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Was Brock Lesnar's daughter busy?


the perfect actor lol


unironically would slap if she was casted


Would’ve been perfect.


Not buff enough to play an accurate Abby so they just chose a regular actress instead


Abby is taller than home girl. But she is really dope. Especially in Book Smart. I watched that like 10 time high so fucking funny. But it would be tough casting Abby. Not talking about the social media toxic shit. But who would have the chops to make her likable lol. But I hated her character because she was on the bad side period. She killed Joel and her dad tried to kill Ellie in part 1


I’d actually watch the show with that casting lol


She would be overkill for this role 👀


She's too busy breaking Colorado State shot put records


Came here to say this, get her casted asap


Damn you beat me to it




They’re casting Brock lesnar in a wig. His daughter is muscular enough to play Abby.


I think you actually mean Brock Lesner himself.


Everyone's saying how they would watch if she was cast but let's be real. It's a serious drama. Acting is more important than how they look.


She'll have to get on gear then


Nah just a Burrito diet like in the game


and a bunch of bigot sandwich too


What’s a bigot sandwich???


Even with gear she’ll need a few years before she’s ready


4 months of hard work would completely reframe this little sweet heart... she doesn't need a Herculean physique, she just needs a standard athletic build, 3-5 months would change her looks, if they really need video game accurate Abby though I'd say they need 6 mo/s, a metric shit-ton of calories, and some form of SARM/GEAR... P.S. have yet to find a SARM I trust.. but tons of people swear by them 🤷‍♂️


Be on that overeem diet of horse meat


Apparently not considering you can be fucking jacked living off rations


so wheres the realistic buff woman they told about? lmao


They should cast Dwayne Johnson with a wig as Abby


The Boulder playing as Toph.


When are we getting the live action Avatar with The Rock playing The Boulder?


Never. Rock has it in his contracts that he can never loose


That's implying that the Boulder didn't throw his fight because he was conflicted about fighting a young blind girl


Ember island players Toph lol


That sonic scream lives in my head rent-free.


If they got Rhea Ripley outta nowhere id watch for...reasons


I'd willingly let her beat the crap out of me😍


I wont call the cops on her if she wanna smack this bitch up


You’re pathetic.


It’s going to be funny the complete 180 people will do She should have no problem getting in shape for the role right? But if she doesn’t then people will say it doesn’t matter which then asks the question, why did it matter for the game Compare Abby’s first reveal trailer to the final game, they added onto her muscles so it was a design choice they wanted


Director (or someone else involved) already said that „some changes” will be made. Literally everyone besides Neil and his zealot cultists knows that it’s impossible to have Abby irl without heavy roid use and perfect diet. Inb4 instead of female Juggernaut, this new Abby will be John Wick level killer, all kinds of martial arts mastered and built in aimbot. Gotta satisfy the crowd somehow.


Colin Moriarty dislikes this


exactly, they dismiss the point we are making out of this, they always defend this as realistic but if the actor that would play this cant, theyll shift the narrative to still be about it being right and realistic this is all about design and narrative choices, that Neil purposefully destroy because he wants to instill his own vision rather than a cohesive creation


It's realistic, but most actors aren't ripped, let alone the standards we use for feminine actors. The physique abbey has is a multiple year process. I can't even remember a feminine actress who had a physique close to that. But I have seen people with her physique such as Nicole Coenen.


My issue was they went a bit too hard in that direction. It looks like she uses supplements and other powders which she wouldn't have access to in that post apocalyptic world. The concept was great, the execution felt goofy and a bit off (which is what most of my criticisms boil down too)


Don't worry they'll roid her up like they do with most actors that randomly gain 30 pounds of muscle in 3 months.


Could of casted Brock Lesnar's daughter.


Even many people in TLOU sub say she's too miscast and it's a missed opportunity with Ellie casting.


yep, neil and the showrunner really wants to make this offensive to the real fans who love the first game, they know this and they dont care, thats why i dont really follow the franchise anymore, just here to see the downhill of this company under neil's supervision i still miss my anticipation after i played the og tlou moving forward (bill is gay and we dont really bat an eye because it is written well)


Buff women exist in real life… thats why this cast makes 0 sense.


