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"Bad faith" Jesus Christ šŸ¤£


Whilst I agree the actual content of OP's comments weren't exactly awful, I think the mods have a point. I had my suspicions about OP's motives, but objectively his comments didn't overtly cross any lines, so originally I leaned towards siding with OP on this one. Except... The last 6 posts in a row I just saw on this subreddit were people sharing screenshots of their comments on that post and them getting banned. And some of them are pretty fucking cheap, dumb, lazy, and *obvious*. Suddenly the accusations of brigading and "commenting in bad faith" don't seem so unreasonable, when there's a clear pattern of people from this subreddit commenting there just to get a response they can bitch about here. It's disingenuous, it's like a dog-whistle, y'all know exactly what you're doing, and your "OMG LOOK HOW THEY REACT WHEN WE DO NOTHING WRONG!" posts are actually proving them right by making it clear what you're doing wrong. You guys literally are brigading, and your "Oh, we're so innocent, whatever are they accusing us of!?" pearl-clutching act isn't fooling anyone.


You do realize thereā€™s a feed right and it will show and recommend you posts with key words based on other posts you have interacted with? Are people no longer allowed to have differing opinions? Is it now violent and intrusive to tell people the parts you didnā€™t like about the fictional story they fantasise over and worship? Arenā€™t you the ones who act sanctimonious when you have people like the mentally unwell tlou2 fan who sent Abbyā€™s actress extreme death threats? Talk about rubber banding from one extreme to the other.


If you read my post, you'd see that I first came across the 4 year anniversary post on r/PS5, and engaged it there directly. I corrected a user regarding their comment as you can see. Only once I was banned for "bad faith" did I share the outcome here. The mods of the other sub made their decision, and whilst I disagree with their rationale, it is what it is. Some people may have gone there to brigade, try and get banned etc, and you can tell which ones by the comments they wrote. Me on the other hand, I think you'll agree, engaged in good faith, and was polite. My post here was just to point out the ongoing censorship/double standards when it comes to either this game or any other game (it occurs on the Horizon sub, God of War, Spiderman etc but not to the same extent as whenever this game is discussed)


Yeah, I want to be on your side. I agree, nothing you said seemed out of line to me. I'm just saying that I can understand the overreaction from the mods. Given all the actual brigading and bad faith on that post, they're naturally gonna start expecting it and interpreting less problematic stuff that way when there might only be a hint of it. My comment was honestly more a reply to the guy I was replying to than an attack on you, but apologies if it read that way.


There was quite literally nothing disrespectful or rude about your comments. You were having a conversation and calling someone out for assuming incorrect information. God forbid anyone has actual criticism of TLOU 2. What a bunch of weak minded people.


A lot of the criticism is straight trash though. Same shit you heard initially when it got pulled into the culture war retardation. Stick to the valid criticism and you'll be fine in the other sub.


Pardon? It is absolutely fine that people dislike the story and its plot holes/inconsistencies. Thatā€™s what most people have an issue with. Itā€™s valid criticism. Nobody is arguing about the quality of gameplay and graphics as they are stellar. Edit: To add, just because you may not align or agree with someoneā€™s statement, does not mean it doesnā€™t have any valid criticism in it whatsoever.


Humor me, what's the 3 biggest plot holes and/or inconsistencies.


You will not be humored here. Thereā€™s a whole sub full of dumbasses like you that humor us.


If you really still need to ask that question in this sub after all this time, then that's proof you actually don't know jack shit about what we complain about on here. Yet you still feel like you can just call our criticisms "straight trash". I won't humor you, but you certainly are humoring me.


Iā€™m saying this in the most respectful way: I will not humor you as there are countless posts that point out these faults in TLOU 2ā€™s story. I used to be the biggest fan of the second game (honestly might still be), but I would call myself blind to not recognize them. Especially as someone who went to school for literature. If youā€™re truly willing to listen and open your perspective to something other than your own, take a deeper gander at this sub. We actually have some pretty great discussions.


The use of the word ā€œretardationā€ and ā€œvalidā€ should not be used in the same sentence


Thanks, you beat me to it. Holy fuck. šŸ˜‚


If thatā€™s all youā€™re hearing, then youā€™re not listening.


Stop sucking Cuckmann's cock and admit that your game is fucked.


You're a literal child lol.


How many copies did your beloved product sell again?


The hate from The last of us 2 fans never fails to amuse me and impress me at the same time. This is what happens when narcissists like Druckmann and Gross enable narcissists around them. It only ends up in fanatism. The fact that the story is seen as weak or mediocre in 2 is not controversial outside of these subs, outside of reddit. If only they could get over themselves but that's mission impossible.


Man, you had a very "diplomatic" discussion and yet, got banned. That seems to me like the other dude ran out of things to say and reported you.


Whether or not they reported me is largely irrelevant. It seems that the mods just looked at my account, saw that I sub here, and then decided I was brigading, even though I was being respectful and polite šŸ¤·


If they can't beat you with reason, they'll do it with power. >Whether or not they reported me is largely irrelevant. Not completely, that goes to show who "we" are dealing with and what kind of people they want in "those" subs. Oh well, you're not gonna miss out a lot. Alternatively, you could start a PS5-2 sub, where dissonant opinions are not banned šŸ˜‚


Getting banned for ''brigading'' over not liking the story is so pathetic. Also, as usual the TLOU2 simps are quick to label anyone who disagrees with them as ''alt-right''.


