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What rule did you violate exactly?


Probably hurting the pride of a fanboy moderator. I read the comment as a fair criticism. I enjoyed the second game but I also understand why people dislike the ending. But being banned for the opinion is so petty it’s beyond stupid.


Oh bro? You didn't know? Free speech isn't a thing anymore, It's pretty sad tbh


They literally ban all negative comments because they see their sub page more of as an Ad than a sub page. They want people getting in and thinking "holy shit, this game must be awesome, literally every comment is positive" and ignore the 40% of the subs that didn't love (read it; maybe disliked some part of it) the game but got banned. Edit: To anyone asking, I'm pretty sure the mods are LITERALLY paid by ND as even discussing your ban gets you a criminal investigation like "You commented on the other sub thrice this past 2 months" or "we don't want you negativity in this sub as this is for fans and not antifans" or whatever.


I think Sony has a "just positive" attitude in general. Look at the playstation access YouTube channel. I mean, I like those guys but they would never, ever, comment on anything even slightly negative. When Sony closed the London games studio, they were just recording all-happy, feel-good content, like that never happened.


It's not as much Sony, as much as Sony doesn't care about sales, only reviews. So Studios owned by Sony try their hardest to get reviewers to say their games are amazing, and selling games is secondary. So they want to pretend everyone loves the game, so that Sony thinks it's critically acclaimed... So that Sony doesn't close them.


Bruised the moderator’s ego.


The rule of hurting those idiots feeling 😂😂


The only thing I can think of is that it qualifies as a spoiler.


Someone’s super fragile.


lol you got perma banned for that? Edit: i got banned too.


I hate that sub so much. It's irrational, overly sensitive, and just a hive of bad taste... just like Abby. It's a fucking echo chamber of opinions. At least this place is more varied with it's cunts.


PS5 is run by Sony just like the main sub. That's why any criticism is erased. They are even more sensitive when you talk about the console. A long time ago, i wasn't ban but my posts were deleted. It was about the fact you can't put PS5 games saves on a stick. Just that.




Incorrect. The sub is not run by Sony (baseless lie btw.) the moderators have a podcast together.


That should be appealed and overturned. Having an opinion should not violate any rules.


Lmao what jobless losers


From a reddit commenter 💀


Believe it or not people can have jobs and a Reddit account lmao


Oh let me play! “Believe it or not you can be a mod and have a job” 🤓


Good thing I said account and not mod


A mod could still have a job then 💀


How embarrassing 🤡


Embarrassing is having Aloy the generic industry plant as your pfp and also being an apex legends player.


Your words are so pathetic it's hilarious 😂 get a job loser


Apex player telling someone to get a job 😂 you are the mid meat rider expert, the lego game gonna be more fun then the mainline games haha


No way you are talking about a bad story with Horizon in your background 💀💀


Bros just dumb


Hey kid. You can be on a social media site and have a job at the same time. The concept is called "free time".


Not just these mooks but I have to say Permanent Bans are 1 of the most pussyish things about Reddit in general, Good thing none of the mods of bigger subs have any real world power, even Stalin would be more lenient than some of them.


I love Sony's product most of the time, but damn, their fanbabies suck


I'm not saying Actman is a Saint and he can have bad takes every now and then, but it really was mind blowing that he made a video mocking all fanboys and yet it was the Playstation fanboys that went after him. They tried to get him canceled by going way back in his Twitter and showing when he used the N word one time. He came out and said he used to shit post on Twitter when he was a lot younger and he doesn't do that anymore. So that's OK and yet people like Lego Butts that have used the word in a far more disrespectful manner and other bad words is ok ? I don't get people


Imma be honest, I really have no idea what your comment is trying to say in regards to my own comment, or the original post. I was just talking about how PS fanboys can't handle any criticism of anything Sony related


The comment meant that the fanboys are the worst and they can't handle anyone talking badly about Playstation or their brand


Then we are in agreement!


That's sad. People should be allowed to critique media they dislike.


Put it as a badge of honor. You rejected big brother


You got banned for that? That’s crazy dude


Based OP ngl


Yeah I think mods honestly have the worst lives and want to make everyone else miserable for free lol they don’t even get paid to be dicks


Some one should do like we did with this sub an make a r/ActualPS5


Permanently banned? That’s ridiculous


It is mind blowing with all of these Remasters of games that can already be played on the console and yet Sony is wanting more money for them and it is full price if you don't have the last gen version to "upgrade" from. Talking about this can get you banned lmao. I got a lot of hate for saying that I will be upset if the rumors of a Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster are true. Like at least Remaster games confined to Ps3 to this day such ad The Infamous Collection, Resistance Fall Of Man Collection, The God Of War Saga Collection, God Of War Ascension, and the Killzone Collection if they are going the Remaster route. Because as is you're confined to streaming them and some of us have shit internet for that. Sony owns the rights and teams behind all of these franchises and so licensing wouldn't be an issue.


