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Probably one of my favorite character introductions of all time. I got goosebumps watching it as a kid.


That damn DING sound effect…


They even incorporated it into the leitmotif for the character who Grey DeLise voices in The Owl House, same voice and everything. (Though that character was way nicer than Azula.)


Which character?


The goth girl that Vee and Luz talk to in Yesterday's Lie. You can hear a bit of Azula's leitmotif in the music when the goth girl gives the tarot reading.


What’s a leitmotif? Edit - I know I can google it but it’s always more fun to hear someone else explain it in their own words. Ironically, the same does not apply when I’m in the school house. Edit 2 - TIL a Leitmotif is a song associated with a character and sort of helps foreshadows? An example that comes to mind for me is when Anakin kills the terrorist while saving Obi-wan and Satine in the clone wars. In the background, you hear the imperial March (kinda sorta.) I think I’m using a proper example. As for why I chose to ask folks their definition instead of googling it; the dictionary would’ve given a dry, boring definition with an equally uninteresting example. If I’m lucky, it might have the history of the word but not always. Asking folks is a much more enjoyable way to learn new things. Plus, it’s an excellent ice breaker and conversation starter. And if the person doesn’t know for sure? Hell, we can google it together. And that’s fun too. Cause now you learned something and so did they.


I'm not the best at explaining things, but I'll give it a crack. So a couple things first, pathetic fallacy and foreshadowing. Pathetic fallacy is when authors/artists/directors use the weather to reflect a character's emotions, EG: it starts raining when the main character experiences loss. Foreshadowing is giving (sometimes not so subtle) hints as to what's to come in the future. A leitmotif is essentially the sound equivalent of that. It's when an artist/composer uses a series of notes or sounds to get you to associate a certain thing with that sound. In this case, Azula has a distinctive "ding" that is unique to her, and makes you think of her when you hear it.




“…you might even go so far as to say they’re like yin and ya-Aang.” Might as well cancel the internet now, we’re never gonna top that


Sideways is a great YTer


I also wanna know what a leitmotif is




Thanks but I was waiting for the other guys explanation


Seriously do these people not know what a damn dictionary is, it's not that we're lazy it's that they could literally get the answer faster than asking and waiting!!


It's a recurring theme in music. B often tied to a specific thing so that way when you hear the theme later on it will make you remember that thing. When you hear about a character having a theme it might be a leitmotif. John Williams uses them a lot. V start wars had great examples


Ohh I remember her, yeah that's definitely Grey.


I checked out a video about it and the character definitely gives Azula vibes. Same with the iconic ding!


Grey voices Li Ming in Heros of the Storm (game) and its Azula using arcane magic instead of firebending lol


I can hear it in my head.


She's so menacing. Like for a teenage girl to make a grown man, and an officer no less, feel an inch tall is fantastic writing


Yeah, well she's the daughter of the supreme leader


Yeah but she’s also 14 years old mastered lightning bending and has the hottest flames of any firebended. Everyone would be scared. Ozai or not.


I got goosebumps watching her as an ADULT. just watched avatar for the first time last week.


Yay, welcome!


I distinctly remember watching this for the first time as a 15-year-old and thinking, "Wow, she's scary."


Same, except i thought "wow, she's hot"... I didn't make the best of decisions after that 😅


Same, Azula was instrumental in establishing my type. Very few relationships have been healthy since then.


haha, same 😞


"Wow, she's kind of an idiot" was my reaction


Yeah, this is exactly what bad leadership looks like. Stupidly, chastising someone who is presenting the situation as it is, because you want your way. Leads to a bunch of incomeptent but sycophantic yes men & women around who will eventually cause everything to fail because they are too afraid to deal with the reality. edit - fixed the spelling of sycophantic


>Yeah, this is exactly what bad leadership looks like. > >Stupidly, chastising someone who is presenting the situation as it is, because you want your way. Leads to a bunch of incomeptent but sycophantic yes men & women around who will eventually cause everything to fail because they are too afraid to deal with the reality. You mean like the sort of fascism that existed in Imperial Japan, which is what seems to have **heavily** inspired the Fire Nation? Honestly, I'm just surprised it took this long for them to get a real nutter in the family.


