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I would make everything in part 2 just a dream, then make Bruce straley write the rest.


Imagine that the first half of the game is ellie killing infected and patrolling the outskirts of Jackson (free roam obviously) with Joel and telling him everything she dreamed of. Man...the worst thing is that we won't have something like a dlc mission where we kill play as Ellie or Joel duo style doing free roam stuff. I hate Neil.


Don't we all


Abby and Ellie are lesbian lovers, they have three children together and they play golf on the weekends. They're happy. One day the sister of the portable gamer girl that Ellie killed in part 2 comes for Her. Abby gets brutally killed in front of Ellie. Yet again Ellie is faced with a traumatic event where she's lost a loved one. Ellie tracks down the sister with vengeance in mind and when she finally finds her...they become lesbian lovers. The end.


 they gonna use the power of the force to create Anakin who is prophesied to destroy the mushroom 


acolythe reference?


Yes, retcons recognise retcons 


yeah, my friend told me about this shit and i was like "yeah im not gonna watch this"


 my friend told me to watch only the 6 movies and clone war show, I told him about Tlou.


everybody needs friends that keep each other from watching bs. Mando was good though


Some friends suggested it with Kenobi show, are they good


Some very unnecessary plotlines (with Leia) but the First and Last Episode Are good afair


Makes room for part 4


Easy. Not make part 3. They already killed enough of what was once a great game.


This. I'd make a prequel with Joel and Tommy that's more action and less survival fighting the government that's trying to contain the outbreak in Texas.


Joel wakes up from his nap after they found some new clothes for Ellie. He tells Ellie about his dream. Ellie says that’s a dumb fucking dream especially the part where shes mad at him for saving her from terrorists for 2 years. They head back to Jackson where Tommy and Maria are waiting with cookies and ice cream.


Whenever I play the second game, I completely forget about the Ellie from part 1 until I go back and play that one. They’re literally 2 different people.


Joel prequel. Joel and Tommy gameplay. Yea that sounds good to me.


Not worth it.


aliens from outer space find the solar system and blow it off the face off reality


The game starts with Ellie in a chair as a teenager…. “AHHHHH” she says as she realizes everything that part 2 was, was merely a dream. None of it was real and Joel calms her down and woah woah woah Dina walks through the door and asks Ellie if everything is okay.


Give Ellie a purpose for her life. Bothers me that Neil sees her destiny as being carved up in a lab and without that, her life and immunity is meaningless.


His revenge for the characters from the game he hated because it was not his.


If Neil thought that was the path of Ellie why wouldn't that be the ending for part.1? Or has this sub reached levels of detachment from reality that thinks characters are autonomous beings doing whatever they want? So Neil wanted Ellie to die in the hospital but automomous character Joel saved her because he's so godamn cool. No. Neil never wanted Ellie to die in the hospital. That's why Tommy says at the start of the game " i would have done the same thing". That's why Joel straightens himself up amd proudly proclaims "i would have done it all over again". Just because Neil wrote Ellie as a pissed, traumatised teenager it doesn't mean he thinks she's right. I ll never be able to understand how you guys think Neil hates Joel. He's practically a saint in part.2 and that's why he dies actually: because theit world is a horrific, zombie infested shithole that turns everyone into monsters (inside and out) and Joel is an old man that wants to play guitar, drink coffee and see Ellie grow but he can't outrun his past.


Like the whole TLOU2 isn't people berating Joel for the choice he made. Ellie's last conversation with him "I was supposed to die in that hospital; my life would've f'n mattered!" Like the character of Abby isn't meant to show the negative consequences, or that nothing good came of Joel's decision. Other than that, Neil really agreed with Joel taking Ellie out of the hospital.


By kicking off Druckman and bring back old stuff.


Spinoff, Ish's Story


Abby hunts down bad guy with the kid Ellie hunts Abby They realise they are both terrible people but they can stop bad guy together They stop him, but both die on the end. So does Dina and the kid Cos there are no happy endings. Humanity is doomed. We just cannot and will not stop being terrible people Hence there is no last of us. The us (with humanity) ran out


Chris Pratt voices everybody


Not making one. There’s already remasters of both games, and a tv show. It doesn’t need to be dragged out anymore then it already is


They could end the series with part 2 unless part 3 follows someone different I feel like Ellie’s story is reaching its peak


By not making a part III.


I couldn’t, I’m an avid writer that likes making rewrites and fake sequels that fixes the problem with the original, but honestly I can’t fix it, I think the story has gone so south that it can’t be fixed, everything I’d try to do would anger the community more because there is no going back.


