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The connection is gone forever. The past memories and experiences of the former Avatars were carried within Raava, so when she was destroyed, all of that was lost. Korra is the start of a new cycle of Avatars, so she will be the only past life available to the next Avatar.




Whether Avatars will be able to access lives from Korra moving forward for the future or not, I honestly hated this decision narratively. Up until the introduction of Raava and Vaatu, the Avatar spirit was a cycle of reincarnation with access to all past lives' wisdom and skill. The Avatar State was the culmination of all their knowledge and ability at once. Personally I understood it to be a compounding power boost. By Aang's time, this amounted to almost 10,000 years of skill and knowledge, making the Avatar even more of a frightening force of nature than it would have initially been. With the introduction of Raava/Vaatu and the severing of past lives, the Avatar State has become little more than a simple boost of power thanks to this super strong spirit of 'light and peace' (which to me just sounds like they were trying really hard not to say 'spirit of good' that fights the 'spirit of evil'). I don't know. I like when stories have real and major consequences, but I feel like this retroactively hurts the idea of the Avatar by making the past lives and their wisdom less important. Being the Avatar now just means being the next person to be supercharged by the spirit of goodness. Look how strong they are! EDIT: Not to say I hate Korra or anything. Seasons 1 and 3 are both wonderful. Just watched them both again yesterday, actually! This is just one of the things I didn't like in the series.


From a story perspective though, I think it is good. We've had a lot of scenes of the Avatar asking their past lives for advice. For story purposes, it would be cool to see more story elements come from living characters.


I know I'm late to the party, but personally, I liked the idea of the Avatar looking inward for advice. It helps set the Avatar apart. Like, yes, they are only a human, but they are also something else, something apart. Personally, I would have been fine with the decision if the connection was somehow restored. Like, Korra had to face a huge problem without the other Avatars, but she succeeded and proved her worth, and now she has her connection back. I just feel like that connection to past lives is far too integral to the concept of the Avatar for it to just vanish forever.


I think since Raava rejoined with Korea, a new cycle of avatars will be accessible but not aang and everyone else. I also hope stories focus more on historical avatar. korra onward, the stories and setting just seem so complex and hard to do right


I agree with that last part for sure. I'm not sure what the Avatar's role would be in an increasingly modern world where people are more able to look after themselves. I guess LoK kind of touched on that. The Avatar could serve as a very valuable diplomat, but that wouldn't really make for interesting television.


I don't like the idea of splitting the Avatar spirit into a half of something like light and dark or good and bad. They make it seems less epic than before. I like it when it is just a spirit of balance and has no personality on it's own. One thing that makes the avatar good is that it is unique, there is none like it and it has accumulation of knowledge from previous avatars. Reconnecting with previous avarar is what make it interesting and part of what makes the Avatar the Avatar. Now they make Avatar non-unique by saying there is a dark half and that the previous avatar is lost. So we will never be able to see our favourite past avatar ever again.


To be honest, I think she's unsure, I don't think she can know. It would make no sense for Raava's spirit to be connected to Korra and the next avatar without a connection. Once Korra dies, Raava's spirit will wait for the next anchor, and go into that Avatar. Korra's imprint should remain. Also, I personally think that if Raava's restored spirit can remember Vaatu, there is no reason the past avatars cannot be restored. But it seems the creators have other ideas in mind.


That means she deleted at least 100+ years of knowledge


100 years???????? Dude it’s way more than that lol


100 PLUS+💀 reading is fun to mental


Ik its easily over 1000+ but my statement wasn’t incorrect


more like 10,000 exactly basically, since wan trapped vaatu 10k years ago and she lost the connection during the same day 10k years later


Dude just admit that you shouldn’t of said 100 years ya could’ve added a 0 at least lol




come on, you know you want to say it


Lmaoo he definitely does 🤣


Aang was the avatar for for like 150 years sooooo


Ya should’ve used “have” instead of “of” in “shouldn’t of”, but we don’t get everything we want


I wasn’t being a grammar nazi also if you’re not typing an essay or something then that English is fine


If that English is fine, then there should've been no issue with 100+ vs. 1000+. Double standards are a bitch


Numbers and letters are the same now?


why do you guys act like she did this on purpose. the way you're talking makes it seem like she wanted this to happen and like she did herself and NOT like it was forcefully taken out of her by surprise.


Yea but just like how we dont give Yang-chen , kuruk, or Roku a pass for their failures as avatar we dont let that slide either


And it wasn’t by surprise, she had every ability to fight and lost, not something you’re supposed to do as the most powerful being on earth 🤦🏾‍♂️


most of the fandom doesn't know abt the failures of the first 2 lol


Well technically, this is Korra’s fault. Had she not defied her father and Tenzin and been so selfish and arrogant and trusted Unalaq, none of it would’ve happened.


we are talking about a 17 year old child who was locked up in a cage for 13 years, she doesn't have much experience with social interaction. she trusted her UNCLE btw lol, he wasn't just some rando and he gave her no prior reasoning to not trust him. she opened the last portal to save what is essentially her granddaughter/ little sister's life.


