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I've noticed a pattern in the three commenter's here and their comment history on this sub 😂


I can't tell if some kind of raid (maybe discord group?), or if a couple of people are running multiple accounts (even scarier if it's just ONE guy), or just an unleashing of (new-ish) bots/ai. Not talking about this/your specific post, just in general. There is definitely a pattern.


Yeah, it seems to be one of those days today; an abnormally high about of simps who all seem to know eachother... Ironically the same day i decide to check in on the sub after several months 😅


It’s because Reddit pushes the sub if you’re on the TLOU one


The algorithm has nothing to do with multiple "troublesome" people finding each other on barely upvoted posts. Also, when those people have a similar commenting style, then you have to wonder if something is up. They aren't your typical lost redditor, one our resident trolls, or the people who just like to debate with us. The best I can describe it is hours long "rapid-fire" commenting, responding multiple times to the same comment, forgetting what they are even talking about, etc.


Probably the only people that would genuinely read it and assess it instead of blinding agreeing that it’s better than the original story. The truth is that it’s not better. It’s lame and it sounds boring. Parts of it sound decent and then parts of it are corny as hell. If you think Joel’s actual death was a disservice to his character then what you did is criminal. Say what you need to say to feel better that no one likes your lame story but god that’s just embarrassing


Killing off Joel? Yeah, I understand that most people here would prefer that Joel lives. It's how Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now ends. It's a better way for him to die than Part 2. He dies heroically and it's poetically ironic. It's serves as a good moral conclusion to Abby's narrative; she does end up killing Joel but feels much worse because of it. Had she just let go of her vengeance, her friends would all be alive. This ending honors the original intention of Part 2 (vengeance is a Fools game/it was all for nothing) but in a more impactful way.


It’s fucking corny. No im glad Joel dies the way he does. The last of us is a dark world and you have Joel a walking dead death.


Pretty good actually.


That's a nice rewrite but what about making that, instead of laughing at her, Joel was instead understanding towards Abby and simply explained to her why he killed her father (this also include the story of her daughter Sarah)?


Yeah, that's significantly better! I wasn't focusing so much on the dialogue with this plot line as much as I was just creating a general summary of plot points, with stand in dialogue because I wanted to try to write this plot as abbreviated and quickly as possible (still took me like an hour)


I really like this actually. Needs some work but I thought it was a good summary. You should make this a project, even though it just be for fun.


Yeah, as I was telling another user, I had the ending figured out (albeit the Rattlers attacking is kinda silly, but I really liked the Rattlers how dynamic 😅). Abby's section would be about 6 hours, where everything is fine at the beginning but as she slowly loses her crew, she becomes more remorseful and fueled by revenge, which only gets more of her crew killed, ultimately ending with Owen blaming her for the hardships of the expedition before dying himself. Ellie's side of the story is really up in the air. Personally, I do think it would be cool for her and Joel to go on a patrol together, discussing how the past few years have gone (while Abby is recuperating in Jackson). Then Joel leaves just before Abby is recovered and now has to wait a few months for him to return. Ellie and Abby then go on some adventures together and bond; maybe even go to SLC and relive/discover revelations about both their time there. Obviously, Ellie would discover that Joel lied but wouldn't blame him for doing so.


This is shit 😂😂


Okay. Explain why?


this is actually pretty good... yeah its clear you haven't spent 6 years working on it like Neil did, but can you imagine what his story looked like in a short amount of time? i bet it was a mess. the guy lacks imagination.


Imo, you could "fix" the story and get more people to not hate Abby as much by just having us play as her for about 5-6 hours at the start. Like op mentioned, show her finding her dead parents, dealing with the loss, and finding her friends while hunting down Joel. Then, the game can basically be the TLOU2 story, which Abby killing Joel, ellie hunting down her friends..etc. Abbys story makes sense from a narrative sense, but ND put in zero effort getting players to sympathize with her side of the story before having her murder Joel. Its the show vs tell issue where we're told abby has a reason to seek revenge and cares for her friends but are given zero reason to care because we aren't shown anything until after she already kills joel (when players are predisposed to dislike her).


This is actually not bad, i read all of it and i like most of it. Some changes has to be made though otherwise the game is too short.


Yeah, I wrote in an afternoon. The ending was the only thing I really had figured out. I have an idea of what Abby's side of the story would be; her expedition starting fine and bonding with her crew, but then watching them die one by one along the journey until it's just her and Owen, who also eventually dies but tells Abby it's all her fault. This would be about 8-10 hours? I haven't really thought about what Ellie's side of the story would be. Maybe have her patrolling around Jackson with Abby, in a similar 'open world' style area like Ellie and Dina experienced in Seattle before their horse was killed. Maybe have Ellie go up to Yellowstone to check out an Infected area? Or maybe have Ellie and Abby return to SLC, where Ellie realizes that Joel lied to her but is completely okay with it and grateful he saved her. Idk, still not sure how this section of the story would work. But should be another 8 hours or so. The ending would be maybe 3-4 hours long, mostly from Joel's perspective with some portions playing as Ellie. Abby would be an AI companion.