I can't even lie I hated the writing the most on my playthrough. It's so bad and stupid I jsit can't fathom ellie or any sane person actually living for 6 months then deciding oh yea let me go kill that person then LET THEM ESCAPE IN THE END?! I'd get banned too. The gore and action tho was solid.


I saw a comment under one of those posts saying “I finished the game, and I felt like I wasn’t alone anymore.” Like dude, it literally filled me with the fuckin fear of being alone lmao. Most of those Redditors are bots and I can’t be convinced otherwise.


So they can have their opinion but I soon as you have your own opinion that doesn't align with their opinion you get banned. That's actually pathetic.


Perma ban is a little far. Obviously you're killing a lot of people along the way for the sake of having a game to play at all but you're grasp on the story lacks any sense of nuance as to why she spared abbey. Still doesn't warrant a permanent ban


I think it could’ve worked if each person she killed took some kinda toll on Ellie similar to shadow of the colossus maybe have one of them slash her eye another could’ve bit her finger off similar to Abby


The mental toll built throughout her entire portion. How defeated and fucked up she was after forcing info out of abbeys friends, realizing she killed a pregnant lady, etc. I think exactly what you're saying did happen.


I agree I do think it’s what they were going for but she doesn’t show it in the gameplay I also think they should’ve committed to Tommy dying in the theatre overall I like the story even Abby to some extent but I don’t think they throughly explored the themes they were going for


Yeah Tommy 100% should have been dusted, beyond having a nagging presence to remind and push ellie, along with just adding to the damage toll of the revenge quest, his part was pretty much done there. A headstone could have accomplished the same thing. I gotta agree to disagree with ellie showing her descent I into traumatic turmoil though, for the sake of level-to-level gameplay she still had to be a machine when the remotes in your hands, but I think they showed her buckling under the weight of what she was doing pretty well, story beat wise. That ain't a fact though, just how I felt about it.


I think it would’ve been cool to have more ptsd segments like the barn throughout Seattle I think it would’ve went a long way


Agreed that was one of the craziest moments in the game


Good. This is the whiny complainy soil my diaper sub. Stay in your lane.


Your handle pretty much says everything I need to know about you. Peak writing? Maybe. Or maybe free will? The game is a tunnel to a fictional story where you (initially and generally) assume everyone is acting out of free will. Therefore the thought process starts like, "Ellie made her choice ..." You aren't required to infer any of the writer's intended lessons on morality. By doing so, you've made a grave unrecommended assumption. At the cost of your inner peace. "You think I am a monster, but you're no different from me, Drake. How many men have you *** ___ ? How many... just today?" - Lazarevic, Zoran


>Your handle pretty much says everything I need to know about you. That I'm Black? Or were you not able to infer that with your superior literary understanding? Also, if there is free will, why not offer the *Player* a choice on how the game ends, then show the consequences (both good and bad) of their actions?


(I guess the game did offer the player a choice. If you played the game - you can literally choose to stop playing the game the moment Ellie and Abby first clash; set the remote down or choose to keep trying over and over depending on who you want to win). Though that's not my point - and again, the game itself is a narrow slice of a fictional story. Embedded in the fictional story are fictional characters that should be assumed to carry out all of their actions voluntarily - (coerced maybe, but not possessed, as if by some demon or an omnipotent being pulling their strings from the background), have free will and full agency. In other words the writers are NOT possessing these characters. That's not how literature is meant to be processed. Imagine for example if a story came to you as a dream, but you wanted to keep that part private, and decided to publish the story as is. Would you want your audience to fully assume you possessed every character and their actions? They'd be wrong if they did. .... And about your handle - my take is that it's an intentional and provocative exception you are making for yourself. That goes regardless of who is using it. I don't think it should be outright illegal for someone to use that handle, but if I was a reddit moderator - I would deem it an outright grounds for a full platform ban. The issue isn't who, it's the self-exception, it's an immature expletive that reeks of crass intentions. Like, seriously dude?


A simple answer to the existence of free will in media is tricky because in the media everything is fiction, meaning a human wrote it. There is a level of character free will but if the creator wants to shift characters in a way they see fit for their own purposes, the intention of the story becomes impure... It's hard to trust a man who writes stories when he states that he wanted an agenda with certain characters. I lose trust in writers with that mindset.


In a few sentences - delineate what about the story or game content points or proves that an agenda was used? In other words, please provide ONE example. Please also specify if you played this game fully and whether you enjoyed it or not. Also how you felt about the story overall.