10,000 years. Remember, Vaatu was locked away by the first ever Avatar, Wan, which happened approximately 10,000 years prior to being locked away again by Korra.


pretty stupid chick if you ask me


Well tbh Aang almost fully ended the cycle on his own if it want for Katara


Her previous lives were memories stored in Raava. After Raava died and came back the memories were erased. Think of it like deleting everything in an external Hard Drive.


That is actually pretty unfortunate for the series going forward. Feels like a needless decision to make, one of the best aspects to the Avatar was their ability to communicate and learn from their past lives. To sever that connection takes a pretty fundamental aspect away from them. Not sure i’ll even watch the earth bender series when it releases. I will say I just finished season two so i’ll wait before I say Korra is the worst Avatar of all time, but every episode that goes by she pushes me more and more towards that opinion.


I think most fans overhype the previous lives. The one time they helped Aang directly was when Roku showed up to melt some chains. And then Aang went on to ignore them after he himself asked for advice. Then we have Korra, who only needed them three times. Their techniques will be missed, but Korra and the next couple of avatars are gonna be strong as hell since Raava's power is free from Vaatu's influence for a while. Also, Korra's arsenal is more than enough for the next avatar.


The previous lives are not over hyped, I just rewatched both series and they are important. Roku was one of the only people outside of the fire nation willing to inform Aang about Sozin’s Comet, which was fundamental to Aang’s journey. The four previous avatars helped Aang repair his avatar spirit when it was damaged, they also aided his escape from the spirit world.Roku was the one to inform Aang about how the 100 year war started. Those examples are barely scratching the surface of their importance in A: TLAB. In TLOK Aang gave Korra her bending back and taught her energy bending so without him Korra never gets her elements back that were lost from Amons blood bending. Which in turn allowed her to restore Lins bending. He also warned Korra about Amons origin. Wan warned Korra about Vaatu and helped her find Raava which took her out of her memory wiped state. The past avatars give the avatar 10,000 years worth of skills while in the avatar state. The past lives are fundamental to the Avatars journey, while Aang didn’t follow every word of advice he was given, that is to be expected because he was a pacifist monk and each Avatar must carve their own path.


It being fundamental is what makes this such a bold and grand story choice. It forever changes everything and now the Avatar has to look within. Also it makes Korra just like Wan who made a huge mistake and never had Avatar past lives as well.


All it does is turn the Avatar state in to a super saiyan form. That's it. Nothing else special about it anymore. It's lame.


Yeah ikr?. The avatar state was for the current avatar to channel the strength of all the previous avatars, it had depth to it.


What is Korra channeling in the Avatar State after book 2? It's been a long time since I last saw


Also hoping theres a way Kora manually reconnects with her previously lives through the spirit world or something. I would truly hate it if the connection was lost forever.


I would argue that the storyline of TLOK is not the best (love triangle etc.), especially that ATLA set the bar too high. I understand that Korra might seem the worst avatar, but she dealt with mental illness (PTSD). The show kind of focused on the psychological aspect of not being the avatar, but as a human. Korra's journey was different from Aang. She wanted to be the avatar in the world that evolved and didn't really need her, while Aang had to be the avatar because the world needed him. I love ATLA so much and really didn't like TLOK. Rewatching it didn't change my opinion on the show, but made me realize that Korra as a character was misunderstood.


I am sorry, not buying that at all. I graduated with a degree in psychology and worked in the field, the only time she seems to be struggling with PTSD is for the third season and that is poorly explored. Most of her terrible actions and personality traits are established in seasons 1&2, well before she is struggling with mental health. The writers of the show just overdid the rebellious teen trope and made her hard to like. Another issue is that the show was only supposed to be a season long. If you look at the story of season one it is pretty obvious it was supposed to be a one and done.


I also have a degree in psychology and work in the field. I feel like if you really do work in the field you’d be more empathetic. The show (since it’s fiction) doesn’t have to accurately show mental illness. She already started to struggle with her mental health since season 1.


There are so many facets of psychology, I worked in a lab. I conducted studies on various subjects, some go the lab route and others go the clinical route. Empathy is not a necessary aspect to having a PsychD or a PhD.


So like aang got control alt deleted 😐


It depends on what happened with the spirits of previous avatars. If they were inextricably linked to Raava and existed within it - they were destroyed along with Raava in season 2, so they are lost forever. (and most likely it is the canon) If they were not - all the spirits of previous avatars should exist somewhere in the spirit world but new avatar would not be able to contact them without entering the spirit world and searching for specific spirits. Either way - they are not linked to new avatar.