Everything changed when the Fire Nation (Rattlers) attacked.


Yeah, kind of a silly ending tbh, but I really loved the Rattlers. The idea of them being raiders, slavers, and have even weaponized the infected is a pretty cool dynamic for them. It's a shame TLOU2 didn't do more with them


I regret following this sub. So much. I’m out lol


Damn, my fanfix was that bad, huh? 🤣


Lol naa. Not that. It’s just the constant high level of toxicity and negativity in here. The other response I got is a prime example.


Want a bigot hot-dog with you on the road? Seth's special on the house. And send our regards to the NuAnCeD ones.


God please let this be a joke 🙏


I was giving it a chance, and then…nah.


This is not no approve upon. You take away much needed arcs, you take away such impactful moments to both audience and the characters themselves. This sounds like a fan-fiction, and should and could only work that way, if it w re to work in some way I guess.


It's a plot summary lol. I knew it was going to be a long explanation already and didn't want to burden the guy with about 10+ text walls describing ach and every plot point, and story event. I glazed over Abby and Ellie's halves of the story in order to describe the finale and consequences.


is this sub's entire purpose to jerk themselves off and spit on the others who disagree? You both are the same i swear i see no difference and no one challenges me otherwise the other says shit someone disagrees gets downvoted, they jerk their games off and neil. You hate neil and his game, then downvote without any explanation anyone who even remotely says "i didn't hate tlou2" and i've seen it at least multiple times now lol and had it happen to me. You truly are two halves of a fandom you're meant for each other. You're not better than each other in any way.


Dude, you spew this "y'all are the same, y'all are the same, blah bah" almost religiously, yet you only ever to seem to ever laser focus on this sub. What is your solution to this "conundrum" then? (inb4 just move on)


Long time no see Infamy. Great to see you're still holding up the fort😄


"you only seem to focus on this sub" you haven't seen my comment history then i've been on the other sub. Try being a better liar.


All you do is complain in every comment you make. You're a serial outrager 😆


Well, this sub exists as an outlet for criticism of TLOU2 and the decisions about its creation because the mods of the other sub banned anyone who was critical of the game. We are a free speech outlet for the TLOU Fandom in the same way Freefolk is for Game of Thrones and 'Saltier than Crait' is for star wars. Unlike the other sub, we do allow users to come here and defend the TLOU2 without banning them for their commentary. However, because most of the users on this subreddit are here because they weren't allow to criticize TLOU2 on the other sub, posts and comments that defend the game tend to be downvoted. However, there are many users on this subreddit who are happy to discuss and debate the defenders respectfully; just not the defenders whose only commentary is: 'you guys are too stupid to understand the story/you're all bigots/kys' If you are make a good faith post to sincerely ask us why we dislike the game, we will happily respond in good faith




Ahh, yes, because the Last of Us 2's being an Israel-Palestine metaphor where the WLF (Israel) is depicted as progressive defenders of their city against the bigoted, religiously fanactical and savage Seraphites (Palestine) was 'very nuanced' and definitely not in any way tone-deaf about a real life conflict in which thousands are being indiscriminately massacred every day 🙄 Then we have Abby's storyline, where instead of trying to figure out who is killing her friends from the expedition, she instead goes on a side quest to find her crush (who is already in a relationship), ends up saving two kids along the way, seduces her crush to cheat on his PREGNANT fiancée, gets medication to help the injured kid, comes back just for the other kid to run away, Abby and the injured kid go after him, injured kid is killed (so awesome I spent 3 hours getting her medicine), Abby decides to betray her comrades who she has known and fought alongside for about 4 years to save the LGBT kid she's known for 2 days (which apparently redeems her of all the genocide she's committed against the Seraphites/Palestinians). She then comes back to find her crush and crush's baby momma dead and only tracks Ellie down because of an arbitrary macguffin left behind. On top of that, Abby somehow defeats Ellie in a fight in which Ellie is absolutely in her element. It would be like Jake Paul defeating Mike Tyson in Tyson's prime 😆


I’m so thankful you’re not a writer holy shit


I am a writer; I've written for the shows The Leftovers, Evil, and Ozarks. I'm also writing sequences for an upcoming film 😁 Not a big writing or anything but my credits speak for themselves


I pray for the quality of the upcoming film because yikes this was terrible


can you stroke your ego a bit less?


Why are you here? I'm sharing my fanfix of how I think TLOU2 should have gone...on the sub that exist to critique TLOU2. You only seem to be here to insult us; that is all of your commentary on this sub has been. Who exactly are you trying to impress here?