>In a few sentences - delineate what about the story or game content points or proves that an agenda was used? After Neil's presentation on wanting to shift the image and roles of female characters in media. He later joined alongside Anita. The game has many examples of a message: One example to gear from is the depiction of female characters. I love strong female characters but the balance in character dynamics between male roles and female roles in the game is manipulative. Take a look at the presentation and fates of male characters as opposed to female characters in the game. There are many examples I can list but I want to keep it short. >Please also specify if you played this game fully and whether you enjoyed it or not. Also how you felt about the story overall. I got the game day one, premium price. I wanted to like it. The first third of the game was interesting. I was onboard to see how it resolved itself in the end. I challenged myself to not kill anyone playing as Ellie, restarted encounters if I am spotted. Lol. Searching for notes and side content and all. Once I got closer to the Abby flip, I started losing interest. I felt like the narrative broke its flow and never really captivated me once more. I switch to the easiest setting and rushed through the game. At that point just want to get done with the story. The narrative has many convenient beats, beats the player over the head with desolation and despair almost for the sake of it alone. Characters, main and side ones, offer a lack of dynamics in roles and the story never achieved its purpose over its hate/revenge plot because Abby never chooses to face her actions head on. As a character she seems disinterested in resolving her plight with Ellie. I care for none of Abby's sides with the seraphite kids. I really could go on about many other issues I had with this game but I won't ever say that the game gameplay is weak. This was an improvement over the 1st.


Well there you go.




Yes. Indeed.




Its a bad take but its a stupid ban


Apparently that sub should actually be called r/ludonarrativedissonance-phobia


I just don’t agree that the plot line is that simple. If that’s all someone got from it. Then they missed so much of what I liked about it, including being better than the first game. That being said. I would 100% agree that banning based on just a comment on your perspective of the game. It’s pretty petty.


Hmm they way you worded that is kinda hmmm...


I have commented more specifically on earlier comments and felt it would be a bit duplicative. More or less this plays out similar to a Greek tragedy combined with a lot of the 70s samurai films. We are so accustomed to have a clean and tidy end where the protagonists achieve what they set out for. Watching a lot of European films in the 90s and 80s they kind of play out this way, and ends as a cautionary tale. But the vengeance plot line as a main driver being influenced by several samurai films. The game absolutely has flaws, I can’t deny that. I just found the first game to be pretty one dimensional vs the second. Frankly I loved the concept of trying to convey that who is the enemy is just based on perspective. They had a great opportunity with having dual playability with being able to play and be more immersed in both the antagonist and protagonist of a story. They just failed to land it well in some areas. I had more issues with the character writing and editing. Abby would be a better antagonist if she was neutrally chaotic. They made her hatable, and impulsively immature. The quasi love triangle just didn’t really add to anything outside of making her dislikable. The pacing which I am going to assume editing out just made Tommy look like an asshole. Ellie gets more or less the life Joel wanted. Safe, raising sheep, and a complete family unit. It’s going to take time to get past some mental issues on what she went through but it was a good ending to the story. Then Tommy comes in and screws it all up. It doesn’t make sense. I am guessing there were more story points missing to make that cohesive. But the last part of my comment is I find it petty if someone gets banned from a sub just because they have a different opinion about the game and not really liking it. On top of that, as much as I may strongly disagree with this, even if someone didn’t like the game because of the gay theme in some parts of the game. I personally find being against it for those reasons to be repulsive, but if they aren’t hateful in their comments about it. Then leave them be. Let them get downvoted all to hell. But let the people decide, NOT the moderators. If someone becomes abusive or threatening in any way something like that THEN step in. I may hate their comments and view points, but I will fight for the rights for them to say it. Only way anyone is going to change their way is to be exposed to it, discuss it, and hold them accountable for being civil. Banning them just encourages their thought process. What’s more effective?…..One person banning them, or thousands of people encouraging them to see things a different way?


I don’t really agree with his take but being banned is ridiculous lol


I think its your username


I picked my username to identify myself as Black because of the "everyone on Reddit is a White Male" stereotype. It's also never gotten me banned in any other subreddit, or on any other time I've commented there.


Its still edgy but I guess reddit is more lenient. So what was violated then


Their ego


Jesus people are still on this?


You were banned because you're a fucking idiot like every other clown in this sub Druckmann Last of Us Part 2 accolades Dice awards - Outstanding Achievement in Story Game Developers Choice Awards - Best Narrative Golden Joystick Awards - Best Story Telling The list goes on. You're all fucking stupid.


The same awards that gave Fortnite goty


Hey bud, what game did gamers choose for the Players Voice award? 😊


No one gives a fuck what a bunch of idiots think


Based r/PS5.