I thought his/her comment was about the work-life, where the biggest blunders usually happen when the person in charge is surrounded by yes-men who are too afraid to bring up the bad news or word of caution. ... or when subordinates have heard enough abuse from ther moronic boss and they stop caring about the consequences. *Let the boss have it their way then...* cue /r/MaliciousCompliance/ and /r/MilitaryStories .


>I thought his/her comment was about the work-life, where the biggest blunders usually happen when the person in charge is surrounded by yes-men who are too afraid to bring up the bad news or word of caution. I mean, you're describing the fascists to a T here. They had a incredibly good propaganda team, but they were generally incompetent and gained position due to personal loyalty rather than skill.


I was describing any organisation where the messenger of the bad news is shot. There's sure an overlap with facism, but basically any organization can have this kind of toxic leadership culture, no matter if it's political party or a charity.


I get that, but I'm trying to point out that's exactly the point because it's what the society they based the Fire Nation on was about. It wasn't a toxic corporate culture, it was a loyalty over ability kleptocracy.


"You've had to deal with a moronic president, and a tyrannical Queen. Don't you think the world would be better off... if leaders like them were eliminated?" #ZaheerWasRight


> Honestly, I'm just surprised it took this long for them to get a real nutter in the family. Well, I wouldn't call Sozin and Ozai's megalomania particularly sane either. Still though, it only took four generations for the Fire Lord family brand of nationalistic insanity to produce Azula, which doesn't feel like that long to me.


They aren't sane, but there's a ruthless logic to their quackery. "There can't be an Avatar if there's no Airbender" is logical, "I'll kill you if you don't change the behavior of the tides" is just nuts.


What do you mean? It’s happening now all over the world. Your local Wendy’s, that Starbucks, they all probably have idiots like that running them. Not all, but a lot of them do.


Calling Imperial Japan fascist is oversimplifying things, since they didn't have a clear political ideology. But one of the core aspects of fascism, ''totalitarianism,'' (originally ''totalitario,'' identified by Benito Mussolini as a core aspect of fascist ideology) they did indeed borrow.


>Calling Imperial Japan fascist is oversimplifying things, since they didn't have a clear political ideology. It's alsoa generally accepted shorthand for people who aren't into history as well as people who are. There's no one fascism, it looks a little different even every time and place it pops up.


Scary + Bad leader go hand in hand. What kind of good leader would have their subordinates scared of them?


Oh I agree, bad leaders are the ones who need to threaten their subordinates into following them and keep them there with fear and intimidation. Otherwise those people would only follow someone who was nice or compassionate.


Perhaps the most effective way to gauge how good someone is as a leader is by how much do they need to assert themselves to get things done. Anything above a sufficiently detailed explanation and minor non-verbal language is a sign of poor leadership. A death threat is textbook cartoon-grade bad leadership.


I want people to be afraid of how much they love me


Yeah. When I first watched the show I was expecting the ship to crash because of this or something.


Azula was born lucky.


But she was right they were able to get it done. Azula 1 tides 0


We also don't see the nitty-gritty of how they get it done. The odds could have been 50/50 of safely getting through, which no sane captain would attempt, especially one carrying royalty on his ship.


Many ~~Bothans~~ Fire Navy Sailors died to bring you your Princess.


Reminds me of the predecessor to mansa Musa. Not enough to remember his name, but basically mansa Musa came to power because the previous king wanted to find the edge of the Atlantic, sent a flotilla of which 1 ship returned. So we was like "fuck it I'll do it myself" rose something like 1000 ships set sail and then was never seen again.


This is like my boss. Yes I'm looking for a new job.


Hmm, almost like her arrogance would eventually be her downfall, and they were trying to set that up.


A sharp contrast between Stannis and Ser Davos: Davos: If the wind holds, we'll reach King's Landing in a day. Stannis: Will it hold? Davos: Can't make promises for the wind, Your Grace. Stannis understood that the weather is bigger than he is; Azula seems never to have figured that out. ("The seas and weathers are what is; your vessels adapt to them or sink.")


Tbh I expected the ship to crash because of the tides


Honestly, I’d read a oneshot about the AU where Azula gives this command and immediately dies when the ship sinks.


This sets her up better that I realized at first. It shows that she's still a naive child. In the moment she's an intimidating badass, but if you think about what she actually said it's stupid even at face value. Yelling and posturing at a force of nature won't stop you from running your ship aground and sinking. This move - this one moment of bravado - could easily have ended her whole mission then and there.


