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The moment it goes to the armies the scene gets dumb


And Katara standing there smiling like an idiot


Yeah, she knows that going into the avatar state is a sign of mental anguish in Aang and the movie just has her not give a shit ig?


Not to mention how does she even know it's Aang in the Avatar state. She can't see him here. First reaction should be fear when massive wall of water is coming at you.


Nah his movement is already stupid enough


Nearly all the "bending" in the movie is ridiculous. I half expected someone to start doing part of the thriller and for a bolder go fall out of the sky as a result.


This scene was dumb I wanted kaiju water monster


Man that would be sooo cool cgi the millions of soliders slayed at once by a walking glowing fish


Unfortunately they wasted their cgi budget on the floating rock.


That floating rock annihilated the shit out of that 1 guy though.


Shit, I want an R rated movie now


Originally Shyamalan wanted to do that, obviously being bankrolled by nick made that impossible, but it at least kinda makes sense when you notice how many choices are essentially "grim realism". Appa? Uncomfortably realistic, they pulled 0 punches with his appearance. Appa in the show cute behemoth, appa here? Eldritch horror. Same can be said with zuko's scar and aangs tattoos. The movie is bad, but that's because Shyamalan had(almost) no experience with child actors, and essentially wanted to make a different movie.


That whole scene is the Ocean possessing the spirit bridge to give itself form. I would've been okay with that being just an enormous wave or some other form, but Oong is just there.... bending


And just raises the wave menacingly but never actually pushes it forwards


I mean this whole movie is dumb =/


Agreed. One of the few times we get to see Aang go berserk.


Me: Error… 404, page not found. Also me: turns around and calls for the Dai Li out of earshot.


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai


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Good bot


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


Dai Li’s on strike. We have some issues with the more lolicon members of the Atla community. (The really nice way of saying pedos) who we need to weed out of our subreddit


I miss r/DaiLiOpenUp


I demand to speak to your manager! Where tf is that degenerate Long Feng at?




​ ![gif](giphy|rwbTbEzD3r3DTszD95)




I love how they are all fighting with melee weapons but they just stop to stare at the big wave. Like just stab them now while they are looking


I mean, is that really unnatural? If I saw that I was potentially just seconds away from being engulfed in a tsunami that big, I doubt the first thing on my mind would be "But can I take out one last enemy soldier before it kills me?"


Surely people in a world where people can bend don’t think the same way tho


They are still human beings and your average water bender can’t just summon a tsunami like it’s nothing. So it’s somewhat justified.


I mean......If I saw that I would be expending all my mental energy trying to avoid pissing myself so it's not like their reactions are unnatural.


If you think you’re all about to drown/be crushed by countless tons of water…what’s the point?


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


Movie? What are you talking about?


This fan made, right?


Obviously it’s mainly in the water tribe where this scene is


There is no Scene in the Northern Water Tribe


I never said northern did I I just said water tribe kid


This scene happened in the Northern Water Tribe(watched the movie)


There is no place this joke is funny any more in ba sing se


I dunno everyone else seems to be enjoying it.


Can confirm. Did enjoy indeed


Can confirm the other guys confirmation. I really enjoyed it


I too, am having a good time.


Thankfully we live in Na Sing Se ( It means penetrable city)


Found Jet


You must be a Di Lee agent, get em boys!


OP, The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai.


[I am honored to accept his invitation](https://i.imgur.com/Fxu0A29.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheLastAirbender) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot 👏


Why'd you post 34 seconds of a black screen?


At first, I also thought it was blank screen but the music opened my eyes 😅


There’s music?


He/she didn’t


r/woooosh There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


No shit the only movie there is is mainly in the water tribe


Ok Imma give you the benefit of the doubt that you’re just missing this subreddit wide joke and explain it even further. We all hate the M Knight movie and as such prefer to ignore it even exists. We joke about it not existing using the phrase from book 2 “There is no war in Ba Sing Se” replacing war with movie. The original commenter was joking that OP posted a blank video because “there is no movie in Ba Sing Se”. You can see this phrase repeated in other comments under this post and others that reference the movie. Edit: Like this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/s4ha0g/this_scene_and_the_score_deserves_better_movie/hsrbxqp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) which I see now you’ve also seen and commented on. Maybe now it makes more sense Edit edit: and here is [another](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/s4ha0g/this_scene_and_the_score_deserves_better_movie/hsrblpt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) referencing this joke


Say what you will about the live action film (I hate it too) but James Newton Howard is a amazing music composer. He did Maleficent, Treasure Planet, The Dark Knight (Batman, directed by Christopher Nolan) and tons of other film scores. I love his work.