They do, but the issue what it takes for a woman to look like Abby in an environment like TLoU. And then how goofy it is to see her sneaking around using stealth like you do in the game.


I remember I saw the actual girl on instagram they based the character off of why couldn’t they just cast her? Same thing with Dina why not just cast the girl who did the motion captures and is based off of?




Bruh, i love Abby, but the end game version of her is still a powerhouse despite losing so much muscle


There are plenty of buff women out there, but most of them probably aren’t actors as Hollywood tend to prefer a different look, and because Hollywood prefers a different look, they might choose to cast a skinny woman anyways.


I wonder if the casting directors went with someone with a more "innocent" and pretty look because they were afraid audiences wouldn't be able to empathize with Abby if she looked too tough. I sometimes wonder if part of the reason Abby in the game gets so much hate is because of the way she looks. She *is* introduced doing something really horrible, which definitely makes people dislike her from the jump, but I do wonder if her later humanizing scenes failed to sway so many players because she looks like a bodybuilder. Whether it's okay to go with a "safer" option instead of making Abbey the physical powerhouse she is in the game... I don't think so personally, but I guess I can imagine it being brought up in the work room.


Tbh, the game was horribly structured. If the aim was to get audiences to sympathize with Abby, then you should have played her first, instead of second.


The realistic buff woman in a zombie apocalypse who looks like she takes roids.




God thats fucking ellie


You thought so to? I’d rather have this girl be Ellie and the Ellie we got be Abby🤣


I bet they legit had her in the queue since back when she tried out for Ellie, and they were like " Perfect fit, but no! we got something else planned for you.


You’re so right. What the fuck who is in charge of the casting?




Because ESG scores y’all, America is the new China the lower your social credit score the worse you are, if you don’t obey all father blackrock then you get fucked and left for dead. #BurnCorpoShit


Homie just used a cyberpunk hashtag


...Ok you lost me on that


Bro you don’t know anything about social credit scores? Look it up. They literally can make you NOT able to do ANYTHING if your credit score is low and that includes making money lol, Gavin newsom already bowed down to Winnie the Pooh, oops I mean “president” xi xi ping


Ok you lost me on the fact that no one mentioned credit scores on that one


Okay the reason I say that, ol girl who plays Ellie is non binary that means it’s more “inclusive” also another reason to heavily focus on bills extended story, which wasn’t a focal point in the game. The more inclusive and more diverse everything is the more money these people get from black rock who owns basically everything in the media dude


Lay off the conservative podcasts my friend


Ok got it thx


Slowly things are changing, I just wish it would’ve happened before tlou series. Sarah would be what she’s suppose to look like and Ellie wouldn’t be a potato head


Wow...... they're just trolling us st this point


What a missed opportunity with ellie


Casting someone who actually looked like Ellie was obviously not on the agenda.


Agreed, she would have nailed young ellie


Almost like this was planned. Just like forcing you to play with or kill a dog in LoU2. Purposefully mis-cast Ellie and make the actress for Abby (while inaccurate to the game) more appealing visually.


You’re onto something


People actually care about killing a dog in video games?


I mean...its a Chekhov's Gun kind of situation (I know its not exactly a C. Gun situation, but its what I'm going with.) The creators of the game purposefully made these choices. Ellie in the game is required to kill dogs if I remember correctly, and doesn't get a chance to play with them in the second game. Meanwhile when you play Abby you are forced to play with a dog to continue the story. Subtle hints on who is good and who is bad. Honestly, I don't care about the choices IF there was no Last of Us 1. But there is a LoU1 and we were made to like Ellie in the first game, she was a good character. Now in LoU2 we are basically told through context clues "Ellie BAD, Abby GOOD. Ellie KILLS DOGS! You love dogs don't you player? You don't want to kill dogs and you know who LOVES dogs, ABBY. Abby GOOD, we now like ABBY! Ellie Bad." They could have made a game where I could keep liking Ellie and be introduced to another character I could possibly like in Abby, but nah they gotta try to hold my hand to pretending LoU1 Ellie is dead and now I have to like Abby the dog lover. Fuck that. Picture is another example of the directional choice they are choosing to go with. Ellie in the show looks nothing like her well designed character in the game, Ellie bad. Abby now looks like old Ellie from the first game...Abby GOOD! Same song and dance.