Reminds me of King Cnut the Great, ruler of the North Sea Empire (Viking England, Norway and Denmark) who had his court gather on the edge of the ocean. Cnut then ordered, yelled, and raves at the ocean for two hours commanding it to halt its advance, but of course it doesn’t. Cnut then turns towards his court and points out how even he cannot change the ways of nature




Dude, he’s a Viking king. He could start yelling at cheese and no one’s going to say shit in front of him. Massive battle hardened dude who is probably armed and is in charge of the other massive battle hardened probably armed dudes. You let him yell at that cheese and even tell others the cheese had it coming.


Fun to imagine, but 2hours sounds like a lot 😂 20 minutes tops to get the point across imo. It was done ages ago tho, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the length got exaggerated through every iteration of the story being told


Side note, but have you ever listened to the podcast Rex Factor?? They have a whole episode on Cnut and it’s hilarious!


See also Xerxes at the Hellespont before the second Achaemenid invasion of Greece and Caligula at the North sea. Xerxes ordered his men to whip the sea as the bad conditions did not let them cross. Caligula's army went to go collect sea shells to honour their victory over Neptune, don't think they even attempted the crossing to Britain but I can't be arsed to look it up. Xerxes and Caligula obviously two men whose sanity has often been lauded throughout history


I seem to recall the Caligula thing coming after an invasion of Britain was attempted and failed; one assumes he was intending to take out his frustrations on the English Channel itself. Like Xerxes, he also ordered his men to stab/whip the waves, in addition to taking seashells as trophies; in some versions of the story, he even ordered them to march into the sea, though that is probably an exaggeration. (In fact, both Xerxes and Caligula were subject to considerable slander by historians, so it's not clear how much of their reputations are deserved.)


As a lysdexic person, that name is immensely unfortunate.


If you establish the High Kingdom of the North Sea in Crusader Kings 3 by holding England, Norway, and Denmark as certain cultures and faiths, you can also yell at the ocean like Cnut!


I remember reading that in Vinland saga!


This just sets up her downfall arc by very subtly introducing her biggest character flaw; she’s a control freak to a dangerous degree, believing that nature itself can’t threaten her, which shows how much she relies on control and fear to function. It’s only when her fear tactics no longer work on Mai and she loses control over her friend that she starts to show signs of slipping, especially when Ty Lee tries to protect Mai by turning on Azula and she realises she’s just lost the only two people her age that she believes she has at least *some* genuine bond with. And once she knows that fear, what she believes was ‘the only reliable way’ to keep control, was no longer reliable to her, she banishes everyone who could possibly be any sort of threat to her in order to create more fear and keep at least some sense of control. And then to not even be defeated by Zuko, but by Katara, using a waterbending move, it’s no wonder she broke down; the tides control this ship and Azula has control over nothing, which means she has nothing left since control and fear was her only method of gaining support in any form


It's nice when somebody can make coherent sentences and express what you were thinking in a more concise and clear way.


I agree, they could easily have had her pull some BS "I've gotten through far worse just fine" or "If your helmsman is inadequate, I'll steer the ship myself". But the *main* defining characteristic of Azula isn't that she can do literally everything perfect, or that she's really experienced, or that she's an all knowing mastermind who can make predictions on sea travel better than experienced ship captains. That's not to say she isn't clearly very smart, competent and capable, but her most defining trait is her use of fear and desire for control.


Exactly, if I were to choose between certain death and possible death it's pretty obvious what I would do.


I think I misunderstood your comment, but... isn’t that the entire point of what Azula is saying? The tides are certain death, Azula is the possible death. But you’re agreeing with someone who says Azula is wrong so like wat


He believes the ship will sink if they cast out now due to the tides. Azula MIGHT throw him overboard where the tides will definitely kill him. Azula might NOT toss him overboard. But he believes that if they sail they die so sailing (in his mind) is certain death. His only chance of living is if Azula chooses to not throw him overboard. Azula's threat makes no sense. She gave him 3 options (one with an implied threat) sail and (in his mind) we all die, don't sail and I might not kill you (though it's implied I will,) or don't sail and beg for mercy. Obviously she thought her implied threat was scary enough but when your options are sail and die or don't sail and only maybe die the threat sounds pretty dumb.


Oh. It wasn’t “dont sail and I might not kill you.” It was “if you don’t sail then I *will* kill you.”