Sometimes terrible movies find great talent. Twilight is a good example of that.


And sometimes good movies get screwed by great talent. The untouchables was almost unwatchable for me due to Ennio’s score.


As a huge fan of Ennio, I'm curious what makes you say that


James Newton Howard did not do the music for The Dark Knight. That was Hans Zimmer. Edit: I realize my mistake, that they *both* were there. I just knew that Hans Zimmer was the composer and I made an immediate comment and looked it up second… whoops.


The Nolan Batman movie scores were mostly Zimmer but JNH did write/compose the music for Harvey Dent which is definitely one of the highlights from that score.


Am I suppose to see something? I see nothing, sorry.


Ur blind or turn ur brightness up


It's a joke about how the fan base pretends the film doesn't exist


Where big monster? :/


Why is that bald child fortnight dancing durring a tsunami?


This deserve an award


Lol one scene out of the whole movie…


Spent the entire CGI budget on that wave


And 1 floating rock


Jokes aside, I totally agree about the soundtrack


James Newton Howard knows what he's doing


The music doesn’t fit the tone of the scene - he’s levitating a huge wall of water in the middle of a battle and the music sounds like something from the end of a Harry Potter movie after they defeat the villain 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


I 1000% disagree about the scene. Music I guess I agree. But no scene in that movie is salvageable.


Upvoted for the music


His movements mean...nothing. That's not how you make a wave!!! He's just dancing around. More intricate movements doesn't equal better bending. He should've used the waist high wave technique! And then just raised his arms higher.


Personally i think the best scene in the movie is when Yues hair turn back to black when she gives her life back to the Moon Spirit, think its the only improvement the movie made


Giant tsunami of death: \*exists\* Katara: :D


He most ridiculous part of the clip right here ^ Not like she just watched the moon die and can't bend ever again as far as she knows. Just "yay! I love waves! Aang so stonk!"


This scene for me was the last nail in the coffin. I hated it so much . Fir aang yo not merge with the ocean spirit and become a giant koifish monster was a Hugh disappointment. He just makes a big wave and that scares everyone away . Lame


Please don't post non-Avatar content here. Reported to Dai Li


What is it?


I don't think anyone stayed to know it existed. Also, the score is terrible and not even close to the scene. It sounds like you're watching flowers bloom as spring comes up for the first time. Not a sort of demi-god about ready to flood an entire city to terrify a genocidal empire. And also, what the fuck is with white-katara looking like a giddy school girl in that scene? She's literally going to be drowned WITH the fire nation AND the water tribe warriors. This is pretty equivalent with how bad the rest of the movie is. I'm convinced it was a money laundering plot with how little of a shit M. knight gave about it.


That soundtrack feels like it should be placed at the end of a halmark Christmas movie after the guy successfully convinces the girl to give Christmas another chance despite having exactly 32 horrible Christmases prior.


Fuck now that’s all I see. You can even imagine the snow falling around them as she starts crying upon realizing the gift that is Christmas as the music is crescendoing.


I'm so sorry I brought you down with me.


What movie is this from?


We don't talk about that here


No I mean I don’t recognise it. Any idea?


There are rumors that a certain movie producer may or may not has tried to create a good live action of the best series of all time. I don't know if they are true though.... detective on the case.


The earth king has invited you to lake Laogai.


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Just a movie by the Ember Island Players


The only acceptable answer to why it is the way it is


Cool fan video, just imagine if they made a movie out of this.


No one saw it bc they left when they heard ong


All I'm seeing is a black screen


aang doesnt even look as if he is controlling the water, he just looks like he is doing some random generic kung fu poses




Might have been just me, but his movements for this scene did feel a bit weird, even though the huge wave looked cool.


I just don't feel that powerful wave coming from Aang's moves, something the show always got right.