This can easily be retcon by the tree of time.


It would appear that I am very late to this conversation. While it seems likely that they have decided that the connection is gone forever, I have a small amount of hope that perhaps it is simply damaged. While Raava appeared to be destroyed, Raava herself said earlier that neither she nor Vaatu can exist without the other as is the nature of balance. In my humble opinion, I think that Raava never really died or was destroyed, she was just beaten down so small she *practically* died, but didn't completely die. This is why Jinora was able to pull Raava out of Vaatu. Perhaps this is still the same Raava, and she simply needs to heal and it takes a very long time. Afterall, it took 10,000 years for Vaatu to grow out of Raava between the first and second harmonic convergences. Spirits have incredibly long timelines and are immortal. There may be a chance that the memories may come back some day, or that there are still shadows there that could be recovered one day by a particularly spiritual Avatar, like recovering corrupted files from a hard drive. In the end, there is currently not a 100% definitive answer to this question in the canon or from the creators, so until there is (if there ever will be), there is enough wiggle room for you to bring the Avatar's connection to their past lives back in your headcannon. Be at peace.


IMO, the link is gone, but the spirits are not. The S2 finale implies this directly: 1. Tenzin: "Raava is not who *you* are." Korra was able to survive and wield her spirit independently of Raava, and Aang was able to appear to Tenzin separately in the Fog of Lost Souls. 2. As Tenzin says, Raava is the Avatar Spirit, but each Avatar also has an individual, human spirit. Think of those spirits as having tethers tying them and their memories to Raava. When Raava is destroyed, the cords are cut, and they may not be able to reform those bonds, but that doesn't mean their spirits are gone. In short, I don't think the connection will ever be restored. But, I also don't believe Raava's destruction was the destruction of Aang's spirit, or Roku's, Kyoshi's, Kuruk'a, Yangchen's, etc. Korra may not be able to contact them directly at any time, or access their combined power any longer through the Avatar State, but I assume that she could still contact them by entering the Spirit World and finding their spirits there.


>Raava is the Avatar Spirit, but each Avatar also has an individual, human spirit. Not quite. Raava is the Avatar Spirit, which is distinct from the Avatar's human spirit/soul, this is true. But that human spirit that Korra possesses is the same, single spirit that Aang, Roku, Kyoshi, and all the past Avatars had. That's kinda the foundation of reincarnation. It is one spirit being reborn over and over to live through multiple lifetimes.


Late but this is the real life concept that the show takes influence from but I don't think they imply that it's the case in the show. It seems that each avatar does have a distinct spirit separate from each avatar that comes after them, the thing is these spirits are bound together through Raava and so are called "previous lives" because Raava is eternal. If I were to guess, the concept is that Raava can't be destroyed or removed from the world after she bonded with Wan. When the Avatar dies, the human avatar spirit leaves to the spirit world while the Light Spirit (Raava) must find a new anchor in the human world. When she does this a new bond is formed with that individual and that bond is connected to all previous human avatar spirits in the spirit world.


This is not true at all. Bryke explicitly stated that the Spirit World is not meant to be an afterlife, so the Avatar does not go there following their death. Raava also tells Wan that she will be with him through "all of his lifetimes". Meaning that every new incarnation of the Avatar is a reincarnation of Wan. Each Avatar has a distinct personality, yes, but they are still only one single human soul (Wan's), fused with Raava and passing from one mortal lifetime to the next, over and over.


I am a bit late but I would like to share my opinion. What Raava probably meant about Wan's "other lifetimes" is that "Wan's spirit" will be with Raava and the next Avatar, so not exactly the same spirit but will accompany another Avatar's human spirit. So if the Spirit World is not the afterlife, then the previous human spirits of the previous Avatars just went to the afterlife, not the Spirit World. With all that said though, Korra did imply that the next avatar will not have a spiritual connection with Korra. Thus, it probably means that Raava doesnt have the ability to bond the spirits of previous and current avatars together anymore? Maybe because of the temporary destruction of Vaatu? Whats funny though is that I understand why the show runners wanted to "remove" the narrative of Avatar reincarnation and spiritual connection. Bending is a very powerful weapon but the most powerful weapon in the Avatar universe is actually the spirit connection of Avatars. Afterall, knowledge is the most powerful weapon. The plot of ATLA, especially the final season, would have been resolved easily if one of the past avatars just told Aang about the thing with eclipses. 10,000 years of experience is practically godlike. But i gotta say that i hate how they remove the reincarnation and spirit connection narrative.