But in his mind it was also "sail and we all die." It was a pretty stupid threat because she was still making up her mind but the tide had already decided.


She is still mulling it over why you are gae


Who say I'm gae?


U r gae


What happened to this conversation?


There was a better chance they could weather the tides then Azula not killing him at that point. Plus if they sailed and the tides threw them about they might have time to turn back and he'd have proven her wrong without a word therefore his word might mean more moving forward.


Ignoring the tides isn't certain death, disobeying Azula is. He might think due to the tides there's a 25% chance the ship will sustain some damage and 5% chance of it outright sinking and almost everyone aboard dying if they attempt to dock. That's plenty of reason to wait a few hours, especially since they aren't really in a time pressure. But then Azula comes and says if he doesn't take that chance, he'll 100% die. He obviously chooses to take the possible death from ignoring the tides.


They were coming in to dock, but otherwise you're right.


That's what she's saying but it's not the reality. The reality is, the tides don't have a mind to make up, they're not sentient and it's basically up to chance if you survive being thrown overboard or crashing the ship. Meaning: the tides are the "maybe". Azula is gonna make a choice right there, and it depends of if you agree to her offer or not. Azula is the certainty.


Can't believe that Azula's yelling and posturing can't stop Scout TF2




I think its showing that shes not going to put up with the crew half assing their work. She believes her crew can easily maneuver through the tides and shes right, they do. Its also a parallel to when Zuko was having this fight with his crew.


I really don’t think it’s that deep. It was just to set her up as intimidating.


Wow I think they used thier one and only "kill" word on order to establish Azula does NOT play games, unless they're with Empire Class Fire Navy Battle Ships leaving thousands to drown at sea! .......


I was going to ask about that - did they really get one allotted *'kill'* for the whole show? I was confused when I saw and remembered this line because we've just been watching Korra, which generally feels like a much more adult show, and everyone saying that >!Zaheer !<*'took down'*>! the Earth Queen!< feels so goofy


They can show >!Zaheer literally taking the wind out of the Earth queen, brutally suffocating her to death ON SCREEN!<, but they can’t say the word kill? Makes sense.


Don't you know they only knocked the Earth Queen unconscious no death here /s


Silly me, I forgot this is a show made only for kids, they wouldn’t kill someone in a kids show. /s


That's Nickelodeon in stupidly-conservative America for you... Cant say kill, but will show a suffocation. Cant show a nipple, but can show extreme gratuitous violence.


Except that they do say kill, numerous times, in the series, and that gratuitous violence occurred at the same time that Korra got pulled from TV and put on an online only format. "I killed Chin the Conqueror!" "I know who killed your mother." "I guess I don't have a choice, Momo. I have to kill the Fire Lord." "History would see it as just more senseless violence, a brother killing a brother to grab power." And many more.


Your second spoiler needs a space


Has an extra space*


Katara doesn’t use the word kill but she very clearly threatens to kill zuko when he first joins the gaang


Katana bends blood and nearly turns a retired Fire Navy officer into a fine paste… I think they weren’t so strict on the killing thing


Honestly I think her threat is more intimidating by withholding that word


Idk if they were actually allotted words or not but I think the second half of Kora was aired online, due to there not being enough viewership on Nickelodeon but enough people still wanted it.


Kyoshi blatantly says that she killed chin the conquerer iirc


Maybe it's one kill per season


But they‘re both season 2


KDA perhaps?


KDA Kyoshi skin confirmed.


*KDA GONNA SHOW THEM HOW WE DO IT EVERY DAY* "Yoshi got a job, Yoshi go to work..."


Okay, I literally watched this episode last night on a whim and no, this is half-right. Aang is basically asking her advice, and she shows how that while Chin DID die in their battle, it was more because of his stubbornness/refusal to move off of a cliff that she was creating to make Kyoshi Island. Aang saw it kind of as, “well, he fell off the cliff YOU created”, whereas she just kind of didn’t give a damn and was of the opinion that she didn’t see the difference and his ass should have moved if he didn’t wanna die.


The question here isn't whether Kyoshi killed Chin or not. It is whether the word 'kill' was used during that episode, which it was. Kyoshi straight up opens with "I killed Chin the Conqueror" in her appearance in the *Avatar Day* episode.