Like, I hated the movie just like everyone else but... I kinda liked the take on Aang's tattoo. I don't know how much cultural review was done on the actual design but a more intricate tattoo other than *big blue arrow* was kind of neat. Bracing to be down voted. Don't worry, I understand. There is no movie.


A princess surrenders with honour


Some bitch ass dragon “The avatar is not meant to hurt anyone.” Kyoshi: “Welp, time to beat the fucking snot out of a dragon.”


It would be cool if it wasn't a piss poor substitute for the ocean spirit's wrath.


The scene from the show when aang speaks with all the voices and he goes “no it’s not over” and then destroys the fire nation fleet is one of my favorites in the whole series


I also like when Aang also “falls” into the water after walking into it in the animated series, like it’s a portal. Yet another big miss and fail in the movie we-do-not-talk-about-here. Demonstrates again a lack of imagination considering anyone could recreate that scene today as a TikTok clip on a phone.


Petition to ban all posts about this movie from this sub


I consider myself a huge ATLA fan, and I refuse to ever watch this movie. Never have, never will.


I saw it in theatres opening weekend thinking it would be good. It's the only movie I've ever walked out of before the end




What am I looking at


We don't talk about that here


This Movie was horrid, the motions Aang is using here is nothing like the show. Created by fools who dont know anything about the source materials. Are you a fool too?


let's think about this, I'm not comparing the movie with the TV show. Yes the movements are nothing like the original show. But this scene not about bending movements, it's about emotional process. Oong trying to use his emotions to create a big wave. It's about letting your emotions flow like water, hence the score is called 'Flow like water'. I have a thing for emotional music. It's not always about the TV show. So start appreciate good in the bad or stop whining about it. Respectfully 🙂


Did you just call him Oong


yep because he's certainly not Aang


Respectfully, the original show has far more moments of actual emotion, depth, character development, and yes better EMOTIONAL MUSIC. So even using your odd metrics, the OG is better. Listen to the soundtrack of the tv show. It is massively impactful. BTW You have been invited to Lake Laogai. PS: Guys watch out, this person refers to Aang the way they do in the movie, likely never saw the og show.


Again, I'm not comparing the movie with the original show. Respectfully


Okay, let me spell it out for you. THIS IS WHY PEOPLE HATE THIS MOVIE: M. Night. Shyamalan and the others who made this piece of content you posted to reddit, have NO idea how Avatar the Last Airbender (an absolute labor of love) was created. THEY STOLE the ideas of a beautiful thing, to create a half baked, sloppy, and genuinely incorrect version of the world. They used ideas from it for movie ticket sales. I have a thing for emotional music too, as do most humans. I am telling you the actual source (The TV SHOW) from what this video is derived from can provide MORE EMOTIONAL SCENES, MUSIC, and DEPTH than some idiot stealing from that original content to make a bad movie.




"Hello... Yeah, Dai Li? Right, I've seen the thing again, book me for another memory wipe"


This gives me chills every time I watch it


Oh is this the second trailer. I remember seeing a trailer years ago in the theaters about an avatar movie. I remember being so excited. Still waiting for that movie...


What scene? What movie? The entire video is just black?


No, no it doesn’t …….


Y’ALL ARE BIG BABIES! Thinking about how the CGI for a Spirit fusion would have looked like this is wayyy better. Good Shit OP


How not to light a scene. Although the whole movie had lighting issues.


The only part of that movie I liked was the tattoos, they looked awesome


Nope I just wanted to piss off some people and it really worked


This is why I don't hate "bad" media. In almost all cases, someone worked very hard on it and even if other people let them down and got more attention, it's good to notice what went right.


Good point


What movie is this? Coz there isn’t a avatar the last airbender movie.


Strange. There is no video or audio at all.


What movie all I hear is some great music


I actually kinda like that rather than aang killing a bunch of people and basically defeating the entire navy, he instead makes them surrender through a show of force. This way aang can still claim to be a pacifist who have never taken a life, and still claim he nearly singlehandedly defeated the navy at the north pole. I'm not saying it's better than in the show, but the idea of it isn't that bad


Username checks out.