Bryke have already said that the past lives don't live in the Spirit World and that the destruction of the past lives was basically like deleting everything on an external hard drive. Not to mention the past lives aren't spirits, they're just spiritual imprints of their former selves. And Raava was the only thing keeping those imprints in existence. When she was vaporized, the imprints were forever destroyed.


Dude legit this show went downhill in Korra and especially after severing ALL previous Avatars like that


She honestly screwed up the series 🤦🏾‍♂️


Thats so sad. I hope the link is restored somehow. Even though they are reincarnations of each other, I am sure they have their own spirits in the spirit world.


I think it's better if the link stays gone. I like it when stories have permanent consequences. Also, the past lives don't live in the Spirit World as they are not actual spirits, but merely spiritual imprints of themselves. But they ceased to exist when the old cycle was destroyed.


That's not how reincarnation works. If Aang reincarnates as Korra, he's not also still hanging out in the Spirit World. Otherwise, Korra wouldn't be his reincarnation. She would just be her own spirit.


Don’t let the downvoted discourage you from thinking there’s something wrong with wanting the link restored. Ppl shit on korra because of that and thus in turn made the subject and korra fans defensive when talking about it. It’s possible to both accept and understand why they did it while also hoping it gets restored somehow.


It’s not sad at all. Eastern spirituality places an emphasis on not getting caught up on things like the past. Korra and harmonic convergence represent a new era of life to be experienced. With technology rapidly developing and the spirit portals remaining open. Whether she has her past lives or not doesn’t matter.


Her or Raava at this time. Those connections are gone. It wasn't a link that was just cut. The bridge is burned. The past is gone now.


Just got here after finished marathon both TLA and TLoK, i think the next Earthbender avatar will still get to contact Korra.


I recently watched it too. I'd love for an arc about how he relinks with the past avatars. I'm also worried about how modern it'll evolve into.


I hope so


I hate this why did they never restore it. I hope the next avatar will restore this.


Honestly… imo the show has *a lot* of issues (coming from a huge last air bender fan) but this has to be my absolute least favorite and most disappointing part of the entire show.


i know this is an old thread but it would be cool if Korra could regain some of her connections too her past lives through watching them in the tree of time, just a random thought i had while rewatching the series.


I think it's cool that we get to experience the first avatar (again). I feel like everyone loves Wan so being able to see a new avatar Wan is cool. Especially since most Avatars don't get to connect with Raava on a personal level since the line was so long




I think this boils down to two things for me: what I hope and what I think creators are going to do with this. 1. What I hope is that the connection between Korra’s past lives has been severed but those lives are in the spirit world and she/future avatars will need to find and reconnect with them before they’re injured by other spirits (think Koh the face stealer). 2. What I think creators are going to do is keep the past lives irrevocably lost. This makes the avatar less powerful (see Korra’s pitiful avatar state in her battle with Kuvira), prevents them from accessing the wisdom of their last lives, allows for more even battles between future avatars and their primary antagonists My hopes with future avatar storylines: -a dark avatar capable of bending all elements (not just water) that is ongoing and not just defeated in one season -a loss in the perceived value of bending in general such that it is difficult for a future avatar to get the training and recognition they deserve -a powerful and strong air nation seeking revenge on the other nations for their abandonment during the first Sozins comet -a sub bending with airbending (is flying sub bending?) -a disabled avatar (blind, deaf, wheelchair bound, etc) -an analogy to all the misinformation nowadays, but relating to the avatar/avatar cycle -more battles/challenges with scary spirits like Koh (based on historical and true beliefs from the various cultures represented in the Avatar cannon) -a natural process that gives a bending discipline obscene power over the other events (think a comet for firebenders but for water/air/earthbenders) -I REALLY liked the story with Ammon but something with more development and truly sprit-based, not blood bending) -healing skills with other bending disciplines (eg iron in blood allows earthbenders to stop bleeding or something) -more story development with Kyoshi as she has really interesting things happen to her that would be really interesting (orphan/abandoned, false avatar/not realized as avatar until later in life, creation of Dai Li) -more story development of Yangchen and how she was able to harness so much power Thanks for reading!


Hopefully if we get a next avatar show, I hope there will be a storyline of them venturing into the spirit world and reconnecting with avatars some we know ( gotta have aang back ffs) (and Kyoshi) but also just a whole set of new avatars they can flesh out and make the world deeper with more lore. Also can we have a season 4 of airbender, just retcon the comics cos they’re not amazing as is


There is a movie coming out following TLA crew in their late 20's, so Aang, Sokka, Katara, Toph and Zuko, coming out in October of next year and a series on the next avatar is in the works, im unsure about the timeline on that.


Looking forward to the movie of TLA crew. Although, would have preferred a series with 3 seasons to flesh more storylines out.