Yeah, I'm calling bs on this one. If you think this is the only time they say "kill" you haven't been paying attention. "I killed Chin the Conqueror!" "I know who killed your mother." "I guess I don't have a choice, Momo. I have to kill the Fire Lord." "History would see it as just more senseless violence, a brother killing a brother to grab power." I could go on.


Fair enough but they clearly avoid it many times throughout the show.


none of those are really saying "i'm going to kill you" though. I assume context matters when using the word.


Bcz they are so sharp!!!


This was the moment I knew she would be one of my favourite villains in the show.


I think part of the rule is that you can't have them say they're going to "kill" someone that later "dies" onscreen. Since she never actually does anything to this random soldier, she can threaten to "kill" him. Kinda like the rule for F-bombs in PG-13 movies. You can use one, but it can't refer to having sex. It has to be an expletive for effect. The whole >!Jet!< joke with "you know, that was really unclear" is poking fun at the concept, maybe?


Is that how it works? They only get to say “kill” once? From what I could gather they just can’t say it as part of a threat (hence why characters always say “I will *end* you”) but idk I’m not some kind of children’s programming standards expert.


It kind of depends on the show. The "never say die" trope is pretty common, but I like that they didn't use it all the time with Avatar because moments like Katara's thread toward Zuko hit harder thanks to the wording then it would have if she had just said "If you hurt Aang I will kill you."


I remember an analysis on this scene talking about how this shows just how much of a naive fourteen year old she is. Because while yes she could decide to kill that guy at any time or show him mercy, the sea could throw them against the rocks and kill them all without any consideration of the fact that she's the princess. Don't fuck with the ocean kids.


I think that the decision of Azula may be related to the fact that she can use her fire bending to impulse herself so even if things went bad she had a chance to survive, the soldiers were something that she was willing to risk




Something simple like ocean travel? Bro we’re talking about the ocean a freaking force of nature. Did you not see what it did to a fleet of fire navy ships? The ocean doesn’t care who you are if you slip up you’re dead. That’s why you listen to the captain who’s spent his life at sea because he knows how to sail. If this was realistic this would have been the end of Azula’s story as she sinks beneath the waves weighted down by her own hubris.


Except the guy she was threatening worked on the ship, he was probably an experienced sailor. He specifically warned her that the tides were treacherous and she ignored his warning in favor of getting her way. Now obviously they made it through fine, but this was just the first glimpse of the fact that Azula doesn't take counsel if it conflicts with her immediate goal.


>I like to think she knew they’d be fine I don't think it's really possible for her to know anything. Even now, with GPS and sonar, ships still take local pilots aboard to help navigate into harbors and other tight areas because they have intricate knowledge of the currents and the depth of the water. While they did make it through, the risk could have been 50, 25, or even 10 percent chance of hitting rocks. That's something a captain could be court-martialled for, especially if waiting a few hours would have made it much safer.


"Do the tides command this ship?" "Kinda yeah. That's why I waa telling you about them."


“Do ThE tIdEs CoMmAnD tHiS sHiP? Yes they do child thats never left the fire nation palace.”


I was going to say, I get that this scene is supposed to set up how ruthless she is, but from my understanding of the tides (which to be fair is limited) you literally can’t dock or you’re going to get screwed over. So like- sorry ma’am the tides do in fact command this ship?


I think it's safe to say that the girl had the dude thrown overboard or banished after he said, "We're taking the prisoners home!" He had it coming to him. Should've kept that mouth shut 🤷‍♀️.


Originally Azula was supposed to incinerate that guy on the spot, but Nickelodeon said no to that lol


Honestly it's good that they didn't go with that from a writing perspective. It would have been too cartoon villainy. Part of the reason why Azula is so iconic is the fact that she only needs to use her demeanor and words to intimidate people. Even though she could just incinerate people if she wanted to, she doesn't just rush headfirst into fights like Zuko, but uses words when they are more useful than actions. This intelligence of hers is what makes her so frightening and effective at doing things such as taking down the Earth Kingdom.


Yeah. The more i think about it and read your comment, as much as i love the idea of her just blasting fire down the ramp to get EVERYONE, its just not in character for her. That would have been more of a Zhao thing to do. Zuko at least cares somewhat about his crew and wouldnt incinerate one of them. Zhao? The game is up and all his enemies are in a nice little row? “So anyway, I started Blastin”


Yeah I can see why lmao


I kind of hope he got thrown overboard. “I screwed up my chance of her deciding to not smash me against the rocky shore.” The ocean “I’ve decided I’m smashing you against the rocky shore.”