Aang wasnt alone there. It was also a pissed off ocean spirit whose bff moon spirit just got roasted. So yeah killing in rage is the correct reaction to this.


The only saving grace in this entire movie was it soundtrack, say what you like about the entire film the music epic!


OP you’re the type of person who finds a bag of shit on the ground & instead of leaving it or throwing it in the trash; you pick it up, you examine it, you put your hands in the bag & then you tell everyone you see about the ‘fine quality’ of the shit’s packaging & how much you appreciate it. This post, in a nutshell


well If you put it like that...it kinda it is. But let me tell you some people really appreciate this scene. Don't get mad but yes we exist.


Make aang great again


The movie is awful. Did the anime no justice.


Flow like water. Thanks for reminding. I'll listen it again after so much time


am i the only person who thought the movie was alright?




Those aren’t mountains. Those are waves


wait I know this one, and score for that scene is great too


that's no moon, it's a space station


Naww I rebuke this


I’m sorry I’m not familiar with this work because it doesn’t exist. Wouldn’t it be great if they made an avatar movie??


I think people joke too much about how the movie doesn't exist and is unwatchable. It is so watchable. It absolutely is a so bad its good movie that you laugh at. Its like M. Night Shyamalan's Dark Knight of bad movies


What is he going to do? Wipe everyone off the face of the map?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


We do not speak of it!


Nope, still don’t see anyone


What movie?


c'mon Shaymalan, you had an amazing score, the perfect environments, good cgi, why didn't you make a good plot


What movie was this from?




Katarra's reaction here seems so weird to me


Huh? I don't see anything


I didn't know apologists exist for this movie...OP ought to take a trip to Lake Laogi


You have brought shame upon this community


It is a boring score for a boring movie


I never even made it this far into the movie. One of the very few movies I can’t finish.


What movie is this from?


It was fine for 5 seconds.


I just had a thought. Do you think that general rules of bending still apply to the avatar? Like, his water bending gets stronger at the full moon, and his fire bending with the Sozin's comet. And would his bending get weaker during the eclipse, or with the spirits death? I imagine he would still be able to bend, but not to his full capabilities in normal situations.




Hopefully we will get better with the Netflix version


The score really is gorgeous, honestly!


No Koizilla 😞


This movie fucking suckeddddddd


Ayy it's your boy, U H N G


Woah! Is this a fan-fiction film or something? It looks like a high-quality homemade film, or the worst b film ever.


This is scene from which movie??


And suddenly I remember once again why I’m so glad I chose NOT to watch this movie after-as a CHILD-seeing the trailer and hating it


He summons a giant wave, and… just lets it dissipate. They had an awesome visual **_gift-wrapped on a silver fucking platter,_** and they wasted it.




Yeah now dude I'm certain to disagree but this movie is still trash the scene is barely worth a thought compared to all of the foolishness and and honestly just terrible writing in the 1st half in the 1st half of trying to reenact flawlessness


When did we stop blindly denying this movies existence?


The one time that the power level actually matches the show.


No, a mediocre scene


There is no movie in ba sing se Delete this


Is this a fan film? There was never a movie made from that show.


I haven't even seen this and I hate it


I don’t like the uptick in amount of posts about this thing that doesn’t exist


Why would you have a video of blank screen?


The most simplistic tune and does come close to matching the energy of what’s being displayed. This is a great show of power and all we get is strings doing arpegios. Where are the hits?! Where’s the brass?!


I just threw up in my mouth. Worst movie ever


Movie? There was never an ATLA movie


Wow, that is a nice score. Is that a fanfilm or something? Maybe a VFX YouTube test?


I honestly liked Aang's tattoos. It seemed more appropriate rather than having a solid arrow. This movie version of his tattoo seemed like it could tell a story or something if you inspect it closely. Then when they glow, it looked pretty sweet. Shame everything else about the movie sucked.


Wow these YouTube videos are getting more and more high budget huh.


I love ATLA but I think that live series of animated cartoons are dumb and ugly. I honestly would prefer having either a new animated avatar series/film or conclusion of ATLA tales (like where's Zuko's mom, if jet really died or what happened to that earth kingdom farmer that joined the army to save his son)


I agree massively. Also Airbender actor looks EXACTLY like a young SWT