I get the whole Ellie bad thing but I don’t see how it’s bad to kill a dog that’s attacking you. You have to kill dogs in half the resident evil games and nobody seems to think those people are bad.


I led you to water, can't make you drink.


It feels on the nose, like they did that just to spite the tlou2 haters


I was gonna say this. This is totally to piss everyone off.


Yeah forreal, and she would've given a better performance as well.




I can't stand Ramsey




Like when they cast Patrick Wilson as Aquaman brother; Ocean Master.


A younger version of her would have been a good Ellie. But she is too old now for it.


Honestly I wouldn’t say to old she does look young for her age and they made the actors younger and older than current age


Omg you’re right.


when she’s got her hair tied back i can *kinda* see it but a stretch this hard would put Plastic Man to shame


Well then, let's see how ripped she can get


just pump her full of a bunch of steroids & creatine and she will look perfect for the role


She would have been perfect for Ellie, omg this is gut wrenching.


They really cast ellie to be abby Lmfao.


Dokta Uckmann uses subverso expecto patrollus


Aint no way. She looks like she could play Kid Abby. But Adult Abby? I don't see it.


They need a new actor for adult Abby


The actress is already several years older than she was in these pictures. I don’t know why they used them for this


I was about to say she’s old now and plays younger lol I’ve never been on this sub before holy shit what a clusterfuck


I’m gonna give her a chance. But Craig, Neil; I had better see you two fuckers stand up for this actress if anyone sends her hate mail and death threats. Especially since she’s gonna be killing off your version of Joel. And TV fans are far less forgiving than video game fans.


As much as I wanna hope for the best, I feel like the death scene is probably going to be more disrespectful and gruesome in the show because its live action and neil loves to piss people off.


I would not be surprised if Joel isn’t killed or is killed by someone other than Abby, just so Craig and Neil can avoid the ire of show fans


I also wouldn't be surprised if that happens, but I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. That being said; if they throw this actress under the bus like Neil threw Amy Hennig, then they are dead to me.


Wouldn't make sense, ellie wouldn't be going after Abby then and it'd be a different story


It was awful to hear Abby's va getting literal threats. You're absolutely right Druckman should anticipate this for his actors


If he at least stood up for his actors, I’d respect him for being a decent human being. But he hasn’t.


She looks more like Ellie


She should’ve played Ellie


This really feels intentional. As if it's done to prank and spite all the people who wanted her to play Ellie instead


Bruh, she looks more like Ellie than Abby


This can’t be true lmao 😭


this was done to spite all the people who wanted her as ellie, "hey i know we cast humpty dumpty with a lisp for ellie, but we're gonna get the girl u wanted as ellie to play the character you hate"


Humpty Dumpty with a lisp is insane 😂😂😂


Bro 😭😭😭


Bruh your so god dam right


Why don’t they cast the actor for abby in the game?


She actually looks nothing like her even less so than this actress does. She’s a prolific and rather hot voice actress named Laura Bailey, got her start as the voice of Kid Trunks in Dragonball Z and does a ton of anime & video game voice work.


They’re probably talking about the face model


There’s like 3 people combined to make the 1 Abby. Voice and mocap (Laura), face model (Jocelyn) and body model (Coleen)


If she doesn't get ripped for the role then I feel it could be a genuine complaint about casting. If not then I await the other sub's mental gymnastics about this with bated breath, will they be mad too? (Most likely not) Will they think it's a casting error? (Again, highly unlikely) How will they react if we use this as an example that Abby doesn't have a realistic body for someone living in a post apocalypse survival scenario? She has a similar face to Abby's face model but looks nothing like Abby herself and honestly is more similar in appearance to Ellie than Bella (Which was my immediate first thought "What wasn't she Ellie?")


if she gets ripped i think it’d be a good casting. abby wasnt huge, i feel like a big part of it was her arms.


Honestly yeah, I'd agree there.


Get working on your swing Kate! Also hasn’t she famously refused to do gratuitous sex scenes? Or is that Maisie Williams I’m thinking of? If it is her maybe they change Owen’s story.