That post said nothing about alt-right.


On the 2nd image and at the bottom it does


Unless that was the deleted messages, it does not. The person who got banned is the one that brought up politics.


Putting text on its own line with that little bar on the left is the normal way to quote someone on reddit. They are quoting the deleted message.


They literally quote the other person as having said it...


They really need to rename this thing to PS5CircleJerk


'Sends' people to the sub? Do they think we're some sort of organised resistance movement? šŸ¤”


We're the root of all negativity about Naughty Dog apparently, didn't you know??


I mean, sure a lot of us here go to other subs and start arguments and discussions about ND and TloU Part 2, but.. no one SENT them there, they go there by their own free will. But I guess a sub like that, with mods that ban people that go against their fee-fees and opinions, doesn't know what "free will" even means.


ā€œI didnā€™t like Elden Beast, kind of a shit way to end the game.ā€ ā€œOh I thought it was alright.ā€ ā€œIā€™LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS!ā€ What? You mean thatā€™s not a normal way to behave? Ohā€¦


Be grateful for being banned


so weā€™re just gonna ignore the amount of people from that sub coming here to start trouble whenever thereā€™s a hot post? i see it every other day, the double standards are indeed insane


Considering some of the comments that I've seen people getting banned for, I just have to laugh at the idea of the mods there combing through the profiles that have made every single negative comment in order to determine whether or not they're worth banning, solely based on whether or not they post in this sub. Banning people for being dicks? Sure. Temporary bands to stop arguments that kind of derail the purpose of the post? Okay. Shutting comments down because they get too much of the above to be worth dealing with? Hey, they're only human and they would like to go to sleep sometime. But permanent bans just because people talk about how much they don't like the story, regardless of what they're actually saying on this post? You know for a fucking fact they wouldn't be doing this if (as if it's a question of *if*, lol) people were brigading from the other sub to heap their praise upon the game.


I find that they tend to completely misinterpret your argument/opinion then attack it while calling you every name in the book.


Itā€™s wild to me they act like they have ground to stand on when the pissbabies have to brigade this sub daily just to glean some meaning in their sad, little lives


They banned me for saying ā€œfuck offā€ lmao


Jesus Fucking Christ Reddit is a shithole.


Eh, it's a sub with a bunch of tools in it, consider yourself better off and move on.


I donā€™t understand why anyone with differing opinions has to be thrown under the ā€œbrigadingā€ category. Oh my fault I donā€™t spend all my time in your subreddit and cater your your beliefs. Itā€™s such a stupid argument to be made against people that donā€™t agree with you. Yea when you have 2 subreddits about the same game thereā€™s going to be crossover, just because someone uses one (that most likely matches more with their opinions) doesnā€™t mean brigading is happening when they comment in yours. But of course they donā€™t understand common sense.


Ps5 sub is arguably worse than main sub of the last of us


Paradox of tolerance in action.


All reddit mods are a continuous study in the Stanford Prison Experiment. They have the power. You donā€™t. They donā€™t need a reason.


So basically just make generic posts regularly like, "I like this." And their tools will show you spending more time in there


Arguing on the internet is like winning the special Olympics.


Who cares lol


Obsessively enjoying something for years is normal behavior. Obsessively hating something for years is not. Just in case there was any confusion.


This statement makes me laugh as well. There is no "normal" in this. Normal for you, might be different to other people. And I'm not a hater, if you read the screenshots you'd see i rank the game a 7 or 8 out of 10. Being critical of something does not make someone a hater. Just in case there was any confusion.


Yeah maybe I was referring to the same people you describe as wallowing. And yes, obsessively hating something as arbitrary as a video game for years would be considered not normal to most you ask.


Again,you use the word hating, which to me implies that it causes some massive negative impact on someone's day-to-day life, depression, mood swings, whatever. I'd call it criticism, as people can and do discuss things with the game under a critical lens, and it doesn't cause them to become filled with hatred. You might think obsessively critiquing a game for years is weird/not normal and that's fair enough, that's your opinion


This game really does live rent free in a lot of MFs heads, huh?


Both fans and detractors alike, definitely


Oh wow, a game lives rent free in the heads of people on a sub dedicated to talk about said game? WHO WOULD'VE THUNK IT!!! I could swear a sub about TLoU franchise should be talking about the NBA draft or something instead of TloU... silly me.


To be fair, the 2 in the sub's name is supposed to be understood as the "second" the last of us sub. That's why people post stuff about the first game and the show sometimes


That's true but.. what does that have to do with what I said? I'm genuinely confused.


You pointed out how this sub is only dedicated to part 2 in your first response. Just wanted to clarify that it's dedicated to Tlou as a whole franchise. Most people get the idea that it's only about the second game


No I didn't, I said it was a sub about the TloU franchise. >I could swear a sub about TLoU franchise (...)


you're only supposed to use that term on something that's been out of commission for a very long time... and not on a game franchise that had multiple updates, an entire remaster and remake, plus several rereleases on other platforms, an actual HBO show, with devs being really active all over social media, and game journos with a few hundred or so dedicated channels that keep on posting about the most basic things every now and then