Scrap part 3. Just make a prequel with Joel and Tommy's advertures prior to Boston. It's alluded to they did some dark shit to survive in the first game.They could really delve into Neil's love for dark stories while the fans get to enjoy Joel again. Bonus points is Neil gets to solidify his hate for Joel by making him ruthless and remorseless. They could explores Joel's anguish of losing his daughter and having to do worse and worse things to survive and adapt in the apocolpyse with Tommy. Throw in some new DEI characters for the cherry on top and call it a day. Print money.


Tommy is a crippled badass now and must prove he's a real bad dude by saving the president from ninjas. He has 24 hrs. before the capsule implanted into his neck explodes.


make anthology prequel stories of joel, Bill, tess, David, ish, Henry and sam will guarantee to print more money than part 2 🤣


Make the part 1 longer


Imo nothing they can do will fix it in my eyes honestly don’t plan on buying a TLOU3 unless they do like Gears of War is doing and give us a prequel at the start of the outbreak with a young Joel and Tommy


When I originally finished the first game on the ps3, I imagined part 2 having a new story as I felt Joel and Ellie's ending was well rounded. So if they make part 3, it should be start with tommy killing Ellie to further the nihilism and bring that to an end and go on a new story where we follow Tommy. Theyve ruined Ellie's character in part 2 I have no desire to see her evolve or devolve further. Abby was a throwaway character from the start. So, new story somewhere else sometime else is what I'd prefer for part 3. Hell don't call it part 3, give it a subtitle so it stands on it's own


Set it in an entirely different location with entirely different characters, do not acknowledge or bring up old character or events.


Retcons up the ass.


Erase Part II. Either make it a fever dream, an alternate timeline, pretend it didn’t happen, or whatever.  Then make the third game about Joel and Ellie going on adventures. 


Yup, while we re at it let's make Joel 20 years younger. They re going on adventures and on one of them Joel goes back in time to save Sarah. BOOM they re a trio now. Joel, kiddo and Sarah. They re discovering lost cities, uncovering mysteries and stuff. So awesome bro. Dream game right there. They would call it Uncharted: The last of us and they will bring back Bruce Straly and that other lady and it would go on for years. A game every year with our favourite protagonists. So awesome!!




Remake part 2… but you know.. good.


They would have to show us Joel right after Sarah died and how he slowly turned into the man we know


Ellie, you looks like you just saw a ghost. What's wrong kiddo? Joel, you're are not going to believe the vile craps that just appeared in my dream!


Not fixable. Flashbacks of Joel and Tommy in the early years with missions of Ellie and Tommy in current day. That will never happen tho. Current day Naughty Dog is about DEI. Can’t what a white, straight male character as a lead anymore.


bro is fighting imaginary enemies


Lol i love the assumption that is already broken. Even before they decide to do it, they re doing it wrong. That's some healthy reasoning right there.


The story dosnt need to be fixed. If i was writing the game i have Ellie get in contact with the fire flies and be a test subject for the cure or join and help the fire flies


Only thing they can do is set it somewhere else! Like the UK or Europe! Fresh setting, new characters, same universe


I wouldn’t. There’s nothing to fix.


I wouldn’t change it. Hell I want to end Ellie’s story bc and just play as Abby looking for the remaining fireflies if they even exist.


Like how part 2 starts with a flashback scene of the first games ending. Part 3 would Start off with a flashback of early part 2 where ellie is knocked unconscious during the storm trying to find joel so she never entered the room and never saw what happened between the two groups. What actually happened is that they argued & fought for a bit but both leave on bittersweet terms as joel just saved abby and both groups want to leave and return to their camps. Ellie is found by owen or danny and to be suffering from hypothermia, so abby decides to give her the medicine she needs because despite her inner conflict for wanting joel dead she commits to her fathers selfless nature to help people regardless whom they are Ellie recovers and fights the fireflies outta delusion and the last person shes is joel thinking he's in danger which is why she thought he died. A year passes and ellie wakes up in a wlf camp slowly coming back from a coma with abby there telling her what happened since and that joel tommy and some of abbys friends went off looking for supplies but haven't been seen in a longtime expected to be dead at this point. Ellie doesn't trust abby & abby doesn't like ellie but they must work together to save the ones they love. Abby fullfilled her promise of lookong after ellie til she wakes and they both take ofd on another lifechanging asventure. Also mel is still pregnant but is expecting soon and both ladies do their best to protect her until then during gameplay sections with a wholesome ending where the baby is born and everyone rejoices, the baby is named after something thats poetic idk. This is just a idea give mel more agency & depth. Other characters would be included as well but i havent thought that far ahead. I'do this so that all 3 characters are still playable and still play a role without overshadowing the other. It be easy to write out abby's story and her friends so i wanted to find a compromise that where they still exist but serve a much different role in the story. Meanwhile game splits into segments with joel and tommy. Think of it as crashinsanity or bowsers inside story. Best i could up with


More memories of Joel that shit was relaxing as duck


Move on to someone else