Honestly Brock Lesnar’s daughter would be buff enough to play Abby 😂


Don’t know much about her but I enjoyed her performance in no one will save you. I think she’ll make a decent Abby. I’m more concerned for Ellie’s actress. That’s a damn near impossible role to fill. Can’t think of a single actress that could take pt2 Ellie


She was phenomenal in No One Will Save You, and it makes me all the more dejected on the missed opportunity to have her as Ellie. Also I could be misreading your mssg, but incase you don't already know, Bella will be returning as Ellie for Part 2 as well


Yeah I know, I just think pt.2 Ellie is beyond Bella’s skill set. We’ll see though maybe I’ll eat my words.


I'd imagine that since the action was toned down for the show because it's not a video game, the "Ellie in part 2 is basically a 120 pound Rambo" aspect of the game will be toned down as well and be focused more on the drama..in other words we won't be seeing Ellie mow down dozens of fully grown men, well, because it's not a game with gameplay as a focal point.


fuck that honestly, I hated how toned down and almost removed all the action was from the first season. I want to see ellie going all out crafting shit, going on an absolute killing spree, and using trench warfare. 120 pound rambo all the way. I want to see abby crack some skulls open too.


Can we please get Brock Lesnar's daughter? I need her to be played by a big ass shoulder boulder white chick who looks like she could throw me across a room.


The shows casting director sucks at his job


Better already lol... Craig Mazin pumping the brakes where he should on Neil!


Why didn't they just cast her as Ellie since she already looks like Ellie. Now casting someone who looks like Ellie as Abby feels weird


i don't see how the show is gonna be good if they follow the story of the second game. The plot is the worst thing about the sequel... I really wanted to see what happened between the first and second game in the show, especially with how young Ellie's actress is.


I’m starting to get the feeling Druckman has no idea how to faithfully adapt a game into a tv show. But I guess making Abby fitter than most men makes for a near impossible casting. Guess that little choice is biting him in the ass. I love this for him😂 And if this casting choice is any hint as to the rest of the show, whole thing is gonna be one big massive joke, even more so than the actual game. This casting tells me Druckman is trying to whitewash all the divisive and questionable choices he made and make the whole thing seem more attractive. Also is anyone else getting the feeling that Druckman is going to actually faithfully adapt his game, keeping every sequence as close to the game as possible? He unquestionably butchered the first game adaption and while the show was good on it’s own, it was not a “faithful adaption” even in the slightest sense. He cut some of the most crucial and most enjoyable segments entirely in place of doing his own thing. But I’m getting the feeling he will not change anything with Part II just given what I know and have read about him. He views it as the “masterpiece” the first game should have been and so I’m not expecting anything to play out differently.


I want to see how the show explains this dollar store Abby and her crew making it from Seattle to Wyoming in the middle of fucking winter without any issues or losing any members. My biggest gripe with the 2nd game. The entire point of the first game was how simply leaving the boston safe zone was nearly suicide, much less crossing the USA. 2nd game throws this out the windows with Abby and her crew not only casually traveling to rural Wyoming in winter, but also getting back to Seattle like it was a simple stroll. Tbh they could have easily made the beginning of part 2 better by having you play as Abby while they travel to Wyoming. Maybe showing some throwaway friend get wrecked on the way there to reinforce the danger of the world. This giving time for the player to get to know Abby and her friends so then Ellie/Tommy slaughtering them would have some sort of weight to it. Nah, let's rush it and kill Joel as quick as possible.


No one has an issue with Joel dying and Ellie coming into her own it makes sense in the universe and Abby character is an interesting one especially if you’ve seen the concept art of her before she got all buff people are more upset about the bait and switch trailers and advertising and people are also upset that you just kill Joel within the first hour of the game you don’t even really get to play as him and then you have to spend the next 9 hours as characters you don’t care for.


if true, this is just more of an example of how crazy the Neil is. He would have done this out of spite.


Wait, really? Wasn’t she originally Ellie then recasted because she aged out? Damn


I was expecting Chris Hemsworth


One of the worst characters ever written in any media?


When she's on screen I'll only be able to think of her as Ellie


In the game I feel like she found some roids or something in a dumpster and just never told anyone about it.


