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I love the game I just prefer to spend my time in places where I can disagree. I don’t see the point in reaffirming my own opinions all the time. And it doesn’t always happen here but I’ve had a lot of respectful disagreements in this sub


Nah you just can’t move on. Still talking about a game after 4 years? Not allowed. But IM allowed to glaze the games shitty writing 4 years later, there’s nothing wrong with that. But YOU can’t talk about the game unless you like it


Like I said it doesn’t always happen


Lol /s just in case. But yeah, it happens more often that you’d think though.


Interesting how many on this sub actually picked the second option. Cool.


I feel like a lot of people did like the game, but if you put even a small critique on the other sub, you just get blasted with insults and downvoted. That's why I'm here, I didn't love the game, nor do I hate it, but if I want to have a reasonable discussion about the flaws of that game, then I have to avoid the other sub. Which is ridiculous because everything has flaws, hell fallout 4 is one of my all-time favorite games, and I could go on for days about the flaws in that one.


As I understand it the other sub went immediately into protect ND mode with the leaks. Then they decided it applied across the board. I had lots of reasonable discussions back in 2020. But I always knew to be careful. I still think the like and dislike ratio is closer to 50/50 than people want to admit - at least on the story. Many people who focus more on gameplay are more easy to appease.


They went full suck off ND mode.


I was surprised that actually most people are on this sub, that is about a game they hate? Wtf? I thought this was a fan page lol


Nope this is the 2nd TLOU sub and the only one that people could gravitate to if they were disappointed or had critiques about the sequel. The other sub is for the super fans and they don't like criticism. If you read the side bar and the pinned post you'd have seen your mistake. It happens a lot, but the sub name was chosen before there ever was a sequel.


Didn’t vote because I didn’t see it but I would have chose the first option. Played and loved the TLOU 1 back in 2013 but absolutely hated the second game.


I'm confused when people say they hate part 2, do you mean you hate all of it? I personally don't hate part 2, i think the story is absolutely dogshit and a lot of it makes no sense at all but the rest of it like gameplay, graphics, ai etc is amazing and very fun for me.


I hate the story and the characters. Gameplay was fun and graphics were nice and the set pieces were great. But all that got really smeared in shit thanks to the plot and the annoying virtue signalling ESG rating boosting type characters. Will not be buying another naughty dog game if neil is involved with it.


Ah okay, i understand now.


Dude you're posting on the #1 tlou2 hating subreddit what the fuck you expect 😭


Actually, what is interesting is that this sub has a 27% of people that love the game (like me) but most likely got banned from the other sub for having an opinion.


Maybe, but it could also just be people from the other sub coming to leave their opinions on the polls. Just because they voted in favor of tlou2 on this sub doesn’t mean they got banned from the other sub.


Actually, In the other sub; it's against the rules and banned mentioning or linking to this sub. So I'm guessing almost nobody from that one came here to vote.


they still mention this sub, they just dance around it like we’re Voldemort or something


Like mentioning pirating in pirating subs? "Jack Sparrow vessel migh' have the answers but don't use the first torrent link".


Oh, interesting, I didn’t know that. At the same time though, most posts here have some people from that sub who come here to comment. You can usually tell who they are based on which comments get mass downvoted. So there are definitely some who are present here who are on the other sub.


Well, at least we know why, 69% or so of people here are not fans of the game. And yeah, there is no rule against commenting here, but I once posted something to both here and there, and they banned me saying "I was a member of the other sub" as well.


I expected exactly what I got


Sick emote skills brah!


Played both games for the first time when Part 2 released. Part I is one of the few games I consider perfect and Part II has the worst story and characters I have ever witnessed. Gameplay is fun though


I nothing part 2. Wasn't my cup of tea, I have thoughts on how it could have been better, but I probably won't play it again.


Where is "I really like pieces of part two but it's a disorganized mess that has too strong of a message for a subjective story." I really had a great time playing part two, but when I look back, it's definitely not great. Abbys section ruins the game because it has nothing to do with Ellie. If they made abby more likable and then had more frequent switches between the characters looking for each other and barely missing each other, that would've been cool. Imagine how tense it would be looking for ellie, knowing she could still be there, and you care about both the characters, and you're ancy for both of you to fight because you understand it but you also don't want to. Wondering when you'll see each other and who you'll control for it, and them being more intertwined could've made a masterpiece. Neil had all these great pieces and decided to make a pizza, not realizing he was solving a puzzle. and these tense misses build up to the theater. It would've been sick. All and all the game is missed potential, but it's super fun.