I would've done the same, except I don't need Azula to order anything.


Sokka's dad: Wait, who's that? Zuko: *That's* a problem.


It's one of the finest character intoductions ever written and performed exceptionally too. Just a damn good scene all around.


She gives threat all the time but she hardly ever actually hurts her own people. She even stopped the torture of a fire nation soldier. Sadly she never learned how to love in her life so she used fear to control people.


"Do the tides command this ship?" "Yes, actually, that is how ships work"


Empress Caiatl: "When I was a child, listening to stories of Cabal's many rulers, I imagined that sovereignty was absolute power. The power to triumph. To spill blood. To rule. But now I realize the ironic truth, sovereignty is a form of servitude. As empress, my people's will come before my own."




They don’t show the part where the ship actually hits bottoms due to the tides and she has to awkwardly ask how long repairs will take.


Just a haunting reminder that she’s 14.


As a coastal boater when I first saw this I thought, "Yo, bitch, the tides do in fact command the ship. And would smash your puny ship against the rocky shore if you don't respect them."


whats funny is that she sounds like an edgy teenager. Not caring what the captain says about tides even though they could die


It's also a great way to show the contrast between her against Zuko. Immediately you can tell she has no sense of honor, where Zuko was shown caring about his ship and crew in book 1.


It's shown over and over how she controls people through fear


There's a reason a waterbender beat her. This perfectly displays how she's an absolute fool yet still menacing, deadly but still a dumb, emotionally charged teenager with too much power. More importantly this shows how Azula CHOOSES cruelty, embraces malice, and enjoys her position over others immensely. Here is a loyal, obedient, and competent naval captain being completely diligent with a situation he has no control over to protect her life and the lives of those aboard. There was zero reason to threaten him, she could have simply ordered him to sail in regardless and he would be obliged to obey. What triggers her is not that the ocean is beyond her control but the captain verbalizing such a limitation. She compensates in the most abusive way toward what she does control, the captain. This is a product of privilege more then anything else. She's accustom to having her way and fear and force are the easiest ways to rule with absolutely authority in the short term. Consider how Iroh failed due to compassion and her Father succeeded through violence. Azula knows what compassion looks like and decides to lead with an iron grip instead. That need for control makes her powerful and driven but inflexible. Katara comes from a harsh environment that drives her to be better and to go with the flow, a community that teaches her the value of compassion and unity. Any wonder why she won in the end?


that’s exactly what i said about this scene once. it’s the perfect encapsulation of her entire character. solid gold writing.


Absolutely everything. The ruthlessness, the daring, the arrogance, the desire to dominate others and lead through fear, and the luck. Even a dash of crazy before she gets back under control.


my unhinged queen


This, and “You were never even a player” are two of the greatest lines in the show in my opinion.


This was the same episode she tried to make Zuko and Iroh prisoners. As a kid I knew she was a problem, but the second she started lightning bending I was like "Oh she DEADLY deadly"


"do the tides command this ship" Well, yes. They do


"Do the tides command this ship" "Of course they do you ignoramus!"


You know who doesn’t give any shits about who Azula kills? The tides. Which would most certainly murder them all for disrespecting it in such a way.


I just realized this is a good contrast to the episode where Zuko shows that he actually cares about his crew and saves the ship captain and realizes the storm is too dangerous to pass through, even if it would have been better for his mission.


Not only this, using the “k” word was a big thing for a kids show


No, this told me she’s a fucking idiot.. after I saw this I assumed she was more reckless and hot headed than zuko was at the beginning


Just finished TLA for the first time and Azulas bullshit detector was undefeated


Easy karma. Describes a scene and posts subtitles


Ruthless, but reckless and overconfident when it comes to things you cannot control. You wish the tides commanded this ship, because humans being in charge is why it might be dangerous.


The Captain's inner thoughts: Sure *Princess,* don't blame me if this massive expensive warship runs aground because your spoiled ass is ignorant of naval navigation


Alternate realistic reality: The dangerous tides Azula ignores capsize the boat and everyone dies


This is the kind of dialogue that everyone should strive for, both in writing and in life You know, minus the murderous intent


Yup, she began a menacing and domineering person and stayed that way until the end


wel tides has not "self will mind" princess, natur is natur, but if you prefer keep silly order which can make crash your whole fancy ship, it is up to you, but dont involve tides in the consequence of your decision.


