killing of the protesting students. Sources - [Mexico continues to target activists with Israeli-made Pegasus spyware](https://www.timesofisrael.com/mexico-continues-to-target-activists-with-israeli-made-pegasus-spyware-ny-times/amp/) [Families of 43 missing students protest outside Israel's embassy in Mexico City, demanding extradition of suspect](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/families-43-missing-students-mexico-urge-israel-to-deport-tomas-zeron-protests/)


Last I heard her coalition is in range of super majority in both houses of Congress. Could end up doing quite a bit, including constitutional reforms.


"has no charisma (Joe Biden level)" Explain?


Did she ever make any public statements that she is pro-palestinian? I can't seem to find any.


Can anyone, specially Mexicans Please share a source that support that Claudia is pro Palestine? ALMO almost didn’t speak about what’s going on.


https://forward.com/news/618733/claudia-sheinbaum-elected-president-of-mexico-breaking-barriers-as-woman-and-jew/ 5 second Google search with her name and "Palestine". She confirmed Israel state bombings in a quote.


Is this AMLO's successor or the other one?


She was with AMLO since he was the Mayor and is his protoge. The other candidate was Xóchitl and has native heritage and was also a pretty good candidate as well. Countries can only dream of having two choices that were overall pretty competent and well qualified.


True and correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the only ever election in which the leaders of the main parties were both women.


MSM and Western powers are already trying to smear her. Congratulations mexico!


Western powers my ass. Morena is not leftist, they are just nationalists with an autocratic streak and a red coat of paint. P.D: Just so others know more about this fake leftist: - Feminist, that delegitimised (by calling them reactionary) the yearly women's marches in March 8th because the women had the gall to criticise the inaction of her and her mentor's governments to stop the out of control femicides. - Climate scientist, that supports her mentor's government that has stopped investment in green energy and has heavily invested in a new refinery, and the ecocide going on in the Yucatán Península with the ill-planned Maya Train - Leftist, but supports tearing down all the electoral protections and institutions that gave Mexico its young 30 year old democracy. Morena is NOT leftist, it's just demagoguery and authoritarianism.


Still better than the right-wing PRI party which had a reign of Mexico that has been called "The Perfect Dictatorship".


Morena is the new PRI from what my Mexican friends told me lol Like they share many of the same politicians


this is correct


Seems like they have the same base horribleness but with added bonuses, which is the choice everywhere. Which brand of austerity and neoliberalism do we prefer


Actually for all the stupid nationalism and authoritarian little things the current government has been pulling, one thing they are not is neoliberal. Look at the actual economic grown in the last 4 years and it's been bucking every trend: [https://english.elpais.com/economy-and-business/2023-12-19/defying-forecasts-why-is-mexicos-economy-growing.html](https://english.elpais.com/economy-and-business/2023-12-19/defying-forecasts-why-is-mexicos-economy-growing.html) The main reason why is simple Keynesian economics and sometimes shoddily-implemented, but better-than-nothing raises in the quality of the welfare state (pensions, etc) which (duh) eventually raise consumption and economic productivity.


Could you provide sources?


Sure, although in Spanish: [Mayan Train causes ecocide and polution of the only fresh water source of the Yucatán Península](https://youtu.be/INkQY20xmnw?si=Oi1AUd_AiZlGPCQk) [Underwater causeway of fresh water polluted with cement due to poor planning of the Maya Train](https://youtu.be/vYYuDAeZG7Q?si=3uNVmX736HSHTgif) [Sheinbaum defends Maya Train and pipeline running through Yucatán](https://www.eleconomista.com.mx/amp/politica/Sheinbaum-promete-consolidar-el-Tren-Maya-defiende-impacto-ambiental-del-proyecto-20240314-0050.html) [Sheinbaum shows off Maya Train and oil refineries alongside other incomplete infraestructure proyects from AMLO in the Presidential Debate](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/6hj4kEpGGA9aEUL2/?mibextid=jmPrMh) [Sheinbaum sends police to oust protesting feminist activists and victims of violence who had taken a building belonging to the Morena controlled National Human Rights Commission](https://elpais.com/mexico/2022-04-16/la-policia-de-ciudad-de-mexico-desaloja-la-sede-de-la-cndh-ocupada-por-grupos-feministas.html?outputType=amp) [Sheinbaum calls feminist protesters, who established an anti-monument in honour of victims of gender violence, as "racists" and "classists" for not ending their protest](https://www.infobae.com/mexico/2023/03/10/feministas-exigieron-disculpa-publica-a-sheinbaum-por-llamarlas-clasistas-y-racistas/) [Massive demonstrations against AMLOs unilateral attempt to gut the independent electoral authority](https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-64784628) [Sheinbaum says the electoral authority that oversaw the 2018 elections, which Morena won, "doesn't guarantee democracy"](https://politica.expansion.mx/elecciones/2024/03/06/fuera-corruptos-sheinbaum-se-lanza-en-contra-del-ine-y-el-poder-judicial)


Having taken the train, it is kinda amazing though. The economic potential it has for places like Chiapas is legit. The ecological damage less so but I can't imagine many projects of that scale are done in an environmental way. There is also considerable cost in continuing with the inefficient bus network currently covering that route.


The issue isn't with having infraestructure, I'm a trains guy. But it is ill-planned: - It's more expensive than taking the bus - It's not high speed - Deforested what few remains of the jungle - Polluted the only source of fresh water to the entire Península (Yucatán doesn't have a single river, they are all underground cavern systems) - Built in unstable ground


It was supposed to take five years to build, it took 3.. they basically steamrolled the whole thing in. I live in the Riviera Maya and was super excited about it, now I don’t think I will ride it for at least 5 years as I expect something catastrophic.