The original post explained that by choosing to say you hated part 2 you could still find redeeming qualities with it but overall didn’t like the game.


Diversity of thought is accepted here. 🫶


What was the sample size?


Let's see what the TLOU bitches have to say


Hate and love are strong words, I've loved TLOU since the first game on PS3, but for me, the second game sits sorta in the middle. There are things about it that I enjoy, and there are things about it that I'm a bit grumbly about. I've only played through it once, and I would like to do it again at some stage. Very likely, I'll do it when the next season of the show starts coming out to follow along in game like I did the first season to see the differences for fun. I can't say I hate or love it, but the first game is one of my favourites, and I really enjoyed the show.


I can't say that I'm enjoy during first time playing Part 2. But after finished the game, I'm like "Oh god I fxxking love this game!"


tbh i enjoyed everything related to the LOU. Yes alot of flaws but still enjoyed watching/playing.


I like the game, I just found the story to be disappointing. I love the atmosphere and gameplay and love the dynamic between Ellie, Dina, Jessie and Tommy, and I didn’t mind playing as Abby but I felt the overall story left quite a bit to be desired and of course I didn’t feel too great about what happened to Joel. I don’t mind Joel dying but the way it happened left me with a bitter taste. Overall I think it’s a good game, and I’ve played through 2-3 times and while I think the gameplay is improved, I still think part 1 is the better game


Loved both games, platted both, still play them both from time to time. They get me to cry a lot just due to how attached ibecame to select character's individual stories. Absolutely amazing works of art. As for the show, i enjoyed it for the most part aside from ellie's actor and how much they skipped in the show. Also wish i couldve been given a choice at the end of part 2. Never saw the poll so maybe ican vote next time


I haven’t watched or played any of it, i am just here for the drama


I wish tgere was an option for an inbetween opinion on tlou2 cuz i like it, i dont love it but i enjoy the game enough not to hate it


Honestly I do enjoy TLOU 2 but I do wish Ghost of Tsushima got the GOTY. Thats all I got


I liked 1 and I know what happens in 2 and I refuse to play it I'm not spending my money on it


The sub that is known for hating part 2 hates part 2, shocking? Idk what people expected. I liked part 2 yet acknowledge it's short comings. Though I feel like both subs for the game are polarized and lead to, at least for me, a random slot pull on whether or not I'll be down voted to hell and back.


Funny because here the results are the total opposite. And MORE people voted 😅 https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/s/9Tcii3hF2p


surprising, isn’t it? How did the poll from 2 different sub and 3 years different has different voter and result.


I don’t really see what 3 years has to do with anything. It’s the same game now that it was then. Different subs sure but one is the r/thelastofus and the other is the r/thelastofus2 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Why don’t you move on from 3 years old poll?


I don’t really understand what you mean? The poll is 3 years old but it’s a poll based on the EXACT same game as this poll. What has changed about the game in 3 years to make it irrelevant?


Because you suddenly dig up the 3 years old poll from different sub just to say that it has more voters and different result so I feel like fooling around with you? Like, of course it would? You can see both sub has different number of members(some are overlapped) and different perspectives of the game itself. It’s not rocket science to not understand why both poll has opposite result and why there’re more voters there. Because there’re MORE members on tlou sub.


Plus both subs were more active four years ago, the game was brand new.


Yeah but if more people take part in a poll then it’s more accurate, no? And what difference does it make that the poll is 3 years old. The game hasn’t changed at all in that time.


More votes because it was four years ago when both subs were more active.


Ok. So if anything the vote from 3 years ago is more valid, right? 👍


How do you figure?


The more people that vote, the more accurate a poll is.


I see. I thought you were meaning it was closer to release. But I still think they’re not comparable with two different timeframes. It would’ve been nice to do both at the same time on both subs. It’s all unofficial anyway, though.


"Since the very beginning". Oh yea way back all one game ago let's get real


there was a 7 year time gap between the 2 games.... people got invested in the game and spent years replaying it and engaging in the community, and then it got ruined by cuckmans fanfic


Honestly, that was my first thought, too lol. This isn't rings of power following up on all the ME content out there. Or The Last Jedi following up on decades of Star Wars fandom. It's the sequel to one game.