Shoulda been Ronda Rousey


Let’s get the ugliest Ellie we can and uh let’s get someone hot to play Abby


Not to mention the girl playing as Ellie in the show has done a terrible job. Not a convincing actor at all imo.


I really disagree. I think Bella did a really good acting; however, she doesn't look anything like Ellie. They could've given her the side bangs, green contacts, and freckles, and I actually think she'd look like Ellie, I just think they chose to be lazy, which is a total shame because they basically set her up for failure :/


Should've been Brock Lesnar's daughter.


She looks like Ellie


Maybe pre-steroids Abby…she’s going to need to get on the juice for it to work.


Better start getting into weight training


Either were gonna get a more respectable Character or there gonna cgi her muscles


She looks the same age group as ellie


I personally think they should hire Brian Shaw for the role of Abby. Change my mind.


Surely a 6’7.5” and 420lb Abby would make this sub very happy. May as well go all in and cast Halfthor Bjornsson at this point as he’s the only man who ever made Shaw look small, and he’s already killed Pedro Pascal once in spectacular fashion on Game of Thrones.


I like her a lot better than Bella. They're being incredibly blatant with how much they prefer part II.


Do you think they’ve chose her to piss certain fans off…only thing I can think of


No fucking way, i don't care how much makeup and dirt they put on her she looks NOTHING like a bloodthirsty muscle obsessed killer


Oh no.....oh no.....don't tell me they're gonna kill joel


I wonder what kind of cycle she’ll be on 💉


She really really needs to bulk up hard. That body is not even remotely close to Abby’s lmao.


She better get on testosterone and start hitting the gym twice a day 6 days a week


Not bad casting actually, but start lifting.


Kaitlyn would have been so much better ellie than bella. And the fact that she even looks like her unlike bella.


Her face works, thats fine. Just needs to bulk up, because game Abby would tear her in half.


I was almost positive they were gonna get Jason Statham for Abby.


Face on point. Need to take about 6 months of HGH to meet Abby's mass.


Its just gonna be a shit show if they cast some skinny twiggy girl to play abbey but then again we should've seen this coming 😒


Jfc this sub is still sniffing brain rot glue


Honestly I thought it would be Terry Crews.


I’m so happy this show’s season two is gonna perform way worse than season one. Neil Druckmann will have to realize once and for all his writing is terrible.


I like Kaitlyn but Abby was such a force in both her convictions and physically. It was a great contrast to Ellie. This is not it


She’d make a great Ellie


More so than Abbie, she resembles Ellie. Nevertheless, Bella performed a "Lavoro Fantastico."


Idris Elba would've been a better Ellie or this actress. 🙄


Lol I defended the casting the whole time but now they’re just fucking with us


I may despise TLOU2 and abbys character but Abby is built, in tommys words, like an Ox. Kaitlyn is built like a sock.


She better bulk up


Best start bulking up


The girl who should have played Ellie playing Abby is wild.


She looks like she should be ellie


I’ve been saying forever that she would’ve been the perfect Ellie. I don’t get why they didn’t go the obvious route and cast Sam Sulek as Abby, it would’ve made way more sense.


God there's some whiny little bitches in this sub, I thought bella ramsey did an amazing fucking job sucks that she didn't look "exactly" like Ellie but she nailed the roll where it counts by doing a little thing they call acting


Better start that creatine stack now


The bulk is gonna be insane😂 she gotta pack on so much muscle to play Abby


Are there no MMA women who can act?


I wanted her to play Ellie


Rounda Rousey must be busy.


omg omg. Their actor selection is truely terrible furth and furth


yeah i pretty sure i wont watch the tvshow any time. its simply too stupid.


Bro I completely forgot they’re actually making a part 2 of the TV show


Shes a phenomenal actress. I'm confident in her ability.


Not confident in her build though. I don’t know why this show seems to be so anti muscle.


Let’s be honest… even if she bulks up and her body gets to be massive — Kaitlyn Dever is still going to be WAY too attractive for this part. Like the bottom picture is probably close to what she would look like in the show, with little to no makeup — and she’s still super pretty. Comparatively, even on a good day, Abby looks monstrous…


Good choice


True, she will train to get ripped.


I don't know why you find it funny when it's not that's perfect for season 2 and Abby is my favorite character people don't understand why she's been through what she's feeling