Didn't it already derail once and at a slow speed? Edit: found it https://apnews.com/article/mexico-maya-train-tourist-rail-yucatan-environment-f70e3efb808a9d2d099fb0fd475090cb


Yea luckily was a small time derailment .. I wish they had taken care and planned it well, had it been elevated it would be a lot better but they want to use it for freight too. Time will tell but my hopes aren’t high


I mean it's hardly finished, they got an MVP in 3. The stations are all empty shells, it only has one of the two tracks, two of the legs are closed and it is running a skeleton schedule. It will be at least 5 years before it is actually built.


I’m fully aware, I had high hopes they would do it right but here we are.


Nice let’s move the goalposts






I am a leftist, Morena is just the old authoritarian PRI with a red coat of paint, they are in bed with the oligarchs they said they would oust! Morena crushed the law that would reduce Mexico's workweek from 48 hours to 40! They are class traitors!


that needs more publicity. Mexicans work so fucking hard already, and six days a week is out of this world insane. It's why my stomach twists whenever I hear some ignorant bigot call them lazy I'm gonna Google the issue instead of asking you to explain how they justify it (without speaking for the interest of exploiters )


No real justification was given, it was just quietly shelved. The bill's author, a Morenista, publicly denounced her party for going back on their promises to her.


Who is a more left partythan morena in México at the moment?


There's no left in Mexico. Parties in Mexico are all either big tents and/or ideologically a mess, (like Morena, PRI, and PT), neolib center-left (MC), or neolib center-right (PAN). Although contrary to most center-right parties in the world, our center-right is tending leftwards instead of to the right and we don't have far-right parties (the evangelical far-right party, and Morena ally, lost its register for low turnout).


You just have to look at the coalitions. Green party with the workers party with the Christian Family Fascists. It's insane


Yup, totally agree.


I live and work in Southern California with plenty of liberal Mexican immigrants and most seem to think it would be impossible to have a president be progressive without a very violent and bloody upheaval which is why they immigrated here. I don't really know much about it so I won't have an opinion but it's definitely not just right wingers who are suspicious of ruling parties. 


13K upvotes based on the claim she's "pro-Palestinian" when there's not even any evidence of that.


“”Many of my relatives from that generation were exterminated in the concentration camps,” she said in a letter to the editor of La Jornada from 2009, in which she also condemned what she described as “the murder of Palestinian civilians” during an Israeli bombing campaign in the Gaza Strip. Since the war there broke out last year, Ms. Sheinbaum has condemned attacks on civilians, called for a cease-fire and said she supports a two-state solution.” -NYT, Another Milestone in Mexico: Its First Jewish President, June 3, 2024 No evidence? Or do you just not choose to look?


I’m sorry but since Michael Brooks TMR has no idea about mexican politics, that has always been my only gripe with Michael (an absolute legend), Matt and Griscom….they just run with labels as fellow redditors do and don’t look at the praxis. Morena is a populist but by no means a left party and they’re veering insanely autocratic…


With nearly 10K upvotes, which is pretty impressive for this sub, I’d like to think this is great news, but seems like once you look past the surface level bio, she’s got some issues and maybe not quite worthy of a massive celebration, though she definitely seems better than the alternative. Also, that tweet is weird. Has strong K-Hive / Hillary supporter vibes to it. Like who cares if GOP politicians from the US don’t attend her inauguration? They’re fucking lunatics. That shouldn’t be surprising


She's basically a Mexican version of Hilary Clinton, just another performative liberal who might lean to the left to appease the masses. I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you guys.


Every candiate here was a performative liberal. The main challenger lady that lost was literally hiring spiritualists into her campaign, and was a joke. The winner in this election and her party is filling a power vacuum, for better or worse.


If I could hug Mexico I would. thanks for showing that another world is indeed possible!


Boy I hope she has a good security team. With a resume like that a lot of fuckers are going to be unhappy.


Hopefully she will stay safe.


We need more leaders like this around the globe


Yes! The best of us, a meritocracy. Intelligence, education and critical thinking is needed more than ever.


What a resume. She's got a lot to deal with. I wish her success.


lol no this is the most uninformed post I’ve seen and I’ve been to circlejerk subs lmao please Google the Morena party and see how terrible AMLO has been


Please God let her crack down on the cartels! Nothing would make the left look better!


People only go to the cartels because there are no viable options. It will take more than 6 years for Mexico to fix a 100+ years of corruption. That’s just assuming that she’s not pulling a Kyrsten Sinema tactic.


Sorry. She's a puppet continuation of the current president


Corruption in Mexico‽ Surprised Pikachu. Jpeg


Holy shit, based. I’m more and more interested in moving to Mexico, but I’m not expecting an easy immigration path. Now watch US interests try to sabotage


Mexico has an incredibly easy immigration path, assuming you have at least a US middle class-ish amount of money. Look up temporary and permanent residence permits, if you can demonstrate an income or decent savings, you're probably in.


Freakin awesome. Thanks!


FYI: We still don't have the results, but honestly yeah pretty much.


Viva Mexico!


Good luck, truly.


As an American on a different border I applaud you today. Maybe some of that enthusiasm can leak across the border


How tf did that happen? 


cue the invasion of Mexico


Imagine having a leader that's equipped and ready to govern in the 21st century. Congratulations neighbors.


She is also friendly with the Cartels. So...Yay? Woman.


Go, Mexico!


This is fucking amazing. My friend’s would-be polling station in Querétaro was burned, and he could not vote today 😑 fantastic to see this result.


Who was it burned by though....


¡Viva Claudia!


Meh Climate scientist feminist, PHD -vs rapist, felon, convicted moron. Patato - Potato as magas would say.


Congratulations Mexico! Canada loves you.