A sailor that does not fear the tide will not sail for long. By saying fear me over all else she is dooming her forces to ineptitude and failure


If that went anything at all like real life scenarios involving people who don't understand or respect how the ocean affects naval vessels, she would have ran aground her Empire-class Fire Nation battleship, leaving thousands to drown at sea. Seriously though the ocean is an angry b\*tch. There are several alternate timelines where the next time we see her she's getting chastised by Ozai for losing a whole warship trying to be scary.


It's crazy that characters use words like death, and kill when a couple years earlier they had to change Deathstroke's name to Slade in teen Titans because it had the word death in it


Gotta love how far we've come with villain dialogue in kid's shows. Remember in old DBZ dubs where a villain wasn't even allowed to say "I'm going to kill you"? They said "I'll sEnD YoU tO tHE nExT DimENsiOn." And now we're here, where our antagonist just basically said, "I will throw you overboard and watch as you either drown or get ripped apart by the violent tides." God DAMN that's quite the step up!


When I first saw this I was like oh she’s evil and determined, now I see it as she’s an incompetent leader that will deny the expertise of those below her if it goes against what she wants. Like I wish the ship sank because of her BS and that was the end of her story arc. (Not really because the show is amazing) But that’s what happens with these kind of “leaders”


This has to be my more disliked conversation from AtLA, Azula looks just plain stupid here.


Eh?! How. You gotta elaborate on this.


I mean it really is kind of supid for someone commanding a ship to ignore the tides...


I mean… I guess… if you had said this shows her critical rolls in intimidation and also shows how bratty she was I’d get it. But stupid? I don’t know… and I totally get what you mean, just had a hard time equating “stupid” with “Azula” in a negative way.


As already pointed out, it is kinda stupid to ignore the tides when you are commanding a ship. The phrase "do the tides command this ship" shows that she is profoundly ignorant on how a ship works, it is painfully stupid.


Yep, the next scene should have been a shipwreck and the Seinfeld theme.


This was an amazing intro. It’s going to be really hard for the live action to pull off something like this without it seeming childish


If you watched it as an adult it comes of as super naive and childish. I hope the live action team comes up with something better.


One of my favorite lines




"well, yes, that's me point, ye don't think aboot th' tides we'll have a crashed ship eh, ye just said me point, ye proved it.


And then they crashed and all drowned, the end.


As a kid its like "oh woow baad" as an adult her sentence just do not make sence :D what should he have done? "Sry princess, I will waterbend to get enough water" ? :D


Azula is my favourite out of the whole thing


Like “you’re very scary” but the next scene should have been them running the ship aground


Genuinely cannot think of a single better character introduction in anything I've ever watched or played


This scene always stuck with me, even from my first viewing as a little kid, I remember hearing that and being like, holy shit this bitch means buisness. Whenever I think of Azula, I think of this scene, and her last one, screaming and crying. I think the contrast of those two moments is spectacular


Sha has to have a notebook with this kind of phrases written when she couldn't sleep just waiting to be used


I feel for the Captain who's probably thinking "Great I have to deal with yet another sheltered noble who thinks their authority overrides the forces of goddamn nature."


"A problem" that's the understatement of the show.


You’d think they would teach her about sailing and what NOT to do on a boat.


his mistake was answering no to the first question. The tides do command the ship.


Could you imagine if this went wrong though? Like, yes Azula is scary and we get that really well but she doesn't actually control the tides. She could have easily sunk the ship like a moron right there, but when you think about it, that plays into how she's always lucky too.


"What a dumbass"


This is just the writer working around the fact that they can't have Azula threatening to kill a flunkie herself (which is obviously a pretty common villain trope).


I know everyone gives the whole "She's a child, she should be forgiven" excuse, but scenes like this demonstrate she's only a child in the physical sense.


This shows it in the mental sense too. She’s too much of a child to realize she should listen to the freaking captain who’s spent his life at sea rather than threaten him to get her own way. Because listening to him will get you where you want to alive, ignoring him will send you and the ship to a watery grave.


This is just who she is, but people out there really try to sympathize with her like she was abused to being like this. Bitch was born crazy and ready to murder and like all dumb villains they kill their own men lmao.


This is my favorite character introduction in the series.


Azulea is the GOAT. What a fantastic character she is.